193 research outputs found

    Hippocampus and basal forebrain volumes modulate effects of anticholinergic treatment on delayed recall in healthy older adults.

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    "Introduction Volumes of hippocampus and cholinergic basal forebrain are associated with delayed recall performance and may modulate the effect of a muscarinic receptor antagonist on delayed recall in healthy volunteers Methods We studied 15 older adults before and after the oral administration of a single dose of 1 or 2 mg of the preferential M1 muscarinic receptor antagonist trihexyphenidyl (Artane™) or placebo in a double-blind randomized cross-over design. Hippocampus and basal forebrain volumes were measured using magnetic resonance imaging. Results We found a significant interaction between treatment and hippocampus volume and a trend level effect between treatment and anterior basal forebrain volume on task performance, with an attenuation of the association between volume size and performance with trihexyphenidyl. Discussion These findings suggest a reduction of delayed recall performance with increasing doses of the muscarinic antagonist that is related to an uncoupling of the association of task performance with cholinergic basal forebrain and hippocampus volumes.

    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Platelet Activation and Alzheimer's Disease: A Possible Connection

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    : Type 2 diabetes mellitus DM (T2DM) is associated with a 70% increased risk for dementia, including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Insulin resistance has been proposed to play a pivotal role in both T2DM and AD and the concept of "brain insulin resistance" has been suggested as an interpretation to the growing literature regarding cognitive impairment and T2DM. Subjects with T2DM present an abnormal platelet reactivity that together with insulin resistance, hyperglycaemia and dyslipidaemia effect the vascular wall by a series of events including endothelial dysfunction, oxidative stress and low-grade inflammation. Activated platelets directly contribute to cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) by promoting the formation of β-amyloid (Aβ) aggregates and that Aβ, in turn, activates platelets, creating a feed-forward loop suggesting the involvement of platelets in the AD pathogenesis. Moreover, islet amyloid polypeptide deposition, co-localized with Aβ deposits, is a common finding in the brain of patients with T2DM. These observations raise the intriguing prospect that traditional or novel antiplatelet therapeutic strategies may alleviate fibril formation and could be used in the prevention or treatment of AD subjects with diabetes

    Far Lateral Approach

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    The far lateral approach is an inferolateral extension of the lateral suboccipital approach. Designed for clipping of the aneurysms of the vertebrobasilar junction and proximal segments of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery, it became over the years a workhorse approach for ventral foramen magnum meningiomas and other intradural lesions located anterior to the dentate ligament.  This article summarizes the technical key aspects of the far lateral approach and transcondylar, supracondylar, and paracondylar extension

    Cranio-Orbito-Zygomatic Approach

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    The cranio-orbito-zygomatic (COZ) approach consists of an extension of the pterional approach characterized by the removal of the superolateral part of the orbital rim and zygoma. This key step tremendously increases the angular exposure to some deep targets and overall surgical freedom to the lesion. In this article we review the technical variations of the COZ approach, mainly focusing on the differential quantitative effects coming from the orbital osteotomy compared to the zygomatic one

    Label-free approaches for extracellular vesicle detection

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    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) represent pivotal mediators in cell-to-cell communication. They are lipid-membranous carriers of several biomolecules, which can be produced by almost all cells. In the current Era of precision medicine, EVs gained growing attention thanks to their potential in both biomarker discovery and nanotherapeutics applications. However, current technical limitations in isolating and/or detecting EVs restrain their standard use in clinics. This review explores all the state-of-the-art analytical technologies which are currently overcoming these issues. On one end, several innovative optical-, electrical- and spectroscopy-based detection methods represent advantageous label-free methodologies for faster EV detection. On the other end, microfluidics-based lab-on-a-chip tools support EV purification from low-concentrated samples. Altogether, these technologies will strengthen the routine application of EVs in clinics

    Plasma Amyloid-β dynamics in late-life major depression: a longitudinal study

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    Depressed individuals are twice as likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease (AD) as compared to controls. Brain amyloid-β (Aβ) deposition is believed to have a major role in AD pathogenesis but studies also suggest associations of Aβ dynamics and depression. The aim of this study was to test if plasma Aβ levels are longitudinally associated to late-life depression. We measured plasma levels of amyloid-β1-40 (Aβ40) and amyloid-β1-42 (Aβ42) peptides longitudinally for three consecutive years in 48 cognitively intact elderly subjects with late-life major depressive disorder (LLMD) and 45 age-matched cognitively healthy controls. We found that the Aβ42/Aβ40 plasma ratio was significantly and steadily lower in depressed subjects compared to controls (p < 0.001). At screening, Aβ42/Aβ40 plasma did not correlate with depression severity (as measured with Hamilton Depression Scale) or cognitive performance (as measured with Mini-Mental State Examination) but was associated to depression severity at 3 years after adjustment for age, education, cognitive performance, and antidepressants use. This study showed that reduced plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio is consistently associated with LLMD diagnosis and that increased severity of depression at baseline predicted low Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio at 3 years. Future studies are needed to confirm these findings and examine if the consistently lower plasma Aβ42/Aβ40 ratio in LLMD reflects increased brain amyloid deposition, as observed in AD subjects, and an increased risk for progressive cognitive decline and AD

