10,079 research outputs found

    A formal support to business and architectural design for service-oriented systems

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    Architectural Design Rewriting (ADR) is an approach for the design of software architectures developed within Sensoria by reconciling graph transformation and process calculi techniques. The key feature that makes ADR a suitable and expressive framework is the algebraic handling of structured graphs, which improves the support for specification, analysis and verification of service-oriented architectures and applications. We show how ADR is used as a formal ground for high-level modelling languages and approaches developed within Sensoria

    A solution to the anisotropy problem in bouncing cosmologies

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    Bouncing cosmologies are often proposed as alternatives to standard inflation for the explanation of the homogeneity and flatness of the universe. In such scenarios, the present cosmological expansion is preceded by a contraction phase. However, during the contraction, in general the anisotropy of the universe grows and eventually leads to a chaotic mixmaster behavior. This would either be hard to reconcile with observations or even lead to a singularity instead of the bounce. In order to preserve a smooth and isotropic bounce, the source for the contraction must have a super-stiff equation of state with P/ρ=w>1P/\rho=w>1. In this letter we propose a new mechanism to solve the anisotropy problem for any low-energy value of ww by arguing that high energy physics leads to a modification of the equation of state, with the introduction of non-linear terms. In such a scenario, the anisotropy is strongly suppressed during the high energy phase, allowing for a graceful isotropic bounce, even when the low-energy value of ww is smaller than unity.Comment: 9 pages, accepted for publication in JCA

    Hierarchical models for service-oriented systems

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    We present our approach to the denotation and representation of hierarchical graphs: a suitable algebra of hierarchical graphs and two domains of interpretations. Each domain of interpretation focuses on a particular perspective of the graph hierarchy: the top view (nested boxes) is based on a notion of embedded graphs while the side view (tree hierarchy) is based on gs-graphs. Our algebra can be understood as a high-level language for describing such graphical models, which are well suited for defining graphical representations of service-oriented systems where nesting (e.g. sessions, transactions, locations) and linking (e.g. shared channels, resources, names) are key aspects

    Dynamics of Silent Universes

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    We investigate the local non--linear dynamics of irrotational dust with vanishing magnetic part of the Weyl tensor, HabH_{ab}. Once coded in the initial conditions, this dynamical restriction is respected by the relativistic evolution equations. Thus, the outcome of the latter are {\it exact solutions} for special initial conditions with Hab=0H_{ab}=0, but with no symmetries: they describe inhomogeneous triaxial dynamics generalizing that of a fluid element in a Tolman--Bondi, Kantowski--Sachs or Szekeres geometry. A subset of these solutions may be seen as (special) perturbations of Friedmann models, in the sense that there are trajectories in phase--space that pass arbitrarily close to the isotropic ones. We find that the final fate of ever--expanding configurations is a spherical void, locally corresponding to a Milne universe. For collapsing configurations we find a whole family of triaxial attractors, with vanishing local density parameter Ω\Omega. These attractors locally correspond to Kasner vacuum solutions: there is a single physical configuration collapsing to a degenerate {\it pancake}, while the generic configuration collapses to a triaxial {\it spindle} singularity. These {\it silent universe} models may provide a fair representation of the universe on super horizon scales. Moreover, one might conjecture that the non--local information carried by HabH_{ab} becomes negligible during the late highly non--linear stages of collapse, so that the attractors we find may give all of the relevant expansion or collapse configurations of irrotational dust.Comment: 40 pages with 4 figures, compressed and uuencoded PostScript file, submitted to ApJ, SISSA preprint Ref. 85/94/

    A molecular dynamics simulation of water confined in a cylindrical SiO2 pore

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    A molecular dynamics simulation of water confined in a silica pore is performed in order to compare it with recent experimental results on water confined in porous Vycor glass at room temperature. A cylindrical pore of 40 A is created inside a vitreous SiO2 cell, obtained by computer simulation. The resulting cavity offers to water a rough hydrophilic surface and its geometry and size are similar to those of a typical pore in porous Vycor glass. The site-site distribution functions of water inside the pore are evaluated and compared with bulk water results. We find that the modifications of the site-site distribution functions, induced by confinement, are in qualitative agreement with the recent neutron diffraction experiment, confirming that the disturbance to the microscopic structure of water mainly concerns orientational arrangement of neighbouring molecules. A layer analysis of MD results indicates that, while the geometrical constraint gives an almost constant density profile up to the layers closest to the interface, with an uniform average number of hydrogen bonds (HB), the hydrophilic interaction produces the wetting of the pore surface at the expenses of the adjacent water layers. Moreover the orientational disorder togheter with a reduction of the average number of HB persists in the layers close to the interface, while water molecules cluster in the middle of the pore at a density and with a coordination similar to bulk water.Comment: RevTex, 11 pages, 12 figures; to appear in June 15 issue of J. Chem. Phy

    General formulation of general-relativistic higher-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory

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    Gauge-invariant treatments of general-relativistic higher-order perturbations on generic background spacetime is proposed. After reviewing the general framework of the second-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory, we show the fact that the linear-order metric perturbation is decomposed into gauge-invariant and gauge-variant parts, which was the important premis of this general framework. This means that the development the higher-order gauge-invariant perturbation theory on generic background spacetime is possible. A remaining issue to be resolve is also disscussed.Comment: 4 pages, no figure. (v3) some explanations are added and a reference is adde

    On Relativistic Perturbations of Second and Higher Order

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    We present the results of a study of the gauge dependence of spacetime perturbations. In particular, we consider gauge invariance in general, we give a generating formula for gauge transformations to an arbitrary order n, and explicit transformation rules at second order.Comment: 6 pages, latex, with special style included, Proceedings of the 12th Italian Conference on General Relativity and Gravitational Physic

    Evaluating the performance of model transformation styles in Maude

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    Rule-based programming has been shown to be very successful in many application areas. Two prominent examples are the specification of model transformations in model driven development approaches and the definition of structured operational semantics of formal languages. General rewriting frameworks such as Maude are flexible enough to allow the programmer to adopt and mix various rule styles. The choice between styles can be biased by the programmer’s background. For instance, experts in visual formalisms might prefer graph-rewriting styles, while experts in semantics might prefer structurally inductive rules. This paper evaluates the performance of different rule styles on a significant benchmark taken from the literature on model transformation. Depending on the actual transformation being carried out, our results show that different rule styles can offer drastically different performances. We point out the situations from which each rule style benefits to offer a valuable set of hints for choosing one style over the other

    Towards a novel wave-extraction method for numerical relativity

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    We present the recent results of a research project aimed at constructing a robust wave extraction technique for numerical relativity. Our procedure makes use of Weyl scalars to achieve wave extraction. It is well known that, with a correct choice of null tetrad, Weyl scalars are directly associated to physical properties of the space-time under analysis in some well understood way. In particular it is possible to associate Ψ4\Psi_4 with the outgoing gravitational radiation degrees of freedom, thus making it a promising tool for numerical wave--extraction. The right choice of the tetrad is, however, the problem to be addressed. We have made progress towards identifying a general procedure for choosing this tetrad, by looking at transverse tetrads where Ψ1=Ψ3=0\Psi_1=\Psi_3=0. As a direct application of these concepts, we present a numerical study of the evolution of a non-linearly disturbed black hole described by the Bondi--Sachs metric. This particular scenario allows us to compare the results coming from Weyl scalars with the results coming from the news function which, in this particular case, is directly associated with the radiative degrees of freedom. We show that, if we did not take particular care in choosing the right tetrad, we would end up with incorrect results.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, to appear in the Proceedings of the Albert Einstein Century International Conference, Paris, France, 200