55 research outputs found

    Tax regulation of the Russian Federation health resorts as a sustainable development factor

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    Ensuring the health of the population and promoting universal well-being is a priority goal for all mankind. It is confirmed by national projects and interstate programs in the field of sustainable development. A special role in the issue of universal health coverage is played by the services of health resort organizations (HRO). HRO play an important role in ensuring the sustainable development of the Russian industrial territories, contributing to the achievement of good health, well-being and economic activity of the population. The development of HRO in Russia faces a number of problems. One of the most ones is improving the tax policy in the health resort industry. Despite the relevance, this issue is very poorly studied. That is why it is necessary to use adequate taxation regulatory mechanisms. Analysis of the economic activity results of a number of HRO allowed concluding that most of them are unprofitable. The actual tax burden is much higher than recommended by the fiscal authorities. The purpose of the study was to analyze the tax regulation in the health resort sphere and to develop tax regulation methods that contribute to achieving the goal of sustainable development of the state in the field of health. The results obtained allow us to draw conclusions and propose some taxation methods in the health resort sector. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2021.The work was supported by Grant of the President of the Russian Federation (МК4549.2021.2)

    Nonsoluble and non-p-soluble length of finite groups

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    Every finite group G has a normal series each of whose factors either is soluble or is a direct product of nonabelian simple groups. We define the nonsoluble length λ(G) as the number of nonsoluble factors in a shortest series of this kind. Upper bounds for λ(G) appear in the study of various problems on finite, residually finite, and profinite groups. We prove that λ(G) is bounded in terms of the maximum 2-length of soluble subgroups of G, and that λ(G) is bounded by the maximum Fitting height of soluble subgroups. For an odd prime p, the non-p-soluble length λ p (G) is introduced, and it is proved that λ p (G) does not exceed the maximum p-length of p-soluble subgroups. We conjecture that for a given prime p and a given proper group variety V the non-p-soluble length λ p (G) of finite groups G whose Sylow p-subgroups belong to V is bounded. In this paper we prove this conjecture for any variety that is a product of several soluble varieties and varieties of finite exponent. As an application of the results obtained, an error is corrected in the proof of the main result of the second author’s paper Multilinear commutators in residually finite groups, Israel Journal of Mathematics 189 (2012), 207–224

    Strategic positioning of the Arctic region as an object of territorial development (on the example of the Khatanga-Anabar region)

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    The paper analyzes the current state and problems of social and economic development of the region located in the Arctic zone of Eastern Siberia at the territory of two entities of the Russian Federation (Krasnoyarsk region and Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), in the catchment of rivers Khatanga and Anabar, running into Laptev Sea of the Arctic Ocean. The possibilities, restrictions and prospects of implementation of priority investment projects of development of mineral raw material resources of the region are considered. Feasibility of forming of the aqua-territorial industrial complex (ATIC) based on the use of the integrated transport logistics of the Northern Sea Route and rational schemes of power supply in the region is shown. Scientific, methodical, organizational, economic tasks on development of strategy of forming of Khatanga-Anabar ATIC are considered

    The Number One, or in the Gardens of Artistic Possibilities of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya

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    The review focuses on I. I. Plekhanova's monograph “Principles of Petrushevskaya's Artistic Game” (2019), which is dedicated to revealing the creative position of a modern writer. Combination of literary, philosophical, cultural, and psychological approaches is demonstrated as a method of studying not only the artistic world of Lyudmila Petrushevskaya but her creative intellection. It is noted that the researcher clarifies and deepens such concepts as “ritual”, “game”, “theatricality”, which are applicable to the analysis of Petrushevskaya's artistic system. Introducing a collection of poems by Petrushevskaya into scientific area.В статье представлена рецензия на монографию И. И. Плехановой, которая посвящена раскрытию творческой позиции Л. Петрушевской

    Gustometry in various variants of bronchial asthma: Sensitivity thresholds for bitter and sweet tast

