13 research outputs found

    Connaissances de la Bilharziose Urinaire en Milieu Rural Ivoirien: Etude de Cas à Bamoro et N’guessan-Pokoukro (District Sanitaire de Bouaké)

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    La schistosomiase ou bilharziose est l’une des cinq maladies tropicales négligées les plus courantes, observées en Afrique, notamment en Côte d’Ivoire. La présence d’eau douce semble être l’un des facteurs privilégiés de l’existence et de la pérennité des maladies hydriques, notamment les Bilharzioses, une Maladie Tropicale Négligée (MTN) en Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif de la recherche est de comprendre les facteurs explicatifs qui favorisent la pérennité des Bilharzioses, notamment la Bilharziose urinaire. De manière spécifique, il s’agit d’appréhender les connaissances qu’ont les populations de Bamoro et Nguessan-Pokoukro de la Bilharziose urinaire. La démarche méthodologique a combiné une approche qualitative et quantitative afin de recueillir des données auprès de trois catégories de personnes (élèves du primaire, jeune et adultes). Au terme de l’étude, il apparait que la connaissance de la Bilharziose urinaire se présente sous différentes formes. Chacune des tranches d’âge ou catégorie sociale se représente la maladie en fonction de leurs connaissances des caractéristiques épidémiologiques de cette dernière. Une modification de ses caractéristiques entraînerait certainement une modification de la perception de la maladie. Schistosomiasis or bilharzia is one of the five most common neglected tropical diseases observed in Africa, particularly in Côte d'Ivoire. The presence of fresh water seems to be one of the key factors in the existence and sustainability of waterborne diseases, including Bilharzia, a Neglected Tropical Disease (NTD) in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective of the research is to understand the explanatory factors that promote the survival of Bilharzia, especially urinary bilharziasis. Specifically, it is a question of apprehending the knowledge which the populations of Bamoro and Nguessan-Pokoukro of the bilharziosis urinary. The methodological approach combined a qualitative and quantitative approach to collect data from three categories of people (primary, youth and adult students). At the end of the study, it appears that the knowledge of urinary bilharziasis comes in different forms. Each age group or social category represents the disease according to their knowledge of the epidemiological characteristics of the latter. A change in its characteristics would certainly result in a change in the perception of the disease


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    Clean up the environment by a rural innovation is an activity that requires both a technological expertise and support of the people The study conducted in Petit Badien (southern CĂ´te d'Ivoire), has shown that it is possible to overcome socio-cultural resistance due to ecological sanitation (EcoSan).The methodology was based on the realization of special latrines that promote the separation of urine from the faeces, public urinals, the introduction into the cans of households called " Bidur " to collect the urine and the use of urine and sanitized faeces to fertilize two experimental fields (yam and cassava). Awareness-raising activities were also conducted. To measure the change in behavior of populations, different socio-anthropological studies were conducted at each major project time: the beginning of the project, at the time of construction of the works and harvesting of agricultural products. The results show that doubt and mistrust towards the use of project implementation beginning in urine population gradually gave way to their accession to the effective use of urine as fertilizer. Women showing interest in cassava production from fields fertilized with urine by accepting to cook the harvested tubers. People have consumed the product of the harvest in various forms (meal). Students not defecate near the primary school and teachers volunteer to popularize the EcoSan concept in their regions of origin

    Éducation Relative À L’environnement En Milieu Scolaire Ivoirien : Réflexion Pour Un Regard Critique

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    Environmental education uses some means and methods in order to create an environmental consciousness to the population. However, one seems to ignore the different hindrances engendered by the lack of appropriate teaching materials. The weight and influence of society and culture are perceived as potential obstacles. Our work aims at drawing people’s attention on what can be regarded as essential in education in connection with the environment of Côte d’Ivoire such as school environment. In our work, we will focus on the content and the methods of the teachings of this specific domain. In so doing, we will have a glance on primary school boys and their teachers’ behaviors and attitudes. This will help us to see the relationship they establish between “Health and Environment”. The methodology will revolve around the analysis of the content of the teachings and on a qualitative and quantitative study. Primary school boys and their teachers is target population of the survey. At the end of our analysis, it appears that the content of teachings linked to environment is not so explicit. The teaching method is suffering from a lack of explicit didactic and pedagogic materials. From the viewpoint of learns and teachers, we note a paradox between their words and deeds concerning environment. Finally, the link the learners and their teachers establish between Health and Environment let us see some problems of health. We wonder if people are aware of the threats and the social representations of environment in school zone for a sustainable development of our society. This is what can be a logic outcome of work


