477 research outputs found

    Pre-relaxation in weakly interacting models

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    We consider time evolution in models close to integrable points with hidden symmetries that generate infinitely many local conservation laws that do not commute with one another. The system is expected to (locally) relax to a thermal ensemble if integrability is broken, or to a so-called generalised Gibbs ensemble if unbroken. In some circumstances expectation values exhibit quasi-stationary behaviour long before their typical relaxation time. For integrability-breaking perturbations, these are also called pre-thermalisation plateaux, and emerge e.g. in the strong coupling limit of the Bose-Hubbard model. As a result of the hidden symmetries, quasi-stationarity appears also in integrable models, for example in the Ising limit of the XXZ model. We investigate a weak coupling limit, identify a time window in which the effects of the perturbations become significant and solve the time evolution through a mean-field mapping. As an explicit example we study the XYZ spin-12\frac{1}{2} chain with additional perturbations that break integrability. One of the most intriguing results of the analysis is the appearance of persistent oscillatory behaviour. To unravel its origin, we study in detail a toy model: the transverse-field Ising chain with an additional nonlocal interaction proportional to the square of the transverse spin per unit length [Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 197203 (2013)]. Despite being nonlocal, this belongs to a class of models that emerge as intermediate steps of the mean-field mapping and shares many dynamical properties with the weakly interacting models under consideration.Comment: 69 pages, 17 figures, improved exposition, figures 1 and 13 added, some typos correcte

    Entanglement spreading in a minimal model of maximal many-body quantum chaos

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    The spreading of entanglement in out-of-equilibrium quantum systems is currently at the centre of intense interdisciplinary research efforts involving communities with interests ranging from holography to quantum information. Here we provide a constructive and mathematically rigorous method to compute the entanglement dynamics in a class of "maximally chaotic", periodically driven, quantum spin chains. Specifically, we consider the so called "self-dual" kicked Ising chains initialised in a class of separable states and devise a method to compute exactly the time evolution of the entanglement entropies of finite blocks of spins in the thermodynamic limit. Remarkably, these exact results are obtained despite the models considered are maximally chaotic: their spectral correlations are described by the circular orthogonal ensemble of random matrices on all scales. Our results saturate the so called "minimal cut" bound and are in agreement with those found in the contexts of random unitary circuits with infinite-dimensional local Hilbert space and conformal field theory. In particular, they agree with the expectations from both the quasiparticle picture, which accounts for the entanglement spreading in integrable models, and the minimal membrane picture, recently proposed to describe the entanglement growth in generic systems. Based on a novel "duality-based" numerical method, we argue that our results describe the entanglement spreading from any product state at the leading order in time when the model is non-integrable.Comment: 25 pages, 10 figures; v2 improved presentation; v3: 28 pages 11 figures, presentation improved, Section 7 rewritte

    Exact Spectral Form Factor in a Minimal Model of Many-Body Quantum Chaos

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    The most general and versatile defining feature of quantum chaotic systems is that they possess an energy spectrum with correlations universally described by random matrix theory (RMT). This feature can be exhibited by systems with a well defined classical limit as well as by systems with no classical correspondence, such as locally interacting spins or fermions. Despite great phenomenological success, a general mechanism explaining the emergence of RMT without reference to semiclassical concepts is still missing. Here we provide the example of a quantum many-body system with no semiclassical limit (no large parameter) where the emergence of RMT spectral correlations is proven exactly. Specifically, we consider a periodically driven Ising model and write the Fourier transform of spectral density's two-point function, the spectral form factor, in terms of a partition function of a two-dimensional classical Ising model featuring a space-time duality. We show that the self-dual cases provide a minimal model of many-body quantum chaos, where the spectral form factor is demonstrated to match RMT for all values of the integer time variable tt in the thermodynamic limit. In particular, we rigorously prove RMT form factor for odd tt, while we formulate a precise conjecture for even tt. The results imply ergodicity for any finite amount of disorder in the longitudinal field, rigorously excluding the possibility of many-body localization. Our method provides a novel route for obtaining exact nonperturbative results in non-integrable systems.Comment: 6 + 22 pages, 3 figures; v2: improved presentation of the proofs in the appendices; v3: as appears in Physical Review Letter

    Exact Correlation Functions for Dual-Unitary Lattice Models in 1+1 Dimensions

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    We consider a class of quantum lattice models in 1+11+1 dimensions represented as local quantum circuits that enjoy a particular "dual-unitarity" property. In essence, this property ensures that both the evolution "in time" and that "in space" are given in terms of unitary transfer matrices. We show that for this class of circuits, generically non-integrable, one can compute explicitly all dynamical correlations of local observables. Our result is exact, non-pertubative, and holds for any dimension dd of the local Hilbert space. In the minimal case of qubits (d=2d = 2) we also present a classification of all dual-unitary circuits which allows us to single out a number of distinct classes for the behaviour of the dynamical correlations. We find "non-interacting" classes, where all correlations are preserved, the ergodic and mixing one, where all correlations decay, and, interestingly, also classes that are are both interacting and non-ergodic.Comment: 6+5 pages, no figures; v2 minor changes; v3 as appears in Phys. Rev. Let

    Transport in the sine-Gordon field theory: from generalized hydrodynamics to semiclassics

