164 research outputs found

    Modelling the chemical evolution of the Galaxy halo

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    We study the chemical evolution and formation of the Galactic halo through the analysis of its stellar metallicity distribution function and some key elemental abundance patterns. Starting from the two-infall model for the Galaxy, which predicts too few low-metallicity stars, we add a gas outflow during the halo phase with a rate proportional to the star formation rate through a free parameter, lambda. In addition, we consider a first generation of massive zero-metal stars in this two-infall + outflow model adopting two different top-heavy initial mass functions and specific population III yields. The metallicity distribution function of halo stars, as predicted by the two-infall + outflow model shows a good agreement with observations, when the parameter lambda=14 and the time scale for the first infall, out of which the halo formed, is not longer than 0.2 Gyr, a lower value than suggested previously. Moreover, the abundance patterns [X/Fe] vs. [Fe/H] for C, N and alpha-elements O, Mg, Si, S, Ca show a good agreement with the observational data. If population III stars are included, under the assumption of different initial mass functions, the overall agreement of the predicted stellar metallicity distribution function with observational data is poorer than in the case without population III. We conclude that it is fundamental to include both a gas infall and outflow during the halo formation to explain the observed halo metallicity distribution function, in the framework of a model assuming that the stars in the inner halo formed mostly in situ. Moreover, we find that it does not exist a satisfactory initial mass function for population III stars which reproduces the observed halo metallicity distribution function. As a consequence, there is no need for a first generation of only massive stars to explain the evolution of the Galactic halo.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A. 11 pages, 5 figure

    Implementation of Evidence Based Practices to Reduce Postoperative Sore Throat

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    An estimated 15 million endotracheal tube (ETT) intubations occur annually in the United States. In addition to pain and nausea, one of the leading complaints by patients after intubation is a sore throat. Postoperative sore throat (POST) is caused by increased pressure on the trachea from the ETT during intubation and after the ETT cuff has been inflated. To prevent the occurrences of POST many options were explored, including cuff material, shape, filling media, and ETT tube size. Through research one of the ways to reduce POST is by monitoring the cuff pressure of the ETT against the tracheal. Typically, Anesthesia providers use indirect measurements of the ETT cuff pressure such as pilot balloon palpation or minimal leak testing instead of a direct measurement with a manometer. Direct ETT cuff pressure monitoring is shown to be an effective way to monitor ETT cuff pressures when compared to other monitoring methods. Inadequate measurement of the pressure in the ETT cuff can lead to POST in many patients. The reduction of the instances of POST is important as it can not only cause physical harm to patients but also create a financial burden to them, facilities, and providers. The goal of this project implementation is to reduce the occurrences and duration of POST by directly monitoring the ETT cuff pressure intraoperatively with a manometer

    The International Advertising of Italian Food Products: An Empirical Study of the Made in Italy Effects on English-Speaking Consumers

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    openQuesta tesi esplora l'impatto del fenomeno "Made in Italy" sui consumatori di lingua inglese, principalmente nel Regno Unito e negli Stati Uniti. Con un'enfasi sull'importanza dei fattori culturali e personali, del Country-of-Origin effect e della lingua, lo studio mira a scoprire come i prodotti italiani vengano pubblicizzati all'estero per evocare un senso di lusso, eleganza, tradizione e artigianato. Attraverso un sondaggio empirico distribuito tra giugno e luglio 2023, in cui vengono utilizzate una pubblicità originale del marchio Gorgonzola DOP in inglese e una creata ad hoc in inglese e italiano, la ricerca esamina le percezioni dei consumatori e le connessioni emotive con l'etichetta "Made in Italy". Lo studio dimostra come la lingua italiana venga considerata dai consumatori un marcatore del Country-of-Origin effect, e come essa influenzi in positivo la percezione del prodotto pubblicizzato e il comportamento del consumatore. Si prevede che i risultati contribuiranno alla conoscenza del comportamento dei consumatori e del marketing internazionale, fornendo preziosi spunti alle aziende per sfruttare l'attrattiva dei prodotti italiani nei mercati di lingua inglese. Nel complesso, lo studio mira a approfondire la comprensione del marketing interculturale e del suo impatto sulle tendenze globali dei consumatori.This thesis explores the impact of the "Made in Italy" phenomenon on English-speaking consumers, primarily in the United Kingdom and the United States. With an emphasis on the importance of cultural and personal factors, the Country-of-Origin effect, and language, the study aims to uncover how Italian products are advertised abroad to evoke a sense of luxury, elegance, tradition, and craftsmanship. Through an empirical survey distributed between June and July 2023, featuring both an original advertisement for Gorgonzola DOP in English and a specially created one in English and Italian, the research examines consumers' perceptions and emotional connections with the "Made in Italy" label. The study demonstrates how the Italian language is considered by consumers as a marker of the Country-of-Origin effect and how it positively influences the perception of the advertised product and consumer behavior. It is expected that the results will contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior and international marketing, providing valuable insights for companies looking to leverage the appeal of Italian products in English-speaking markets. Overall, the study aims to deepen the understanding of intercultural marketing and its impact on global consumer trends

