10,574 research outputs found

    Espace et Rythme du chanté au Québec

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    L'oralité constitue le format de la chanson. Son historicité est ici examinée dans le contexte de la chanson québécoise (1960-1980), à travers les chansonniers, le spectacle de l'Osstidcho, les groupes québécois et la parole chantée des femmes. De fait, ce qui se produit particulièrement avec les chansonniers, c'est une espèce d'appropriation du langage parlé par le langage littéraire. Or, depuis le spectacle de l'Osstidcho, ce qui caractérise la chanson québécoise, c'est l'abandon d'une langue littéraire au profit d'une langue populaire. Les groupes, par exemple, ont renoncé à la métrique amplifiant plutôt le caractère accentuel de la langue française dont le mouvement pulsionnel exprime une rythmicité nord-américaine mieux affirmée. Quant aux femmes, elles ont questionné, accédant à la création intégrale, le lien entre le corps et l'oralité. Ce qui n'a pas été sans conséquence pour l'exploitation de la langue française. Depuis 1960, c'est donc par un effet de voix particulier que beaucoup de chansons ont trouvé leur « personnalité sonore ».Orality defines the format of the song. This article examines lis historical character within the context of Québec (1960-1980) and with special reference to the singers, the Osstidcho show, Québec performing groups and the lyrics sung by female singers. In song, spoken language is as it were appropriated by literary expression. Since Osstidcho, however, the characteristic earmark of the Québec song has been to give up literary language in favour of popular idiom. Performing groups, for example, have relinquished their use of meter in order to emphasize the accentual nature of French, whose pulsating movement expresses a more explicit North American sense of rhythm. In their bid for complete creation, female singers for their part have questioned the link between the body and orality. This fact has not been without consequences for the use of the French language. Since 1980, it is thus through the individual voice that many songs have found their «musical personality»

    La belle e(s)t la bête : Aspects du bestiaire féminin au moyen âge

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    Neural ShDF: Reviving an Efficient and Consistent Mesh Segmentation Method

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    Partitioning a polygonal mesh into meaningful parts can be challenging. Many applications require decomposing such structures for further processing in computer graphics. In the last decade, several methods were proposed to tackle this problem, at the cost of intensive computational times. Recently, machine learning has proven to be effective for the segmentation task on 3D structures. Nevertheless, these state-of-the-art methods are often hardly generalizable and require dividing the learned model into several specific classes of objects to avoid overfitting. We present a data-driven approach leveraging deep learning to encode a mapping function prior to mesh segmentation for multiple applications. Our network reproduces a neighborhood map using our knowledge of the \textsl{Shape Diameter Function} (SDF) method using similarities among vertex neighborhoods. Our approach is resolution-agnostic as we downsample the input meshes and query the full-resolution structure solely for neighborhood contributions. Using our predicted SDF values, we can inject the resulting structure into a graph-cut algorithm to generate an efficient and robust mesh segmentation while considerably reducing the required computation times.Comment: 9 pages, 13 figures, and 3 tables. Short paper and poster published and presented at SIGGRAPH 202

    L’univers des bestiaires : Dossier bibliographique et choix de textes

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    The Magnetic Casimir Effect

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    The Casimir effect results from alterations of the zero-point electromagnetic energy introduced by boundary-conditions. For ferromagnetic layers separated by vacuum (or a dielectric) such boundary-conditions are influenced by the magneto-optical Kerr effect. We will show that this gives rise to a long-range magnetic interaction and discuss the effect for two different configurations (magnetization parallel and perpendicular to the layers). Analytical expressions are derived for two models and compared to numerical calculations. Numerical calculations of the effect for Fe are also presented and the possibility of an experimental observation of the Casimir magnetic interaction is discussed

    Molecular identification of hookworm isolates in humans, dogs and soil in a tribal area in Tamil Nadu, India

