12 research outputs found

    Hypersexual behaviour among young adults in Germany: characteristics and personality correlates

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    Background: Hypersexual behaviour (HB) is characterized by recurring unsuccessful efforts to control intense, repetitive sexual impulses that result in sexual activities and manifest in the behaviour of the concerning individual over an extended period. This study aims to describe the characterization of HB among the target group, identify personality correlates, and associations between HB and a lack of sexual education and reflection during school time. Methods: A cross-sectional design was used to survey the participants (age 18–27; n = 609) online who were recruited via a web forum for addiction selfcare, a website for casual sex dating, Facebook and the mail distribution of the University of Applied Science Nordhausen (Germany). Standardised questionnaires were used to measure the key variables in the study. The sexual behaviour (masturbation, pornography consumption, promiscuity), several personality tendencies, and retrospective information about sexual education of the participants during school time were investigated. Correlation and binomial logistic regression were used to analyse the data with HB as the outcome variable. Results: 10.5% (n = 64) of the participants were identified as hypersexual. The assignment to male sex, a problematic pornography consumption, and impulsive tendencies were determined as predictors of HB. Strong correlates were identified between HB and promiscuity, and impairments in important areas of life. Weak to moderate correlates comprise between HB and all investigated personality traits, and several aspects of sexual risk behaviour. No association was found between HB and a lacking sexual education during school time. The descriptive analysis revealed further sexual problems within the sample (e.g. feelings of shame and guilt, sexual risk behaviour, sexual dysfunction). Conclusion. Young adults should get more attention as a vulnerable group for the development of hypersexuality in sexual education, prevention and therapy. Regarding to its treatment, HB therefore should be considered together with its associations with sociodemographic information, personality traits, and psychosocial factors

    Umsetzung der Istanbul-Kovention

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    UMSETZUNG DER ISTANBUL-KOVENTION Umsetzung der Istanbul-Kovention / Brzank, Petra (Rights reserved) ( -

    “It’s Always Good to Ask”:A Mixed Methods Study on the Perceived Role of Sexual Health Practitioners Asking Gay and Bisexual Men About Experiences of Domestic Violence and Abuse

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    Development of joint displays is a valued approach to merging qualitative and quantitative findings in mixed methods research. This study aimed to illustrate a case series mixed methods display and the utility of using mixed methods for broadening our understanding of domestic violence and abuse. Using a convergent design, 532 gay and bisexual men participated in a Health and Relationship Survey in a U.K. sexual health service and 19 in an interview. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed separately and integrated at the level of interpretation and reporting. There were inconsistencies in perceptions and reports of abuse. Men were supportive of selective enquiry for domestic violence and abuse by practitioners (62.6%; 95% confidence interval = 58.1% to 66.7%) while being mindful of contextual factors.</p

    “It’s always good to ask”: a mixed methods study on the perceived role of sexual health practitioners asking gay and bisexual men about experiences of domestic violence and abuse

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    Development of joint displays is a valued approach to merging qualitative and quantitative findings in mixed methods research. This study aimed to illustrate a case series mixed methods display and the utility of using mixed methods for broadening our understanding of domestic violence and abuse. Using a convergent design, 532 gay and bisexual men participated in a Health and Relationship Survey in a U.K. sexual health service and 19 in an interview. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed separately and integrated at the level of interpretation and reporting. There were inconsistencies in perceptions and reports of abuse. Men were supportive of selective enquiry for domestic violence and abuse by practitioners (62.6%; 95% confidence interval = 58.1% to 66.7%) while being mindful of contextual factors

    Helpseeking patterns in the context of Intimate Partner Violence against Women.Secondary Data Analysis of the Representative Survey "Health, Well-Being and Personal Safety of Women in Germany"

