483 research outputs found
American Shakespeare: Introduction
Yes, there is certainly no land on the whole earth in which Shakespeare and the Bible are held in such high esteem as in this same America, so much criticized for its love of money; should one enter a blockhouse situated in the far west, and should the dweller there exhibit very definitely evidences of backwoods life, yet has he nearly always furnished a small room in which to spend his few leisure hours, in which the Bible and in most cases a cheap edition of the works of the poet Shakespear..
Enjeux des méthodes ethnographiques dans l’étude des sexualités entre hommes
Parmi les recherches en sciences sociales sur les homosexuels masculins, qui se sont multipliées depuis les années soixante-dix, certaines se sont intéressées aux pratiques sexuelles se déroulant dans des lieux « publics » de rencontre (extérieurs ou commerciaux). L’objectif de cet article est de discuter les enjeux méthodologiques de ces recherches. Une première partie retrace l’évolution des approches méthodologiques dans le domaine des recherches sur la « sexualité publique entre hommes » depuis les premiers travaux américains. Nous montrons que les méthodes ethnographiques ont connu un nouveau développement lorsqu’est apparu le sida, notamment sous l’effet d’une transformation de la relation entre recherche et action de terrain dans le contexte de l’épidémie. Dans une seconde partie, sont discutés, à partir de ces recherches, les enjeux méthodologiques de l’engagement sexuel de l’ethnographe sur le terrain, qui permettent de repenser plus largement la notion classique en anthropologie sociale de « bonne distance ».Among the social science research studies (which have multiplied since the 1970s) carried out on the subject of male homosexuals, some are interested in sexual practices which occur in exterieur or commercial « public » meeting places. The aim of this article is to discuss the methodological questions involved in this research. The first part traces the evolution of the methodological approaches in research studies on « public sexuality between men » since the first American works on the subject. We show how ethnographical methods came to know a new development with the coming of AIDS, mainly under the effect of a transformation in the relation between research and fieldwork in the context of the epidemic. In the second part, the methodological issues as regards the sexual commitment of the ethnographer in fieldwork as based on these research studies, are discussed. This leads to re‑thinking in wider terms the classical notion in social anthropology of « correct distance »
Interactions between nutrition and gastrointestinal infections with parasitic nematodes in goats
Parasitic nematodes of the digestive tract remain one of the main constraints to goat production both in temperate and tropical
countries. The usual mode of control of these gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) based on the repeated use of anthelmintics
is now strongly questioned because of the increasing development of resistance to these molecules. Among the alternative
methods to anthelmintics currently available, the manipulation of host nutrition in order to improve the host resistance and/or
resilience to parasitic infections seems to represent one of the most promising options to reduce the dependence on conventional
chemotherapy and to favour the sustainable control of gastro intestinal nematode infections. This paper will review the available
information on the interactions between nutrition and nematode parasitism in dairy or meat goats both in temperate and tropical
conditions. It will refer to quantitative aspects of the diet (influence of the protein and/or energy parts) as well as to qualitative
components (effects of plant secondary metabolites on worm biology) and will discuss the specificities of goats in regard of
theses interactions
Accesibilidad en musicoterapia: La especificidad terminológica en la interdisciplina
It is usual in Music Therapy environments to apply what we call adapted instruments with the clients who have difficulties to produce sound with instruments. However, other disciplines use another term to refer to the same meaning. In fact, in rehabilitation environs the concept Assistive Technology has emerged to refer also to the technical aids and supportive products that people with some difficulties require to complete an action in a satisfactory way. Adapted instruments are (in terms of Assistive Technology) supportive products or other aids placed on musical instruments to generate accessibility. That is why, to distinguish between both concepts and to find their common ground will allow to agree in the usage of the terms with professionals from other disciplines. This could improve the way to communicate the music therapeutic achievements for better integration in contexts of interdiscipline.Resulta habitual en el ámbito musicoterapéutico emplear los llamados instrumentos adaptados con pacientes que tienen diversas dificultades para producir sonido con instrumentos. Sin embargo, en otras disciplinas se emplea otra terminologÃa para hacer referencia a lo mismo. De hecho, en el área de rehabilitación ha surgido el concepto de TecnologÃa Asistiva para referir también a ayudas técnicas y productos de apoyo que personas con determinadas dificultades requieren para realizar acciones satisfactoriamente. Los instrumentos adaptados son (en términos de la TecnologÃa Asistiva) productos de apoyo u otras ayudas aplicados en instrumentos musicales para generar accesibilidad. Por esto, ubicar los puntos en común entre ambos conceptos permitirá coincidir en el empleo de los términos con profesionales de otras disciplinas. Esto podrá facilitar la comunicación de los logros musicoterapéuticos en pos de una mayor integración en contextos de interdisciplina. 
Comunicação Alternativa: contribuições da Musicoterapia teleassistida com crianças e adolescentes com múltiplas diversidades funcionais
En el trabajo musicoterapéutico con niños y adolescentes con Necesidades Complejas de Comunicación sin lenguaje verbal se incorpora la Comunicación Alternativa (CA) si es el recurso comunicativo que habitualmente emplean.
