2,163 research outputs found

    PrĂ€valenz von auffĂ€lligen Abstrichen der Zervix uteri bei Patientinnen mit chronisch-entzĂŒndlichen Darmerkrankungen: eine prospektive Studie

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    Die Entwicklung von malignen Vorstufen bzw. Karzinomen stellt ein stĂ€ndiges Risiko fĂŒr Patienten und Patientinnen mit chronisch-entzĂŒndlichen Darmerkrankungen (CED) dar, insbesondere fĂŒr solche unter immunsuppressiver Therapie. In dieser Patientengruppe wurde ein erhöhtes Risiko fĂŒr zervikale intraepitheliale Neoplasien (CIN) bzw. Zervixkarzinome beobachtet 1,2. Unsere Kenntnisse beruhen auf retrospektiven Arbeiten, wohingegen prospektive Studien fehlen. Zudem ist die Assoziation zwischen CIN und Infektionen mit den Humanen Papillomaviren (HPV) nicht vollstĂ€ndig geklĂ€rt. Ziel dieser Studie war die Analyse von zervikalen Dysplasien und HPV Infektionen bei Patientinnen mit chronisch-entzĂŒndlichen Darmerkrankungen. Zudem sollte ĂŒberprĂŒft werden inwieweit Patientinnen mit CED an den jĂ€hrlichen gynĂ€kologischen Krebsvorsorgeuntersuchungen teilnehmen. Die prospektive, unizentrische Studie wurde am Evangelischen Krankenhaus in Köln Kalk durchgefĂŒhrt. Patientinnen, die aufgrund einer CED behandelt wurden, erhielten einen Fragebogen zur Erhebung einer gynĂ€kologischen und internistischen Anamnese. Zudem wurde eine gynĂ€kologische Untersuchung durchgefĂŒhrt, bei welcher eine Zytologie und eine HPV Probe gewonnen wurde. Ein allgemeines Screeningkollektiv aus dem gleichen Zeitraum aus der ambulanten TĂ€tigkeit der Pathologie der UniversitĂ€t zu Köln bildete die Vergleichsgruppe. AuffĂ€llige Pap Abstriche konnten bei 22% der immunsupprimierten Patientinnen mit CED nachgewiesen werden, wohingegen nur 6% der Patientinnen ohne Immunsuppression auffĂ€llige Abstrichbefunde aufwiesen. Letzterer Wert entsprach dem des gesunden Vergleichskollektivs (5%). Die verschiedenen Immunsuppressiva zeigten keinen Unterschied. Nur 11/99 (11%) CED Patientinnen hatten einen positiven HPV Nachweis, was unter dem deutschen Durchschnitt liegt 3,4. Im Vergleich zur Allgemeinbevölkerung nahm unser Kollektiv ĂŒberdurchschnittlich hĂ€ufig an der jĂ€hrlichen gynĂ€kologischen Vorsorgeuntersuchung teil 5. Zusammenfassend lĂ€sst sich sagen, dass CED Patientinnen, verglichen mit der gesunden Allgemeinbevölkerung, eine höhere PrĂ€valenz von auffĂ€lligen Pap Abstrichen aufweisen, dieser Unterschied beschrĂ€nkt sich jedoch nur auf diejenigen unter immunsuppressiver Therapie. Ein jĂ€hrliches gynĂ€kologisches Screening ist ratsam

    Studierendenpolitik unter neuen Vorzeichen

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    Diese Diplomarbeit thematisiert den am 10. November 2004 durch die beiden damaligen österreichischen Regierungsparteien ÖVP und FPÖ prĂ€sentieren Initiativantrag an den Nationalrat zur Änderung des HochschĂŒlerschaftsgesetzes 1998 (HSG 1998), wie es zu diesem Initiativantrag kam und welche Auswirkungen die Gesetzwerdung dieses Initiativantrags auf die Österreichische HochschĂŒlerinnen- und HochschĂŒlerschaft direkt im Anschluss hatte. Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es einen möglichst umfassenden Überblick darĂŒber zu geben, wie die Änderung des HochschĂŒlerschaftsgesetzes im Jahr 2004 zu interpretieren und in welchen politischen Kontext diese Änderung zu setzen ist. Die in dieser Diplomarbeit vertretene These lautet, dass die Änderung des HochschĂŒlerschaftsgesetzes im Jahr 2004 als Teil eines hegemonialen Projektes der Entdemokratisierung der Hochschullandschaft verstanden werden kann und sehr stark durch zwei ArgumentationsstrĂ€nge, nĂ€mlich dem Schlagwort der Effizienz und dem Schlagwort der Demokratie, geprĂ€gt war. Diese Diplomarbeit weist nach, dass durch die Änderung des HochschĂŒlerschaftsgesetzes im Jahr 2004 der Hegemonialapparat ÖH fĂŒr den betrachteten Zeitrahmen langfristig wieder nĂ€her an die Regierungspartei ÖVP herangebracht und somit wieder zur Reproduktion der hegemonialen Strategien nutzbar gemacht wurde. In Summe kann damit festgehalten werden, dass die hier vertretene These, dass die Änderung des HochschĂŒlerschaftsgesetzes im Jahr 2004 als Teil eines hegemonialen Projektes der Entdemokratisierung der Hochschullandschaft verstanden werden kann und sehr stark durch zwei ArgumentationsstrĂ€nge, nĂ€mlich dem Schlagwort der Effizienz und dem Schlagwort der Demokratie, geprĂ€gt war, bestĂ€tigt wurde.The core of this paper is the change of the law that establishes the Austrian Students Union (ÖH, that means Österreichische HochschĂŒlerinnen- und HochschĂŒlerschaft) which was tabled on November 10th, 2004 by a private bill of the speakers for higher education of the governing parties ÖVP and FPÖ. The paper explains the history of this private bill and its effects on the Austrian Students Union. The main goal of the paper is to get a global overview, how to interpret the changes of the law in 2004 and in what political context to see these changes. The thesis behind this paper is, that the changes of the law that establishes the Austrian Students Union in 2004 can be seen as a part of a hegemonic project of the de-democratisation of the Austrian Higher Education system. And that there were two main arguments on the two main sides of the discussion: the argument of efficiency and the argument of democracy. This paper shows that in 2004 – after the ÖH was in opposition to the government for several years - the intervention was necessary for the governing parties so that they had the chance to bring the Austrian Students Union back to the hegemonic programme

