215 research outputs found

    Transcription factor distribution in Escherichia coli: studies with FNR protein

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    Using chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) and high-density microarrays, we have measured the distribution of the global transcription regulator protein, FNR, across the entire Escherichia coli chromosome in exponentially growing cells. Sixty-three binding targets, each located at the 5′ end of a gene, were identified. Some targets are adjacent to poorly transcribed genes where FNR has little impact on transcription. In stationary phase, the distribution of FNR was largely unchanged. Control experiments showed that, like FNR, the distribution of the nucleoid-associated protein, IHF, is little altered when cells enter stationary phase, whilst RNA polymerase undergoes a complete redistribution

    Transcription activation in Escherichia coli and Salmonella

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    Promoter-specific activation of transcript initiation provides an important regulatory device in Escherichia coli and Salmonella. Here, we describe the different mechanisms that operate, focusing on how they have evolved to manage the "housekeeping" bacterial transcription machinery. Some mechanisms involve assisting the bacterial DNA-dependent RNA polymerase or replacing or remodeling one of its subunits. Others are directed to chromosomal DNA, improving promoter function, or relieving repression. We discuss how different activators work together at promoters and how the present complex network of transcription factors evolved

    Exploitation of the Escherichia coli lac operon promoter for controlled recombinant protein production

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    The Escherichia coli lac operon promoter is widely used as a tool to control recombinant protein production in bacteria. Here we give a brief review of how it functions, how it is regulated, and how, based on this knowledge, a suite of lac promoter derivatives has been developed to give controlled expression that is suitable for diverse biotechnology applications

    Laboratory strains of Escherichia coli K-12: not such perfect role models after all.

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    Escherichia coli K-12 was originally isolated 100 years ago and since then, it has become an invaluable model organism and a cornerstone of molecular biology research. However, despite its apparent pedigree, since its initial isolation, E. coli K-12 has been repeatedly cultured, passaged, and mutagenized, resulting in an organism that carries extensive genetic changes. To understand more about the evolution of this important model organism, we have sequenced the genomes of two ancestral K-12 strains, WG1 and EMG2, considered to be the progenitors of many key laboratory strains. Our analysis confirms that these strains still carry genetic elements such as bacteriophage lambda ({lambda}) and the F plasmid, but also indicates that they have undergone extensive lab-based evolution. Thus, scrutinizing the genomes of ancestral E. coli K-12 strains, leads us to question whether E. coli K-12 is a sufficiently robust model organism for 21st century microbiology

    Laboratory strains of Escherichia coli K-12: things are seldom what they seem

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    Escherichia coli K-12 was originally isolated 100 years ago and since then it has become an invaluable model organism and a cornerstone of molecular biology research. However, despite its pedigree, since its initial isolation E. coli K-12 has been repeatedly cultured, passaged and mutagenized, resulting in an organism that carries many genetic changes. To understand more about this important model organism, we have sequenced the genomes of two ancestral K-12 strains, WG1 and EMG2, considered to be the progenitors of many key laboratory strains. Our analysis confirms that these strains still carry genetic elements such as bacteriophage lambda (λ) and the F plasmid, but also indicates that they have undergone extensive laboratory-based evolution. Thus, scrutinizing the genomes of ancestral E. coli K-12 strains leads us to examine whether E. coli K-12 is a sufficiently robust model organism for 21st century microbiology

    Laboratory strains of Escherichia coli K-12: not such perfect role models after all

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    Escherichia coli K-12 was originally isolated 100 years ago and since then, it has become an invaluable model organism and a cornerstone of molecular biology research. However, despite its apparent pedigree, since its initial isolation, E. coli K-12 has been repeatedly cultured, passaged, and mutagenized, resulting in an organism that carries extensive genetic changes. To understand more about the evolution of this important model organism, we have sequenced the genomes of two ancestral K-12 strains, WG1 and EMG2, considered to be the progenitors of many key laboratory strains. Our analysis confirms that these strains still carry genetic elements such as bacteriophage lambda (λ) and the F plasmid, but also indicates that they have undergone extensive lab-based evolution. Thus, scrutinizing the genomes of ancestral E. coli K-12 strains, leads us to question whether E. coli K-12 is a sufficiently robust model organism for 21st century microbiology

