24 research outputs found

    Life Balance: Can We Have It All?

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    Women today struggle to make difficult choices involving their children and their careers. Can they achieve that elusive sense of life balance? Beth Brykman taps her personal experience and her professional marketing skills to craft this well-researched issue. Having been a full-time employed, parttime employed, and a stay-at-home mom, Brykman interviewed more than one hundred mothers, some employed, some not, from many walks of life, letting the women speak for themselves about the reality of their lives and satisfaction with the paths they selected. This insightful discussion of contemporary motherhood captures the many challenges facing women, offering the pro’s and con’s for each lifestyle, enabling mothers to determine the best lifestyle for themselves

    Work & Well-Being Study

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    Practices that Businesses Have Been Using to Engage their Employees During Pandemic

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    Psychological resilience of entrepreneurs: A review and agenda for future research

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    Given that entrepreneurs face substantial adversity in initiating and developing new ventures, a burgeoning stream of research has sought to understand the concept of entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience. To structure and synthesize what we know about entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience, we systematically review the empirical literature to provide insights on how it has been conceptualized and operationalized, along with its key antecedents and outcomes. Based on our review, we advance a promising agenda for future research, grounded in connecting the psychological resilience of entrepreneurs to other research areas connected to the new venture development process. Overall, we point to the urgent need for theoretical precision to enhance the utility of empirical contributions, suggest promising research designs, expand on the important role of adversity, discuss potential boundary conditions, elaborate on the link between entrepreneurs’ psychological resilience and organizational resilience, and address the potential dark side of resilience

    Edwin S. Gaustad, George Berkeley in America

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    Brykman Geneviève. Edwin S. Gaustad, George Berkeley in America. In: Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations. 37ᵉ année, N. 3, 1982. p. 596

    Berkeley : philosophie et apologétique.

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    Thèse présentée devant l'université de Paris IV le 30 janvier 1982V.

    Croire en Dieu, croire au Diable (l'impossible liberté chez Berkeley)

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    NANTERRE-BU PARIS10 (920502102) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Les fonctions du paradigme mélancolique dans la Préface de l'Anatomie de la Mélancolie de Robert B urton

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    International audienceLa philosophie comme médecine de l'âme à l'âge classique sous la direction de Geneviève Brykman Faisant fond sur la formule épicurienne : "Vide est le dis-cours du philosophe qui ne soigne aucune affection humaine", de belles études ont déjà souligné la fonction thérapeutique de la phi-losophie dans les textes anciens. L'identification de la philosophie à une forme de médecine se retrouve chez Wittgenstein. Entre ces deux paradigmes, nous proposons de faire apparaître une analo-gie persistante entre médecin et philosophe à l'âge classique, en mettant particulièrement l'accent sur les philosophies de langue anglaise

    Berkeley's Alciphron. English Text and Essays in Interpretation

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    ISBN: 978-3-487-14274-6Berkeley veröffentlichte Alciphron: or, the Minute Philosopher nach seiner Rückkehr aus Amerika, wo sein Missionsprojekt gescheitert war. So realisieren die sieben Dialoge des Werkes auf theoretischer Ebene, was Berkeley praktisch hatte umsetzen wollen: um das Christentum zu verbreiten und vor allem die Epidemie des Freidenkertums zu bekämpfen, ist es notwendig, grundlegende Prinzipien der Ausbildung von Erziehern festzulegen. Die Aufgabe der Erzieher ist es, den Menschen Augen und Geist zu öffnen, welche leicht von den verführerischen und doch vereinfachenden Worten der Freidenker und Atheisten geblendet werden. Die ‚minute philosophers' (Kleine Philosophen) werden so genannt, weil sie auf die sinnlichen Details von Erfahrungen fixiert sind, wobei sie die menschliche Natur auf das Niveau der Tiere reduzieren und so den Blick verstellen auf das vom Christentum versprochene, erhabene Ziel eines tugendhaften Lebens. Nur das wachsame Auge eines Beobachters, der in Lage ist, die harmonische Gesamtheit der durch göttliche Vorsehung gefügten Naturgesetze mit Abstand zu betrachten, vermag der frivolen Pedanterie der nur ihre eigenen, egoistischen Interessen verfolgenden Freigeister entgegenzutreten. Eine solche Ausbildung schlägt Berkeley für Erzieher vor, damit diese selbst wiederum andere anleiten können, die Spreu vom Weizen zu trennen, das heißt, Gut von Böse zu unterscheiden. Diese Ausgabe enthält den vollständigen englischen Text des Alciphron (zweite Ausgabe von 1732) sowie kritische Beiträge europäischer Wissenschaftler.It was on returning from America, where his missionary project had been brought to an end, that Berkeley published Alciphron: or, the Minute Philosopher. The seven dialogues of the work realise, on a theoretical level, what Berkeley had wanted to undertake in more practical terms: to spread Christianity and, above all, to fight the epidemic of free-thinking, it is essential to state basic principles for the training of educators. It is the task of these people to open the eyes and the spirits of human beings, which the seductive but reductive words of the free-thinkers and atheists tend to blind. The ‘minute philosophers' are so named because they fix themselves on the sensory details of experience, reducing human nature to the animal level, and obscuring from view the sublime destiny promised to human beings by Christianity in terms of a virtuous life. Only the watching eye of a spectator capable of regarding at a distance the harmonious totality of natural laws disposed by the providence of God may counteract the frivolous pedantry of libertines fixed on their own egoistic interests. This is how Berkeley proposes to train educators, in order that they may, in their turn, enable others to know how to separate the wheat from the chaff; that is to say, to distinguish good from bad. This publication presents the complete English text of Alciphron (in the 1732 second edition), and studies by European scholars