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    Background : Hookworms (Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale) remain a major public health problem worldwide. Infections with hookworms (e.g., A. caninum, A. ceylanicum and A. braziliense) are also prevalent in dogs, but the role of dogs as a reservoir for zoonotic hookworm infections in humans needs to be further explored. Methodology/Principal Findings : As part of an open-label community based cluster-randomized trial in a tribal area in Tamil Nadu (India; 2013-2015), a total of 143 isolates of hookworm eggs from human stool were speciated based on a previously described PCR-RFLP methodology. The presence of hookworm DNA was confirmed in 119 of 143 human samples. N. americanus (100%) was the most prevalent species, followed by A. caninum (16.8%) and A. duodenale (8.4%). Because of the high prevalence of A. caninum in humans, dog samples were also collected to assess the prevalence of A. caninum in dogs. In 68 out of 77 canine stool samples the presence of hookworms was confirmed using PCR-RFLP. In dogs, both A. caninum (76.4%) and A. ceylanicum (27.9%) were identified. Additionally, to determine the contamination of soil with zoonotic hookworm larvae, topsoil was collected from defecating areas. Hookworm DNA was detected in 72 out of 78 soil samples that revealed presence of hook-worm-like nematode larvae. In soil, different hookworm species were identified, with animal hookworms being more prevalent (A. ceylanicum: 60.2%, A. caninum: 29.4%, A. duodenale: 16.6%, N. americanus: 1.4%, A. braziliense: 1.4%). Conclusions/Significance : In our study we regularly detected the presence of A. caninum DNA in the stool of humans. Whether this is the result of infection is currently unknown but it does warrant a closer look at dogs as a potential reservoir

    Glyphosate Induces Neurotoxicity in Zebrafish

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    Glyphosate based herbicides (GBH) like Roundup® are used extensively in agriculture as well as in urban and rural settings as a broad spectrum herbicide. Its mechanism of action was thought to be specific only to plants and thus considered safe and non-toxic. However, mounting evidence suggests that GBHs may not be as safe as once thought as initial studies in frogs suggest that GBHs may be teratogenic. Here we utilize the zebrafish vertebrate model system to study early effects of glyphosate exposure using technical grade glyphosate and the Roundup® Classic formulation. We find morphological abnormalities including cephalic and eye reductions and a loss of delineated brain ventricles. Concomitant with structural changes in the developing brain, using in situ hybridization analysis, we detect decreases in genes expressed in the eye, fore and midbrain regions of the brain including pax2, pax6, otx2 and ephA4. However, we do not detect changes in hindbrain expression domains of ephA4 nor exclusive hindbrain markers krox-20 and hoxb1a. Additionally, using a Retinoic Acid (RA) mediated reporter transgenic, we detect no alterations in the RA expression domains in the hindbrain and spinal cord, but do detect a loss of expression in the retina. We conclude that glyphosate and the Roundup® formulation is developmentally toxic to the forebrain and midbrain but does not affect the hindbrain after 24 hour exposure

    Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Lead in the Danio rerio Body

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    Lead has been utilized throughout history and is widely distributed and mobilized globally. Although lead in the environment has been somewhat mitigated, the nature of lead and its extensive uses in the past prohibit it from being completely absent from our environment and exposure to lead is still a public health concern. Most studies regarding lead toxicity have focused on the brain. However, little is found in the literature on the effects of lead in other tissues. Here, we utilize the zebrafish model system to investigate effects of lead exposure during early developmental time windows at 24, 48 and 72 hours post fertilization in the body. We analyze whole body, notochord and somatic muscle changes, vascular changes of the body, as well as motor neuron alterations. We find lead exposure induces a curved body phenotype with concomitant changes in somite length, decreased notochord staining and abnormal muscle staining using live and in situ approaches. Furthermore, altered vasculature within the somatic regions, loss and/or alternations of motor neuron extension both dorsally and ventrally from the spinal cord, loss of Rohon-Beard sensory neurons, and increased areas of apoptosis were found. We conclude that lead is developmentally toxic to other areas of the developing embryo, not just the brain
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