2,014 research outputs found

    Povezanost između snage trupa i pokazatelja sportske uspješnosti

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    Development of core muscle strength and power to improve sport performance has been a controversial issue yielding mixed results. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between two core field tests emphasizing power and measures of sport performance. Participants were twenty healthy, recreationally active males (age 23.40±1.88 yrs, height 174.63±5.81 cm, mass 76.08±7.67 kg). Participants were tested on four performance variables (40-yd sprint, shuttle run [5-10-5], vertical jump, and 1RM back squat) and two core field tests (front abdominal power throw [FAPT] and side abdominal power throw [SAPT]). Results demonstrated significant moderate correlations between the FAPT and 1RM back squat (r=.652) and relative back squat (r=.509). No other significant correlations were found. Results indicate that although the FAPT and SAPT tests are easy to perform in the field, most, but not all, performance measures were unrelated to core power. In order to properly assess the core and its role in human performance, it is necessary to evaluate sport-specific muscle actions and movements.Razvijanje mišićne jakosti i snage trupa kako bi se unaprijedila sportska izvedba i uspješnost jest kontroverzan znanstveni i stručni problem istraživanje kojega daje miješane rezultate. Cilj je ovoga istraživanja bilo utvrđivanje povezanosti između dva terenska testa za procjenu snage trupa i pokazatelja sportske uspješnosti. Uzorak ispitanika činilo je 20 zdravih, rekreativno aktivnih muškaraca (dob 23,40±1,88 godina, tjelesna visina 174,63±5,81 cm, tjelesna masa 76,08±7,67 kg). Sportska uspješnost ispitanika procijenjena je četirima testovima (sprint na 40 jarda, shuttle run: 5-10-5 jarda, vertikalni skok i maksimalni stražnji čučanj), a snaga njihova trupa (core) procijenjena je dvama terenskim testovima (eksplozivno bacanje medicinke prema naprijed – FAPT, i eksplozivno bacanje medicinke strance – SAPT). Rezultati analiza su pokazali značajne umjerene korelacije između FAPT i maksimalnoga stražnjega čučnja (r=,652) i relativnoga stražnjega čučnja (r=,509). Nisu utvrđene značajne korelacije između ostalih testova. Rezultati pokazuju da, iako je terenske testove FAPT i SAPT vrlo lako provoditi, većina, ali ne i sve varijable koje procjenjuju sportsku uspješnost nisu u korelaciji sa snagom trupa procijenjenom navedenim testovima. Da bi se adekvatno procijenila snaga trupa i njena uloga u sportskoj izvedbi i uspješnosti, potrebno je vrednovati sportu svojstvene mišićne akcije i kretnje

    MinION Analysis and Reference Consortium: Phase 1 data release and analysis

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    The advent of a miniaturized DNA sequencing device with a high-throughput contextual sequencing capability embodies the next generation of large scale sequencing tools. The MinION™ Access Programme (MAP) was initiated by Oxford Nanopore Technologies™ in April 2014, giving public access to their USB-attached miniature sequencing device. The MinION Analysis and Reference Consortium (MARC) was formed by a subset of MAP participants, with the aim of evaluating and providing standard protocols and reference data to the community. Envisaged as a multi-phased project, this study provides the global community with the Phase 1 data from MARC, where the reproducibility of the performance of the MinION was evaluated at multiple sites. Five laboratories on two continents generated data using a control strain of Escherichia coli K-12, preparing and sequencing samples according to a revised ONT protocol. Here, we provide the details of the protocol used, along with a preliminary analysis of the characteristics of typical runs including the consistency, rate, volume and quality of data produced. Further analysis of the Phase 1 data presented here, and additional experiments in Phase 2 of E. coli from MARC are already underway to identify ways to improve and enhance MinION performance