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    Clean up the environment by a rural innovation is an activity that requires both a technological expertise and support of the people The study conducted in Petit Badien (southern CĂ´te d'Ivoire), has shown that it is possible to overcome socio-cultural resistance due to ecological sanitation (EcoSan).The methodology was based on the realization of special latrines that promote the separation of urine from the faeces, public urinals, the introduction into the cans of households called " Bidur " to collect the urine and the use of urine and sanitized faeces to fertilize two experimental fields (yam and cassava). Awareness-raising activities were also conducted. To measure the change in behavior of populations, different socio-anthropological studies were conducted at each major project time: the beginning of the project, at the time of construction of the works and harvesting of agricultural products. The results show that doubt and mistrust towards the use of project implementation beginning in urine population gradually gave way to their accession to the effective use of urine as fertilizer. Women showing interest in cassava production from fields fertilized with urine by accepting to cook the harvested tubers. People have consumed the product of the harvest in various forms (meal). Students not defecate near the primary school and teachers volunteer to popularize the EcoSan concept in their regions of origin


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    La présente étude est une analyse des problèmes relatifs à la gestion des airesprotégées en Côte d’Ivoire. Elle porte principalement sur le Parc National d’Azagny dont lasuperficie est passée de 30 000 hectares à l’indépendance à 19400 hectares aujourd’hui. Alors,pour comprendre le rapport entre ce recule forestier, activités humaines et la conservation dela biodiversité, cette étude a été initiée dans le Parc National d’Azagny et villagesenvironnants. Elle a pour objectif principal d’évaluer le niveau de relation entre lespopulations riveraines et le parc national d’Azagny. A cet effet, l’étude se propose par uneapproche à la fois qualitative et quantitative pour caractériser les types d’occupation du sol.Cette approche sollicite deux outils dont un questionnaire et un guide d’entretien. L’étuderévèle que le secteur nord du Parc National d’Azagny subit la plus forte pression humaine. Ilest sous l’influence des activités humaines et des densités des populations de la localité. Cecientraine des risques de vulnérabilité de la diversité végétale et animale dans cet espaceprotégé

    Impacts de la Décharge Publique d'Akouédo sur le Cadre de Vie et la Santé de la Population Riveraine

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    The Akouedo public wasteland is a major concern for the authorities of the District of Abidjan, who are responsible for the management of household waste and the local population. This paper focuses on highlighting the impact that an uncontrolled public wasteland can have on the living environment and the well-being of the local population. In carrying out this study, we adopted two complementary approaches. Based on a qualitative approach, we conducted semi-directive interviews on the Akouedo public wasteland site. That approach allowed us to know the Akouedo public wasteland, the operating companies, and above all to observe the different stages of solid household waste management in that public wasteland. Based on a quantitative approach, we did not hesitate to approach the local population to well understand the environmental and health impacts, having regards for the complex problem posed by the saturation of the Akouedo public wasteland.La décharge publique d’Akouédo constitue une préoccupation majeure tant pour les autorités du District d’Abidjan, responsables de la gestion des déchets ménagers, que pour les riverains. L’objectif de cet article est de mettre en exergue l’impact que peut produire une décharge non contrôlée sur le cadre de vie et le bien-être de la population riveraine. Pour mener à bien cette étude, nous avons adopté deux démarches complémentaires. D’une part, à partir d’une démarche qualitative, nous avons mené des entretiens semi-directifs sur le site de la décharge d’Akouédo. Cette approche nous a permis de connaître cette décharge publique, les sociétés qui l’exploitent et surtout d’observer les différentes étapes de la gestion des déchets ménagers solides dans ladite décharge. D’autre part, à partir d’une démarche quantitative, nous n’avons pas hésité à approcher la population riveraine pour mieux appréhender les impacts environnementaux et sanitaires, eu égard au problème complexe que pose la saturation de la décharge d’Akouédo

    La Problematique De Gestion Du Parc National De La Comoe (Pnc) En Cote D’ivoire, Entre La Survie Des Populations Riveraines Et La Conservation De La Biodiversite