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    The first studies were published on the possible pathogenetic role of so-called ectopically localized taste receptors in bronchial asthma. The receptors for bitter and sweet taste, may, apparently, have opposite functions, but in available literature there is no data on the balance of sensitivity for bitter and sweet tastes in the same patients with bronchial asthma. The aim of the present work is to simultaneously assess the sensitivity of canonical lingual receptors to bitter and sweet taste in the same patients with different clinical variants of bronchial asthma by methods applicable in wide clinical practice. 16 healthy persons and 35 patients with bronchial asthma were examined at the M.V. Chernorutsky Clinics of Hospital Therapy at First St. Petersburg State I. Pavlov Medical University. The sensitivity for bitter taste was assessed using The Frey Scientific 569885 PTC Taste Paper test strip kit containing phenylthiourea solution. Sucrose solutions at concentrations of 0.3; 0,4; 0,5; 0,6; 0,7; 0,8; 0,9 % for determination of individual value of taste thresholds to sweet taste were used. The bitter-to-sweet taste sensitivity balance was assessed on the basis of an original “bitter/sweet taste sensitivity” index. The highest values of index of bitter/sweet taste was found in the allergic variant of bronchial asthma: its values are significantly different from those in healthy persons only at low sucrose concentrations (0.3-0.4%). The factor analysis revealed an association between taste imbalance (a shift towards high sensitivity to sweet taste) and key characteristics of bronchial asthma, including severity of bronchial asthma course, duration of inhaled glucocorticosteroid use and inefficiency of β2-agonists use at pre-clinical stage. It has been revealed by gustometry that in the allergic variant of bronchial asthma there is a decreased sensitivity for bitter test substance (phenylthiourea), along with higher sensitivity for sweet taste (sucrose)

    Epidemiological Welfare Provision in the Republic of Dagestan in View of Travel Industry Boost

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    Sustainable growth of touristic economy sector in the Republic of Dagestan exposes the need for well-timed and adequate response to epidemic and ecological hazards. In this connection investigated have been several peculiarities specific to economic activity and medical services of the republic, which precondition a threat to epidemiological welfare of the population and make possible dissemination of infections over the boundaries of republic’s natural foci

    Anthrax in the Territory of Dagestan

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    The aim of the study is to investigate anthrax epizootiologic and epidemiologic situation in the Republic of Dagestan over the period of 1944–2010. Anthrax morbidity has been registered in 38 regions and Makhachkala. All in all 1001 anthrax cases and 3128 sick rural animals have been registered. Determined are 420 anthrax specified potentially hazardous areas (SPHA), the majority of them (77.4 %) have formed before 1969. Regions of the republic have been checked against the level of risk connected with anthrax infecting over the last 40 years. Therewith, they have been classified into three groups: with low, medium, and high epizootiological-and-epidemiological potential. 15 regions with high epizootiological-and-epidemiological potential have been marked as potentially hazardous on a regular basis. These regions occupy 31 % of the republic`s territory and 52.5 % of the SPHA territory. 84 % of patients and 88 % of fallen animals have been registered there for the past 40 years

    Opposition of Male Characters in the Novel “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Pasternak: Beauty vs. Freedom

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    Beauty for Boris Pasternak is linked to nature images, female images, and art aspects. In Pasternak’s works all these concepts are made closer on the basis of perception of vitality, life energy – a starting point in every system of poet’s art and philosophy worlds. However, we find it important to consider the way the theme of beauty is interpreted in the system of male images as the given analysis allows us to create a whole perception of philosophy and poetic category of beauty appearing in images and artistic context of Pasternak’s works. The beauty concept in Pasternak’s view is deprived of monosemanticity, it can be reached through correlation of antinomic qualities and features. Internal antinomies are expressed in a formal structure of works, in particular, in the novel “Doctor Zhivago”. In this novel immanent characteristics of the beauty concept are explicitly expressed in a system of male characters, thus, being one of criteria of opposition: Yuri Zhivago, Yevgraf – Komarovsky, Antipov-Strel’nikov. It is the antinomy of “performed” and “performing” beauty. According to the concept of “beauty” in Pasternak’s creative work the source of beauty is life. But not in every case the beauty itself can be the source of life – and it is the major specific feature of Pasternak’s notions about the beautiful. The extend of life forces survival in the world gives a rise to opposition of “performed” and “performing” beauty. The “performed” beauty is life energy presented in a form but stopped in its creative development, while the “performing” beauty is life energy initiating a creative potential.Красота в эстетической концепции Пастернака связана прежде всего с образами природы, женскими образами, с творческим аспектом. Все эти образы у Пастернака сближаются на основе восприятия витальности, жизненной энергии – точками отсчета всех систем художественно-философского мира поэта. Однако мы считаем важным рассмотреть, как преломляется тема красоты в системе мужских художественных образов, поскольку данный анализ позволит воссоздать целостное представление о философско-поэтической категории красоты, проявляющейся в образно-художественном контексте произведений Б. Пастернака. Категория красоты в понимании Пастернака лишена однозначности, она постигается путем сопоставления антиномичных свойств и качеств. Внутренние антиномии проявляются в формальной структуре произведений, в частности в романе «Доктор Живаго». Здесь имманентные характеристики понятия красоты находят эксплицитное выражение в системе мужских персонажей романа и, тем самым, становятся одним из критериев оппозиции «совершаемой» и «совершённой» красоты: Юрий Живаго, Евграф – Комаровский, Антипов Стрельников. Исходя из понятия красоты в творчестве Б. Пастернака, мы пришли к выводу, что источником красоты является жизнь, но не всегда красота может стать сама источником жизни – и в этом заключается принципиальное отличие представлений Пастернака о прекрасном. Степень проявленности жизненной силы в мире рождает оппозицию «совершённой» и «совершаемой» красоты. «Совершённая» красота – воплощенная в форме энергия жизни, прекратившая свое творческое развитие, в то время как красота «совершаемая» – это энергия жизни, инициирующая творческий потенциал

