131 research outputs found

    Uhlenbeck-Donaldson compactification for framed sheaves on projective surfaces

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    We construct a compactification MμssM^{\mu ss} of the Uhlenbeck-Donaldson type for the moduli space of slope stable framed bundles. This is a kind of a moduli space of slope semistable framed sheaves. We show that there exists a projective morphism γ ⁣:MssMμss\gamma \colon M^{ss} \to M^{\mu ss}, where MssM^{ss} is the moduli space of S-equivalence classes of Gieseker-semistable framed sheaves. The space MμssM^{\mu ss} has a natural set-theoretic stratification which allows one, via a Hitchin-Kobayashi correspondence, to compare it with the moduli spaces of framed ideal instantons.Comment: 18 pages. v2: a few very minor changes. v3: 27 pages. Several proofs have been considerably expanded, and more explanations have been added. v4: 28 pages. A few minor changes. Final version accepted for publication in Math.

    Lie algebroid cohomology and Lie algebroid extensions

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    We consider the extension problem for Lie algebroids over schemes over a field. Given a locally free Lie algebroid Q over a scheme X, and a coherent sheaf of Lie OX-algebras L, we determine the obstruction to the existence of extensions 0\u2192L\u2192E\u2192Q\u21920, and classify the extensions in terms of a suitable Lie algebroid hypercohomology group. In the preliminary sections we study free Lie algebroids and recall some basic facts about Lie algebroid hypercohomology

    Multi-Instanton Calculus and Equivariant Cohomology

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    We present a systematic derivation of multi-instanton amplitudes in terms of ADHM equivariant cohomology. The results rely on a supersymmetric formulation of the localization formula for equivariant forms. We examine the cases of N=4 and N=2 gauge theories with adjoint and fundamental matter.Comment: 29 pages, one more reference adde

    D-branes, surface operators, and ADHM quiver representations

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    A supersymmetric quantum mechanical model is constructed for BPS states bound to surface operators in five dimensional SU(r) gauge the- ories using D-brane engineering. This model represents the effective action of a certain D2-brane configuration, and is naturally obtained by dimensional reduction of a quiver (0,2) gauged linear sigma model. In a special stability chamber, the resulting moduli space of quiver representations is shown to be smooth and isomorphic to a moduli space of framed quotients on the projec- tive plane. A precise conjecture relating a K-theoretic partition function of this moduli space to refined open string invariants of toric lagrangian branes is formulated for conifold and local P1 7 P1 geometries

    Fracture toughness of AlSi10Mg alloy produced by direct energy deposition with different crack plane orientations

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    The fracture and tensile behaviors of the AlSi10Mg alloy processed by Direct Energy Deposition were investigated. Three-point bending fracture toughness and tensile specimens were tested at room temperature along different crack plane orientations and loading directions. Before being machined and tested, the printed samples were subjected to heat treatment at 300 °C for 2 h to relieve the residual stresses. Microstructural and fractographic analyses were performed to investigate the fracture mechanisms and the crack propagation paths for each crack orientation. Significant differences in the fracture toughness were observed among the crack plane orientations. Specimens with cracks oriented in the X-Y direction featured the highest fracture toughness values (JIc = 11.96 kJ/m2), whereas the Z-Y crack orientation (perpendicular to the printing direction) performed the lowest fracture toughness values (JIc = 8.91 kJ/m2). The anisotropy in fracture toughness is mainly related to a preferential crack propagation path along the melt pool boundaries. At melt pool boundaries, pores are preferentially placed, coarsening of the microstructure occurs and there is higher Si content, leading to that area being less ductile and less resistant to crack propagation

    Production and Sensory Evaluation of Novel Cheeses Made with Prebiotic Substances: Inulin and Oligofructose

