23 research outputs found

    Degradation mechanism of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy exposed to solid NaCl deposit at high temperature

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    This study focuses on the corrosion behaviour of Ti-6Al-2Sn-4Zr-2Mo-Si alloy in presence of NaCl deposit in air at 560 °C. The active oxidation mechanism at the origin of the corrosion phenomenon enhancement in presence of solid NaCl is thought to be connected to the formation of both external and internal thick oxidation areas. Thermodynamic calculations allowed showing the role played by the diïŹ€erent alloying elements in the forma-tion of the external oxide and detailed TEM characterisations brought new insights regarding the nature and origin of the internal oxidation area

    Interventions obstétricales dans une population à bas risque et conséquences materno-foetales

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    But : Evaluer les interventions obstĂ©tricales au sein d'une population Ă  bas risque. MatĂ©riels et mĂ©thodes : Etude descriptive et observationnelle d'une cohorte prospective, menĂ©e dans 2 Ă©tablissements d'une mĂȘme rĂ©gion (CHU Poitiers maternitĂ© de type 3 et CH ChĂątellerault maternitĂ© de type 1), regroupant 1350 parturientes Ă  bas risque en 2012 dont 509 nullipares. L'objectif principal est d'identifier la frĂ©quence des interventions obstĂ©tricales comprenant les interventions par voie basse (extraction instrumentale et manoeuvre liĂ©e aux dystocies ou difficultĂ©s des Ă©paules) et les accouchements par cĂ©sarienne en urgence pendant le travail. Les objectifs secondaires sont d'Ă©valuer le motif principal et les consĂ©quences materno-foetales de ces interventions. RĂ©sultats : La frĂ©quence de la grossesse Ă  bas risque est de 37 % au sein des 2 Ă©tablissements. Le taux d'interventions par voie basse est de 9.7 % et le taux de cĂ©sariennes de 2.8 %. Ces taux sont respectivement de 15.7 % et 5.1 % chez la femme nullipare. On retrouve un lien significatif entre la nulliparitĂ© et le risque d'intervention par voie basse (OR 4.23 ; 95 % IC 2.76 - 6.48) et le risque de cĂ©sarienne (OR 5.04 ; 95 % 2.3 - 11.2). Ces associations sont renforcĂ©es en cas d'Ăąge maternel avancĂ©. La moitiĂ© des extractions instrumentales sont rĂ©alisĂ©es pour une non progression du mobile foetal. Le motif de la majoritĂ© des cĂ©sariennes est l'anomalie du rythme cardiaque foetal suspecte d'hypoxie. 2.9 % de nos accouchements se sont compliquĂ©s d'une hĂ©morragie du post partum sĂ©vĂšre, pour laquelle une association significative est retrouvĂ©e avec une durĂ©e prolongĂ©e de la seconde phase passive du travail et la macrosomie foetale. On rapporte 1.4 % de dĂ©chirures pĂ©rinĂ©ales graves associĂ©es significativement aux extractions instrumentales. Dix-huit nouveaux nĂ©s (1.3 %) ont prĂ©sentĂ© des signes d'asphyxie intra-partum, influencĂ©s par le mode d'accouchement. Conclusion : Nos rĂ©sultats rendent compte que les principaux facteurs qui influencent le mode d'accouchement, au sein de notre population Ă  bas risque, sont la nulliparitĂ© et l'Ăąge maternel avancĂ© (> 35 ans). Ces donnĂ©es suggĂšrent que la nulliparitĂ© pourrait ĂȘtre considĂ©rĂ©e comme un facteur Ă  haut risque. Les issues nĂ©onatales dĂ©favorables sont fortement corrĂ©lĂ©es au mode d'accouchement. Une grossesse considĂ©rĂ©e Ă  bas risque Ă  l'admission en salle de travail ne garantit pas un accouchement physiologique. NĂ©anmoins, nos rĂ©sultats encourageants pourraient amener Ă  proposer une prise en charge "moins mĂ©dicalisĂ©e" de l'accouchement dans une population Ă  bas risque sĂ©lectionnĂ©e.POITIERS-BU MĂ©decine pharmacie (861942103) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Detection of complicated ectopic pregnancies in the hospital discharge database: A validation study

