851 research outputs found

    Ohio's Drainage Laws - An Overview

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    Climate change and the Delta, San Francisco Estuary and Watershed Science

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    Anthropogenic climate change amounts to a rapidly approaching, “new” stressor in the Sacramento–San Joaquin Delta system. In response to California’s extreme natural hydroclimatic variability, complex water-management systems have been developed, even as the Delta’s natural ecosystems have been largely devastated. Climate change is projected to challenge these management and ecological systems in different ways that are characterized by different levels of uncertainty. For example, there is high certainty that climate will warm by about 2°C more (than late-20th-century averages) by mid-century and about 4°C by end of century, if greenhouse-gas emissions continue their current rates of acceleration. Future precipitation changes are much less certain, with as many climate models projecting wetter conditions as drier. However, the same projections agree that precipitation will be more intense when storms do arrive, even as more dry days will separate storms. Warmer temperatures will likely enhance evaporative demands and raise water temperatures. Consequently, climate change is projected to yield both more extreme flood risks and greater drought risks. Sea level rise (SLR) during the 20th century was about 22cm, and is projected to increase by at least 3-fold this century. SLR together with land subsidence threatens the Delta with greater vulnerabilities to inundation and salinity intrusion. Effects on the Delta ecosystem that are traceable to warming include SLR, reduced snowpack, earlier snowmelt and larger storm-driven streamflows, warmer and longer summers, warmer summer water temperatures, and water-quality changes. These changes and their uncertainties will challenge the operations of water projects and uses throughout the Delta’s watershed and delivery areas. Although the effects of climate change on Delta ecosystems may be profound, the end results are difficult to predict, except that native species will fare worse than invaders. Successful preparation for the coming changes will require greater integration of monitoring, modeling, and decision making across time, variables, and space than has been historically normal

    An Arctic ecosystem : the coastal tundra at Barrow, Alaska

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    From the Foreward: This book is one of a series of volumes reporting results of research by U. S. scientists participating in the International Biological Program (IBP). As one of the 58 nations taking part in the IBP during the period July 1967 to June 1974 , the United States organized a number of large, multidisciplinary studies pertinent to the central IBP theme of "the biological basis of productivity and human welfare."Direct financial support of the Biome-wide program was derived from three major sources: the National Science Foundation, the State of Alaska and the petroleum industry through the University of Alaska. The NSF funding was under the joint sponsorship of the U. S. Arctic Research Program (Division of Polar Programs) and the U. S. International Biological Program (Ecosystem Analysis). The Army Research Office and the Department of Energy (previously AEC and ERDA) both contributed funded projects to the Program. Industry support was provided through unrestricted grants from: Atlantic Richfield Company, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, BP Alaska, Inc. Cities Service Company, Exxon Company, USA (Humble Oil and Refining Company), Gulf Oil Corporation , Marathon Oil Company, Mobil Oil Company, Prudhoe Bay Environmental Subcommittee of the Alaska Oil and Gas Association, Shell Oil Company, Standard Oil Company of California, Standard Oil (Indiana) Foundation Inc., and Sun Oil Company

