11,524 research outputs found

    Changing children’s intergroup attitudes towards refugees: Testing different models of extended contact

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    The present research evaluated an intervention, derived from the "extended contact hypothesis," which aimed to change children's intergroup attitudes toward refugees. The study (n=253) tested 3 models of extended contact among 5- to 11-year-old children: dual identity, common ingroup identity, and decategorization. Children read friendship stories based upon these models featuring in- and outgroup members. Outgroup attitudes were significantly more positive in the extended contact conditions, compared with the control, and this was mediated by "inclusion of other in self." The dual identity intervention was the most effective extended contact model at improving outgroup attitudes. The effect of condition on outgroup intended behavior was moderated by subgroup identity. Implications for theoretically based prejudice-reduction interventions among children are discussed

    Emerging Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio campbellii pathogens in Georgia Waters

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    In the face of global warming and ocean acidification, waterborne pathogens are geographically expanding and rapidly evolving. The Vibrio genus contains a number of pathogens of humans and aquatic animals, many of which benefit from elevated temperatures and low pH conditions. Vibrio harveyi and Vibrio campbellii belong to the Harveyi clade and are barely distinguishable upon their genetic make-up. Natively found in warm waters of Asia and South America, these species are well-established pathogens that infect fish, shrimp, and mollusks. Due to climate change, the Southeastern United States is potentially becoming an accommodating environment for these pathogens, however this has never been previously documented. In addition to using selective growth media for definitive pathogen detection, V. harveyi and V. campbellii-specific virulence genes, including toxR, luxR, vhh, vhh(a), srp, vhp, and rpoA, have been chosen for quantitative PCR analysis of environmental samples. Sediment and water were monitored for their presence and concentration at three sites around Townsend, GA. In summer 2022 monitoring, all seven genes were detected but their profiles and concentrations varied between sites, media, and sampling events. In water, toxR, luxR, srp, and rpoA were detected in 83% of the sites, and vhh(a), vhp, and vhh were detected in 100% with average gene copy concentrations from 10^2 to 10^8. In sediment, srp, vhh(a), and rpoA were detected in 83% of the sites and toxR, luxR, vhp, and vhh were detected in 100% of the sites with copy numbers from 10^1 to 10^9. These results evidenced that V. harveyi and V. campbellii inhabit Georgia coastal waters in high numbers. Additional data obtained in a supplemental study suggested their presence in oysters and clams. They also evidenced that not all previously published target genes are suitable for detection of these pathogens

    State-Augmented Mutating Particle Filtering for Fault Detection and Diagnosis

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    This research develops a model-based particle filter algorithm for quickly detecting sudden faults in dynamic systems. Faults are defined as the abnormal behavior or failure of the system components. This novel method avoids the numerical issues of some other model-based methods. It also allows the fault magnitudes to take on continuous values, instead of constraining them to discrete values. The multiple-model particle filter (MMPF) and interacting multiple-model particle filter (IMMPF) techniques are tested on a nuclear reactor pressurizer system for the detection of loss-of-coolant accidents (LOCA). The drawbacks of these methods leads us to the develop the novel algorithm: the state-augmented mutating particle filter (SAMPF), which uses random walk techniques. The SAMPF detects sudden faults faster than conventional random walk techniques. Choosing the proper parameters for the algorithm is considered. The performance of the SAMPF is compared to that of the IMMPF for the pressurizer system. The SAMPF is superior to the IMMPF in fault diagnosis accuracy and consistency

    Visual Responses in Mice Lacking Critical Components of All Known Retinal Phototransduction Cascades