Aunque el fin del tratamiento musicoterapéutico no sea la adquisición de este sistema de comunicación, sà suele ser un objetivo desarrollar habilidades comunicativas en sus discursos sonoros, vinculadas a la expresión, los intercambios y la búsqueda de variantes sonoras que amplÃen los recursos para comunicar.
Esta nota clÃnica, describe la influencia de la Musicoterapia en la resolución de dificultades comunicativas detectadas entre pacientes y sus cuidadores durante la teleasistencia. A partir de la observación, audición y análisis de cambios en los discursos sonoros con CA se propusieron intervenciones musicoterapéuticas en video. Esto generó cambios en los ritmos, las densidades y las texturas de las respuestas de usuarios y cuidadores, lo cual, favoreció los resultados comunicativos. Asà concluimos que las variantes introducidas sobre los discursos, ahora interpretados no sólo como sonoros sino como sonorovisuales pueden beneficiar los intercambios comunicativos, manifestando un aporte de la Musicoterapia al análisis e intervención sobre CA.In music therapy work with children and adolescents with Complex Communication Needs without oral verbal language, Alternative Communication (AC) is incorporated if it is the communication resource that they usually use. Although the end of the music therapy treatment is not the acquisition of this communication system, it is usually an objective to develop communication skills in their sound discourses, linked to expression, exchanges and the search for sound variants that expand the resources to communicate. This clinical note describes the influence of Music therapy in the resolution of communication difficulties detected between patients and their caregivers during telehealth. From the observation, listening and analysis of changes in the sound discourses with AC, music therapy interventions were proposed in video. This generated changes in the rhythms, densities and textures of the responses of users and caregivers, which favored the communicative results.
Thus we conclude that the variants introduced on the discourses, now interpreted not only as sound but also as sound-visual, can benefit communicative exchanges, manifesting a contribution of Music Therapy to the analysis and intervention on AC.No trabalho de musicoterapia com crianças e adolescentes com Necessidades Complexas de Comunicação sem linguagem verbal, incorpora-se a Comunicação Alternativa (CA) se for o recurso de comunicação que costumam utilizar.
Embora o fim do tratamento musicoterápico não seja a aquisição desse sistema de comunicação, costuma ser objetivo desenvolver habilidades comunicativas em seus discursos sonoros, vinculadas à expressão, trocas e busca de variantes sonoras que ampliem os recursos de comunicação. Esta nota clÃnica descreve a influência da Musicoterapia na resolução das dificuldades de comunicação detectadas entre os pacientes e seus cuidadores durante o tele-atendimento. A partir da observação, escuta e análise das mudanças nos discursos sonoros com AC, foram propostas intervenções de musicoterapia em vÃdeo. Isso gerou mudanças nos ritmos, densidades e texturas das respostas dos usuários e cuidadores, o que favoreceu os resultados comunicativos.
ConcluÃmos, assim, que as variantes introduzidas nos discursos, agora interpretadas não apenas como sonoras, mas também sonoro-visuais, podem beneficiar as trocas comunicativas, mostrando uma contribuição da Musicoterapia para a análise e intervenção na CA.Cátedra Libre Musicoterapi
Accesibilidad en musicoterapia: la especificidad terminológica en la interdisciplina
Resulta habitual en el ámbito musicoterapéutico emplear los llamados instrumentos adaptados con pacientes que tienen diversas dificultades para producir sonido con instrumentos. Sin embargo, en otras disciplinas se emplea otra terminologÃa para hacer referencia a lo mismo. De hecho, en el área de rehabilitación ha surgido el concepto de TecnologÃa Asistiva para referir también a ayudas técnicas y productos de apoyo que personas con determinadas dificultades requieren para realizar acciones satisfactoriamente. Los instrumentos adaptados son (en términos de la TecnologÃa Asistiva) productos de apoyo u otras ayudas aplicados en instrumentos musicales para generar accesibilidad. Por esto, ubicar los puntos en común entre ambos conceptos permitirá coincidir en el empleo de los términos con profesionales de otras disciplinas. Esto podrá facilitar la comunicación de los logros musicoterapéuticos en pos de una mayor integración en contextos de interdisciplina.It is usual in Music Therapy environments to apply what we call adapted instruments with the clients who have difficulties to produce sound with instruments. However, other disciplines use another term to refer to the same meaning. In fact, in rehabilitation environs the concept Assistive Technology has emerged to refer also to the technical aids and supportive products that people with some difficulties require to complete an action in a satisfactory way. Adapted instruments are (in terms of Assistive Technology) supportive products or other aids placed on musical instruments to generate accessibility. That is why, to distinguish between both concepts and to find their common ground will allow to agree in the usage of the terms with professionals from other disciplines. This could improve the way to communicate the music therapeutic achievements for better integration in contexts of interdiscipline.Cátedra Libre Musicoterapi
Accesibilidad en musicoterapia
