253 research outputs found

    Body mass and body weight: a dual reference system in biology

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    Effects of foliar fertilization of a biostimulant obtained from chicken feathers on maize yield

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    Due to the important contribution that it makes to human nutrition, maize is one of the most widely-consumed cereals in the world. There is, therefore, high demand for fertilizers that will maintain maize production at both high yield and quality levels. The objective of this work was to study the effect of foliar fertilization using a biostimulant, obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis from chicken feathers, on the productivity and quality of maize crops (Zea mays, L. cv PR32W86 Pioneer), located in Trujillanos (Extremadura, Spain), over two consecutive seasons. Foliar biostimulant/biofertilizer was applied three times each season and at two rates (3.6 and 7.2 l ha−1). At the higher rate and for both seasons, foliar fertilization significantly increased the leaf concentrations of macro- and micronutrients, while grain protein content and yield increased by 26% and 14%. These results suggest that the foliar use of this biostimulant could be of great interest to the farmer for improving both maize crop yield and quality.Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTM2015-64354-C3-1-RMinisterio de Economia y Competitividad CTM2015-64354-C3-3-RJunta de Andalucía RNM-2011-788

    Sistemas de micro geração de energia como fonte deautossustentação dos dispositivos utilizados pelo combatente de Infantaria no moderno campo de batalha

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    O presente Trabalho de Investigação Aplicada tem por tema “Sistemas de micro geração de energia como fonte de autossustentação dos dispositivos utilizados pelo combatente de Infantaria no moderno campo de batalha”. Como objetivo geral pretende-se analisar as potencialidades que advêm da utilização de sistemas de micro geração de energia portáteis para que o combatente possa gerar a sua própria energia e ganhar maior autonomia no moderno campo de batalha. No que refere ao método de investigação científica foi utilizado o método indutivodedutivo, método em que se assume inicialmente um postulado sólido de conceitos e que através do levantamento de questões estruturantes, orientadoras e de hipóteses semiorientadas, se procura chegar a factos científicos que pretendemos correlacionar e demonstrar. Após definida a questão central, assumiu-se inicialmente um conjunto de conceitos e que através do levantamento de questões e de hipóteses interrelacionadas se procurou dar-lhe resposta. Deste modo, o trabalho assenta em pesquisa bibliográfica, pesquisa documental, entrevistas exploratórias e trabalho de campo nas empresas do Projeto Módulos de Energia Portátil. Com a realização deste trabalho concluiu-se que a utilização de sistemas de micro geração de energia é efetivamente benéfica para o combatente e consequentemente para o cumprimento da missão. No entanto, existem questões técnicas relacionadas com as necessidades dos dispositivos, a serem sustentados energeticamente pelos sistemas de geração de energia e com as capacidades dos mesmos sistemas, requerendo um levantamento pormenorizado destas questões para que o resultado final corresponda efetivamente ao pretendido e não coloque em causa a operacionalidade do combatente. Qualquer que seja o dispositivo ou conjunto de dispositivos a serem utilizados num projeto de modernização do combatente implica custos de pesquisa, produção e implementação, o que poderá levar a uma aceitação baixa deste tipo de soluções. No entanto, e fruto da investigação realizada e vertido no trabalho, está patente que estes sistemas são o futuro, sendo já em alguns países uma realidade, prevendo-se que a sua implementação acontecerá.Abstract The present Applied Research Work is themed "Energy micro generation systems as a source of self sustaining for the devices used by the Infantry warfighter in the modern battlefield." Its general objective aims to analyze the potential arising from the use of portable micro power generation so that the fighter can generate his own power and gain greater autonomy in the modern battlefield. The method used was inductive-deductive, method that assumes an initial postulate of solid concepts and through structural questions, guiding and semi-oriented hypotheses is tried to achieve the cientific facts that are intended to be correlated and demons trated. Once defined the central issue, it was initially assumed a set of concepts and by raising interrelated questions and hypotheses have sought to answer to it. Thus, the work is based on a literature review, exploratory interviews, documentary research and fieldwork in the Portable Power Modules project companies. With this work it was concluded that the use of micro power generation is actually beneficial to the warfighter and consequently for mission accomplishment. However, there are technical issues related to the needs of devices to be supported by the energy power generation systems, and the capabilities of these systems, requiring a detailed survey of these issues so the end results would be effectively as intended and not put into question the operability of the warfighter. Whatever the device or set of devices to be used in a project to modernize the warfighter implies research, production and implementation costs, which can lead to low acceptance of such solutions. However, the result of the investigation and written at this work is evident that these systems are the future, being in some countries already a reality, it is expected that its implementation will take place

    Severe Legionella Pneumophila Infection in an Immunocompetent Patient: A Success Story 300 Kilometers Away.

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    The most significantoutbreak of Legionella pneumophila, or Legionnaires' Disease, ever registered in Portugal occurred in 2014, and was considered one of the largest in European history. This relatively rare infection has a dire prognosis if not timely identified and correctly treated, presenting with a high lethality rate. We describe a case of infection by Legionella pneumophila in a previously healthy individual during an outbreak that originated 300 kilometers away from our hospital. The patient presented to the Emergency Department and after an initial assessment, was admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). He underwent supportive treatment with invasive mechanical ventilation and antibiotic therapy, having been discharged with functional improvement 21 days after admission. During follow-up, the patient presented well without residual clinical or radiological findings. Prompt management following established guidelines allowed for the appropriate treatment and a favorable prognosis. This case serves as a reminder that early management is important,healthy individuals without known risk factors may present withsevere infection, and there is the possibility for individual cases of Legionellosis to present far from the outbreak source

    Dynamical characterization of the 6/1 mean motion resonance between Quaoar's ring and Weywot

