1,713 research outputs found

    Le rÎle du niveau de représentation des alternatives dans le raisonnement conditionnel abstrait

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    Le raisonnement abstrait implique de raisonner logiquement avec des prĂ©misses pour lesquelles nous n'avons pas de connaissances disponibles. Ce type de raisonnement est difficile et est trĂšs important pour la comprĂ©hension des sciences et des mathĂ©matiques. Une composante importante du raisonnement avec des prĂ©misses concrĂštes est la disponibilitĂ© d'alternatives Ă  l'antĂ©cĂ©dent. De telles alternatives ne sont pas directement disponibles lors du raisonnement avec des prĂ©misses abstraites. Donc, le raisonneur doit construire une forme plus abstraite d'alternatives Ă  l'antĂ©cĂ©dent afin de pouvoir raisonner logiquement avec des problĂšmes de raisonnement abstrait. Lorsque l'on fournit aux individus la conclusion d'incertitude Ă  un problĂšme invalide et qu'on leur demande de justifier cette conclusion, ils produisent des alternatives Ă  l'antĂ©cĂ©dent Ă  diffĂ©rents niveaux de complexitĂ©. Celles-ci, de la moins complexe Ă  la plus complexe, sont : spĂ©cifique, gĂ©nĂ©rale et formelle (Venet et Markovits, 2001). Dans la prĂ©sente Ă©tude, nous avons observĂ© que le fait de donner une justification explicite Ă  l'incertitude d'une infĂ©rence abstraite invalide permet l'amĂ©lioration de la performance subsĂ©quente Ă  des problĂšmes de raisonnement abstrait.\ud ______________________________________________________________________________ \ud MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : raisonnement, raisonnement conditionnel, raisonnement abstrait, alternatives Ă  l'antĂ©cĂ©dent, processus cognitif

    A collaborative autoethnography on challenging sociohistorical constructions of gender in teacher education

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    In early 2019, we developed a workshop that examines changing representations of masculinities and femininities through advertisements from today and from 30 years ago. We employ a pedagogy of discomfort (Boler, 1999) and challenge participants—whether students, teacher candidates, or seasoned educators—to historicize and critique how they co-construct sociohistorical representations and performativity of gender (Butler, 1990). Our hopes are that participants begin deconstructing how and which understandings of gender became normalized to them, as well as how they perpetuate or disrupt “masculinities” and “femininities”. Through regular debriefing, we realized that we do not merely facilitate but also actively participate in each workshop, not just guiding but also being guided by changing discussions with every iteration, suggesting needs to historicize and critique our own discomforts in relation to participants’ engagements. In identifying and reflecting on ‘critical moments’ from our workshops, we conducted a collaborative autoethnography (CAE) to examine not only how participants responded to our call for unpacking their representations, but also how participants caused us to challenge our own representations. In using CAE, our experiences and reflections became our data, and we analyzed interpretations of experiences for commonalities and differences, creating opportunities to deconstruct our relationalities in constructing and historicizing representations (Hernandez, Chang & Ngunjiri, 2017). In this article, we discuss how this process affected the workshop’s evolution and our continued self-analysis. We argue that if students are to interrogate sociohistorical gender constructions, educators must continuously examine how their own discomforts influence their engagement with students’ responses

    Le fĂ©minisme dans les manuels d’histoire nationale : enquĂȘte auprĂšs d’élĂšves quĂ©bĂ©cois de quatriĂšme secondaire

