299 research outputs found
Le sacrifice maternel comme alibi à la production de l’écriture chez Marie de l’Incarnation (1599-1672)
Marie de l'Incarnation (Guyart) est représentée par ses apologistes telle une mater dolorosa souffrant toute sa vie de l'abandon qu'elle a fait subir à son fils, pour obéir à sa double vocation de mystique et de missionnaire. Cette analyse montre qu'il n'en est rien. Utilisant le topos traditionnel des écrits de femmes mystiques sur l'abandon nécessaire de tous les liens familiaux et surtout l'abandon des enfants pour la plus grande gloire de Dieu, Marie de l'Incarnation déjoue des demandes culpabilisantes de son fils et en vient à lui faire admettre que c'est lui qui avait tort de mettre un obstacle à sa vocation. De ce réglement de compte entre mère et fils surgit une des correspondances les plus passionnantes du XVIIe siècle.Marie de l'Incarnation (Guyart) is represented by her apologists as a mater dolorosa, who suffered all her life from her having to abandon her son in order to fulfill her double vocation as mystic and missionary. My analysis shows the fallacy of this representation. Using the traditional topos of women mystics' writings on the necessary abandonment of all family ties, and especially the abandonment of children, for the greater glory of God, Marie de l'Incarnation thwarts her son's guilt-inducing demands, and comes around to making him admit that it was he who was in the wrong for placing himself as an obstacle to her vocation. From this setting account between mother and son there emerges one of the most fascinating correspondances of the 17th century
Pratiques d'enseignement de l'orthographe lexicale : le cas des propriétés visuelles
Le bilan actuel des performances des élèves en orthographe lexicale laisse croire que le milieu éducatif ne parvient pas à assurer la possibilité de développer cette compétence de manière acceptable au terme de la scolarisation des élèves (MELS, 2010). La compétence orthographique, qui est la capacité à produire des mots selon la norme grâce au recours à des connaissances associées aux mots emmagasinés en mémoire (Daigle et Montésinos-Gelet, 2013), est tributaire d’un enseignement formel de nombreux savoirs (Graham et al., 2008). Ces connaissances se rapportent aux informations phonologiques, morphologiques et visuelles contenues dans les mots écrits. Des résultats obtenus par Daigle et al., (2016) révèlent que la grande majorité des erreurs, indépendamment du fait que les élèves soient ou non en difficulté, se rapporte aux propriétés visuelles des mots (erreurs visuo-orthographiques et erreurs lexicales). À la lumière de la problématique liée à l’acquisition de l’orthographe et des données récentes de la recherche, ce travail cherche à documenter les pratiques d’enseignement de l’orthographe lexicale. Plus spécifiquement, trois domaines de connaissances sont ciblés par la présente étude : 1) les pratiques d'enseignement liées aux propriétés visuelles des mots, 2) les approches éducatives qui guident le choix des enseignants quant à leurs pratiques et 3) les dispositifs spécifiques exploités en salle de classe. Ultimement, l'objectif général de cette étude est de contribuer à la réflexion entourant les pratiques les plus susceptibles de contribuer à l'augmentation de la compétence orthographique. Pour atteindre nos objectifs, nous avons eu recours à des entrevues individuelles et à des groupes de discussion. Les résultats indiquent que les propriétés visuelles des mots sont peu connues des enseignants et, en conséquence, peu enseignées. Lorsqu'un enseignement de l'orthographe lexicale a lieu, les enseignants privilégient une approche explicite et recourent à divers dispositifs visant principalement les habiletés métaorthographiques des élèves.The current research implies that our school system cannot bring students to an acceptable level of orthographic competence (MELS, 2010). This competence, which can be defined as the ability to spell words correctly (according to the linguistic norm) through the use of knowledge that is stocked in memory (Daigle et Montésinos-Gelet, 2013), is primarily influenced by formal instruction (Graham et al., 2008). Orthographic knowledge is linked to the phonological, morphological and visual characteristics of written words. Recent research results (Daigle et al., 2016) suggest that most orthographic errors are related to the visual aspects of written words. In light of this acquisitional problem and given the need for more empirical research to better understand it, this study aims at documenting actual teaching practices associated to spelling instruction. More specifically, this study tries to describe 1) the teaching practices associated with visual aspects of words, 2) the pedagogical approaches that influence teacher’s choices and 3) the specific teaching devices used in the classroom for the purpose of spelling instruction. Results indicate that visual properties of words are not well known by teachers and, consequently, are not taught systematically to students. When spelling instruction occurs, teachers often use an explicit teaching approach and try to have students develop some meta-orthographic abilities
Interaction entre l’effet différentiel du sexe et l’effet modérateur du soutien social perçu sur la santé mentale des travailleurs en Protection de la Jeunesse victimes de violence au travail
Contexte. La violence au travail (VAT) fait partie de la réalité de nombreux travailleurs en Protection de la Jeunesse (PJ) en raison de la clientèle desservie. L’exposition à la VAT est associée à plusieurs conséquences psychologiques, notamment le trouble de stress post-traumatique (TSPT), l’anxiété et la dépression. Parmi les facteurs pouvant influencer le développement des différents symptômes de santé mentale, le soutien social (SS) ressort comme l’un des plus forts prédicteurs du TSPT. Les études plus récentes indiquent qu’au-delà de la quantité de SS, la qualité perçue de celui-ci peut influencer lien entre VAT et conséquences psychologiques. Finalement, certaines études notent des variations entre ces associations en fonction du sexe des participants.
