18 research outputs found

    Two applications of the curve lemma for orthogonal groups

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    We show (under some hypothesis in small dimensions) that the analytic degree of the divisor of a modular form on the orthogonal group O(2,p) is determined by its weight. Moreover, we prove that certain integrals, occurring in Arakelov intersection theory, associated with modular forms on O(2,p) converge.Comment: 16 page

    On the injectivity of the Kudla-Millson lift and surjectivity of the Borcherds lift

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    We consider the Kudla-Millson lift from elliptic modular forms of weight (p+q)/2 to closed q-forms on locally symmetric spaces corresponding to the orthogonal group O(p,q). We study the L²-norm of the lift following the Rallis inner product formula. We compute the contribution at the Archimedian place. For locally symmetric spaces associated to even unimodular lattices, we obtain an explicit formula for the L²-norm of the lift, which often implies that the lift is injective. For O(p,2) we discuss how such injectivity results imply the surjectivity of the Borcherds lift

    Borcherds products on O(2,l) and Chern classes of Heegner divisors

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    Around 1994 R. Borcherds discovered a new type of meromorphic modular form on the orthogonal group O(2,n)O(2,n). These "Borcherds products" have infinite product expansions analogous to the Dedekind eta-function. They arise as multiplicative liftings of elliptic modular forms on (SL)2(R)(SL)_2(R). The fact that the zeros and poles of Borcherds products are explicitly given in terms of Heegner divisors makes them interesting for geometric and arithmetic applications. In the present text the Borcherds' construction is extended to Maass wave forms and is used to study the Chern classes of Heegner divisors. A converse theorem for the lifting is proved

    Borcherds products and arithmetic intersection theory on Hilbert modular surfaces

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    We prove an arithmetic version of a theorem of Hirzebruch and Zagier saying that Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors on a Hilbert modular surface are the coefficients of an elliptic modular form of weight 2. Moreover, we determine the arithmetic selfintersection number of the line bundle of modular forms equipped with its Petersson metric on a regular model of a Hilbert modular surface, and we study Faltings heights of arithmetic Hirzebruch-Zagier divisors