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    International audienceOBJECTIVE: Complicated ectopic pregnancies with severe bleeding (CEPSB) are life-threatening situations and should be considered maternal near-miss cases. Previous studies have found an association between severe maternal morbidity secondary to CEPSB and substandard care. Almost all women with CEPSB are hospitalized, generating administrative and medical records. The objective of this study was to propose a method to measure the validity of the hospital discharge database (HDD) to detect CEPSB among hospital stays in two gynecological units.METHODS: We included all hospital stays of women who were 18-45 years old and hospitalized for acute pelvic pain or/and metrorrhagia in the two hospitals. The HDD was compared to medical data (gold standard). Two algorithms constructed from the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10) and Common Classification of Medical Procedures (CCAM), were applied to the HDD: a "predefined algorithm" according to coding guidelines and a "pragmatic algorithm" based on coding practices. Sensitivity, specificity and positive likelihood-ratios were calculated. False negatives and positives were analyzed to describe coding practices.RESULTS: Among 370 hospital stays included, 52 were classified as CEPSB cases. The "predefined algorithm" gave a sensitivity of 23.1% (95% CI: 11.6-34.5) and a specificity of 99.1% (95% CI: 98.0-100.0) to identify CEPSB. The "pragmatic algorithm" gave a sensitivity of 63.5% (95% CI: 50.4-76.5) and a specificity of 94.7% (95% CI: 92.2-97.5) to identify CEPSB. Coding errors (77.6%) were due to misuse of diagnosis codes and because complications were not coded.CONCLUSION: HDD is not reliable enough to detect CEPSB due to incorrect coding practices. However, it could be an ideal tool to monitor quality of care if a culture in data quality assessment is developed to improve quality of medical information

    Effect of precision feeding on environmental impact of fattening pig production

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    Various studies have shown that improved feed efficiency is an efficient lever to reduce the environmental impact of pig production. The development of feeders which allow the distribution of different diets, together with new low-cost animal identification technologies and sensors for high-throughput collection ofinformation on animals (body weight, feed intake), should allow the development in practice of individual feeding of fattening pigs in the near future. With this in mind, a modelling approach was used to evaluate the potential of this strategy to reduce the environmental impact of pig fattening. Eight populations of 2000 pigs, fed according to either a conventional two-phase (2P) or a precision feeding (PR) strategy, were simulated using the population version of InraPorc. This was performed for two geographical production contexts (Brazil and France) with two soyabean meal origins (Centre West Brazil, a region with deforestation, and South Brazil, without deforestation). Environmental impacts were evaluated using a cradle-to-farm gate life cycle assessment and were expressed per kg of weight gain. Compared to 2P, PR improved average daily gain and feed efficiency by about 4-5% and reduced feed costs by 7-10%. It reduced nitrogen excretion by about 20%. On average, compared to 2P, the PR feeding strategy reduced environmental impacts for climate change, energy use, eutrophication, acidification and land occupation by 6.1%, 6.9%, 10.3%, 12.7% and 3.5%, respectively. It was concluded that PR appears to be a very interesting strategy for improving economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability in pig production

    The effect of feeding strategy on environmental impacts of pig production depends on the context of production: evaluation through life cycle assessment

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    LCA has been used in many studies to evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on the environmental impact of pig production. However, because most studies have been conducted in Europe the question of the possible interactions with the context of production is still in debate. The objective of this study was then to evaluate these effects in two contrasted geographic contexts of production, Brazil and France. The LCA considered the process of pig fattening, including production and transport of feed ingredients, feed production and transport to the farm, raising of fattening pigs, and manure storage, transport and spreading. Impacts were calculated at the farm gate and the functional unit considered was one kg of body weight gain over the fattening period. Performances of pigs were simulated for each scenario using InraPorcÂź population model (2000 pigs for each scenario considering between animal variability). The LCA calculations were performed for each pig according to its own performance and excretion, and the results were subjected to variance analysis. The results indicate that for some impacts there are clear interactions between effects of feeding program, origin of soybean and location of production. For climate change, the interest of phase feeding and incorporation of feed-use amino acids (FU-AA) is very limited and even counterproductive in Brazil with soybean from South, whereas it appears to be an efficient strategy with soybean from Center West, especially in Europe. Rather similar effects are observed for cumulative energy demand. Conversely, eutrophication and acidification potential impacts are reduced by phase feeding and FU-AA addition in a rather similar way in all situations. In all situations, precision feeding, the only strategy that takes account for the between animal variability, is the most effective approach for reducing life cycle impact of pig fattening, whereas the potential of phase feeding program and FU-AA is dependent of soybean origin and geographical context of pig production, contrasting with many published results

    Les effets de la stratégie d'alimentation sur l'impact environnemental de la production porcine dépendent du contexte de production

