80 research outputs found

    Discrimination of biofilm samples using pattern recognition techniques

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    Biofilms are complex aggregates formed by microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and algae, which grow at the interfaces between water and natural or artificial materials. They are actively involved in processes of sorption and desorption of metal ions in water and reflect the environmental conditions in the recent past. Therefore, biofilms can be used as bioindicators of water quality. The goal of this study was to determine whether the biofilms, developed in different aquatic systems, could be successfully discriminated using data on their elemental compositions. Biofilms were grown on natural or polycarbonate materials in flowing water, standing water and seawater bodies. Using an unsupervised technique such as principal component analysis (PCA) and several supervised methods like classification and regression trees (CART), discriminant partial least squares regression (DPLS) and uninformative variable elimination–DPLS (UVE-DPLS), we could confirm the uniqueness of sea biofilms and make a distinction between flowing water and standing water biofilms. The CART, DPLS and UVE-DPLS discriminant models were validated with an independent test set selected either by the Kennard and Stone method or the duplex algorithm. The best model was obtained from CART with 100% correct classification rate for the test set designed by the Kennard and Stone algorithm. With CART, one variable describing the Mg content in the biofilm water phase was found to be important for the discrimination of flowing water and standing water biofilms

    Development of a High-Throughput Candida albicans Biofilm Chip

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    We have developed a high-density microarray platform consisting of nano-biofilms of Candida albicans. A robotic microarrayer was used to print yeast cells of C. albicans encapsulated in a collagen matrix at a volume as low as 50 nL onto surface-modified microscope slides. Upon incubation, the cells grow into fully formed “nano-biofilms”. The morphological and architectural complexity of these biofilms were evaluated by scanning electron and confocal scanning laser microscopy. The extent of biofilm formation was determined using a microarray scanner from changes in fluorescence intensities due to FUN 1 metabolic processing. This staining technique was also adapted for antifungal susceptibility testing, which demonstrated that, similar to regular biofilms, cells within the on-chip biofilms displayed elevated levels of resistance against antifungal agents (fluconazole and amphotericin B). Thus, results from structural analyses and antifungal susceptibility testing indicated that despite miniaturization, these biofilms display the typical phenotypic properties associated with the biofilm mode of growth. In its final format, the C. albicans biofilm chip (CaBChip) is composed of 768 equivalent and spatially distinct nano-biofilms on a single slide; multiple chips can be printed and processed simultaneously. Compared to current methods for the formation of microbial biofilms, namely the 96-well microtiter plate model, this fungal biofilm chip has advantages in terms of miniaturization and automation, which combine to cut reagent use and analysis time, minimize labor intensive steps, and dramatically reduce assay costs. Such a chip should accelerate the antifungal drug discovery process by enabling rapid, convenient and inexpensive screening of hundreds-to-thousands of compounds simultaneously

    An exploration of influences on women’s birthplace decision-making in New Zealand: a mixed methods prospective cohort within the Evaluating Maternity Units study

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    BACKGROUND: There is worldwide debate surrounding the safety and appropriateness of different birthplaces for well women. One of the primary objectives of the Evaluating Maternity Units prospective cohort study was to compare the clinical outcomes for well women, intending to give birth in either an obstetric-led tertiary hospital or a free-standing midwifery-led primary maternity unit. This paper addresses a secondary aim of the study – to describe and explore the influences on women’s birthplace decision-making in New Zealand, which has a publicly funded, midwifery-led continuity of care maternity system. METHODS: This mixed method study utilised data from the six week postpartum survey and focus groups undertaken in the Christchurch area in New Zealand (2010–2012). Christchurch has a tertiary hospital and four primary maternity units. The survey was completed by 82% of the 702 study participants, who were well, pregnant women booked to give birth in one of these places. All women received midwifery-led continuity of care, regardless of their intended or actual birthplace. RESULTS: Almost all the respondents perceived themselves as the main birthplace decision-makers. Accessing a ‘specialist facility’ was the most important factor for the tertiary hospital group. The primary unit group identified several factors, including ‘closeness to home’, ‘ease of access’, the ‘atmosphere’ of the unit and avoidance of ‘unnecessary intervention’ as important. Both groups believed their chosen birthplace was the right and ‘safe’ place for them. The concept of ‘safety’ was integral and based on the participants’ differing perception of safety in childbirth. CONCLUSIONS: Birthplace is a profoundly important aspect of women’s experience of childbirth. This is the first published study reporting New Zealand women’s perspectives on their birthplace decision-making. The groups’ responses expressed different ideologies about childbirth. The tertiary hospital group identified with the ‘medical model’ of birth, and the primary unit group identified with the ‘midwifery model’ of birth. Research evidence affirming the ‘clinical safety’ of primary units addresses only one aspect of the beliefs influencing women’s birthplace decision-making. In order for more women to give birth at a primary unit other aspects of women’s beliefs need addressing, and much wider socio-political change is required