    "Wir sind ausgewandert, oder ausgesiedelt, oder Heimkehrer gewesen"

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    Die Arbeit greift ein Beispiel aus der österreichischen Erinnerungskultur und GedĂ€chtnispolitik heraus und betrachtet dieses aus unterschiedlichen Blickwinkeln – im Sinne der Cultural Studies: Die Untersuchung basiert auf biografischen Interviews mit drei ZeitzeugInnen, die als ehemalige Donauschwaben aus der Stadt Werschetz (dem heutigen VrĆĄac, Serbien) nach 1945 auf unterschiedliche Weise nach Flucht, Vertreibung und Auswanderung in Österreich bzw. Deutschland eine neue Heimat gefunden haben. Ihrer ErzĂ€hlung gegenĂŒbergestellt wurde die institutionalisierte Erinnerungskultur der so genannten Heimatortsgemeinschaft der Werschetzer, Mitglied der DAG (DonauschwĂ€bische Arbeitsgemeinschaft – Dachverband aller Donauschwaben in Österreich), sowie die Medienkultur dieses Dachverbandes im Haus der Heimat, Wien. Eine Beschreibung des Spannungsfeldes zwischen persönlicher und institutionalisierter Erinnerung und dessen Folgen fĂŒr die GedĂ€chtnispolitik soll einerseits Ausgangspunkt fĂŒr zukĂŒnftige Forschungsarbeit im Kontext der GedĂ€chtnispolitik Europas sein und andererseits verdeutlichen, dass Erinnerung Politik und Politik Erinnerungen schafft.This works cites an example of Austrian Remembrance Culture and Politics of Memory with different approaches in terms of Cultural Studies: The research is based on biographical interviews with three contemporary witnesses – so called Donauschwaben – who lived in their childhood in former Yugoslavia in a little town named VrĆĄac (in German: Werschetz) but had to leave their hometown between 1944 and 1954 towards Austria or Germany. All three had different reasons to go: escape, displacement and migration. To specify this area of conflict between official representatives of the “Haus der Heimat” in Vienna and the contemporary witnesses (two of them are members too) in their individual handling of Remembrance Culture and Politics of Memory both sides were compared by means of different methods of social research

    Mutations in the MTHFR gene are not associated with Methotrexate intolerance in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) intolerance is a frequent problem of long-term treatment in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Mutations in the methylentetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene may increase toxicity of MTX, potentially constituting an initial stimulus for this conditioned response. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of common MTHFR gene mutations and occurrence of MTX intolerance in pediatric patients with JIA treated with MTX. METHODS: Consecutive JIA patients on at least 3 months of MTX treatment were included in this study. Intolerance to MTX was determined using the Methotrexate Intolerance Severity Score (MISS) questionnaire, and MTX intolerance was defined as MISS values of >= 6. Presence of the two most common mutations in the MTHFR gene (C677T and A1298C) was tested using a PCR assay. Results were analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics. RESULTS: 196 patients were included (73 % female). Of those, 93 (46 %) showed MTX intolerance. 168 patients were genotyped for C677T and A1298C. MTX intolerance was not found to be significantly more frequent among patients with hetero- and homozygous or homozygous mutations C677T or A1298C compared to wild type or heterozygous mutations. Analysis of the correlation between numbers of mutations in these two loci to the MISS score did not yield a statistically significant correlation. CONCLUSION: Mutations in the MTHFR gene were not found to be significantly more frequent in JIA patients intolerant to MTX. Toxicity associated with the MTHFR gene seems to result from mechanisms different to those involved in clinical MTX intolerance

    An Autoencoder-Enhanced Stacking Neural Network Model for Increasing the Performance of Intrusion Detection