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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on the environmental impact of pig production. However, because most studies have been conducted in European conditions, the question of possible interactions with the context of production is still under debate. The objective of this study was to evaluate these effects in two contrasted geographic contexts of production, Brazil and France. The LCA considered the process of pig fattening at the farm gate, including production of feed, rearing of animals, and manure management. The functional unit considered was one kg of body weight gain. Performance of pigs was simulated for each scenario using the InraPorcÂź population model (1000 castrated males and 1000 females per scenario). The scenarios combined in each country 4 feeding programs (2-phase, 4-phase, multiphase and precision feeding), 12 formulation strategies (2 protein sources x 2 origins of soybean x 3 levels of amino acid (AA) addition). The results indicate that for some impacts there are clear interactions between effects of feeding program, origin of soybean and location of production. For climate change, the interest of phase feeding and incorporation of AA is limited and even counterproductive in Brazil when using soybean from South (without deforestation), whereas it is a more interesting strategy in Europe, and in all situations with soybean from Center West (with deforestation). Rather similar effects, as for climate change, were observed for cumulative energy demand. Conversely, potential eutrophication and acidification impacts were reduced by phase feeding and AA addition in a similar way in all situations. For all impacts, precision feeding was the most effective approach for reducing the LCA impacts of pig fattening.DiffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont Ă©valuĂ© par analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) les effets de l'alimentation sur les impacts environnementaux de la production porcine. Cependant, la plupart de ces Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© conduites en Europe et la question des interactions avec le contexte de production reste posĂ©e. L'objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer ces effets dans deux situations contrastĂ©es, le BrĂ©sil et la France. L'ACV considĂ©rait la phase d'engraissement des porcs jusqu’à la porte de l'Ă©levage : production des aliments, Ă©levage des animaux, gestion des effluents, l'unitĂ© fonctionnelle Ă©tant un kg de gain de poids vif. Les performances des animaux Ă©taient simulĂ©es Ă  l'aide du modĂšle population d’InraPorcÂź (1000 mĂąles castrĂ©s et 1000 femelles par scĂ©nario). Les scĂ©narios testĂ©s combinaient, dans chaque pays, quatre programmes d'alimentation (2 phases, 4 phases, multiphase, alimentation de prĂ©cision), 12 modalitĂ©s de formulation (2 sources de protĂ©ines x 2 origines du soja x 3 niveaux d'addition d'acides aminĂ©s(AA)). Les rĂ©sultats montrent des interactions significatives entre programme alimentaire, origine du soja et localisation de la production. Pour l'impact changement climatique, l'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'alimentation par phases et de l'addition d'AA est limitĂ© et mĂȘme contreproductif au BrĂ©sil lorsque le soja provient du sud (sans dĂ©forestation), alors que c'est une stratĂ©gie intĂ©ressante en Europe et, dans tous les cas, lorsque le soja provient du centre-ouest, avec dĂ©forestation. Des effets similaires sont observĂ©s pour la demande en Ă©nergie. A l'inverse, l'alimentation par phases et l'addition d'AA rĂ©duisent significativement les impacts eutrophisation et acidification, de la mĂȘme maniĂšre dans les deux pays. Pour tous les impacts, l'alimentation de prĂ©cision est toujours la stratĂ©gie la plus efficace pour rĂ©duire les impacts environnementaux

    Les effets de la stratégie d'alimentation sur l'impact environnemental de la production porcine dépendent du contexte de production

