4,925 research outputs found

    Four generated, squarefree, monomial ideals

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    Let I⊋JI\supsetneq J be two squarefree monomial ideals of a polynomial algebra over a field generated in degree ≄d\geq d, resp. ≄d+1\geq d+1 . Suppose that II is either generated by three monomials of degrees dd and a set of monomials of degrees ≄d+1\geq d+1, or by four special monomials of degrees dd. If the Stanley depth of I/JI/J is ≀d+1\leq d+1 then the usual depth of I/JI/J is ≀d+1\leq d+1 too.Comment: to appear in "Bridging Algebra, Geometry, and Topology", Editors Denis Ibadula, Willem Veys, Springer Proceed. in Math. and Statistics, 96, 201

    Beyond Problems and Cases: Discussion Materials for Accounting in Executive Programs Business School

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    Selection or development of classroom materials for an accounting class in an executive program is complicated by the fact that some students enter the program with a substantial knowledge of accounting while others may have no background at all. Furthermore, general management programs do not usually focus on making all students equally knowledgeable about what accountants do and how to use the information that accounting provides. Problems and cases are sometimes not successful as discussion materials in the mixed audience class because some students are not challenged while others are overwhelmed because of their lack of exposure to the methods and principles of accounting. We describe a new class of materials prepared for executive program accounting classes that are based on contemporary events that become the bases for informed discussion among students where learning takes place at each student’s level while working in small groups to understand the problems, possible solutions, and actions that might be taken to clarify issues and solutions to the problems posed. Three examples are described and illustrated

    Linear resolutions of powers and products

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    The goal of this paper is to present examples of families of homogeneous ideals in the polynomial ring over a field that satisfy the following condition: every product of ideals of the family has a linear free resolution. As we will see, this condition is strongly correlated to good primary decompositions of the products and good homological and arithmetical properties of the associated multi-Rees algebras. The following families will be discussed in detail: polymatroidal ideals, ideals generated by linear forms and Borel fixed ideals of maximal minors. The main tools are Gr\"obner bases and Sagbi deformation

    Pion photoproduction off the proton in a gauge-invariant chiral unitary framework

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    We investigate pion photoproduction off the proton in a manifestly gauge-invariant chiral unitary extension of chiral perturbation theory. In a first step, we consider meson-baryon scattering taking into account all next-to-leading order contact interactions. The resulting low-energy constants are determined by a fit to s-wave pion-nucleon scattering and the low-energy data for the reaction pi- p --> eta n. To assess the theoretical uncertainty, we perform two different fit strategies. Having determined the low-energy constants, we then analyse the data on the s-wave multipole amplitudes E0+ of pion and eta photoproduction. These are parameter-free predictions, as the two new low-energy constants are determined by the neutron and proton magnetic moments.Comment: 23 pages, 17 figure

    Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography of extended colloidal networks in food emulsions

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    As a main structural level in colloidal food materials, extended colloidal networks are important for texture and rheology. By obtaining the 3D microstructure of the network, macroscopic mechanical properties of the material can be inferred. However, this approach is hampered by the lack of suitable non-destructive 3D imaging techniques with submicron resolution. We present results of quantitative ptychographic X-ray computed tomography applied to a palm kernel oil based oil-in-water emulsion. The measurements were carried out at ambient pressure and temperature. The 3D structure of the extended colloidal network of fat globules was obtained with a resolution of around 300 nm. Through image analysis of the network structure, the fat globule size distribution was computed and compared to previous findings. In further support, the reconstructed electron density values were within 4% of reference values.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, to be published in Food Structur