Objectif. L’objectif principal est de suivre l’évolution des symptômes de TSPT, d’anxiété et de dépression selon la qualité du SS perçu. Un deuxième objectif consiste à vérifier si les effets du SS varient en fonction du sexe des participants.
Méthode. Un échantillon de 150 travailleurs en PJ ont rempli une série de questionnaires à quatre temps de mesure suite à un évènement de VAT. Des modèles linéaires mixtes ont été utilisés afin de suivre l’évolution des différentes conséquences psychologiques en fonction de la qualité du SS et du sexe des participants.
Résultats. D’abord, pour le SS positif, une association significative négative est ressortie uniquement avec la dépression. Le SS négatif est associé positivement avec les symptômes de TSPT, d’anxiété et de dépression. Finalement, des différences entre les hommes et les femmes n’ont été mesurées que pour le TSPT. Soit, les hommes présentent plus de symptômes que les femmes, mais ceux-ci bénéficient davantage du SS positif.
Conclusion. La présente étude appuie l’importance de s’intéresser à la qualité du SS, car elle a une influence sur le développement et le maintien des conséquences psychologiques de la VAT. Aussi, le sexe semble également avoir un rôle modérateur de cette relation.Background. Workplace violence is part of the people working for Youth Protection's daily lives due to the vulnerable population served. The exposure of workplace violence is linked to psychological consequences such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, and depression. Among the factors that influence the development of the different mental health symptoms, social support is known to be one of the strongest predictors of PTSD. Most recent studies also reveal the importance of measuring social support's quality (positive or negative) to understand how it can impact workers. Finally, some studies also show that workplace violence reactions might vary depending on the victim's gender.
Objectives. The main objective of that study is to measure if the quality of social support impacts the development and evolution of the symptoms of PTSD, anxiety and depression. The secondary objective is to explore if the sex of the participants can moderate the association between social support and the previously measured symptoms.
Methods. A sample of 150 Youth Protection workers answered self-reported surveys that examine their evolution four times over 12 months. Mixed linear models have been used to analyze the development of PTSD, anxiety's and depression's symptoms according to the quality of social support and then the sex of the participants.
Results. First, positive social support wasnegatively linked to depression's symptoms. Workers who perceived their social support being positive had fewer symptoms. For negative social support, it was linked to PTSD, anxiety and depression. Finally, the difference between men and women was only measured for PTSD. Men had more symptoms than women, although they benefit more from positive social support than women.
