17 research outputs found

    SOGS-RA gambling scores and substance use in adolescents

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    Background and aims There is a well-established association between pathological gambling and substance use disorders in adolescents. The aim of this study was to shed light on the association between adolescents’ different levels of involvement in gambling activities and substance use (smoking tobacco and cannabis and drinking alcoholic beverages), based on a large sample. Methods A survey was conducted in 2013 on 34,746 students attending 619 secondary schools, who formed a representative sample of the Italian 15- to 19-year-old population. The prevalence of different categories of gamblers was estimated by age group and gender. A multiple correspondence analysis (CA) was conducted to explain the multivariate associations between substance use and gambling. Results The prevalence of problem gambling was 2.7% among the 15- to 17-year-olds, and rose to 3.6% among the 18- and 19-year-olds. Multiple CA revealed that, even when it does not reach risk-related or problem levels, gambling is associated with the use of alcohol and tobacco. In particular, the analysis showed that non-problem gambling levels were associated with alcohol and tobacco use at least once in the previous month, and that higher-risk gambling levels related to the use of cannabis and episodes of drunkenness at least once in the previous month. Conclusion This study found that any gambling behavior, even below risk-related or problem levels, was associated with some degree of substance use by youths, and that adolescents’ levels of gambling lay along a continuum of the categories of substance use

    Pathways connecting socioeconomic variables, substance abuse and gambling behaviour: a cross-sectional study on a sample of Italian high-school students

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    open11OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to elucidate the pathway of associations linking gambling, alcohol intake, smoking habit, cannabis consumption between each other and with demographic and socioeconomic variables. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A survey was conducted in 2017 on a representative sample of 15 602 Italian 14-year-olds to 17-year-olds attending 201 secondary schools. OUTCOME MEASURES: Structural Equation Models analysis was used to assess the pathway between gambling, alcohol intake, smoking, cannabis consumption, demographics and socioeconomic factors. RESULTS: Irrespective of socioeconomic or demographic variables, gambling is positively associated with alcohol and cannabis consumption, while cannabis consumption is predicted by smoking and by alcohol intake, smoking is predicted by alcohol intake. Adolescents with a higher weekly income are more at risk of gambling, drinking alcohol and smoking, while the degree of economic dissatisfaction was positively associated with alcohol intake, cannabis consumption and smoking. Maternal employment appeared to be positively associated with adolescents' smoking, alcohol intake and cannabis consumption. CONCLUSIONS: This is one of the first studies to shed light on the pathways of associations connecting various health-risk behaviours among adolescents with demographic and socioeconomic factors.openBuja, Alessandra; Mortali, Claudia; Mastrobattista, Luisa; Minutillo, Adele; Pichini, Simona; Genetti, Bruno; Vian, Paolo; Andreotti, Alessandra; Grotto, Giulia; Baldo, Vincenzo; Pacifici, RobertaBuja, Alessandra; Mortali, Claudia; Mastrobattista, Luisa; Minutillo, Adele; Pichini, Simona; Genetti, Bruno; Vian, Paolo; Andreotti, Alessandra; Grotto, Giulia; Baldo, Vincenzo; Pacifici, Robert

    Psychosocial risk and protective factors for youth problem behavior are associated with food addiction in the Generation Z

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    ObjectiveFood Addiction (FA) and other well-known risk behavior as substance misuse tend to co-occur and may share similar risk and protective factors. The aim of this study was to assess the association between the diagnosis/severity of FA and psychosocial domains typically related to risk behavior syndrome in a large, nationally representative community sample of Generation Z underage Italian students.MethodThe sample consisted of 8,755 students (3,623 from middle schools, 5,132 from high schools). A short version of the Yale Food Addiction Scale 2.0 was administered to evaluate FA. Risk and protective factors related to demographic, personality, behavior, and family variables were examined. Stepwise multivariate logistic and linear regressions were conducted.ResultsThe prevalence of FA was 30.8%. Female gender, social anxiety and depression symptoms, social withdrawal risk, Internet gaming disorder, social media addiction, current substance use, social challenge engagement and experienced doxing boosted the chance of FA diagnosis, whereas eating fruit and vegetables, playing competitive sports and an average sleep duration of 7–8 h per night reduced these odds. FA severity was significantly and positively associated with trait impulsiveness, social anxiety and depressive symptoms, risk of social withdrawal, recent substance use, social media, and gaming addiction, doxing suffered and risky social challenges participation. Negative associations between the severity of FA and fruit and vegetable diet habits were found.ConclusionOur findings confirm that FA is widespread among Italian adolescents. The associations between the diagnosis and severity of FA and psychosocial risk factors for health, including, addictive and deviant behaviors related to digital misuse, suggest its belonging to the risk behavior constellation. Health promotion schemes based on a multicomponent strategy of intervention should consider the inclusion of FA and its psychosocial correlates