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    Plusieurs recherches en didactique de l’histoire se sont intĂ©ressĂ©es Ă  la faible prĂ©sence des femmes dans les manuels. Toutefois, aucune ne s’est penchĂ©e sur la comprĂ©hension des questions reliĂ©es au genre dans les rĂ©cits historiques par les Ă©lĂšves. Cette Ă©tude propose de combler cette absence grĂące Ă  une Ă©tude de cas exploratoire auprĂšs d’élĂšves de quatriĂšme secondaire en histoire nationale. Nous avons interrogĂ© les adolescents sur leurs conceptions du manuel d’histoire et du fĂ©minisme par voie de questionnaire (n=595) et Ă  l’aide d’entretiens individuels (n=9). Durant ces entrevues, des extraits de manuels offrant des discours divergents sur le fĂ©minisme leur Ă©taient prĂ©sentĂ©s. Ce travail dĂ©crit et analyse les usages du manuel par les Ă©lĂšves, leurs conceptions des luttes fĂ©ministes dans l’histoire, de mĂȘme que leur comprĂ©hension du rĂŽle accordĂ© aux femmes dans les rĂ©cits historiques (agentivitĂ©). Les Ă©lĂšves perçoivent le manuel d’histoire comme vĂ©ridique et neutre. Ils l’utilisent d’abord et avant tout afin de rĂ©pondre Ă  des questions de repĂ©rage d’informations historiques. Ils sont peu enclins Ă  le remettre en question, mĂȘme lorsqu’ils sont confrontĂ©s Ă  des rĂ©cits contradictoires. Ils ont plutĂŽt tendance Ă  amoindrir les diffĂ©rences retrouvĂ©es dans les rĂ©cits afin que le discours corresponde Ă  leurs conceptions initiales de la matiĂšre. Pour une majoritĂ© d’élĂšves, les luttes fĂ©ministes sont associĂ©es au passĂ© et il y a peu de liens Ă  faire avec le prĂ©sent. Le mouvement fĂ©ministe est associĂ© de maniĂšre prĂ©pondĂ©rante Ă  l’obtention du droit de vote et Ă  quelques Ă©vĂšnements ponctuels dĂ©nuĂ©s de contextualisation. Les stĂ©rĂ©otypes de genre sont perceptibles dans les rĂ©ponses de nombreux adolescents, de mĂȘme que l’antifĂ©minisme, dans une moindre proportion. Cependant, la majoritĂ© des Ă©lĂšves rencontrĂ©s en entrevue a Ă©tĂ© en mesure de dĂ©celer des diffĂ©rences en fonction de l’agentivitĂ© dans les extraits de manuels proposĂ©s. Cela nous porte Ă  croire que le dĂ©veloppement d’habiletĂ©s liĂ©es Ă  la pensĂ©e historienne en classe pourrait mener les Ă©lĂšves Ă  rĂ©flĂ©chir de maniĂšre critique aux rapports de genre dans l’histoire. Mots-clĂ©s : manuels ; fĂ©minisme ; histoire des femmes ; genre ; histoire nationale ; Ă©cole secondaire ; agentivitĂ© ; pensĂ©e historienne.Several research in history education have focused on the low number of women found in textbooks. However, none has looked at the issues of gender in the historical understanding of students. This study proposes to address these questions through an exploratory case study conducted with grade 10 students of national history. We asked these teenagers about their conceptions of the history textbook and feminism; first by using a questionnaire (n = 595) and then with the help of individual interviews (n = 9). During these interviews, excerpts of textbooks offering divergent narratives on feminism were presented. This thesis describes and analyzes the use of the textbooks by students, their conceptions of feminist struggles in history, as well as their understanding of the role of women in historical accounts (agency). Students perceive the history textbook as true and neutral. They first and foremost use it to answer queries related to specific historical content. They are reluctant to question it, even when faced with conflicting accounts. They tend to lessen the differences found in the narratives so that it reflects their initial conceptions of the subject. A majority of student associate the feminist movement with the past and make little links with the present. Their knowledge of feminism is predominantly limited to the right to vote and a very few other events, all devoid of context. Gender stereotypes are evident in the responses of many teenagers as well as anti-feminism, to a lesser extent. However, the majority of students interviewed were able to identify some differences in terms of the agency of women found in textbooks. This leads us to believe that the development of historical thinking in a classroom context could lead students to think more critically about gender issues in history. Keywords: textbooks; feminism; women’s history; gender ; national history; high school; agency; historical thinking.

    Les limites à la liberté d'expression dans l'entreprise

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    Cette étude constitue une synthÚse des différentes limites à la liberté d'expression des parties à une relation de travail. Elle expose les dispositions législatives et réglementaires pertinentes, fédérales et québécoises, qu'elles soient de portée générale ou, au contraire, spécifiques à une relation de travail. Elle examine aussi les dispositions des contrats individuels et collectifs de travail afin d'y déceler les limites qu'elles imposent à l'expression des salariés, de l'employeur, du syndicat ou des représentants de ces derniers. Ces limites tiennent tantÎt au contenu du message véhiculé par les parties, tantÎt à des circonstances de temps et de lieu.This study is a synthesis of the various limits to freedom of speech of parties involved in a labour relationship. It deals with relevant federal and Quebec statutory provisions, whether of general or specific import to the labour relationship. The study also examines the provisions found in individual and collective labour agreements in order to discover the limits they impose on the free speech of wage-earners, employers, unions or union representatives. These limits may depend on the message conveyed by the parties or on circumstances relating to time and place

    Travail social et maternité hors mariage au Québec, 1950-1970 : entre doctrine catholique et progressisme

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    Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothÚques de l'Université de Montréal

    Combien ou comment ? Les femmes canadiennes dans les récits scolaires et dans la mémoire collective, rétrospective des recherches depuis 1980

