116 research outputs found

    Reflections on control on peptide synthesis

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    AgRISTARS. Supporting research: MARS x-band scatterometer

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    The design, construction, and data collection procedures of the mobile agricultural radar sensor (MARS) x band scatterometer are described. This system is an inexpensive, highly mobile, truck mounted FM-CW radar operating at a center frequency of 10.2 GHz. The antennas, which allow for VV and VH polarizations, are configured in a side looking mode that allows for drive by data collection. This configuration shortens fieldwork time considerably while increasing statistical confidence in the data. Both internal calibration, via a delay line, and external calibration with a Luneberg lens are used to calibrate the instrument in terms of sigma(o). The radar scattering cross section per unit area, sigma(o), is found using the radar equation

    External calibration of SIR-B imagery with area-extended and point targets

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    Data-takes on two ascending orbits of the Shuttle Imaging Radar-B (SIR-B) over an agricultural test site in west-central Illinois were used to establish end-to-end transfer functions for conversion of the digital numbers on the 8-bit image to values of the radar backscattering coefficient sigma sup 0 (sq m/sq. m) in dB. The transfer function for each data-take was defined by the SIR-B response to an array of six calibrated point targets of known radar cross-section (transponders) and to a large number of area-extended targets also with known radar cross-section as measured by externally calibrated, truck-mounted scatterometers. The radar cross-section of each transponder at the SIR-B center frequency was measured on an antenna range as a function of local angle of incidence. Two truck-mounted scatterometers observed 20 to 80 agricultural fields daily at 1.6 GHz with HH polarization and at azimuth viewing angles and incidence angles equivalent to those of the SIR-B. The form of the transfer function is completely defined by the SIR-B receiver and the incoherent averaging procedure incorporated into production of the standard SIR-B image product

    The amino acid sequence of human glucagon

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    Elintarvikepakkauksen paluulogistinen toimitusketju: Pakkauksen ekotehokkuuden tarkastelu

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    Tutkielmassa mallinnetaan elintarvikepakkauksen toimitusketju eri materiaalien näkökulmasta, ja tarkastelun kohteena on pakkausmateriaalien paluulogistinen toimitusketju. Paluulogistiikan kautta selvitetään, voiko elintarvikepakkauksen ekotehokkuutta parantaa. Pakkauksen ekotehokkuuden parantaminen muodostetaan esimerkkitapauksen kautta, ja lopuksi ekotehokkaan toimitusketjumallin toiminta pyritään laajentaa yleiseksi malliksi. Tutkielman esimerkkitapaus on Fazer Makeiset Oy:n Fazerin Sinisen suklaan pakkaus, jonka johdosta tutkielmassa keskityttiin alumiinifolion, käärepaperin, aaltopahvin, kiristekalvon ja tehdaslavojen logistiseen kiertoon. Tapaustutkimuksen tutkimusmenetelminä käytetään havainnointia ja haastatteluja, joiden avulla kerätään tarvittava aineisto toimitusketjun mallintamiseen. Ennen haastatteluja tehdään teoriamallien pohjalta toimitusketjun viitekehys, jota myöhemmin verrataan toteutuneeseen toimitusketjuun. Haastateltavat tarkastivat haastattelujensa kuvaukset jälkikäteen, koska toimitusketju voidaan nähdä yksiselitteisenä kuvaajasta riippumattomana kohteena. Tämä parantaa tutkimuksen luotettavuutta. Tutkimuksen tuloksena voidaan nähdä, että Fazerin Sinisen suklaan pakkausten toimitusketju on tehokas kuluttajaan asti, ja kuluttajan jälkeen oleva pakkausjätteen hyötykäyttöjärjestelmä on tehokas. Toimitusketjun heikkona kohtana voidaan nähdä kuluttaja, jonka täytyisi kierrättää pakkauksia nykyistä tehokkaammin, jotta pakkausjätteen määrä vähenisi ja pakkauksia saataisiin mahdollisimman paljon hyötykäyttöön. Pakkausmateriaalien kehittämismahdollisuuksia on uusien innovatiivisten materiaalien käyttäminen tuotannossa tai elintarvikkeisiin koskemattomien pakkausten vaihtaminen mahdollisuuksien mukaan täysin kiertäviin pakkauksiin. Pakkausten kierrätykseen ja hyötykäyttöön tullee lähiaikoina muutoksia eduskunnan käsittelyssä olevan jätelain myötä.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Radar remote sensing for crop classification and canopy condition assessment: Ground-data documentation