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    The mammalian visual system relies upon light detection by outer-retinal rod/cone photoreceptors and melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells. Gnat1(-/-); Cnga3(-/-); Opn4(-/-) mice lack critical elements of each of these photoreceptive mechanisms via targeted disruption of genes encoding rod alpha transducin (Gnat1); the cone-specific alpha 3 cyclic nucleotide gated channel subunit (Cnga3); and melanopsin (Opn4). Although assumed blind, we show here that these mice retain sufficiently widespread retinal photoreception to drive a reproducible flash electroretinogram (ERG). The threshold sensitivity of this ERG is similar to that of cone-based responses, however it is lost under light adapted conditions. Its spectral efficiency is consistent with that of rod opsin, but not cone opsins or melanopsin, indicating that it originates with light absorption by the rod pigment. The TKO light response survives intravitreal injection of U73122 (a phospholipase C antagonist), but is inhibited by a missense mutation of cone alpha transducin (Gnat2(cpfl3)), suggesting Gnat2-dependence. Visual responses in TKO mice extend beyond the retina to encompass the lateral margins of the lateral geniculate nucleus and components of the visual cortex. Our data thus suggest that a Gnat1-independent phototransduction mechanism downstream of rod opsin can support relatively widespread responses in the mammalian visual system. This anomalous rod opsin-based vision should be considered in experiments relying upon Gnat1 knockout to silence rod phototransduction

    Genetic Management and Selective Breeding in Farmed Populations of Gilthead Seabream (Sparus aurata)

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    Gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is one of the most important species of intensively reared fish in the Mediterranean region. Its short history of domestication, along with the need to develop markets, new products and efficiency in the production process, has resulted in an increased interest in the potential genetic improvement of this species. Little work has so far been directed at establishing the procedures for selective breeding in gilthead seabream at a commercial level, although genetic parameters calculated in other studies have indicated that there is a large potential for improvement in certain traits. Selective breeding of commercial gilthead seabream populations is constrained by aspects of the biology that complicate the production of genetic groups and the maintenance of same-age offspring populations. The aim of this thesis was to develop a protocol for the selective breeding of gilthead seabream, specifically to serve a commercial hatchery and on-growing unit in Cyprus, where the fieldwork was carried out. The hatchery broodstock was monitored over a three-year period to identify the rate of sex reversal in introduced fish and to quantify the sex ratio of the stock over time. The analysis of the egg production records was used to evaluate the success of photoperiod manipulation in each group. Size variation in the larval and juvenile stages is a common problem in the rearing of gilthead seabream, leading to cannibalism and labour-intensive sorting operations. Studies on larval populations, from first feeding through to metamorphosis, indicated the origin of size variation was the differences in early feeding ability. The size advantages could be maintained throughout the larval period. During the juvenile stage of the farm production system, a method to standardise the size sorting of populations by grading was developed in order to counter environmental effects of separating groups of fish. Using this method, grading would be suitable to form the first stage of a selection programme for growth rate. The potential gain of selection for growth rate during the on-growing stage was very high, using a simulated criterion and previous estimates of heritability. Other possible quality traits for selection were also examined and quantified in the hatchery populations. Existing and specifically developed microsatellite markers were used for the assignment of offspring to parents from mass spawning of the hatchery broodstock. The effective population size of single spawning events were found to be low and determined by a high variation in contribution to mass spawning. Contribution was found to be significantly linked to body size, which led to the formation of a replacement policy for the broodstock to maximise spawning performance. Survival of individual families through the larval period was also examined. Based on the results of the experimental work, a two-stage selection programme was designed, along with the presentation of specific procedures for each stage of the production system. This project makes recommendations on various strategies that can increase the effective population size within a selection programme and these are discussed as part of the genetic management of hatchery populations. Significant progress has also been made in the use of genetic markers in monitoring the rate of inbreeding and contribution of individual broodfish, which are considered essential in this species

    My Job is to Live My Life, Not Save Yours: The Ordinariness and Emotional Labor of Queer Masculinity in Netflixs Queer Eye

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    The current study examines contemporary understandings of Queer masculinity through a textual and audience analysis of Netflix\u27s Queer Eye: More then a Makeover. I begin by situating this project within the context of media studeis. From there, I engage with literature surrounding the representaitons of differing genders and sexualities in reality television shows. Using the theory of ordinariness (Cavalcante, 2018) and the theory of reflexivity (Sender, 2012), I argue that Netflix\u27s Queer Eye represents a subtle shift in the representaiton of Queer men in television as ordinary and everyday. Audiences understood this presentaiton as Netflix\u27s Fav Five\u27s ordinariness as confidence and through reflexive engagements with the series, came to expect the Fav Five to perform emotional labor on themselves in order to construct an actuated self. Audiences also deploy reflexivity to complicate their engagements with Netflix\u27s Queer Eye through believability, queer representation, and anti-fandom
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