    Del preescolar a la escuela primaria

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    1 documento en PDF de 10 páginas.A veces la matemática se asocia con estereotipos escolares que están lejos de su esencia: fórmulas, ecuaciones y teoremas que para algunos son solo un aprendizaje memorístico y cálculos sin sentido; todo esto puede producir estupor y manifestaciones de desagrado ligadas a las experiencias de aprendizaje en los años de escuela. Este libro es pensado para ofrecer a los docentes un instrumento útil que los pueda acompañar en un itinerario de reflexión, tanto teórico como práctico, sobre la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la matemática en el preescolar.PREFACIO 1. Una educación matemática significativa en preescolar. Hipótesis teóricas, investigaciones empíricas y experiencias lúdicas Aprendizaje espontáneo de la matemática Algunos ejemplos, para iniciar Modelos mentales que se forman espontáneamente Ayudar a formar modelos correctos Características generales de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la matemática en el preescolar Conocimientos a la base de las estrategias ingenuas que se establecen al hacer matemática Uso de estrategias ingenuas en el hacer matemática Algunas hipótesis de investigación en didáctica de la matemática en el nivel preescolar El “triángulo de la didáctica” Teoría de las situaciones. La microsociedad del salón de clase en el preescolar y las prácticas compartidas Obstáculos Ambientes artificiales de aprendizaje Investigación en didáctica de la matemática, “A” y “B” Referencias. 2. Propuestas de actividad en clase: aritmética y geometría Coplas infantiles y fábulas que incluyen números Números fabulosos La caza del número Números para jugar El calendario, momento de rutina y de matemática Los días del año Viajemos sobre un tapete mágico para descubrir juegos de pavimentación Un viaje a través de países coloridos El viaje continúa en busca de lugares artísticos Juguemos con pentaminos Referencias 3. Propuestas de actividad en clase: geometría, probabilidad, estadística Juegos con sólidos Las cajas abiertas Adivina qué es Pesos y balanzas Una historia, muchas elecciones: construcción de un libro en el cual las elecciones hechas influyen en la continuación del juego Una historia, muchas elecciones (segunda parte): juego con los dados para escoger las rutas adecuadas Camina, camina Las cartas de jueg

    Output order and variability in free recall are linked to cognitive ability and hippocampal volume in elderly individuals.

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    Adapted from the work of Kahana and colleagues (e.g., Kahana, 1996), we present two measures of order of recall in neuropsychological free recall tests. These are the position on the study list of the first recalled item, and the degree of variability in the order in which items are reported at test (i.e., the temporal distance across the first four recalled items). We tested two hypotheses in separate experiments: (1) whether these measures predicted generalized cognitive ability, and (2) whether they predicted gray matter hippocampal volume. To test hypothesis 1, we conducted ordinal regression analyses on data from a group of 452 participants, aged 60 or above. Memory performance was measured with Rey's AVLT and generalized cognitive ability was measured with the MMSE test. To test hypothesis 2, we conducted a linear regression analysis on data from a sample of 79 cognitively intact individuals aged 60 or over. Memory was measured with the BSRT and hippocampal volume was extracted from MRI images. Results of Experiment 1 showed that the position of the first item recalled and the degree of output order variability correlated with MMSE scores only in the delayed test, but not in the immediate test. In Experiment 2, the degree of variability in the recall sequence of the delayed trial correlated (negatively) with hippocampal size. These findings confirm the importance of delayed primacy as a marker of cognitive ability, and are consistent with the idea that the hippocampus is involved in coding the temporal context of learned episodes

    Cross-sectional associations of CSF tau levels with Rey's AVLT: A recency ratio study

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    OBJECTIVE: The preeminent in vivo cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) are amyloid β 1-42 (Aβ42), phosphorylated Tau (p-tau), and total Tau (t-tau). The goal of this study was to examine how well traditional (total and delayed recall) and process-based (recency ratio [Rr]) measures derived from Rey's Auditory Verbal Learning test (AVLT) were associated with these biomarkers. METHOD: Data from 235 participants (Mage = 65.5, SD = 6.9), who ranged from cognitively unimpaired to mild cognitive impairment, and for whom CSF values were available, were extracted from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer's Prevention. Bayesian regression analyses were carried out using CSF scores as outcomes, AVLT scores as predictors, and controlling for demographic data and diagnosis. RESULTS: We found moderate evidence that Rr was associated with both CSF p-tau (Bayesian factor [BFM] = 5.55) and t-tau (BFM = 7.28), above and beyond the control variables, while it did not correlate with CSF Aβ42 levels. In contrast, total and delayed recall scores were not linked with any of the AD biomarkers, in separate analyses. When comparing all memory predictors in a single regression, Rr remained the strongest predictor of CSF t-tau levels (BFM = 3.57). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that Rr may be a better cognitive measure than commonly used AVLT scores to assess CSF levels of p-tau and t-tau in nondemented individuals. (PsycInfo Database Record (c) 2022 APA, all rights reserved)

    A study on the specificity of the association between hippocampal volume and delayed primacy performance in cognitively intact elderly individuals.

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    Delayed recall at the primacy position (first few items on a list) has been shown to predict cognitive decline in cognitively intact elderly participants, with poorer delayed primacy performance associated with more pronounced generalized cognitive decline during follow-up. We have previously suggested that this association is due to delayed primacy performance indexing memory consolidation, which in turn is thought to depend upon hippocampal function. Here, we test the hypothesis that hippocampal size is associated with delayed primacy performance in cognitively intact elderly individuals. Data were analyzed from a group (N=81) of cognitively intact participants, aged 60 or above. Serial position performance was measured with the Buschke selective reminding test (BSRT). Hippocampal size was automatically measured via MRI, and unbiased voxel-based analyses were also conducted to explore further regional specificity of memory performance. We conducted regression analyses of hippocampus volumes on serial position performance; other predictors included age, family history of Alzheimer's disease (AD), APOE ε4 status, education, and total intracranial volume. Our results collectively suggest that there is a preferential association between hippocampal volume and delayed primacy performance. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that delayed primacy consolidation is associated with hippocampal size, and shed light on the relationship between delayed primacy performance and generalized cognitive decline in cognitively intact individuals, suggesting that delayed primacy consolidation may serve as a sensitive marker of hippocampal health in these individuals