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    Security threats, among other intrusions affecting the availability, confidentiality and integrity of IT resources and services, are spreading fast and can cause serious harm to organizations. Intrusion detection has a key role in capturing intrusions. In particular, the application of machine learning methods in this area can enrich the intrusion detection efficiency. Various methods, such as pattern recognition from event logs, can be applied in intrusion detection. The main goal of our research is to present a possible intrusion detection approach using recent machine learning techniques. In this paper, we suggest and evaluate the usage of stacked ensembles consisting of neural network (SNN) and autoencoder (AE) models augmented with a tree-structured Parzen estimator hyperparameter optimization approach for intrusion detection. The main contribution of our work is the application of advanced hyperparameter optimization and stacked ensembles together. We conducted several experiments to check the effectiveness of our approach. We used the NSL-KDD dataset, a common benchmark dataset in intrusion detection, to train our models. The comparative results demonstrate that our proposed models can compete with and, in some cases, outperform existing models

    Mutations in the MTHFR gene are not associated with Methotrexate intolerance in patients with juvenile idiopathic arthritis

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    BACKGROUND: Methotrexate (MTX) intolerance is a frequent problem of long-term treatment in juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Mutations in the methylentetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene may increase toxicity of MTX, potentially constituting an initial stimulus for this conditioned response. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationship of common MTHFR gene mutations and occurrence of MTX intolerance in pediatric patients with JIA treated with MTX. METHODS: Consecutive JIA patients on at least 3 months of MTX treatment were included in this study. Intolerance to MTX was determined using the Methotrexate Intolerance Severity Score (MISS) questionnaire, and MTX intolerance was defined as MISS values of >= 6. Presence of the two most common mutations in the MTHFR gene (C677T and A1298C) was tested using a PCR assay. Results were analyzed using descriptive and non-parametric statistics. RESULTS: 196 patients were included (73 % female). Of those, 93 (46 %) showed MTX intolerance. 168 patients were genotyped for C677T and A1298C. MTX intolerance was not found to be significantly more frequent among patients with hetero- and homozygous or homozygous mutations C677T or A1298C compared to wild type or heterozygous mutations. Analysis of the correlation between numbers of mutations in these two loci to the MISS score did not yield a statistically significant correlation. CONCLUSION: Mutations in the MTHFR gene were not found to be significantly more frequent in JIA patients intolerant to MTX. Toxicity associated with the MTHFR gene seems to result from mechanisms different to those involved in clinical MTX intolerance

    The nuclear receptor LRH-1 critically regulates extra-adrenal glucocorticoid synthesis in the intestine

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    The nuclear receptor liver receptor homologue-1 (LRH-1, NR5A2) is a crucial transcriptional regulator of many metabolic pathways. In addition, LRH-1 is expressed in intestinal crypt cells where it regulates the epithelial cell renewal and contributes to tumorigenesis through the induction of cell cycle proteins. We have recently identified the intestinal epithelium as an important extra-adrenal source of immunoregulatory glucocorticoids. We show here that LRH-1 promotes the expression of the steroidogenic enzymes and the synthesis of corticosterone in murine intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. Interestingly, LRH-1 is also essential for intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis in vivo, as LRH-1 haplo-insufficiency strongly reduces the intestinal expression of steroidogenic enzymes and glucocorticoid synthesis upon immunological stress. These results demonstrate for the first time a novel role for LRH-1 in the regulation of intestinal glucocorticoid synthesis and propose LRH-1 as an important regulator of intestinal tissue integrity and immune homeostasis

    Boundary States of c=1 and 3/2 Rational Conformal Field Theories

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    We study the boundary states for the rational points in the moduli spaces of c=1 conformal and c=3/2 superconformal field theories, including the isolated Ginsparg points. We use the orbifold and simple-current techniques to relate the boundary states of different theories and to obtain symmetry-breaking, non-Cardy boundary states. We show some interesting examples of fractional and twisted branes on orbifold spaces.Comment: Latex, 46 pages, 1 figur

    Connecting atmospheric blocking to European temperature extremes in spring

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    Atmospheric blocking is an important contributor to European temperature variability. It can trigger cold and warm spells, which is of specific relevance in spring because vegetation is particularly vulnerable to extreme temperatures in the growing season. The spring season is investigated as a transition period from predominant connections of blocking with cold spells in winter to predominant connections of blocking with warm spells in summer. Extreme temperatures are termed cold or warm spells if temperature stays outside the 10th to 90th percentile range for at least six consecutive days. Cold and warm spells in Europe over 1979–2014 are analyzed in observations from the European daily high-resolution gridded dataset (E-OBS) and the connection to blocking is examined in geopotential height fields from ERA-Interim. A highly significant link between blocking and cold and warm spells is found that changes during spring. Blocking over the northeastern Atlantic and Scandinavia is correlated with the occurrence of cold spells in Europe, particularly early in spring, whereas blocking over central Europe is associated with warmer conditions, particularly from March onward. The location of the block also impacts the spatial distribution of temperature extremes. More than 80% of cold spells in southeastern Europe occur during blocking whereas warm spells are correlated with blocking mainly in northern Europe. Over the analysis period, substantial interannual variability is found but also a decrease in cold spells and an increase in warm spells. The long-term change to a warmer climate holds the potential for even higher vulnerability to spring cold extremes