    Территориальные особенности расселения коренных малочисленных народов (на примере Таймырского Долгано-Ненецкого и Эвенкийского муниципальных районов Красноярского края)

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    The article considers the typology of inhabited localities of Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets and Evenk municipal regions of Krasnoyarsk Krai according to such criteria as the percentage of the indigenous minorities (IM) in the total population, the level of the development of traditional, market and budgetary sectors that should be taken into account at working out the programme of the territories’ socio-economical development. It estimates the potential and directions of socioeconomical development of the territories of the indigenous minorities’ traditional settlement and traditional economical activityВ статье рассмотрена типология населенных пунктов Таймырского Долгано-Ненецкого и Эвенкийского муниципальных районов Красноярского края по доле коренных малочисленных народов (КМН) в общей численности населения, по уровню развития традиционного, рыночного и бюджетного секторов, которую необходимо принимать во внимание при разработке программы социально-экономического развития территории. Дана оценка потенциала и направлений социально-экономического развития территорий традиционного проживания и традиционной хозяйственной деятельности коренных малочисленных народо

    Opposition of Male Characters in the Novel “Doctor Zhivago” by Boris Pasternak: Beauty vs. Freedom

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    Beauty for Boris Pasternak is linked to nature images, female images, and art aspects. In Pasternak’s works all these concepts are made closer on the basis of perception of vitality, life energy – a starting point in every system of poet’s art and philosophy worlds. However, we find it important to consider the way the theme of beauty is interpreted in the system of male images as the given analysis allows us to create a whole perception of philosophy and poetic category of beauty appearing in images and artistic context of Pasternak’s works. The beauty concept in Pasternak’s view is deprived of monosemanticity, it can be reached through correlation of antinomic qualities and features. Internal antinomies are expressed in a formal structure of works, in particular, in the novel “Doctor Zhivago”. In this novel immanent characteristics of the beauty concept are explicitly expressed in a system of male characters, thus, being one of criteria of opposition: Yuri Zhivago, Yevgraf – Komarovsky, Antipov-Strel’nikov. It is the antinomy of “performed” and “performing” beauty. According to the concept of “beauty” in Pasternak’s creative work the source of beauty is life. But not in every case the beauty itself can be the source of life – and it is the major specific feature of Pasternak’s notions about the beautiful. The extend of life forces survival in the world gives a rise to opposition of “performed” and “performing” beauty. The “performed” beauty is life energy presented in a form but stopped in its creative development, while the “performing” beauty is life energy initiating a creative potential.Красота в эстетической концепции Пастернака связана прежде всего с образами природы, женскими образами, с творческим аспектом. Все эти образы у Пастернака сближаются на основе восприятия витальности, жизненной энергии – точками отсчета всех систем художественно-философского мира поэта. Однако мы считаем важным рассмотреть, как преломляется тема красоты в системе мужских художественных образов, поскольку данный анализ позволит воссоздать целостное представление о философско-поэтической категории красоты, проявляющейся в образно-художественном контексте произведений Б. Пастернака. Категория красоты в понимании Пастернака лишена однозначности, она постигается путем сопоставления антиномичных свойств и качеств. Внутренние антиномии проявляются в формальной структуре произведений, в частности в романе «Доктор Живаго». Здесь имманентные характеристики понятия красоты находят эксплицитное выражение в системе мужских персонажей романа и, тем самым, становятся одним из критериев оппозиции «совершаемой» и «совершённой» красоты: Юрий Живаго, Евграф – Комаровский, Антипов Стрельников. Исходя из понятия красоты в творчестве Б. Пастернака, мы пришли к выводу, что источником красоты является жизнь, но не всегда красота может стать сама источником жизни – и в этом заключается принципиальное отличие представлений Пастернака о прекрасном. Степень проявленности жизненной силы в мире рождает оппозицию «совершённой» и «совершаемой» красоты. «Совершённая» красота – воплощенная в форме энергия жизни, прекратившая свое творческое развитие, в то время как красота «совершаемая» – это энергия жизни, инициирующая творческий потенциал