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    The semiclassical approach introduced by Sachdev and collaborators proved to be extremely successful in the study of quantum quenches in massive field theories, both in homogeneous and inhomogeneous settings. While conceptually very simple, this method allows one to obtain analytic predictions for several observables when the density of excitations produced by the quench is small. At the same time, a novel generalized hydrodynamic (GHD) approach, which captures exactly many asymptotic features of the integrable dynamics, has recently been introduced. Interestingly, also this theory has a natural interpretation in terms of semiclassical particles and it is then natural to compare the two approaches. This is the objective of this work: we carry out a systematic comparison between the two methods in the prototypical example of the sine-Gordon field theory. In particular, we study the "bipartitioning protocol" where the two halves of a system initially prepared at different temperatures are joined together and then left to evolve unitarily with the same Hamiltonian. We identify two different limits in which the semiclassical predictions are analytically recovered from GHD: a particular non-relativistic limit and the low temperature regime. Interestingly, the transport of topological charge becomes sub-ballistic in these cases. Away from these limits we find that the semiclassical predictions are only approximate and, in contrast to the latter, the transport is always ballistic. This statement seems to hold true even for the so-called "hybrid" semiclassical approach, where finite time DMRG simulations are used to describe the evolution in the internal space.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum quench in the sine-Gordon model

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    We consider the time evolution in the repulsive sine-Gordon quantum field theory after the system is prepared in a particular class of initial states. We focus on the time dependence of the one-point function of the semi-local operator exp(i β Φ(x)/2)\exp\big(i\ \beta \ \Phi(x)/2\big). By using two different methods based on form-factor expansions, we show that this expectation value decays to zero exponentially, and we determine the decay rate by analytical means. Our methods generalise to other correlation functions and integrable models.Comment: 41 pages, 1 figure, some typos correcte

    Entanglement dynamics in Rule 54: Exact results and quasiparticle picture

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    We study the entanglement dynamics generated by quantum quenches in the quantum cellular automaton Rule 5454. We consider the evolution from a recently introduced class of solvable initial states. States in this class relax (locally) to a one-parameter family of Gibbs states and the thermalisation dynamics of local observables can be characterised exactly by means of an evolution in space. Here we show that the latter approach also gives access to the entanglement dynamics and derive exact formulas describing the asymptotic linear growth of all R\'enyi entropies in the thermodynamic limit and their eventual saturation for finite subsystems. While in the case of von Neumann entropy we recover exactly the predictions of the quasiparticle picture, we find no physically meaningful quasiparticle description for other R\'enyi entropies. Our results apply to both homogeneous and inhomogeneous quenches.Comment: 33 pages, 5 figures; v2 accepted versio

    Scrambling in Random Unitary Circuits: Exact Results

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    We study the scrambling of quantum information in local random unitary circuits by focusing on the tripartite information proposed by Hosur et al. We provide exact results for the averaged R\'enyi-22 tripartite information in two cases: (i) the local gates are Haar random and (ii) the local gates are dual-unitary and randomly sampled from a single-site Haar-invariant measure. We show that the latter case defines a one-parameter family of circuits, and prove that for a "maximally chaotic" subset of this family quantum information is scrambled faster than in the Haar-random case. Our approach is based on a standard mapping onto an averaged folded tensor network, that can be studied by means of appropriate recurrence relations. By means of the same method, we also revisit the computation of out-of-time-ordered correlation functions, re-deriving known formulae for Haar-random unitary circuits, and presenting an exact result for maximally chaotic random dual-unitary gates.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figure

    Entanglement Barriers in Dual-Unitary Circuits

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    After quantum quenches in many-body systems, finite subsystems evolve non-trivially in time, eventually approaching a stationary state. In typical situations, the reduced density matrix of a given subsystem begins and ends this endeavour as a low-entangled vector in the space of operators. This means that if its operator space entanglement initially grows (which is generically the case), it must eventually decrease, describing a barrier-shaped curve. Understanding the shape of this "entanglement barrier" is interesting for three main reasons: (i) it quantifies the dynamics of entanglement in the (open) subsystem; (ii) it gives information on the approximability of the reduced density matrix by means of matrix product operators; (iii) it shows qualitative differences depending on the type of dynamics undergone by the system, signalling quantum chaos. Here we compute exactly the shape of the entanglement barriers described by different R\'enyi entropies after quantum quenches in dual-unitary circuits initialised in a class of solvable matrix product states (MPS)s. We show that, for free (SWAP-like) circuits, the entanglement entropy behaves as in rational CFTs. On the other hand, for completely chaotic dual-unitary circuits it behaves as in holographic CFTs, exhibiting a longer entanglement barrier that drops rapidly when the subsystem thermalises. Interestingly, the entanglement spectrum is non-trivial in the completely chaotic case. Higher R\'enyi entropies behave in an increasingly similar way to rational CFTs, such that the free and completely chaotic barriers are identical in the limit of infinite replicas (i.e. for the so called min-entropy). We also show that, upon increasing the bond dimension of the MPSs, the barrier maintains the same shape. It simply shifts to the left to accommodate for the larger initial entanglement.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures; v2 as appears in the journa

    Growth of entanglement of generic states under dual-unitary dynamics

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    Dual-unitary circuits are a class of locally-interacting quantum many-body systems displaying unitary dynamics also when the roles of space and time are exchanged. These systems have recently emerged as a remarkable framework where certain features of many-body quantum chaos can be studied exactly. In particular, they admit a class of ``solvable" initial states for which, in the thermodynamic limit, one can access the full non-equilibrium dynamics. This reveals a surprising property: when a dual-unitary circuit is prepared in a solvable state the quantum entanglement between two complementary spatial regions grows at the maximal speed allowed by the local structure of the evolution. Here we investigate the fate of this property when the system is prepared in a generic pair-product state. We show that in this case the entanglement increment during a time step is sub-maximal for finite times, however, it approaches the maximal value in the infinite-time limit. This statement is proven rigorously for dual-unitary circuits generating high enough entanglement, while it is argued to hold for the entire class.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figure