Conclusion. This study confirms the importance of measuring the quality of social support on workplace violence victims to understand its impact on psychological consequences better. Also, the sex seems to be a moderator only for PTSD's association with workplace violence
Méthode de mesure d'impédance de petits éléments acoustiques
Le dispositif de mesure d'impédance acoustique proposé dans ce document repose sur la méthode de réciprocité utilisée pour l'étalonnage des microphones électrostatiques. Parce qu'elle fait usage d'un matériel d'une grande sensibilité et d'une grande reproductibilité, cette méthode est particulièrement bien adaptée pour effectuer des mesures précises d'impédances d'entrée de petits éléments acoustiques tels que des tubes ou des fentes annulaires. L'admittance d'entrée de l'élément à caractériser est déduite de mesures électriques et de modèles analytiques de champs acoustiques et est ensuite comparée à l'admittance théorique calculée sur la base des dimensions géométriques de l'élément étudié. La validation de cette méthode de mesure passe par la réalisation de petits éléments acoustiques de dimensions connues avec de faibles incertitudes (de l'ordre du micromètre pour les dimensions sensibles). Ces faibles incertitudes nécessitent une étude fine de la procédure de fabrication et des techniques d'usinages particulières
Visits to primary care physicians among persons who inject drugs at high risk of hepatitis C virus infection: room for improvement
The role of primary care physicians (PCP) in hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevention is increasingly emphasized. Yet, little is known about the patterns of contacts with PCP among persons who inject drugs (PWID). We sought to assess the 6-month prevalence of PCP visiting among PWID at risk of HCV infection and to explore the associated factors. Baseline data were collected from HCV-seronegative PWID recruited in HEPCO, an observational Hepatitis Cohort study (2004-2011) in Montreal, Canada. An interviewer-administered questionnaire elicited information on socio-demographic factors, drug use patterns and healthcare services utilization. Blood samples were tested for HCV antibodies. Using the Gelberg-Andersen Behavioral Model, hierarchical logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify predisposing, need and enabling factors associated with PCP visiting. Of the 349 participants (mean age = 34; 80.8% male), 32.1% reported visiting a PCP. In the multivariate model, among predisposing factors, male gender [adjusted odds ratio (AOR) = 0.45 (0.25-0.83)], chronic homelessness [AOR = 0.08 (0.01-0.67)], cocaine injection [AOR = 0.46 (0.28-0.76)] and reporting greater illegal or semi-legal income [AOR = 0.48 (0.27-0.85)] were negatively associated with PCP visits. Markers of need were not associated with the outcome. Among enabling factors, contact with street nurses [AOR = 3.86 (1.49-9.90)] and food banks [AOR = 2.01 (1.20-3.37)] was positively associated with PCP visiting. Only one third of participating PWID reported a recent visit to a PCP. While a host of predisposing factors seems to hamper timely contacts with PCP among high-risk PWID, community-based support services may play an important role in initiating dialogue with primary healthcare services in this population
Portraying persons who inject drugs recently infected with hepatitis C accessing antiviral treatment : a cluster analysis
Objectives. To empirically determine a categorization of people who inject drug (PWIDs) recently infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV), in order to identify profiles most likely associated with early HCV treatment uptake. Methods.The study population was composed of HIV-negative PWIDs with a documented recent HCV infection. Eligibility criteria included being 18 years old or over, and having injected drugs in the previous 6 months preceding the estimated date of HCV exposure. Participant classification was carried out using a TwoStep cluster analysis. Results. FromSeptember 2007 to December 2011, 76 participants were included in the study. 60 participants were eligible for HCV treatment. Twenty-one participants initiated HCV treatment.The cluster analysis yielded 4 classes: class 1: Lukewarm health seekers dismissing HCV treatment offer; class 2: multisubstance users willing to shake off the hell; class 3: PWIDs unlinked to health service use; class 4: health seeker PWIDs willing to reverse the fate. Conclusion. Profiles generated by our analysis suggest that prior health care utilization, a key element for treatment uptake, differs between older and younger PWIDs. Such profiles could inform the development of targeted strategies to improve health outcomes and reduce HCV infection among PWIDs
Hepatitis C Virus seroconversion among persons who inject drugs in relation to primary care physician visiting: The potential role of primary healthcare in a combined approach to Hepatitis C prevention
Background: Meaningful reductions in Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) transmission rates among persons who inject drugs (PWID) require a comprehensive prevention approach, including access to harm reduction measures and to healthcare-related interventions, such as HCV screening, testing and antiviral treatment. Little is known, however, about the role of visiting a primary care physician (PCP) in relation to HCV infection risk among PWID, when integrated within a combined prevention approach. This study assessed the association between PCP visiting and HCV seroconversion among PWID attending needle exchange programs (NEP).