    Key signal contributions in photothermal deflection spectroscopy

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    We report on key signal contributions in photothermal deflection spectroscopy (PDS) of semiconductors at photon energies below the bandgap energy and show how to extract the actual absorption properties from the measurement data. To this end, we establish a rigorous computation scheme for the deflection signal including semi-analytic raytracing to analyze the underlying physical effects. The computation takes into account linear and nonlinear absorption processes affecting the refractive index and thus leading to a deflection of the probe beam. We find that beside the linear mirage effect, nonlinear absorption mechanisms make a substantial contribution to the signal for strongly focussed pump beams and sample materials with high two-photon absorption coefficients. For example, the measured quadratic absorption contribution exceeds 5% at a pump beam intensity of about 1.3×105  W/cm2{1.3}\times{10^{5}}\;{W}/{cm^{2}} in Si and at 5×104  W/cm2{5}\times{10^{4}}\;{W}/{cm^{2}} in GaAs. In addition, our method also includes thermal expansion effects as well as spatial gradients of the attenuation properties. We demonstrate that these effects result in an additional deflection contribution which substantially depends on the distance of the photodetector from the readout point. This distance dependent contribution enhances the surface related PDS signal up to two orders of magnitude and may be misinterpreted as surface absorption if not corrected in the analysis of the measurement data. We verify these findings by PDS measurements on crystalline silicon at a wavelength of 1550 nm and provide guidelines how to extract the actual attenuation coefficient from the PDS signal.Comment: 10 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Journal of Applied Physiv

    Investigation of the marine compound spongistatin 1 links the inhibition of PKCα translocation to nonmitotic effects of tubulin antagonism in angiogenesis

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    The aims of the study were to meet the demand of new tubulin antagonists with fewer side effects by characterizing the antiangiogenic properties of the experimental compound spongistatin 1, and to elucidate nonmitotic mechanisms by which tubulin antagonists inhibit angiogenesis. Although tubulin-inhibiting drugs and their antiangiogenic properties have been investigated for a long time, surprisingly little is known about their underlying mechanisms of action. Antiangiogenic effects of spongistatin 1 were investigated in endothelial cells in vitro, including functional cell-based assays, live-cell imaging, and a kinome array, and in the mouse cornea pocket assay in vivo. Spongistatin 1 inhibited angiogenesis at nanomolar concentrations (IC50: cytotoxicity>50 nM, proliferation 100 pM, migration 1.0 nM, tube formation 1.0 nM, chemotaxis 1.0 nM, aortic ring sprouting 500 pM, neovascularization in vivo 10 ÎŒg/kg). Further, a kinome array and validating data showed that spongistatin 1 inhibits the phosphorylation activity of protein kinase Cα (PKCα), an essential kinase in angiogenesis, and its translocation to the membrane. Thus, we conclude that PKCα might be an important target for the antiangiogenic effects of tubulin antagonism. In addition, the data from the kinase array suggest that different tubulin antagonists might have individual intracellular actions.—Rothmeier, A. S., Ischenko, I., Joore, J., Garczarczyk, D., Fušrst, R., Bruns, C. J., Vollmar, A. M., Zahler, S. Investigation of the marine compound spongistatin 1 links the inhibition of PKCα translocation to nonmitotic effects of tubulin antagonism in angiogenesis

    Hennessy-Milner Logic with Greatest Fixed Points as a Complete Behavioural Specification Theory

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    There are two fundamentally different approaches to specifying and verifying properties of systems. The logical approach makes use of specifications given as formulae of temporal or modal logics and relies on efficient model checking algorithms; the behavioural approach exploits various equivalence or refinement checking methods, provided the specifications are given in the same formalism as implementations. In this paper we provide translations between the logical formalism of Hennessy-Milner logic with greatest fixed points and the behavioural formalism of disjunctive modal transition systems. We also introduce a new operation of quotient for the above equivalent formalisms, which is adjoint to structural composition and allows synthesis of missing specifications from partial implementations. This is a substantial generalisation of the quotient for deterministic modal transition systems defined in earlier papers

    High Velocity Cloud Complex H: A Satellite of the Milky Way in a Retrograde Orbit?

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    Observations with the Green Bank Telescope of 21cm HI emission from the high-velocity cloud Complex H suggest that it is interacting with the Milky Way. A model in which the cloud is a satellite of the Galaxy in an inclined, retrograde circular orbit reproduces both the cloud's average velocity and its velocity gradient with latitude. The model places Complex H at approximately 33 kpc from the Galactic Center on a retrograde orbit inclined about 45 degrees to the Galactic plane. At this location it has an HI mass > 6 10^6 Msun and dimensions of at least 10 by 5 kpc. Some of the diffuse HI associated with the cloud has apparently been decelerated by interaction with Galactic gas. Complex H has similarities to the dwarf irregular galaxy Leo A and to some compact high-velocity clouds, and has an internal structure nearly identical to parts of the Magellanic Stream, with a pressure P/k about 100 cm^{-3} K.Comment: 12 pages includes 4 figures. To be published in Astrophysical Journal Letters, 1 July 200