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    In recent years, the processing and consumption of functional foods worldwide have greatly increased. These foods benefit the body functions which improve consumers’ health and also reduce the risk factors that cause the onset of disease. Furthermore, prebiotic substances favor the multiplication of beneficial intestinal bacteria rather than harmful ones. The purpose of this study was to conduct the sensory evaluation of two functional cheeses containing inulin and oligofructose as a distinctive ingredient, including testing a cheese made with conventional ingredients, called control cheese. Affective type tests, which measured the degree of liking or disliking, were conducted using a verbal 7-point hedonic scale. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, 57 untrained judges were selected. This study is a quantitative, analytic and experimental-cross design. Statistical analysis of the data was performed by ANOVA with repeated measures. The results show a similar average degree of liking for the three cheeses, above 5 on the scale or “like”. By analyzing the critical level and the result of the Mauchly’s sphericity test, it is concluded that there is no statistically significant difference in the degree of liking for the three cheeses. Therefore, the addition of prebiotics to artisanal cheeses achieves to satisfy consumers and provide them benefits superior to those provided by traditional foods.Fil: Machuca, Laura Marcela. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Secretaria de Politicas del Conocimiento. Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas (sede Goya); ArgentinaFil: Rodriguez, Yamila E.. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Secretaria de Politicas del Conocimiento. Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas (sede Goya); ArgentinaFil: Guastavino Meneguini, Daniela E.. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Secretaria de Politicas del Conocimiento. Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas (sede Goya); ArgentinaFil: Bruzzo, Maria E.. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Secretaria de Politicas del Conocimiento. Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas (sede Goya); ArgentinaFil: Acuña Ojeda, María F.. Universidad de la Cuenca del Plata. Secretaria de Politicas del Conocimiento. Instituto de Investigaciones Cientificas (sede Goya); ArgentinaFil: Murguia, Marcelo Cesar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Santa Fe. Instituto de Desarrollo Tecnológico Para la Industria Química (i); Argentin

    Gauge fixing and equivariant cohomology

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    The supersymmetric model developed by Witten to study the equivariant cohomology of a manifold with an isometric circle action is derived from the BRST quantization of a simple classical model. The gauge-fixing process is carefully analysed, and demonstrates that different choices of gauge-fixing fermion can lead to different quantum theories.Comment: 18 pages LaTe

    Stringy Instantons in SU(N) N=2 Non-Conformal Gauge Theories

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    In this paper we explicitly obtain the leading corrections to the SU(N) N=2 prepotential due to stringy instantons both in flat space-time and in the presence of a non-trivial graviphoton background field. We show that the stringy corrections to the prepotential are expressible in terms of the elementary symmetric polynomials. For N>2 the theory is not conformal; we discuss the introduction of an explicit dependence on the string scale \alpha' in the low-energy effective action through the stringy non-perturbative sector.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    Quantitative lung ultrasonography: A putative new algorithm for automatic detection and quantification of B-lines

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    Background: This pilot study was designed to develop a fully automatic and quantitative scoring system of B-lines (QLUSS: quantitative lung ultrasound score) involving the pleural line and to compare it with previously described semi-quantitative scores in the measurement of extravascular lung water as determined by standard thermo-dilution. Methods: This was a prospective observational study of 12 patients admitted in the intensive care unit with acute respiratory distress and each provided with 12 lung ultrasound (LUS) frames. Data collected from each patient consisted in five different scores, four semi-quantitative (nLUSS, cLUSS, qLUSS, %LUSS) and quantitative scores (QLUSS). The association between LUS scores and extravascular lung water (EVLW) was determined by simple linear regression (SLR) and robust linear regression (RLR) methods. A correlation analysis between the LUS scores was performed by using the Spearman rank test. Inter-observer variability was tested by computing intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) in two-way models for agreement, basing on scores obtained by different raters blinded to patients' conditions and clinical history. Results: In the SLR, QLUSS showed a stronger association with EVLW (R 2 = 0.57) than cLUSS (R 2 = 0.45) and nLUSS (R 2 = 0.000), while a lower association than qLUSS (R 2 = 0.85) and %LUSS (R 2 = 0.72) occurred. By applying RLR, QLUSS showed an association for EVLW (R 2 = 0.86) comparable to qLUSS (R 2 = 0.85) and stronger than %LUSS (R 2 = 0.72). QLUSS was significantly correlated with qLUSS (r = 0.772; p = 0.003) and %LUSS (r = 0.757; p = 0.005), but not with cLUSS (r = 0.561; p = 0.058) and nLUSS (r = 0.105; p = 0.744). Moreover, QLUSS showed the highest ICC (0.998; 95%CI from 0.996 to 0.999) among the LUS scores. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that computer-aided scoring of the pleural line percentage affected by B-lines has the potential to assess EVLW. QLUSS may have a significant impact, once validated with a larger dataset composed by multiple real-time frames. This approach has the potentials to be advantageous in terms of faster data analysis and applicability to large sets of data without increased costs. On the contrary, it is not useful in pleural effusion or consolidations

    A_{N-1} conformal Toda field theory correlation functions from conformal N=2 SU(N) quiver gauge theories

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    We propose a relation between correlation functions in the 2d A_{N-1} conformal Toda theories and the Nekrasov instanton partition functions in certain conformal N=2 SU(N) 4d quiver gauge theories. Our proposal generalises the recently uncovered relation between the Liouville theory and SU(2) quivers. New features appear in the analysis that have no counterparts in the Liouville case.Comment: 23 pages. v2: some typos correcte