119 research outputs found

    Propylthiocyclopentadiene: A new synthetic route to complexes of iron and group 4 transition metals. Molecular structure of (C5H4SCH2CH2CH3)(2)ZrCl2

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    The use of the propylthio-substituted cyclopentadienylsodium salt leads to 1,1'-bis(propylthio) ferrocene and dichlorobis(propylthiocyclopentadienyl)zirconium, titanium or hafnium(IV). The structure of (C5H4SCH2CH2CH3)(2)ZrCl2 has been established by X-ray analysis (orthorhombic, Pbcn, a = 11.943(1) Angstrom, b = 6.883(2) Angstrom, c = 22.412(2) Angstrom, V = 1842.4(2) Angstrom(3), Z = 4, R(F) = 0.027). The complexes have been characterized by H-1 and C-13 NMR and electrochemical studies. The physico chemical properties of 1,1'-bis(propylthio) ferrocene are discussed by a molecular approach at the extended Huckel level

    Simple blood fibrosis tests reduce unnecessary referrals for specialized evaluations of liver fibrosis in NAFLD and ALD patients

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    BACKGROUND: Liver fibrosis evaluation is mandatory in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and alcoholic liver disease (ALD) to decide the patient management. Patients with these diseases are usually under the care of non-liver specialists who refer them to specialized centers where the most accurate fibrosis tests are available. We aimed to evaluate whether simple blood fibrosis tests available to all physicians help to reduce the rate of unnecessary referral of NAFLD and ALD patients without advanced fibrosis. METHODS: NAFLD and/or ALD patients newly referred to our center for a non-invasive evaluation of liver fibrosis were retrospectively included. The FibroMeter (FM, combination of blood markers and Fibroscan results) was defined as the reference test for specialized evaluation of liver fibrosis. A FM result <0.384 indicated the absence of advanced fibrosis and thus an "unnecessary referral". RESULTS: 558 patients were included (NAFLD: 283, ALD: 156, mixed NAFLD+ALD: 119). FM was <0.384 (unnecessary referral) in 58.8% of patients. FIB4 was <1.30 in 45.2% and eLIFT <8 in 47.7% of the patients. 84.9% of patients with FIB4 <1.30 and 85.3% of patients with eLIFT <8 had also FM <0.384. Therefore, using FIB4 or eLIFT as first-line evaluation of liver fibrosis decreased by three-fold the rate of unnecessary referral. The negative predictive value of FIB4 and eLIFT was >80% whatever the underlying cause of chronic liver disease. CONCLUSION: The use of eLIFT by non-liver specialists for NAFLD and ALD patients can improve the relevance of referrals for specialized evaluation of liver fibrosis

    Komplexchemie perhalogenierter Cyclopentadiene und Alkine

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    (1,2,3,4,5)Pentachlorferrocen reagiert mit Butyllithium und anschließend mit MeSSMe zu [C5Cl4(SMe)]FeCP (Cp = η5-C5H5) (1). Durch Wiederholung dieser Prozedur lassen sich [C5Cl3(SMe)2]FeCp (2) und [C5Cl2(SMe)3]FeCp (3) erhalten. Eine Kristallstrukturanalyse von 2 zeigt eine 1,3-Anordnung der beiden SMe-Gruppen. Eine Anzahl unsymmetrischer Cymantrenbis- und tristhioether (4–6) wurde auf ähnliche Weise aus [C5Cl4(SR)]Mn(CO)3 bzw. [C5Cl3(SR)2]Mn(CO)3 (R = Me, Ph) dargestellt. Auch Cymantrenyl-Selenoether [C5Cl5−n(SeR)n]Mn(CO)3 (7–10) (R = Me, n = 1, 2, 3; R = Ph, n = 2) konnten erhalten werden

    Energy transfer between quantum dots assisted by propagating surface plasmons on silver nanowires

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    La plasmonique hybride est la branche la plus récente et la plus prometteuse de la nanophotonique, qui tente de contrôler le transfert d’énergie entre les nanoémetteurs assistés par plasmons de surface. Le défi lié à ce système hybride consiste à contrôler la position des boites quantiques donneurs et accepteurs servant d’émetteurs sur le nanofil métallique. Notre approche du positionnement des émetteurs est basée sur la photopolymérisation à deux photons de solution photosensible contenant des boites quantiques. Cette technique permet d'utiliser la lumière pour positionner de manière contrôlée les boites quantiques à proximité d’un système plasmonique. Un nouvel émetteur plasmonique hybride contrôlé est basé sur le couplage entre les boites quantiques et les plasmons de surfaces de propagation qui sont supportés par des nanofils d’argent. Ces nanofils sont considérés comme des résonateurs de plasmons de surface. Une étude paramétrique de la distance entre un type de boites quantiques et l'extrémité du nanofil montre qu'un contrôle précis de la position du site de lancement permet de contrôler l'intensité de la lumière à l'extrémité du fil, à travers la longueur de propagation du plasmon de surface. L’étude de la distance entre les boites quantiques accepteur et donneur permet un contrôle de l’émission des accepteurs par le biais de la longueur de propagation sur le nanofil. Cette nouvelle approche promet de produire des nano-systèmes hybrides accepteurs-donneurs efficaces, en vue de transfert d’informations par guide plasmonique.Hybrid nanoplasmonics is one of the most promising branch of nanophotonics, that attempts to control the energy transfer between donor and acceptor nano-emitter via surface plasmons. Our approach of nano-emitters positioning is based on two-photon photopolymerization of a photosensitive material that contains quantum dots as nano-emitters. This technique allows one to use light for positioning, in a controlled manner, the quantum dots near the plasmonic nanosystems. New controlled hybrid plasmonic nanoemitters are reported. They are based on coupling between quantum dots and propagating surface plasmons that are supported by silver nanowires, considered as surface plasmons resonators and observed though their scattering at the nanowire ends. A parametric study of the distance between the quantum dots and the nanowire extremity shows that precise control of the position of the launching sites enables control of light intensity at the wire end, through surface plasmon propagation length. Control of the distance between the acceptors and the quantum donors on the silver nanowires allows for control of the emission of the acceptors by the plasmon length of propagation on the nanowire. This new approach is promising to produce efficient acceptor-donor hybrid nano-systems, for information transfer via plasmonic guides