    Discriminating multi-species populations in biofilms with peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA FISH)

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    Background: ur current understanding of biofilms indicates that these structures are typically composed of many different microbial species. However, the lack of reliable techniques for the discrimination of each population has meant that studies focusing on multi-species biofilms are scarce and typically generate qualitative rather than quantitative data.Methodology/principal findings: we employ peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA FISH) methods to quantify and visualize mixed biofilm populations. As a case study, we present the characterization of Salmonella enterica/Listeria monocytogenes/Escherichia coli single, dual and tri-species biofilms in seven different support materials. Ex-situ, we were able to monitor quantitatively the populations of ~56 mixed species biofilms up to 48 h, regardless of the support material. In situ, a correct quantification remained more elusive, but a qualitative understanding of biofilm structure and composition is clearly possible by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) at least up to 192 h. Combining the data obtained from PNA FISH/CLSM with data from other established techniques and from calculated microbial parameters, we were able to develop a model for this tri-species biofilm. The higher growth rate and exopolymer production ability of E. coli probably led this microorganism to outcompete the other two [average cell numbers (cells/cm2) for 48 h biofilm: E. coli 2,1×108 (±2,4×107); L. monocytogenes 6,8×107 (±9,4×106); and S. enterica 1,4×106 (±4,1×105)]. This overgrowth was confirmed by CSLM, with two well-defined layers being easily identified: the top one with E. coli, and the bottom one with mixed regions of L. monocytogenes and S. enterica.Significance: while PNA FISH has been described previously for the qualitative study of biofilm populations, the present investigation demonstrates that it can also be used for the accurate quantification and spatial distribution of species in polymicrobial communities. Thus, it facilitates the understanding of interspecies interactions and how these are affected by changes in the surrounding environmen

    Effect of starvation on the adhesive properties of xenobiotic degrading bacteria

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    The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of different starvation conditions on the surface characteristics and adhesive properties of bacteria. Three pure culture xenobiotic degrading bacteria were used in this study: Pseudomonas sp. strain A, Pseudomonas sp. strain D and Rhodococcus corallinus strain 11. These microorganisms were selected for to their ability to degrade cyanuric acid, which is a derivative of s-Triazine, a common herbicide. These microorganisms were separately starved for carbon (glucose) and nitrogen (cyanuric acid) and their physiological responses to starvation were measured. Results indicated that there was a remarkable shrinkage in size of Pseudomonas strain A starved for carbon for 16 days. The surface properties of these three microorganisms changed significantly on starvation. Surface hydrophobicities for all the microorganisms stayed more or less constant during carbon starvation conditions, whereas, there was a significant decrease in hydrophobicity when all three cultures were starved for nitrogen. In parallel to these findings, it was observed that when the hydrophobicity of the cultures decreased, the attachment capabilities of these microorganisms decreased. This is believed to be due to the production of highly hydrated extracellular polysaccharides when carbon is present in the medium. Results of this study have important implications on the transport and attachment of microorganisms during soil remediation processes

    Biofilm Development: A Process Analysis

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