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    Partnergewalt gegen Frauen ist wegen seines Ausmaßes und seiner Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden der Betroffenen ein gravierendes Public Health-Problem. Die sozioökonomischen Folgen für die Einzelnen als auch für die Gesamtgesellschaft sind beträchtlich. Zur Unterstützung von Frauen, die Partnergewalt erlitten haben, wurde in Deutschland ein Beratungs- und Zufluchtsnetz etabliert. Empirisch evident trägt psychosoziale Unterstützung zur Minderung der negativen Folgen von Partnergewalt auf die mentale Gesundheit der Opfer bei. Obwohl die Unterstützungsangebote bekannt sind, sucht nur ein im Vergleich zum Ausmaß geringer Teil der Betroffenen Hilfe. Internationale Studien haben die Komplexität der Einflussfaktoren auf das Hilfesuchverhalten der Frauen aufgezeigt. Ein besseres Verstehen des Hilfesuchens und seiner Umstände kann die Anpassung des bestehenden Unterstützungsangebotes an die Bedürfnisse der Frauen fördern. In 2004 wurde die Repräsentativbefragung “Lebenssituation, Sicherheit und Gesundheit von Frauen in Deutschland” vom Bundesministerium Familie, Senioren, Frauen und Jugend veröffentlicht. Mehr als 10.000 zufällig ausgewählte Frauen im Alter von 16 bis 85 Jahren wurden anonym mit einem detaillierten Fragebogen zu ihren Gewalterfahrungen interviewt. Die vorliegende Sekundärdatenanalyse dieser Daten fokussiert auf die Einflussfaktoren, die die Opfer von Partnergewalt (n=1.730) dazu motivieren, Hilfe zu suchen. In einem komplexen Modell wurden die potentiell beeinflussenden Faktoren wie Soziodemografie, Gesundheitsstatus, personale und soziale Ressourcen, multiple Gewalterfahrung und Partnergewaltschwere, Mitbetroffenheit von Kindern, Substanzmittelkonsum und Kenntnis des Unterstützungsangebotes untersucht. Die univariate Deskription beschreibt die Studienpopulation im Vergleich zur Gesamtpopulation der Primärstudie (N=10.118), bivariate Korrelationen und multivariate Regressionen dienen der Konstruktanalyse. Ein Strukturgleichungsmodell beschreibt die möglichen Kausalpfade zwischen Variablen und Konstrukten im Hinblick auf das Hilfesuchverhalten der betroffenen Frauen. Die multivariaten Regressionsanalysen zeigen etliche Einflussfaktoren auf das Hilfesuchverhalten: Das Mitverantwortlichkeitsgefühl für die Gewalthandlungen hindert Frauen an einer Hilfesuche, während der Konsum von Psychopharmaka und die Partnergewaltschere, Kindesmisshandlung und eine höhere Verletzungszahl eher zu einer Inanspruchnahme von Hilfe und Unterstützung führt. In der Kausalpfadanalyse wird die Hilfesuche vornehmlich primär positiv von der Schwere der Gewalt und von multiplen Gewalterfahrungen in Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter bestimmt. Aus diesen Ergebnissen werden Verbesserungsvorschläge und Ansätze für Sekundär- und Primärprävention in der Gesundheitsversorgung abgeleitet.Intimate Partner Violence against women (IPVAW) is considered an important public health issue. In order to support victims, a network of advocacy and shelters has been established in Germany. Advocacy and counselling can help to reduce the sequelae of IPVAW on victims’ health. Although support possibilities are available, few women seek help. International studies highlighted the complexity of help-seeking related factors. A better understanding of the helpseeking circumstances can be useful to adapt support programmes to meet the needs of victims. In 2004 the representative survey “Health, Well-Being and Personal Safety of Women in Germany” was published by the Federal Ministry of Family, Seniors, Women and Youth. More than 10.000 random sampled women, aged 16 to 85 were interviewed anonymously with a detailed questionnaire. Based on this data, the secondary analysis focuses on the circumstances that bring victims of IPV (n=1.730) to seek help from the health sector or advocacy. The potential factors like social demographics, health status, personal and social ressources, multiple violence expierence and IPV, involement of children, substance abuse and the knowledge of the help services were analysed in a complex model. Univariate frequency description compares the study sample with the primary study sample (N=10.118), bivariate correlations and regressions show important factors related to the theoretical constructs in the context of helpseeking. Finally a structural equation modell is applied to describe the possible pathways between variables and constructs and their influence on the help-seeking behaviour of victimised women. Regression analysis reveal: Likelihood of support utilization was decreased by feelings of co-responsibility for IPV-attacks however was increased by consumption of psychotropics, IPV-severity, childhood abuse and higher injury numbers. In the structural equation model the IPV-severity had the main influence on the outcome “helpseeking” and a path between childhood abuse via IPV-severity to helpseeking could be found. Recommendations for policy and service improvement as well as approches for secondary and primary prevention in the health care were derived from these findings

    Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level

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    Martinez M, Schröttle M, Condon S, et al. Perspectives and standards for good practice in data collection on interpersonal violence at European Level. CAHRV - Gendering Human Rights Voilations.; 2007

    Gesundheit und Krankheit: Ursachen und Erklärungsansätze aus der Gender-Perspektive

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