    SPSD - A new rating scale for psychological distress in adolescence: a validation study on a nationwide Italian cohort of 31,661 adolescents

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    In this paper we present a new rating scale for adolescent psychological distress based on an Italian population study carried out in a cohort of 31,661 adolescents, and analyzed with Rasch Analysis in addition to the traditional tests. The Italian epidemiological survey on drug use in the school population was conducted by the Department of Anti Drug Policies in the first six months of 2014. It was based on a methodology of the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and the Drug Addiction (EMCDDA - European School Survey Project on Alcohol and Other Drugs - ESPAD). The questionnaire and the survey procedures were taken from ESPAD and adjusted modified in order to address the specific characteristics of to the Italian school system. The total population sample consisted on 31,661 15-19 years old students who attended Italian public high schools. Among the items in the source scale we have selected nine items belonging to three dominions (Energy, Emotional Stability, Impulsivity and Risk-Taking) from which we expected the maximal indirect relation to wellbeing state and therefore as complement, to distress. To evaluate the psychometric properties of distress scale we carried out the homogeneity analysis or internal consistency of the scale, using the Cronbach's alpha coefficient, and analysis of the validity of the scale, using the Gamma coefficient of Goodman and Kruskal - index rank correlation. The data dimensionality was explored using Rasch Analysis and factor analysis. The Cronbach's alpha obtained considering all items was to 0.694, making it quite satisfactory and meeting the standards criteria of acceptability. Rasch analysis confirmed the items validity and that the items distribution remains in the area of the tolerance defined. A very good distribution emerges with a complete absorption of possible values along the scale range; neither ceiling or floor effect is observed. Whereas the level of distress measured by the scale is higher the lower the score detected, it is observed a significantly higher level of distress in females than in males (52.59 vs 59.61). For all psychotropic substances analyzed,significantly higher levels of distress in consumers than non-consumers have been found. In addition,the level of distress as measured by the scale appears to increase going from users of \u201csoft\u201d drugs to users of \u201chard\u201d drugs: - 57.18 is the mean value obtained in the distress scale from the group of students who say they have never used any illegal drug; - 53.00 is the mean value obtained in the distress scale from the group of students who report use of cannabis at least once in their life; - 50.18 is the mean value obtained in the distress scale from the group of students who report use of cocaine at least once in their life; - 47.95 is the mean value obtained in the distress scale from the group of students who report use of heroin at least once in their life. This survey has detected several factors/conditions associated to the use of substances, which can be considered a reliable proxy of psychological distress: family background seems to be very important as well as the relationship with parents; this emerged as regards the presence of rules on behavior outside the home, the quality of relationships with prominent adult figures (particularly the father), their leadership role, and the family harmony

    Adolescent gambling behavior: a gender oriented prevention strategy is required?