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    Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to evaluate the effect of feeding strategy on the environmental impact of pig production. However, because most studies have been conducted in European conditions, the question of possible interactions with the context of production is still under debate. The objective of this study was to evaluate these effects in two contrasted geographic contexts of production, Brazil and France. The LCA considered the process of pig fattening at the farm gate, including production of feed, rearing of animals, and manure management. The functional unit considered was one kg of body weight gain. Performance of pigs was simulated for each scenario using the InraPorcÂź population model (1000 castrated males and 1000 females per scenario). The scenarios combined in each country 4 feeding programs (2-phase, 4-phase, multiphase and precision feeding), 12 formulation strategies (2 protein sources x 2 origins of soybean x 3 levels of amino acid (AA) addition). The results indicate that for some impacts there are clear interactions between effects of feeding program, origin of soybean and location of production. For climate change, the interest of phase feeding and incorporation of AA is limited and even counterproductive in Brazil when using soybean from South (without deforestation), whereas it is a more interesting strategy in Europe, and in all situations with soybean from Center West (with deforestation). Rather similar effects, as for climate change, were observed for cumulative energy demand. Conversely, potential eutrophication and acidification impacts were reduced by phase feeding and AA addition in a similar way in all situations. For all impacts, precision feeding was the most effective approach for reducing the LCA impacts of pig fattening.DiffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes rĂ©centes ont Ă©valuĂ© par analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) les effets de l'alimentation sur les impacts environnementaux de la production porcine. Cependant, la plupart de ces Ă©tudes ont Ă©tĂ© conduites en Europe et la question des interactions avec le contexte de production reste posĂ©e. L'objectif de ce travail Ă©tait d'Ă©valuer ces effets dans deux situations contrastĂ©es, le BrĂ©sil et la France. L'ACV considĂ©rait la phase d'engraissement des porcs jusqu’à la porte de l'Ă©levage : production des aliments, Ă©levage des animaux, gestion des effluents, l'unitĂ© fonctionnelle Ă©tant un kg de gain de poids vif. Les performances des animaux Ă©taient simulĂ©es Ă  l'aide du modĂšle population d’InraPorcÂź (1000 mĂąles castrĂ©s et 1000 femelles par scĂ©nario). Les scĂ©narios testĂ©s combinaient, dans chaque pays, quatre programmes d'alimentation (2 phases, 4 phases, multiphase, alimentation de prĂ©cision), 12 modalitĂ©s de formulation (2 sources de protĂ©ines x 2 origines du soja x 3 niveaux d'addition d'acides aminĂ©s(AA)). Les rĂ©sultats montrent des interactions significatives entre programme alimentaire, origine du soja et localisation de la production. Pour l'impact changement climatique, l'intĂ©rĂȘt de l'alimentation par phases et de l'addition d'AA est limitĂ© et mĂȘme contreproductif au BrĂ©sil lorsque le soja provient du sud (sans dĂ©forestation), alors que c'est une stratĂ©gie intĂ©ressante en Europe et, dans tous les cas, lorsque le soja provient du centre-ouest, avec dĂ©forestation. Des effets similaires sont observĂ©s pour la demande en Ă©nergie. A l'inverse, l'alimentation par phases et l'addition d'AA rĂ©duisent significativement les impacts eutrophisation et acidification, de la mĂȘme maniĂšre dans les deux pays. Pour tous les impacts, l'alimentation de prĂ©cision est toujours la stratĂ©gie la plus efficace pour rĂ©duire les impacts environnementaux

    Can the carbon footprint of Brazilian pig production be reduced by using coproducts in diets?

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    The environmental impacts of livestock system, especially pig production, have come under increase debate in recent years. The challenge is meeting the growing demand for food at an affordable cost, without compromising the environmental integrity. Previous studies have shown that feed production is responsible for the majority of CO2-eq. emission resulting from pig farming system. Furthermore, due to the concern on food-feed competition, there is an increased interest in using alternative feedstuffs in livestock diets. The implications of using co-product from food processing in pig diets for the environmental impacts were examined using Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), under Brazilian pig systems. The pig fattening in South Region of Brazil was considered to carry out the LCA, including production and transport of feedstuffs and complete feeds, raising of pigs, and manure management. Impacts were estimated at farm gate and the functional unit was one kg of body weight gain (BWG) over fattening. We considered a fattening pig farm using diets based on maize and soybean meal, with amino acids inclusion, in a 4-phases feeding program. Soybean was assumed to be produced without deforestation. The following diets were evaluated: diet with soybean meal as protein rich ingredient (Control); diet with soybean meal and meat and bone meal as protein rich ingredients (Co-product). Diets were formulated at least cost. Performance and excretion of pigs from 30 to 115 kg BW on average, were simulated for each protein source scenario using InraPorc population model (24,000 pigs/scenario) and considering between-animal variability. The LCA calculations were performed for each pig, according to its individual performance and excretion, using a model developed with SAS software and the results were subjected to variance analysis. The climate change impact of pigs fed with Control diet was 2.45 kg CO2-eq. per kg BWG, while estimated potential impacts of eutrophication and acidification were 17.5 g of PO4-eq. and 58.4 g of SO2-eq. per kg BWG, respectively. The Co-product used in pig diets reduced by 4% the potential impacts of climate change compared with the Control, with mean value of 2.36 kg CO2-eq. per kg BWG. Conversely, for eutrophication and acidification, Co-product strategy slightly increased the impact by about 1 and 3%, respectively. Results indicated that the inclusion of co-products, as meat and bone meal, in growing-finishing diets can reduce the carbon emissions in pig farming system, whereas it has no benefit for other impacts such as eutrophication and acidification