    Size and conformation limits to secretion of disulfide-bonded loops in autotransporter proteins

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    Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence factors typified by a channel-forming C terminus that facilitates translocation of the functional N-terminal passenger domain across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. This final step in the secretion of autotransporters requires a translocation-competent conformation for the passenger domain that differs markedly from the structure of the fully folded secreted protein. The nature of the translocation-competent conformation remains controversial, in particular whether the passenger domain can adopt secondary structural motifs, such as disulfide- bonded segments, while maintaining a secretion-competent state. Here, we used the endogenous and closely spaced cysteine residues of the plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) from enteroaggregative Escherichia coli to investigate the effect of disulfide bond-induced folding on translocation of an auto-transporter passenger domain. We reveal that rigid structural elements within disulfide-bonded segments are resistant to autotransporter-mediated secretion. We define the size limit of disulfide-bonded segments tolerated by the autotransporter system demonstrating that, when present, cysteine pairs are intrinsically closely spaced to prevent congestion of the translocator pore by large disulfide-bonded regions. These latter data strongly support the hairpin mode of autotransporter biogenesis

    Size and conformation limits to secretion of disulfide-bonded loops in autotransporter proteins

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    Autotransporters are a superfamily of virulence factors typified by a channel-forming C terminus that facilitates translocation of the functional N-terminal passenger domain across the outer membrane of Gram-negative bacteria. This final step in the secretion of autotransporters requires a translocation-competent conformation for the passenger domain that differs markedly from the structure of the fully folded secreted protein. The nature of the translocation-competent conformation remains controversial, in particular whether the passenger domain can adopt secondary structural motifs, such as disulfide- bonded segments, while maintaining a secretion-competent state. Here, we used the endogenous and closely spaced cysteine residues of the plasmid-encoded toxin (Pet) from enteroaggregative Escherichia coli to investigate the effect of disulfide bond-induced folding on translocation of an auto-transporter passenger domain. We reveal that rigid structural elements within disulfide-bonded segments are resistant to autotransporter-mediated secretion. We define the size limit of disulfide-bonded segments tolerated by the autotransporter system demonstrating that, when present, cysteine pairs are intrinsically closely spaced to prevent congestion of the translocator pore by large disulfide-bonded regions. These latter data strongly support the hairpin mode of autotransporter biogenesis

    New Vectors for Urea-Inducible Recombinant Protein Production

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    We have developed a novel urea-inducible recombinant protein production system by exploiting the Proteus mirabilis urease ureR-ureD promoter region and the ureR AraC-family transcriptional regulator. Experiments using the expression of β-galactosidase and green fluorescent protein (GFP) showed that promoter activity is tightly regulated and that varying the concentration of urea can give up to 100-fold induction. Production of proteins of biopharmaceutical interest has been demonstrated, including human growth hormone (hGH), a single chain antibody fragment (scFv) against interleukin-1β and a potential Neisserial vaccine candidate (BamAENm). Expression levels can be fine-tuned by temperature and different urea concentrations, and can be induced with readily available garden fertilisers and even urine. As urea is an inexpensive, stable inducer, a urea-induced expression system has the potential to considerably reduce the costs of large-scale recombinant protein production

    Escherichia coli ‘TatExpress’ strains super-secrete human growth hormone into the bacterial periplasm by the Tat pathway

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    Numerous high-value proteins are secreted into the Escherichia coli periplasm by the General Secretory (Sec) pathway, but Sec-based production chassis cannot handle many potential target proteins. The Tat pathway offers a promising alternative because it transports fully folded proteins; however, yields have been too low for commercial use. To facilitate Tat export, we have engineered the TatExpress series of super-secreting strains by introducing the strong inducible bacterial promoter, ptac, upstream of the chromosomal tatABCD operon, to drive its expression in E. coli strains commonly used by industry (e.g. W3110 and BL21). This modification significantly improves the Tat-dependent secretion of human growth hormone (hGH) into the bacterial periplasm, to the extent that secreted hGH is the dominant periplasmic protein after only 1?h induction. TatExpress strains accumulate in excess of 30?mg?L?1 periplasmic recombinant hGH, even in shake flask cultures. A second target protein, an scFv, is also shown to be exported at much higher rates in TatExpress strain
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