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    Background Studies published on gender-related differences in the gambling behavior of adolescents have focused mainly on psychological and social factors. The aim of this study was to develop separate risk factor models for male and female adolescents, considering the environmental, psychological, behavioral and socio-economic factors related to their gambling. Methods A survey was conducted through a questionnaire developed on a dedicated web site in 2014 on a representative sample of the Italian 15-19-years-old population, including 34,922 students attending 438 secondary schools. The SOGS-RA questionnaire was used to measure gambling behavior. To verify the risk factors associated with gambling a logistic regression stratified by gender was performed. Results In our representative sample of Italian adolescents nationwide, the prevalence of each level of gambling was higher in males than in females. The logistic regression stratified by gender found that for both genders, gambling was positively associated with internet surfing, playing sports, getting into a fight, having unprotected sex, pulling stunts, drinking alcohol at least once in the previous month, having not a satisfactory relationship with teachers, receiving pocket money from parents, spending each week much money and having someone in the family (father, sister/brother, other relatives) who gambles. On the other hand, having poor or average school marks, going to ED in the previous year, smoking at least once in the previous month, having dissatisfied with relationships with father and having a lower family income than their friends was only associated with gambling in boys. Having an accident or injury in the previous year and having a mother who gambled was associated only in girls with higher odd of at risk or problem gambling behavior. A low psychological distress is protective only in girls for risk of gambling. Conclusions Understanding the gender-related differences, and how they emerge in younger people at the start of their gambling careers, can suggest how best to educate individuals, families and the community on the topic of gambling. Programs to prevent substance use and abuse should be multifaceted, and include efforts to prevent gambling with a gender perspective approach

    Population surveys compared with wastewater analysis for monitoring illicit drug consumption in Italy in 2010–2014

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    Background: Monitoring consumption by population surveys (PS) is an important way to challenge the spread of illicit drugs (ID). To improve the information, we explored a complementary method, particularly wastewater analysis (WWA). Methods: We estimated the prevalence of use by PS, and the consumption by WWA, of cocaine, opioids, cannabis, methamphetamine and MDMA (ecstasy) from 2010 to 2014 in Italy and compared the results. Results: According to PS, cannabis and cocaine were the ID most used in Italy (last month prevalence 3.0% and 0.43% respectively in 2010) followed by opioids (0.17%) and amphetamines (0.14%). WWA gave similar findings, with cannabis consumption (4.35 g THC/day/1000 inhabitants) exceeding cocaine (0.78 g), heroin (0.092 g), methamphetamine and MDMA (0.103 g). The time trend investigated by PS showed significant decreases for all ID from 2010 to 2012. WWA also indicated a reduction of consumption for methamphetamine (p < 0.0001) and heroin (p < 0.01). Both methods showed an increase for cannabis in 2014 (p < 0.001) with the other ID unchanged. Spatial investigations by WWA showed that cannabis and cocaine were consumed significantly more in central Italy than in the north and south. PS indicated the same but only for cannabis. WWA was helpful to study weekly patterns of consumption, showing increases in cocaine and MDMA at weekends. Conclusions: PS and WWA were confirmed as complementary methods and when used together improved the information on ID use in Italy. We suggest that the combined use of the two approaches can give better information on ID use in the population

    Littérature et sida, alors et encore

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    In the ‘post-AIDS era’, three decades after the emergence of HIV, two generations of researchers take stock of its representations in French literature. A whole constellation of narratives combining autobiography and fiction has formed around the works of Guibert and other authors (Hocquenhem, Lagarce, Dustan), from the initial testimonials to texts historicising AIDS, internalising grief, or protesting against AIDS/HIV discrimination. Calling on a variety of approaches (literary studies, gender studies, and cultural studies), this volume questions the current relevance of this phenomenon and its multiple personal, political, aesthetic, and ethical implications. HIV/AIDS proves of hermeneutic value in exploring issues relating to the body and illness, to desire and death, and to breaking silence and rethinking identity

    Litt\ue9rature et sida, alors et encore

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    In the \u2018post-AIDS era\u2019, three decades after the emergence of HIV, two generations of researchers take stock of its representations in French literature. A whole constellation of narratives combining autobiography and fiction has formed around the works of Guibert and other authors (Hocquenhem, Lagarce, Dustan), from the initial testimonials to texts historicising AIDS, internalising grief, or protesting against AIDS/HIV discrimination. Calling on a variety of approaches (literary studies, gender studies, and cultural studies), this volume questions the current relevance of this phenomenon and its multiple personal, political, aesthetic, and ethical implications. HIV/AIDS proves of hermeneutic value in exploring issues relating to the body and illness, to desire and death, and to breaking silence and rethinking identity