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    A vegetation and soil-moisture experiment was conducted in order to examine the microwave emission and backscattering from vegetation canopies and soils. The data-acquisition methodology used in conjunction with the mobile radar scatterometer (MRS) systems is described and associated ground-truth data are documented. Test fields were located in the Kansas River floodplain north of Lawrence, Kansas. Ten fields each of wheat, corn, and soybeans were monitored over the greater part of their growing seasons. The tabulated data summarize measurements made by the sensor systems and represent target characteristics. Target parameters describing the vegetation and soil characteristics include plant moisture, density, height, and growth stage, as well as soil moisture and soil-bulk density. Complete listings of pertinent crop-canopy and soil measurements are given

    Simulating the Genetics Clinic of the Future - whether undergoing whole-genome sequencing shapes professional attitudes

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    Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) can provide valuable health insight for research participants or patients. Opportunities to be sequenced are increasing as direct-to- consumer (DTC) testing becomes more prevalent, but it is still fairly unusual to have been sequenced. We offered WGS to fourteen professionals with pre-existing familiarity with an interest in human genetics - healthcare, science, policy and art. Participants received a hard drive containing their personal sequence data files (.BAM,. gvcf), without further explanation or obligation, to consider how experiencing WGS firsthand might influence their professional attitudes. We performed semi-structured pre- and post-sequencing interviews with each participant to identify key themes that they raised after being sequenced. To evaluate how their experience of the procedure evolved over time, we also conducted a questionnaire to gather their views 3 years after receiving their genomic data. Participants were generally satisfied with the experience (all 14 participants would choose to participate again). They mostly decided to participate out of curiosity (personal) and to learn from the experience (professional). Whereas most participants slightly developed their original perspective on genetic data, a small selection of them radically changed their views over the course of the project. We conclude that personal experience of sequencing provides an interesting alternative perspective for experts involved in leading, planning, implementing or researching genome sequencing services. Moreover, the personal experience may provide professionals with a better understanding of the challenges visitors of the Genetics Clinic of the Future may face.Peer reviewe

    Patterns of strain and the determination of the safe arc of motion after subscapularis repair—A biomechanical study

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    This study characterizes the strain patterns and safe arcs for passive range of motion (ROM) in the superior and inferior subscapularis tendon in seven cadaveric shoulders, mounted for controlled ROM, after deltopectoral approach to the glenohumeral joint, including tenotomy of the subscapularis tendon 1 cm medial to its insertion on the lesser tuberosity. The tenotomy was repaired with end‐to‐end suture in neutral rotation. Strain patterns were measured during passive ROM in external rotation (ER), ER with 30° abduction (ER+30), abduction, and forward flexion in the scapular plane (SP) before and after surgery. Percentages were calculated from 35 trials corresponding to five trials of each motion across seven specimens. With ER of 0−30°, 89% of trials of superior subscapularis tendon and 100% of trials of inferior subscapularis tendon achieved strains >3%, with very similar patterns noted in ER+30. In abduction of 0−90°, 5.8% of trials of superior and 85.3% of trials of inferior tendon achieved >3% strain. With passive ROM in SP, 26.5% of trials reached 3% strain in superior tendon compared to 100% in inferior tendon. Strain patterns in abduction and SP differed significantly (p < 0.001). Selective tenotomy and repair of the superior subscapularis tendon with open reparative or reconstructive shoulder procedures, when feasible, may be favorable for protected early passive ROM and rehabilitation postoperatively. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Orthop Res 34:518–524, 2016.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137457/1/jor23045-sup-0002-SuppData-S2.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137457/2/jor23045.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/137457/3/jor23045_am.pd