132 research outputs found

    Personal Computing for the Visually Impaired

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    The problem of providing feedback from the computer to a visually impaired user is examined. The use of traditional tactile input and output (Braille) is described. The limitations of voice output are discussed, and difficulties posed by complicated screen formats and screen review are considered

    A Visualization Model For Massively Parallel Algorithms

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    A visualization model has been developed to analyze the performance of a massively parallel algorithm. Most visualization tools that have been developed so far for performance analysis are based generally on individual processor information and communication patterns. These tools, however, are inadequate for massively parallel computations. It is difficult to comprehend the visual information for many processors. The model, SMILI (Scientific visualization in Multicomputing for Interpretation of Large amounts of Information), addresses this problem by using abstract representations to attain a composite picture which gives better insight to the behavior of the algorithm. Chernoff s Faces have been selected to represent the multidimensional data because of their ability to portray multidimensional data in a very perceptible manner. SMILI has been used on an asynchronous massively parallel PDE (partial differential equation) solver that is based on the multigrid paradigm. The visualization tool helps in tuning the control parameters of the multigrid algorithm to get optimal results

    Security Property Violation in CPS Through Timing

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    Security in a cyber-physical system (CPS) is not well understood. Interactions between components in the cyber and physical domains lead to unintended information flow. This paper makes use of formal information flow models to describe leakage in a model CPS, the Cooperating FACTS Power System. Results show that while a casual observer cannot ascertain confidential internal information, when application semantics, including timing, are considered, this confidentiality is lost. Model checking is used to verify the result. The significance of the paper is in showing an example of the complex interactions that occur between the Cyber and Physical domains and their impact on security

    Using Temporal Subsumption for Developing Efficient Error-Detecting Distributed Algorithms

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    Distributed algorithms can use executable assertions derived from program verification to detect errors at run-time. However, a complete verification proof outline contains a large number of assertions, and embedding all of them into the program to be checked at run-time would make error-detection very inefficient. The technique of temporal subsumption examines the dependencies between the individual assertions along program execution paths. In contrast to classical subsumption, where all logical expressions to be examined are true simultaneously, an assertion need only be true when the corresponding statement in the distributed program has been executed. Thus, temporal subsumption based on the set of assertions derived from a verification proof and in combination with the set of all legal states in the system, allows for the removal of (partial) assertions along execution sequences. We assume a fault model of Byzantine (malicious) behavior, and therefore an individual process cannot check itself for faults. We assume that a non-faulty process will always perform the correct computation so that once external data (obtained through communication) has been verified, the local computation does not need to be checked. A non-faulty process can thus detect faults produced by a faulty process based on the information it receives from it

    Relaxing Synchronization in Distributed Simulated Annealing

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    Simulated annealing is an attractive, but expensive, heuristic for approximating the solution to combinatorial optimization problems. Since simulated annealing is a general purpose method, it can be applied to the broad range of NP-complete problems such as the traveling salesman problem, graph theory, and cell placement with a careful control of the cooling schedule. Attempts to parallelize simulated annealing, particularly on distributed memory multicomputers, are hampered by the algorithm’s requirement of a globally consistent system state. In a multicomputer, maintaining the global state S involves explicit message traffic and is a critical performance bottleneck. One way to mitigate this bottleneck is to amortize the overhead of these state updates over as many parallel state changes as possible. By using this technique, errors in the actual cost C(S) of a particular state S will be introduced into the annealing process. This dissertation places analytically derived bounds on the cost error in order to assure convergence to the correct result. The resulting parallel Simulated Annealing algorithm dynamically changes the frequency of global updates as a function of the annealing control parameter, i.e. temperature. Implementation results on an Intel iPSC/2 are reported

    Expectations for Associative-Commutative Unification Speedups in a Multicomputer Environment

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    An essential element of automated deduction systems is unification algorithms which identify general substitutions and when applied to two expressions, make them identical. However, functions which are associative and commutative, such as the usual addition and multiplication functions, often arise in term rewriting systems, program verification, the theory of abstract data types and logic programming. The introduction to the associative and commutative equality axioms together with standard unification brings with it problems of termination and unreasonably large search spaces. One way around these problems is to remove the troublesome axioms from the system and to employ a unification algorithm which unifies modulo the axioms of associativity and commutativity. Unlike standard unification, the associative-commutative (AC) unification of two expressions can lead to the formation of many most general unifiers. A report is presented on a hybrid AC unification algorithm which has been implemented to run in parallel on an Intel iPSC/

    Relaxing Synchronization in Distributed Simulated Annealing

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    This paper presents a cost error measurement scheme and relaxed synchronization method, for simulated annealing on a distributed memory multicomputer, which predicts the amount of cost error that an algorithm will tolerate. An adaptive error control method is developed and implemented on an Intel iPSC/

    Fault-Tolerant Ring Embeddings in Hypercubes -- A Reconfigurable Approach

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    We investigate the problem of designing reconfigurable embedding schemes for a fixed hypercube (without redundant processors and links). The fundamental idea for these schemes is to embed a basic network on the hypercube without fully utilizing the nodes on the hypercube. The remaining nodes can be used as spares to reconfigure the embeddings in case of faults. The result of this research shows that by carefully embedding the application graphs, the topological properties of the embedding can be preserved under fault conditions, and reconfiguration can be carried out efficiently. In this dissertation, we choose the ring as the basic network of interest, and propose several schemes for the design of reconfigurable embeddings with the aim of minimizing reconfiguration cost and performance degradation. The cost is measured by the number of node-state changes or reconfiguration steps needed for processing of the reconfiguration, and the performance degradation is characterized as the dilation of the new embedding after reconfiguration. Compared to the existing schemes, our schemes surpass the existing ones in terms of applicability of schemes and reconfiguration cost needed for the resulting embeddings
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