828 research outputs found

    European markets for NFC: supply and demand issues

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    orange juice, NFC, Europe, supply, demand, Agribusiness,

    Players\u27 Responses to and Primary Caregivers\u27 Perceptions of Authoritarian and Authoritative Coaching in the Inner-City

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    An abundance of research in sport-based positive youth development (PYD) indicates that coaches should be positive, promote autonomy-supportive and authoritative coaching styles, and caution the use of authoritarian leadership, while too often ignoring elements of authoritarian leadership such as discipline and structure. However, most of the studies conducted targeted middle-upper socioeconomic status (SES) suburban, White populations, with little emphasis on the inner-city underserved context. Parenting and teaching literature provides strong support for authoritarian styles in the underserved setting (Hartman & Manfa, 2015; Smetana, 2011). Similarly, the few studies conducted in the underserved sport settings show support of authoritarian styles (Brown et al., in preparation; Cowan et al., 2012; Flett et al., 2012; Flett et al., 2013; Richardson, 2012). The purpose of this study is to extend the previous year\u27s season-long qualitative study of a single girl\u27s basketball team (Brown et al., in preparation) to include perspectives from parents of that team and quantitative surveys from players across the league.;Participants included five head coaches with 14.2 years of experience and 80 players from the five teams in the league. The study incorporated interviews with six parental/primary caregivers from Team C; and quantitative surveys for players in the league. An abductive approach was used to develop thematic categories from the interview data (Miles, Huberman, & Saldana, 2014).;Quantitative results revealed that players are improving life skill development over time. Additionally, in order for coaches to have the biggest impact, they must use authoritative coaching styles and foster a caring and mastery climate. More importantly, results indicated that authoritarian coaching was a unique predictor of life skills development, however, it did not affect life skill development in a negative or positive manner. Qualitative results revealed that parents/primary caregivers relied on the coach as a unique source of support and guidance to supplement, complement or compensate their adolescent\u27s home life. Additionally, parents/primary caregivers strongly preferred authoritarian coaching combined with authoritative components to instill values and positively influence life skill development

    An Analysis of materials suitable for use as a pitfall trap in a desert environment

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    The purpose of this study is to identify a type of pitfall trap container that can withstand the temperature extremes of the Mojave Desert in which the terrestrial, or above ground, drift fence with pitfall traps will be utilized for trapping reptiles. A pitfall trap is a container, such as a plastic bucket with a plastic lid, that is buried in the ground up to the lip of the bucket and used to catch small ground dwelling fauna that fall into the trap. Many different pitfall trap materials have been utilized in the trapping of small ground-dwelling fauna. Plastic has been the most common material used in pitfall trap containers, or buckets, in many different climates around the world. However, plastic is probably a very inefficient material for pitfall trap containers utilized in a desert environment due to extremely dry conditions and extreme temperature fluctuations. Pitfall trap containers have been used for trapping small ground-dwelling fauna in many regions of the world. Plastic pitfall trap containers have been a common trapping method utilized for trapping small ground-dwelling fauna. Plastic buckets and other containers are used in reptile surveys in order for scientists to survey the health and well being of individual reptiles. Reptiles are examined, weighed and measured

    Alfred Hitchcock Presents; `Propaganda\u27 : A Rhetorical Study of Alfred Hitchcock\u27s World War II Propaganda Films

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    Alfred Hitchcock is a well known filmmaker whose work has been often studied by English, communication, and film scholars. However, those examining Hitchcock seem to have pet favorites of films they deem worthy of study. This thesis examines the lesser-known propaganda films of Alfred Hitchcock made for the British Ministry of Information in 1944. Bon Voyage and Aventure Malgache each tell a story of intrigue and adventure in French territory during the German occupation and Vichy government of World War II. However, after the MOI waited almost the entire war to have propaganda made by Alfred Hitchcock, the films were not circulated to the extent expected (Aventure Malgache was never released at all). In this paper, the Narrative Paradigm proposed by Walter Fisher is used to rhetorically analyze the films. Using Fisher\u27s concepts of coherence and fidelity, as well as an investigation into the themes and values of the films, the narratives are critiqued for clues as to the MOI\u27s less than enthusiastic reaction