    Parkinson\u27s Disease and Anesthesia

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    Parkinson’s disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative disorders in the world and is rapidly growing. With the global population living longer there will be more people that develop Parkinson’s like the average person’s life expectancy increases. With no cure and only treatment and management of the symptoms, it is important for research to continue to find better treatment options and potentially a cure. In the world of anesthesia patients with Parkinson’s are more difficult to manage with sedation medication because of the lower dopamine levels the patient has. It is important to stay updated on how to prepare for a patient with Parkinson’s in the operating room

    Asalto a la comunicación. Una redefinición del “fake” como práctica artística activista en la sociedad de la información.

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    Fake is at the same time a generic term in Internet jargon and a strategy in artistic and activist interventions based on identity theft, hoax and other kinds of momentary confusion in a mass-mediated public sphere. In this article a more accurate definition of fake will be proposed according to three main principles: in the first place, the artistic and activist fake is not just a forgery, but a mechanism to subvert the functioning of discursive frames; secondly, it sets out to provoke symbolic conflict within a specific social and political context; and finally, its nature is intertwined with the historical and social conditions of use of communication technologies. This last issue will allow to sketch a new challenge: defining a possible evolution path of fake in the age of social media and big data.El fake es al mismo tiempo un término genérico de la jerga de las redes y una estrategia de intervención artística y activista basada en la suplantación de identidad, la difusión de noticias falsas y otras formas de confusión momentánea en la esfera pública dominada por la comunicación de masas. En este artículo se propone una definición más rigurosa del término, centrada en tres cuestiones generales: el fake no como mera falsificación, sino como mecanismo de desactivación de marcos discursivos; en segundo lugar, su capacidad de provocar conflictos simbólicos en relación a un entorno social y político determinado; y finalmente su estrecha relación con el uso histórico y social de las tecnologías de comunicación. Este último punto permitirá esbozar un nuevo reto: entender la evolución de las prácticas del fake en la época de las redes sociales y de la “datificación” de la sociedad

    Wittgenstein e Hanslick. Per una valutazione del formalismo musicale

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    The present work aims at providing an evaluation of musical formalism, as it was intended by Eduard Hanslick in his treatise On the Musically Beautiful, in the light of Ludwig Wittgenstein's remarks on aesthetics and music. After a short historical introduction concerning the origins of the concept of absolute music within the framework of Romantic aesthetics and the writings of authors such as Wilhelm Heinrich Wackenroder, E. T. A. Hoffmann and Arthur Schopenhauer, I suggest a definition of formalism on the basis of Hanslick's account of music. I compare, then, Hanslick's view on music with Wittgenstein's reflections on music and aesthetics, referring to both Wittgenstein's early philosophy – especially to the Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus – and to the later writings – namely to the Philosophical Investigations and the Lectures on Aesthetics. The outcome of the comparison between Hanslick's and Wittgenstein's views on music leads the discussion to an evaluation of the plausibility of the dichotomy between formalism and anti-formalism, and to a reflection on the objects, aims and methods of aesthetics

    Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration – Persona grata: the human concept of hospitality for immigrants and refugees