    Results of 1/4-Scale Experiments. Vapor Simulant And Liquid Jet A Tests

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    A quarter-scale engineering model of the center wing tank (CWT) of a 747-100 was constructed. This engineering model replicated the compartmentalization, passageways, and venting to the atmosphere. The model was designed to scale the fluid dynamical and combustion aspects of the explosion, not the structural failure of the beams or spars. The effect of structural failure on combustion was examined by using model beams and spars with deliberately engineered weak connections to the main tank structure. The model was filled with a simulant fuel (a mixture of propane and hydrogen) and ignited with a hot wire. The simulant fuel was chosen on the basis of laboratory testing to model the combustion characteristics (pressure rise and flame speed) of Jet A vapor created by a Jet A liquid layer at 50C at an altitude of 13.8 kft. A series of experiments was carried out in this model in order to: (a) investigate combustion in a CWT geometry; and (b) provide guidance to the TWA 800 crash investigation. The results of the experiments were observed with high-speed film, video, and still cameras, fast and slow pressure sensors, thermocouples, photodetectors, and motion sensors. A special pseudo-schlieren system was used to visualize flame propagation within the tank. This report describes the test program, facility, instrumentation, the first 30 experiments, comparisons between experiments, and performance of the instrumentation; then examines the significance of these results to the TWA 800 crash investigation. The key results of this study are: Flame Motion: The motion of flame was dominated by the effects of turbulence created by jetting through the passageways and vent stringers. A very rapid combustion event (lasting 10 to 20 ms) occurred once the flame traveled outside of the ignition bay and interacted with the turbulent flow. Most of the gas within the tank was burned during this rapid event. Compartments: The combustion time decreased with an increasing number of compartments (bays) within the tank. With six bays, combustion took only 100 to 150 ms to be completed from the time of ignition until the end of the rapid combustion phase. The total combustion event was three to four times shorter with compartments than without. Venting: Venting to the outside of the tank through the model vent stringers had a negligible effect on the combustion progress or on the peak pressure reached at the end of the burn. Ignition Location: Variation of the ignition location produced distinctive pressure loads on the structural components. Liquid Fuel: Lofting of a cold liquid fuel layer was produced by the combustion-induced gas motion. Although this spray of liquid eventually ignited and burned, it did not contribute to the pressure loading. Structural Failure: Structural failure resulted in flame acceleration, decreasing the overall combustion time. TWA 800 Investigation: The pressure loads were sufficiently high, up to 4 bar, and the combustion events were sufficiently short, that the forward portion (spanwise beam 3, front spar) of the CWT structure would fail as a direct consequence of the explosion. A combination of pressure loads was produced in some tests consistent with the TWA 800 wreckage. Replica tests, structural modeling, and sensitivity studies on fuel concentration are needed before any conclusions can be drawn about probable ignition locations. Cargo Bay: Tests with a simplified model of a half-full cargo bay indicated that repeated pressure waves with an amplitude of 1 bar or less are produced when an explosion scenario similar to TWA 800 is tested. Future Testing: Future studies should include replica tests, tests with Jet A vapor and warm liquid Jet A layers, and sensitivity tests to examine ignition location, fuel concentration, and vent area perturbations. Summary: Explosion tests in a 747-100 CWT model reveal that a very complex pattern of combustion occurs due the interaction of the flame and the flow-generated turbulence. A wide range of structural load patterns occur, depending on the location of the ignition source. Some of these load patterns are consistent with damage believed to be associated with the initial explosion event in TWA 800. Sensitivity of the loading to the ignition location indicates that narrowing down the ignition location in TWA 800 may be possible. However, the complexity of the combustion and structural failure processes in the actual center wing tank mandates extremely careful consideration of the uncertainties that enter into this process

    Infrared Observations During the Secondary Eclipse of HD 209458b: I. 3.6-Micron Occultation Spectroscopy Using the VLT

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    We search for an infrared signature of the transiting extrasolar planet HD 209458b during secondary eclipse. Our method, which we call `occultation spectroscopy,' searches for the disappearance and reappearance of weak spectral features due to the exoplanet as it passes behind the star and later reappears. We argue that at the longest infrared wavelengths, this technique becomes preferable to conventional `transit spectroscopy'. We observed the system in the wing of the strong nu-3 band of methane near 3.6 microns during two secondary eclipses, using the VLT/ISAAC spectrometer at a spectral resolution of 3300. Our analysis, which utilizes a model template spectrum, achieves sufficient precision to expect detection of the spectral structure predicted by an irradiated, low-opacity (cloudless), low-albedo, thermochemical equilibrium model for the exoplanet atmosphere. However, our observations show no evidence for the presence of this spectrum from the exoplanet, with the statistical significance of the non-detection depending on the timing of the secondary eclipse, which depends on the assumed value for the orbital eccentricity. Our results reject certain specific models of the atmosphere of HD 209458b as inconsistent with our observations at the 3-sigma level, given assumptions about the stellar and planetary parameters.Comment: 26 pages, 8 figures Accepted to Astrophysical Journa

    Stationary Gaussian Markov Processes as Limits of Stationary Autoregressive Time Series

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    We consider the class, ℂp, of all zero mean stationary Gaussian processes, {Yt : t ∈ (—∞, ∞)} with p derivatives, for which the vector valued process {(Yt(0) ,...,Yt(p)) : t ≥ 0} is a p + 1-vector Markov process, where Yt(0) = Y(t). We provide a rigorous description and treatment of these stationary Gaussian processes as limits of stationary AR(p) time series

    Legal Counseling and Lawyers\u27 Fees: A Quadrilogue

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    Discusses the relationship between legal counseling and lawyers\u27 fees. Attitudes of lawyers toward legal counseling; Area of legal counseling related to human needs and human interactions; Usefulness of counseling time

    Legal Counseling and Lawyers\u27 Fees: A Quadrilogue

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    Discusses the relationship between legal counseling and lawyers\u27 fees. Attitudes of lawyers toward legal counseling; Area of legal counseling related to human needs and human interactions; Usefulness of counseling time