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    L’histoire des femmes peine toujours Ă  faire sa place dans la mĂ©moire collective et dans l’enseignement de l’histoire au Canada. Le prĂ©sent article propose une courte recension des Ă©crits publiĂ©s depuis 1980 Ă  ce sujet. Si certaines recherches ont posĂ© la question Ă  savoir « combien » de femmes Ă©taient prĂ©sentes dans les rĂ©cits, c’est surtout le « comment » qui a intĂ©ressĂ© les chercheuses et les chercheurs. Les Ă©tudes, provenant des dĂ©partements d’histoire et des facultĂ©s d’éducation, ont portĂ© sur trois aspects : la mĂ©moire collective, les manuels scolaires et la comprĂ©hension des Ă©lĂšves du rĂŽle des femmes dans l’histoire. MalgrĂ© la trĂšs lente Ă©volution de la reprĂ©sentation des femmes dans la trame narrative de l’histoire canadienne, l’analyse des recherches sur cette question permet un regard critique sur la construction des rĂ©cits historiques et mĂšne Ă  une rĂ©flexion nĂ©cessaire sur les Ă©vĂ©nements commĂ©moratifs rĂ©cents. Women’s history is still waiting to gain more place in collective memory and history teaching in Canada. This article provides a brief review of the literature published since 1980 on this topic. While some research has posed the question of "how many" women are present in the narratives, "how they are represented" was the focus of most researchers. Studies from history departments and faculties of education concentrated on three aspects: collective memory, textbooks, and student understanding of women’s agency. Despite the very slow evolution of the representation of women in the narrative framework of Canadian history, this paper allows a critical perspective at the construction of historical narratives and leads to a necessary closer look on recent commemorative events

    Didactique de l’univers social au primaire. Contenus disciplinaires et suggestions d’activitĂ©s pour les 2e et 3e cycles

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    Regard historique sur l’évaluation des apprentissages au secondaire au QuĂ©bec : quels sont les problĂ©matiques et les objets des recherches depuis 1995?

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    Educational assessment has been the subject of much investigation during the last three decades. The competency-based approach to school curricula beginning in the 1995s (Conseil supĂ©rieur de l’éducation [CSE], 2003; Dionne, 2005; Laurier, 2014) has impacted research in this field. Challenges in incorporating evaluation within a competency-based approach led us to conduct a systematic review of the literature in these areas from 1995 to 2021 in order to offer readers a global view of this field at the secondary level. This allowed us to select a set of 37 articles for analysis. This review of the literature shows that the research that was conducted during this period can be grouped into three themes: How to attest to the level of competence of students? How to integrate the assessment of learning into teaching approaches? Why evaluates students? These three themes are not mutually exclusive, but the analysis of themes and objectives in the literature makes it possible to delineate them.  L’évaluation des apprentissages a fait l’objet de nombreuses investigations durant les trois derniĂšres dĂ©cennies. L’approche par compĂ©tences, particuliĂšrement prĂ©sente Ă  partir de 1995 et adoptĂ©e dans les programmes scolaires par la suite a occupĂ© une place importante dans ce domaine de recherche (Conseil supĂ©rieur de l’éducation [CSE], 2003; Dionne, 2005; Laurier, 2014). En vue de proposer aux lecteurs un portrait global de ce champ au palier secondaire, nous avons scrutĂ© ces recherches pour la pĂ©riode entre 1995 et 2021. Le prĂ©sent article prĂ©sente les rĂ©sultats d’une recension des Ă©crits. Celle-ci nous a permis de sĂ©lectionner un ensemble de 37 articles pour fins d’analyse. Il ressort de cet examen de la littĂ©rature que les recherches qui ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es au cours de cette pĂ©riode concernent trois thĂ©matiques : Comment attester du niveau de compĂ©tences des Ă©lĂšves? Comment intĂ©grer l’évaluation des apprentissages aux dĂ©marches d’enseignement? Pourquoi Ă©valuer les Ă©lĂšves? Ces trois thĂ©matiques ne sont pas mutuellement exclusives, mais l’analyse de leur problĂ©matique et de leurs objectifs permet de les dĂ©limiter.

    Effect of aneurysm size on procedure-related rupture in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage treated with coil occlusion

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    Objective: Procedure-related rupture is one of the most feared complications in treating patients with cerebral aneurysm. The primary aim of this study was to estimate the effect of aneurysm size on procedure-related rupture. We also estimated its effect on peri-procedural thromboembolic events. Methods: This observational study was conducted using routinely-collected health data on patients admitted for subarachnoid hemorrhage and treated with aneurysm coil occlusion in the CHU de QuĂ©bec — Enfant-JĂ©sus hospital from January 1st, 2000 until sample size was reached. Patients were identified from the Discharge Abstract Database using the Canadian Classification of Health codes. Assessment of complications was blind to aneurysm size. Logistic regression models were performed to test associations between aneurysm size and procedure-related rupture or peri-procedural thromboembolic events, and between both procedure-related rupture and thromboembolic events and patients' outcomes. Results: This study included 532 aneurysms treated with coil occlusion in 505 patients. Procedure-related rupture occurred in 34 patients (6.7%) and thromboembolic events in 53 (10.5%) patients. Aneurysms of 2 to 3 mm inclusively were not more significantly associated with procedure-related rupture or thromboembolic events than those larger than 3 mm (OR 1.02, 95% CI: 0.9–1.16, p = 0.78 and OR 1.06, 95% CI: 0.96–1.17, p = 0.3, respectively). However, procedure-related rupture had a significant effect on patient mortality (OR 3.86, 95% CI: 1.42–10.53, p < 0.01). Conclusions: Very small aneurysm size should not preclude aneurysm coil occlusion. Every measure should be taken to prevent procedure-related rupture as it is strongly associated with higher mortality