    Enumerating spanning trees

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    In 1889 Arthur Cayley stated his well-known and widely used theorem that there are n° - 2 trees on n labeled vertices [6, p. 70]. Since he originally stated it, the theorem has received much attention: people have proved it in many different ways. In this paper we consider three of these proofs. The first is an algebraic . result using Kirchhoff s Matrix Tree theorem. The second proof shows a one-to-one correspondence between trees on labeled vertices and sequences known as Prufer codes. The final proof involves degree sequences and multinomial coefficients. In addition, we extend each of these three proofs to find a result for the number·of spanning trees on the complete bipartite graph, and extend the first two results to count the number of spanning trees on the complete tripartite graph. We conclude with a brief generalization to the number of spanning trees on the complete k-partite graph

    Trayvon Martin and Election 2012 Social Media Messaging: An Analysis of Framing, Rhetoric, and Media Types in Online Messages by Civil Rights Organizations

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    This content analysis study explored framing, rhetoric, and media types used by the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, National Urban League, National Action Network, and ColorOfChange.org in website and social media messages posted during the Trayvon Martin case and Election 2012. It also examined the mainstream print news media coverage these civil rights organizations generated. On February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman, a 28 year old White and Hispanic male, fatally shot Martin, a 17 year old Black male, in Florida. After authorities did not charge Zimmerman with the teenager’s murder, these organizations drafted petitions and staged rallies and marches to demand justice. During Election 2012, the organizations addressed voter suppression and voting rights issues such as voter identification, antiearly voting, and felony disenfranchisement laws. Chi-square and likelihood ratio results showed a significant difference in the collective action and news frames each organization used in both cases. Qualitative analysis suggested that the organizations preferred rhetorical strategies and tactics that encouraged supporters to unite against perceived enemies. Overall, the results suggested that the organizations failed to use multimedia effectively and did not do enough to secure complimentary news media coverage and encourage their supporters and others to engage in online and offline activism

    Are Oklahoma City residents OK? A socio-spatial analysis of physicians and supermarkets via accessibility and affordability

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    Scope and Method of Study: The scope of the study examined how the built environment could contribute to individual health by analyzing neighborhoods in the Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Due to poor health statistics throughout the state of Oklahoma and Oklahoma City, accessibility to physicians and supermarkets were analyzed as possible mechanisms contributing to poor health in the MSA. Price of healthy food could also be a factor that causes residents to eat cheaper, unhealthy food. Accessibility indices, market basket prices, and bivariate spatial autocorrelation techniques were used to evaluate the built environment's influence on health.Findings and Conclusions: The findings of the study found that the majority of the MSA had relatively good access to both physicians and supermarkets. Also, prices for the basket of goods were similar across the MSA. The rural areas had the worst access to physicians as well as Native Americans. For supermarket accessibility, rural areas again had poorer access and African-Americans had the worst access. However, in terms of pricing, African-Americans paid the least for this basket of goods and the residents without a vehicle paid the highest. The major conclusion is that physicians and supermarkets are not contributing heavily to the poor health statistics that are found in the Oklahoma City MSA


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    The research around the achievement gap is extensive. However, regardless that the term “achievement gap” is so widely used in academia today, there is often confusion surrounding what the achievement gap is. This study seeks to answer three research questions: (1) To what extent does an achievement gap exist among different subgroups of students in Kentucky’s K-12 public schools? (2) How do the perceptions of parents and teachers interact with decision-making? (3) How do the ideas of parents and teachers regarding closing the achievement gap compare? This research examines perceptions of the existence of an achievement gap in Kentucky’s public schools from the perspectives of two groups of stakeholders: parents and teachers. This study aims to identify trends in thinking about the existence of an achievement gap, how information is communicated, and how stakeholders think gaps can be closed. The results of this study indicate that stakeholders have a general understanding of the achievement gap; however, methods of communication with parents need strengthening. Findings show that Kentucky schools with gaps tend to have multiple subgroups, rather than a single group, performing lower than their peers, but stakeholders have mixed ideas on closing these gaps
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