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    This paper reflects the crisis of hospitality on the global scene through the exhibition Persona grata at the National Meum of the History of Immigration in Paris. The challenge in this research is to contribute to establish an interdisciplinary debate on hospitality in the light of French thinkers like Derrida, Gotman, Boudou, Brugère and Le Blanc. The methodological element used in this research was direct observation and photographic recording. The presentation of the museum proposal for the Persona Grata exhibition highlights criticisms of modern hospitality. The link between hospitality and immigration, inserted in the permanent and temporary exhibitions of the National Museum of the History of Immigration, served to reflect on the practices of those included and excluded of the immigrants and refugees from the social process.Cet article reflète la crise de l’hospitalité qui se présente sur la scène globale à travers l’exposition Persona grata au Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration à Paris. Le défi qui se pose, dans cette recherche, est de contribuer à l’approfondissement du débat interdisciplinaire sur l'hospitalité à la lumière des penseurs français comme Derrida, Gotman, Boudou, Brugère et Le Blanc. L’élément méthodologique utilisé dans cette recherche étaitl’observation directe et l’enregistrement photographique. La présentation de la propositionmuséographique de l’exposition Persona grata fait ressortir les critiques de l’hospitalité dans la modernité. Le lien entre l’hospitalité et l’immigration, inséré dans les expositions  permanente et temporaire du Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration, a servi à la réflexion sur les pratiques des inclus et des exclus de immigrants et réfugiés du processus social

    Do poder simb?lico do patrim?nio cultural ? car?ncia de uma pol?tica de hospitalidade museal : um estudo do Museu da Inconfid?ncia.

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    A tentativa de refletir as a??es e projetos para o acolhimento do p?blico no Museu da Inconfid?ncia, situado em Ouro Preto (MG), perpassa a sua estrutura administrativa e cient?fica inseridas na l?gica desse patrim?nio institu?do politicamente pelos modernistas para inven??o de dadas tradi??es nacionais. O artigo objetiva apresentar e discutir os desdobramentos das atividades do Museu da Inconfid?ncia de forma interdisciplinar, em uma an?lise contempor?nea flu?da com o passado que o concebeu como patrim?nio cultural brasileiro. A metodologia utilizada baseia-se na an?lise documental coletada nos arquivos administrativos da Institui??o e em um referencial te?rico condizente com os pressupostos interdisciplinares do presente trabalho. Identificaram-se a??es controversas neste Museu quanto ? comunica??o do acervo para a difus?o do patrim?nio com o p?blico. Conclui-se que, neste caso, os desafios situam-se na inclus?o leg?tima da comunidade de Ouro Preto e na frui??o produtiva dos turistas enquanto h?spedes-interpretes. Esta tarefa poderia ser concretizada por meio de uma pol?tica de hospitalidade museal vinculada ?s pr?ticas e representa??es do patrim?nio cultural em sentido hist?rico e social

    A figura do Cristo Sofredor entre mendicantes e leigos carmelitas no Rio de Janeiro (séculos XVII-XIX)

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    As ordens mendicantes compostas por frades vocacionados à penitência revolucionaram a espiritualidade dos núcleos urbanos no século XIII no ocidente europeu. Isso permitiu aos leigos uma maior participação na esfera religiosa, os quais deveriam seguir o mais fielmente possível os atos e sofrimentos de Jesus em uma busca pela redenção individual. O Concílio de Trento valorizou a multiplicação de associações para a difusão dos exercícios piedosos, destacando-se a devoção à Paixão de Cristo, na Europa e no ultramar. No Império Português, grande parte das igrejas da Ordem Terceira do Carmo apresentavam o programa iconográfico com representações da Via Sacra. Tal qual as congêneres portuguesas, os terceiros do Rio de Janeiro se configuraram como um eixo laico de práticas e culto aos Passos nos séculos XVII-XIX. Para a percepção daquele cotidiano secular no religioso e sua interface com a figura do Cristo Sofredor foram analisados a Regra Carmelita e os Livros de Estatutos e de Inventário da Ordem Terceira carioca, associando seu conteúdo às visões de viajantes estrangeiros a respeito dos rituais realizados, além da pesquisa e registro fotográfico in loco das esculturas de Jesus e sua Paixão. Dessa maneira, para o leigo o contato com Cristo e seus sofrimentos, por meio de acervos sacros, exercícios, cerimônias litúrgicas e festivas, conduzia a uma intimidade divina e à pretensão de uma existência edificada diante da realidade antagônica e transitória da vida