It is usual in Music Therapy environments to apply what we call adapted instruments with the clients who have difficulties to produce sound with instruments. However, other disciplines use another term to refer to the same meaning. In fact, in rehabilitation environs the concept Assistive Technology has emerged to refer also to the technical aids and supportive products that people with some difficulties require to complete an action in a satisfactory way. Adapted instruments are (in terms of Assistive Technology) supportive products or other aids placed on musical instruments to generate accessibility. That is why, to distinguish between both concepts and to find their common ground will allow to agree in the usage of the terms with professionals from other disciplines. This could improve the way to communicate the music therapeutic achievements for better integration in contexts of interdiscipline.Resulta habitual en el ámbito musicoterapéutico emplear los llamados instrumentos adaptados con pacientes que tienen diversas dificultades para producir sonido con instrumentos. Sin embargo, en otras disciplinas se emplea otra terminologÃa para hacer referencia a lo mismo. De hecho, en el área de rehabilitación ha surgido el concepto de TecnologÃa Asistiva para referir también a ayudas técnicas y productos de apoyo que personas con determinadas dificultades requieren para realizar acciones satisfactoriamente. Los instrumentos adaptados son (en términos de la TecnologÃa Asistiva) productos de apoyo u otras ayudas aplicados en instrumentos musicales para generar accesibilidad. Por esto, ubicar los puntos en común entre ambos conceptos permitirá coincidir en el empleo de los términos con profesionales de otras disciplinas. Esto podrá facilitar la comunicación de los logros musicoterapéuticos en pos de una mayor integración en contextos de interdisciplina. 
John Cage ou les histoires du doute
Silence de John Cage est le texte de l’expérimental : il inaugure une forme de théorie et de pratique de la théorie expérimentale. Il est une théorie esthétique tout autant qu’une esthétique de la théorie. Cet article montre l’importance des histoires disséminées tout au long du livre. Si on peut penser qu’elles occupent une place marginale dans Silence, elles se révèlent être la parfaite mise en acte d’un expérimental informé par la pensée sceptique de John Cage.John Cage’s Silence defines experimentalism: it both delineates and practices a theory of experimentalism. It is an aesthetic theory as much as an aesthetic of theory. The present article shows the importance of the stories that Cage disseminated throughout the book. In spite of their marginal situation in Silence, they turn out to be a pivotal performance of Cage’s experimentalism informed by his philosophical skepticism
The writing offered below is the Spanish translation of a paper that was presented in the 17th World Congress of Music Therapy in the city of Vancouver, Canada, which took place from July 24 to 29, 2023. The text presented here was published in English as part of the Proceedings of the 17th World Congress of Music Therapy in the Special Issue of Music Therapy Today the same year. The work exhibits a contribution that Assistive Technology can offer to music therapy treatments of people with tracheotomies. An adolescent with cerebral palsy, multiple disability and Complex Communication Needs could voluntarily control and modify the force and duration of his breathing playing a wind instrument with low technological complexity support products prepared by his music therapist. Here it will be explained how the music therapist can elaborate these products to use with similar cases.El escrito que se ofrece a continuación es la traducción al español de un paper que fue presentado en el 17mo Congreso Mundial de Musicoterapia en la ciudad de Vancouver, Canadá, que se realizó del 24 al 29 de Julio del año 2023. El texto que aquà se expone fue publicado en inglés como parte de las Actas del 17mo Congreso Mundial de Musicoterapia en el número especial de Music Therapy Today el mismo año. El trabajo exhibe una contribución que la TecnologÃa Asistiva puede ofrecer a los tratamientos musicoterapéuticos de pacientes con traqueotomÃas. Un adolescente con parálisis cerebral, discapacidad múltiple y Necesidades Complejas de Comunicación pudo controlar y modificar voluntariamente la fuerza y duración de su respiración ejecutando un instrumento de viento con productos de apoyo de baja complejidad tecnológica realizados por su musicoterapeuta. Aquà se explicará cómo el musicoterapeuta puede elaborar estos productos para utilizar con casos similares.O texto oferecido a seguir é a tradução para o espanhol de um artigo apresentado no 17º Congresso Mundial de Musicoterapia na cidade de Vancouver, Canadá, realizado de 24 a 29 de julho de 2023. O texto aqui exposto foi publicado em inglês como parte dos Anais do 17º Congresso Mundial de Musicoterapia na edição especial da Music Therapy Today do mesmo ano. O trabalho mostra uma contribuição que a Tecnologia Assistiva pode oferecer aos tratamentos musicoterápicos de pacientes traqueostomizados. Um adolescente com paralisia cerebral, deficiência múltipla e necessidades complexas de comunicação conseguiu controlar e modificar voluntariamente a força e a duração de sua respiração tocando um instrumento de sopro com produtos de apoio de baixa complexidade tecnológica confeccionados por seu musicoterapeuta. Aqui será explicado como o musicoterapeuta pode desenvolver esses produtos para uso em casos semelhantes
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