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    The Comoé National Park (CNP), the largest park in West Africa, is one of the twenty largest parks in the world. It undergoes many anthropics pressures, the most intense of its history have been those periods of sociopolitical crisis that Côte d'Ivoire has experienced. The anthropogenic pressures that weigh on this park are most often practiced by the riparian populations for their survival. These pressures are rife despite the State's investigations through the Ivorian Office of Parks and Reserves (OIPR), the structure in charge of the management of protected areas. In view of this situation, a fundamental question arises, how to achieve sustainable conservation of the park's biodiversity without depriving riparian populations of their survival? This study mainly allows to analyze the factors at the origin of the management problem of this park. Through a qualitative approach as well as the appropriate data collection techniques and tools, we identify the problems from three main angles, namely the socio-cultural, economic and institutional characteristics that underlie the sustainable management problem of the CNP

    Perceptions Sociales De L’hygiene Et De L'assainissement En Milieu Urbain Et Rural Ivoirien

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    People's perceptions of hygiene and sanitation appear to differ by community. Often, these perceptions do not contribute to improving the living conditions of the populations concerned. The study aims to improve hygiene and sanitation intervention strategies by better controlling people's perceptions and behaviors. The aim is to assess the knowledge, attitudes and practices of populations according to gender as well as the perceptions of urban and rural populations in terms of hygiene and sanitation. Qualitative and quantitative approaches were used. Direct observation, individual interviews, focus groups and household survey are the main techniques used. Six (6) towns and six (6) villages in CĂ´te d'Ivoire have been selected. The results demonstrate the similarity of perceptions and behaviors related to hygiene and sanitation. However, there is a variety of designations of their material and immaterial components. It does not reflect a variation of perceptions and behaviors, which would be linked to their original cultural substratum, but the differential effort of local populations in the context of adaptation to an existential environment. If cultural references do not support the hypothesis that "the perceptions and behaviors that people have in terms of hygiene and sanitation are determined by their cultural values, their socio-economic status and space in which they evolve ", the relations of the gender (women, men, children, notability, etc.) play a preponderant role in the determination of the perceptions and the behaviors for the improvement of the frameworks of life

    Pratiques pédagogiques et lutte contre la bilharziose urinaire en Côte d’Ivoire

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    International audienceUrinary bilahrziasis or urinary schistosomiasis is present in Côte d’Ivoire, particularly in rural areas. Parasitological studies show that in most endemic areas, prevalence and intensity of infection are highest in children aged 10 to 15 years. This brings us to the issue of rural struggle, especially among children. The contribution is oriented in the socio-anthropological perspective. The target population is made up of students from schools in rural areas. The methodological approach is mixed. Quantitative and qualitative data were found on the study site. Primary school students and teachers from Gare-Kan village were the main targets. The survey techniques used are direct observation, focus-group, semi-structured interview and questionnaire survey. The analysis of the data made it possible to discover educational materials as varied as each other. Each with a health information and education function. However, their knowledge is limited by an insufficiency in the teaching provided. The insufficiency of didactic and pedagogical support as well as the content of the life sciences modules provided to students, seems to us insufficient to properly carry out awareness and education campaigns in the fight against schistosomiasis at school.La Bilahrziose urinaire ou schistosomiase urinaire est bien présente en Côte d’Ivoire, notamment en milieu rural. Les études parasitologiques montrent que dans la plupart des zones d’endémie, la prévalence et l’intensité de l’infection sont maximales chez les enfants de 10 à 15 ans. Ce constat nous amène à aborder la question de la lutte en milieu rural, en particulier chez les enfants. La contribution s’oriente dans la perspective socio-anthropologique. La population cible est constituée des élèves des établissements scolaires en milieu rural. La démarche méthodologique est mixte. Des données quantitatives et qualitatives ont été recueillies sur le site de l’étude. Les élèves de l’école primaire et les enseignants du village Gare-Kan ont constitué les principales cibles. Les techniques d’enquête utilisées sont l’observation directe, le focus-groupe, l’entretien semi- directif et l’enquête par questionnaire. L’analyse des données ont permis de découvrir des supports pédagogiques aussi variés les uns que les autres. Chacun ayant une fonction d’information et d’éducation en matière de santé. Cependant, leur connaissance est limitée par une insuffisance au niveau des enseignements dispensés. L’insuffisance de supports didactiques et pédagogiques ainsi que le contenu des modules des sciences de la vie dispensée aux élèves, nous parait insuffisant pour bien mener les campagnes de sensibilisation et d’éducation dans la lutte contre la bilharziose à l’école