61 research outputs found

    Treino cognitivo em idosos e efeitos nas funções executivas

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    El envejecimiento se asocia comúnmente con el deterioro cognitivo y la pérdida de otras capacidades, lo cual conlleva la necesidad de investigar elementos que puedan contribuir a las intervenciones preventivas de rehabilitación cognitiva y que tienen como objetivo garantizar la calidad de vida de los ancianos. El objetivo de este estudio fue caracterizar ancianos que se inscribieron en esta intervención, para medir los efectos del entrenamiento cognitivo, con énfasis en las funciones ejecutivas, comparando un grupo experimental con un grupo control. Se trata de una investigación cuantitativa, con un diseño cuasi-experimental; es correlacional y comparativa, con pre y post-test e intervención. La muestra estuvo conformada por 83 ancianos, dividida en un grupo experimental (GE) (45 personas) y un grupo control (GC) (38 personas). Se utilizaron los siguientes instrumentos: entrevista neuropsicológica semiestructurada sobre características sociodemográficas; Examen Mínimo del Estado Mental (Mini Mental State o MMSE, por sus siglas en inglés); Inventario de Ansiedad Beck (BAI, por sus siglas en inglés); Escala de Depresión Geriátrica (GDS, por sus siglas en inglés); subpruebas WAIS-III: prueba de amplitud de dígitos (Digit Span), vocabulario, diseño con bloques, codificación, Secuenciación de Letras y Números (LNS por sus siglas en inglés), y la búsqueda de símbolos; Test de Trazos (TMT por sus siglas en inglés); Figuras Complejas de Rey; Paradigma de Sternberg; tareas de fluidez verbal sobre semántica (animales) y fonemas (F-A-S); Prueba de Aprendizaje Verbal-auditiva de Rey (RVLT por sus siglas en inglés); Prueba de Stroop: colores y palabras; tareas ir/no ir; y Test Wisconsin de Clasificación de Cartas (WCST por sus siglas en inglés). Los resultados de la comparación entre los grupos mostraron que hubo una diferencia significativa en cuanto al número de errores en el Paradigma de Sternberg y las categorías completas del WCST. Las comparaciones intragrupales mostraron que el GE tuvo mejores resultados después de la intervención en las siguientes pruebas: GDS, RAVLT, Figuras Complejas de Rey (memoria), prueba de amplitud de dígitos y vocabulario.O envelhecimento está comumente relacionado ao declínio cognitivo e a outras perdas de diferentes habilidades, o que aponta a necessidade de buscar elementos que possam contribuir para intervenções preventivas de reabilitação cognitiva, que tenham como objetivo assegurar uma melhor qualidade de vida do idoso. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar os idosos participantes, mensurar os efeitos do treino cognitivo, com ênfase nas funções executivas, comparados a um grupo controle. Trata-se de uma pesquisa do tipo quantitativa, com delineamento quase experimental, correlacional e comparativa com pré e pós-teste e de intervenção. Houve grupo controle para comparação. A mostra foi composta por 83 idosos da população geral, divididos em 45 idosos que fizeram parte do Grupo Experimental (GE) e 38 idosos participantes do Grupo Controle (GC). Instrumentos utilizados: Entrevista neuropsicológica sociodemográfica; Mini Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM); Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck (BAI); Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (GDS); Subtestes Dígitos, Vocabulário, Cubos, Código, Sequência Números e Letras (SNL); Procurar Símbolos (WAIS-III) ; Trail Makint Test (TMT); Figuras Complexas de Rey; Paradigma de Sternberg; Tarefas de fluência verbal (letras F, A, S); Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RVLT); Teste Stroop; Tarefas go-no-go e Teste Wisconsin (WCST). Os resultados mostraram na comparação entre os grupos, que houve diferença significativa quanto à variação no número de erros no Paradigma de Sternberg, Categorias Completadas do WCST e Procurar Símbolos. Nas comparações intragrupo, o Grupo Experimental melhorou significativamente os escores após a intervenção dos instrumentos GDS, RAVLT, Figuras Complexas de Rey–memória, Dígitos OD, Dígitos Total e Vocabulário.Aging is commonly associated with cognitive decline and loss of other abilities, which leads to the need for researching elements that may contribute to preventive cognitive rehabilitation interventions aiming to guarantee the elderly a good quality of life. The objective of this study is to characterize elderly who enrolled in this intervention, to measure the effects of cognitive training with emphasis on executive functions, by comparing an Experimental to a Control group. This is a quantitative research that used a quasi-experimental design; it is correlational and comparative, involving pre- and posttesting and intervention. The sample was formed by 83 elders, split into an Experimental Group (EG) (45 people) and a Control Group (GC) (38 people). The instruments used were the following: a neuropsychological semi-structured interview about sociodemographic characteristics; Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE); Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI); Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS); WAIS-III subtests: Digit Span, Vocabulary, Block Design, Coding, Letter-Number Sequencing (LNS), and Symbol Search; Trail Making Test (TMT); Ray Complex Figures; Sternberg Paradigm; verbal fluency tasks about semantics (animals) and phonemes (F-A-S); Rey Auditory-Verbal Learning Test (RVLT); Stroop Test: colors and words; go/ no go tasks; and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST). The results from the comparison between groups showed that there was a significant difference regarding the number of errors in the Sternberg Paradigm and Completed Categories of the WCST. Intragroup comparisons showed that the EG had better results after the intervention on the following tests: GDS, RAVLT, Rey Complex Figures (memory), Digit Span and Vocabulary

