659 research outputs found

    European drug prevention quality standards: a quick guide.

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    Uma demonstração alternativa para a representação de preferências variacionais

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Administração, Contabilidade e Economia, Departamento de Economia, Programa de Pós-Graduação, 2014.Nós fornecemos uma demonstração alternativa de parte do principal resultado de Maccheroni, Marinacci e Rustichini (2006). Para isso, recorremos a um resultado de Faro (2012). Especificamente, utilizando o modelo de escolha sob incerteza baseado em Anscombe e Aumann (1968), caracterizamos as preferências para as quais existe uma função de utilidade u e um índice de ambiguidade c definido sobre o conjunto de probabilidades sobre os estados da natureza tais que, para todos os atos f e g, [Veja a fórmula no resumo do documento]. Como ilustração da motivação deste trabalho, também fornecemos uma demonstração alternativa do Teorema de Representação de Preferências Maxmin de Gilboa e Schmeidler (1989) utilizando um resultado de Bewley (1986). ______________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWe develop an alternative demonstration of part of the main result of Maccheroni, Marinacci and Rustichini (2006). To achieve this, we use Faro’s (2012) main result. Specifically, using the choice under uncertainty model based in Anscombe and Aumann (1968), we characterize the preferences for which there are a utility function u and an ambiguity index c on the set of probabilities on the states of the world such that, for all acts f and g, [To see the formulate open the document]. As an illustration of the motivation that led to this work, we also provide an alternative demonstration of Gilboa and Schmeidler’s (1989) Maxmin Preferences Representation Theorem. To achieve this, we use one of Bewley’s (1986) results

    Firm behavior during an epidemic

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    We derive a model in which firms operate in an epidemic environment and internalize infections among their employees in the workplace. The model is calibrated to fit the moments of the Covid-19 epidemic. We show that firms have incentives to fight against infections and can do so very effectively by increasing teleworking and rotating employees between on-site work, teleworking, and leave. The fight against infections in firms flattens the aggregate infections curve. Subsidies to teleworking reduce infections and save lives. Subsidies to sick leave reduce the cost of sick workers and raise workplace infections. Firms delay and weaken the fight against infections during economic downturns. We also consider the problem of a government that values output and lives. We show that the government prefers to severely restrict the epidemic by tolerating short-term output losses when it has a high valuation of lif

    Firm behavior during an epidèmic

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    We derive a model in which firms operate in an epidemic environment and internalize infections among their employees in the workplace. The model is calibrated to fit the moments of the Covid-19 epidemic. We show that firms have incentives to fight against infections and can do so very effectively by increasing teleworking and rotating employees between on-site work, teleworking, and leave. The fight against infections in firms flattens the aggregate infections curve. Subsidies to teleworking reduce infections and save lives. Subsidies to sick leave reduce the cost of sick workers and raise workplace infections. Firms delay and weaken the fight against infections during economic downturns. We also consider the problem of a government that values output and lives. We show that the government prefers to severely restrict the epidemic by tolerating short-term output losses when it has a high valuation of life

    Public overspending in higher education

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    We study the trade-off between governmental investments in pretertiary and tertiary education from an efficiency point of view. We develop a model comprising agents with different incomes and abilities, public and private schools, and public universities that select applicants based on an admission exam. Reallocating governmental resources from tertiary to pretertiary education may positively affect aggregate production and human capital if some conditions are satisfied. For instance, in an economy with a high proportion of credit-constrained students, a reallocation of expenditure toward public schools benefits many students, compensating for the negative effect of a decrease in public university investments. We also quantitatively investigate the optimal allocation of public investment between pretertiary and tertiary education, and we find that a 10% increase in productivity of public investments in pretertiary education could increase the optimal GDP between 2.1% and 3%

    Using e-learning to deliver professional development training to teachers, in the area of ICT within design and technology

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    This paper discusses the action research that was carried out to deliver continuing professional development materials to design and technology teachers, through e-learning. The focus is the government’s New Opportunities Fund ‘ICT for Teachers’ initiative, which aims to train teachers to use information and communications technology (ICT) within their subject area. Staffordshire ICT for Teachers (SIfT), an approved training provider to the scheme, has delivered materials via the Internet, using a virtual learning environment. Such a delivery necessitated research into the instructional design model to be used, the associated pedagogical issues, the ICT software for teachers to access, the design and technology subject materials to be created and the necessary support mechanisms which needed to be put in place, in order to deliver such e-learning. This paper reflects the innovative design and technology training that SIfT offers (incorporating a wide range of materials into a coordinated system) and the lessons learned, providing suggestions for the way forward with e-learning, in the area of teacher professional development

    Income-based affirmative action in college admissions

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    We study whether college admissions should implement quotas for lower-income applicants. We develop an overlapping-generations model and calibrate it to data from Brazil, where such a policy is widely implemented. In our model, parents choose how much to invest in their child’s education, thereby increasing both human capital and likelihood of college admission. We find that, in the long run, the optimal income-based affirmative action increases welfare and aggregate output. It improves the pool of admitted students but distorts pre-college educational investments. The welfare-maximizing policy benefits lower- to middle-income applicants with income-based quotas, while higher-income applicants face fiercer competition in college admissions. The optimal policy reduces intergenerational persistence of earnings by 5.7% and makes nearly 80% of households better off

    日本における留学生移民 : 新しい移民の道筋におけるライフコースの考察

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    世界中の先進国には,知識社会と高齢化を背景として,高度人材の留学生を社会に受け入れる政策が広がっています。留学生の受け入れ数が多い国では留学生が卒業したのち,彼らを移民として受け入れる政策がとられています。カナダとオーストラリアではその政策が,多くの留学生や高度人材を引き付けています。近年では,日本も試験的に,この政策をとっています。本研究は,個々の留学生の視点から移民の理解を探るものです。参加者のこれまでの伝記(バイオグラフィー)を詳細に理解することや,生き方への影響,移民への評価のインタビュー調査を実施しました。この研究では,三つの発見がありました。第一に,日本に留学する前に日本となんらかの関係があった留学生は,日本に移民として残ることがより容易であるという関係性が明らかになりました。第二に,留学前には卒業後に日本に滞在することを意識していなかった学生であっても,留学中に環境の変化や個人の成長 を経ることが,移民となる選択に大きな影響を与えることが分かりました。第三に,学生の伝記によっては,卒業後の日本での滞在との条件が合わず,卒業後も日本に住むことが自身にとって有益であると判断したとしても,日本で移民となる可能性を検討することすらないことを発見しました。This research received financial support from the ESRC, the OfS, and Research England (UK), and JSPS (Japan)

    Trabalho e organização do Arsenal de Marinha do Rio de Janeiro na década de 1820

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    The Imperial Brazilian Navy had in its professional staff individuals deriving from many social groups. So, when we observe the functioning of the Armory it is also possible to study the different social profiles that lived in Rio de Janeiro in the period of the Announcement of Brazilian Independence. From intense analysis of the documentary patrimony of the Navy Archive and the National Archive, was possible to built, of descriptive form, the daily way of life, not only of the military themselves, but also of the main work power of this military establishment: the slaves. The power relations established between the military and the slaves contributed for a production of information that show reality lived by involved historical agents