Methods: A prospective cohort study, HEPCO, was conducted among active PWID in Montréal (2004-2013). Interviews scheduled at three- or six-month intervals included completion of an interviewer-administered questionnaire, and collection of blood samples for HCV antibody testing. HCV-seronegative participants who reported NEP attendance at baseline and had at least one follow-up visit were eligible for this study. HCV incidence was calculated using the person-time method. Time-varying Cox regression modeling was conducted to evaluate the relationship between self-reported recent PCP visiting and HCV incidence.
Results: At baseline assessment, of 226 participants (80.5% male; median age: 30.6 years), 37.2% reported having recently visited a PCP. During 449.6 person-years of follow-up, 79 participants seroconverted to HCV [incidence rate: 17.6 per 100 person-years, 95% confidence interval (CI): 14.0-21.8]. Covariate-adjusted analyses indicated that visiting a PCP was associated with a lower risk of HCV infection [Adjusted Hazard Ratio: 0.54, 95% CI: 0.31-0.93]. Other independent predictors of HCV infection included unstable housing, cocaine injection and prescription opioid injection.
Conclusion: Among PWID attending NEP, visiting a PCP was associated with a lower risk of HCV infection. Yet, only a minority of participants reported PCP visiting. Efforts to intensify engagement with PCP among PWID could potentially contribute to lower HCV transmission when integrated within a combined approach to prevention
End-of-life care in long-term care homes : a scoping review protocol
Background: Quality end-of-life (EOL) care is essential in long-term care homes (LTCHs), as the
average survival time of newly admitted residents is estimated to be around 2 to 2.5 years.
However, significant challenges exist when it comes to providing EOL clinical care in LTCHs,
and the available empirical evidence does not offer a clear idea of the best practices to adopt.
Aim: To systematically map the state of knowledge on EOL clinical care in LTCHs, as it relates
to people receiving care, family care partners, health care professionals, the characteristics of
the organization, the social context, and the implementation of guides.
Methods: The scoping review method by Levac et al. (2010) will be used. Data will be collected
from multiple sources, including eleven databases using a combination of keywords and
descriptors, references list, prospective and manual searches, and by consulting clinicians and
managers from LTCHs for additional publications. The literature from 2012 and onwards will
be selected if it directly concerns EOL care in LTCHs, with no restriction on the age of residents
or on the type of health care professionals or family care partners. The screening and data
extraction will be performed by two people independently and any discrepancies will be
resolved by consensus. We will also assess the quality of publication with the critical appraisal
tools developed by the Joanna Briggs Institute. We will synthesize the extracted data using
content analysis and consult stakeholders in LTCHs when a first version of the data synthesis
is available to enhance the interpretation of the results based on their experience. We will
present results in narrative form with tables and graphs.
Discussion: The results will provide evidence-based recommendations for clinical practice
when available findings are conclusive and will allow identifying knowledge gaps to orient
future research programs focusing specifically on EOL clinical care in LTCHs
Trajectories of opioid consumption as predictors of patient-reported outcomes among individuals attending multidisciplinary pain treatment clinics
This study aimed to identify opioid consumption trajectories among persons living with chronic pain (CP) and put them in relation to patient-reported outcomes 6 months after initiating multidisciplinary pain treatment.
This study used data from the Quebec Pain Registry (2008–2014) linked to longitudinal Quebec health insurance databases. We included adults diagnosed with CP and covered by the Quebec public prescription drug insurance plan. The daily cumulative opioid doses in the first 6 months after initiating multidisciplinary pain treatment were transformed into morphine milligram equivalents. An individual-centered approach involving principal factor and cluster analyses applied to longitudinal statistical indicators of opioid use was conducted to classify trajectories. Multivariate regression models were applied to evaluate the associations between trajectory group membership and outcomes at 6-month follow-up (pain intensity, pain interference, depression, and physical and mental health-related quality of life).
We identified three trajectories of opioid consumption: “no or very low and stable” opioid consumption (n = 2067, 96.3%), “increasing” opioid consumption (n = 40, 1.9%), and “decreasing” opioid consumption (n = 39, 1.8%). Patients in the “no or very low and stable” trajectory were less likely to be current smokers, experience polypharmacy, use opioids or benzodiazepine preceding their first visit, or experience pain interference at treatment initiation. Patients in the “increasing” opioid consumption group had significantly greater depression scores at 6-month compared to patients in the “no or very low and stable” trajectory group.
Opioid consumption trajectories do not seem to be important determinants of most PROs 6 months after initiating multidisciplinary pain treatment
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