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    Recently, it has been reported the discovery of a dense ring around the trans-Neptunian object 50000 Quaoar. The ring particles seem to be very close to the 6/1 mean motion resonance with Weywot, the only known satellite in the system. In this work we investigate the dynamical environment in the close vicinity of the 6/1 orbital resonance in the context of the restricted three body problem. We aim to analyze whether, in view of observational constraints, the ring could be effectively evolving in resonant motion with the satellite. Through the technique of dynamical maps we identify and characterize the 6/1 mean motion resonance, finding that the main location of the resonance deviates by only 2929 km from the central part of the ring. This difference lies within the 3σ\sigma confidence level, considering the uncertainties in the observational parameters. We also show that the Weywot's eccentricity plays a significant role in the dynamical structure of the 6/1 resonance. The results show that the resonance width is smaller than the estimated ring's width. Under assumption of a ring with eccentricity smaller than 0.05, clumping of test particles appears at the position of the different resonant multiplets, considering the nominal value of Weywot's eccentricity. This is in agreement with observations, which indicate that the estimated resonance width (\leq 10 km) is comparable with the narrow and dense arc of material within Quaoar's ring. Our results may be an indicative that the 6/1 resonance resonance plays a key role in confining the arc ring.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Leukocytoclastic vasculitis with systemic involvement associated with ciprofloxacin therapy: case report and review of the literature.

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    A 71-year-old woman presented with constitutional signs and lower extremity palpable purpura after being prescribed a four-day course of 500 mg of ciprofloxacin two times daily for a gastrointestinal infection. She was admitted for inpatient treatment. During the third hospital day, she presented with an episode of abundant hematemesis while her skin lesions remained unchanged. Upper endoscopy revealed multiple lesions consistent with vasculitis and histological examination of the skin biopsy disclosed a leukocytoclastic vasculitis. The patient was successfully treated with prednisone following ciprofloxacin discontinuation. Complete resolution of the lesions on drug withdrawal strongly suggested drug toxicity, which was further supported by a score of 8 in the NaranjoAdverse Drug Reaction Probability Scale. Awareness that the development of skin and gastrointestinal lesions following administration of ciprofloxacin may be a manifestation of ciprofloxacin-induced vasculitiscan help early detection, treatment, and lead to an overall good prognosis

    Biomethane production improvement by enzymatic pretreatments and enhancers of sewage sludge anaerobic digestion

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    Enzymatic hydrolysis is recognised as an effective pre-treatment for increasing biodegradability of sludge. In this work, isolated commercial enzymes as well as in-situ enzymes producer bacteria were used respectively as enhancers and pre-treatments of sewage sludge. Biodegradability of sample as well as biomethane potential production were studied. Results showed that depuration efficiencies in terms of CODs (73.5-85.5 %) and TVS (28.5-42.7 %) were more than twice the control value. In addition, pre-treated samples as well as enhanced samples with enzymes generated more biomethane than control. The optimal ones, were those with the isolated proteases (P) and with bacteria (Bacillus licheniformis) treatment in-situ (F), producing a total volume of 72.4 ± 2.62 ml CH4 and 114 ml ± 0.46 CH4, respectively, increasing the biogas volume in 3.65 and 5.77 times respectively compared with control

    Diseño y escalado de un proceso biotecnológico de valorización de suero lácteo mediante la producción de ácido láctico

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    Motivación: La industria quesera genera grandes cantidades de suero lácteo, líquido que queda tras la separación de la grasa y la caseína de la leche en el proceso de producción del queso. El suero lácteo es uno de los principales subproductos generados a nivel mundial, y debido a sus altas cargas de DBO y DQO de 30.000-50.000 y 60.000-80.000 ppm respectivamente, es proclive a generar graves problemas de contaminación medioambiental estando prohibido su vertido desde 1996 por el Consejo de la UE, que lo cataloga como un residuo contaminante. Estos motivos exigen a las queserías la implementación de costosos sistemas de tratamiento de residuos a los que muchas de ellas no pueden hacer frente. Por otra parte es necesario destacar que el suero conserva cerca del 50% de los nutrientes de la leche. Contiene cantidades significativas de lactosa, así como proteínas, vitaminas hidrosolubles y minerales. Esta interesante composición ha impulsado multitud de investigaciones encaminadas a la valorización de este subproducto. El objetivo de este proyecto es el diseño de una biorrefinería que permita una valorización total de las fracciones mayoritarias del suero (proteína, grasa, lactosa y sales) con la principal finalidad de producir ácido láctico que es el ácido carboxílico con mayor presencia debido a su versatilidad de uso en las industrias farmacéuticas, alimentaria y química. En una segunda fase del proyecto, el ácido láctico será usado como "building blocks" en la producción de PLA. Métodos: Se han realizado fermentaciones a escala de laboratorio en un fermentador de 2 l para optimizar los parámetros de fermentación, con vistas a ampliar la escala de trabajo en una segunda etapa del proyecto. Mediante un proceso que combina la microfiltración y una tecnología de extracción por solventes conseguimos purificar el ácido láctico del suero fermentado. Resultados: Se ha logrado la conversión completa de lactosa a ácido láctico en las fermentaciones, obteniendo entre 40 y 50 g de ácido láctico por litro de suero fermentado. Mediante la tecnología de purificación desarrollada hemos conseguido obtener ácido láctico al 90%. Conclusiones: Este proyecto se plantea como una posible vía de valorización total del suero lácteo como alternativa a los costosos tratamientos que requieren su vertido. Hemos diseñado un proceso de purificación de ácido láctico económicamente viable y ecosostenible, con un reaprovechamiento total de los subproductos generado