    Brain metabolism and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers profile of non-amnestic mild cognitive impairment in comparison to amnestic mild cognitive impairment and normal older subjects

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    Abstract\ud \ud Introduction\ud Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is classically considered a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia. Non-amnestic MCI (naMCI) patients, however, typically demonstrate cognitive deficits other than memory decline. Furthermore, as a group, naMCI have a lower rate of an eventual dementia diagnosis as compared to amnestic subtypes of MCI (aMCI). Unfortunately, studies investigating biomarker profiles of naMCI are scarce. The study objective was to investigate the regional brain glucose metabolism (rBGM) with [18F]FDG-PET and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers in subjects with naMCI as compared to a control group (CG) and aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Ninety-five patients were included in three different groups: naMCI (N = 32), aMCI (N = 33) and CG (N = 30). Patients underwent brain MRI and [18F]FDG-PET. A subsample (naMCI = 26, aMCI = 28) also had an assessment of amyloid-β, tau, and phosphorylated tau levels in the CSF.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Both MCI groups had lower rBGM in relation to the CG in the precuneus. Subjects with naMCI showed decreased right prefrontal metabolism as well as higher levels of CSF amyloid-β relative to aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud While amnestic MCI subjects showed a biomarker profile classically related to MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease, naMCI patients illustrated a decrease in both prefrontal hypometabolism and higher CSF amyloid-β levels relative to the aMCI group. These biomarker findings indicate that naMCI is probably a heterogeneous group with similar precuneus hypometabolism compared to aMCI, but additional frontal hypometabolism and less amyloid-β deposition in the brain. Clinical follow-up and reappraisal of biomarkers of the naMCI group is needed to determine the outcome and probable etiological diagnosis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) numbers 2011/18245-4 and 2009/17398-1 in BrazilCoordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)/Brazi

    Brain metabolism and cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers profile of non-amnestic mild cognitive impairment in comparison to amnestic mild cognitive impairment and normal older subjects

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    Abstract\ud \ud Introduction\ud Mild cognitive impairment (MCI) is classically considered a transitional stage between normal aging and dementia. Non-amnestic MCI (naMCI) patients, however, typically demonstrate cognitive deficits other than memory decline. Furthermore, as a group, naMCI have a lower rate of an eventual dementia diagnosis as compared to amnestic subtypes of MCI (aMCI). Unfortunately, studies investigating biomarker profiles of naMCI are scarce. The study objective was to investigate the regional brain glucose metabolism (rBGM) with [18F]FDG-PET and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers in subjects with naMCI as compared to a control group (CG) and aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Methods\ud Ninety-five patients were included in three different groups: naMCI (N = 32), aMCI (N = 33) and CG (N = 30). Patients underwent brain MRI and [18F]FDG-PET. A subsample (naMCI = 26, aMCI = 28) also had an assessment of amyloid-β, tau, and phosphorylated tau levels in the CSF.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud Both MCI groups had lower rBGM in relation to the CG in the precuneus. Subjects with naMCI showed decreased right prefrontal metabolism as well as higher levels of CSF amyloid-β relative to aMCI subjects.\ud \ud \ud Conclusion\ud While amnestic MCI subjects showed a biomarker profile classically related to MCI due to Alzheimer’s disease, naMCI patients illustrated a decrease in both prefrontal hypometabolism and higher CSF amyloid-β levels relative to the aMCI group. These biomarker findings indicate that naMCI is probably a heterogeneous group with similar precuneus hypometabolism compared to aMCI, but additional frontal hypometabolism and less amyloid-β deposition in the brain. Clinical follow-up and reappraisal of biomarkers of the naMCI group is needed to determine the outcome and probable etiological diagnosis.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) numbers 2011/18245-4 and 2009/17398-1 in BrazilCoordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES)/Brazi