32,978 research outputs found

    Continuously operating induction plasma accelerator Patent

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    Continuous operation, single phased, induction plasma accelerator producing supersonic speed

    Study of ephemeris accuracy of the minor planets

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    The current state of minor planet ephemerides was assessed, and the means for providing and updating these emphemerides for use by both the mission planner and the astronomer were developed. A system of obtaining data for all the numbered minor planets was planned, and computer programs for its initial mechanization were developed. The computer based system furnishes the osculating elements for all of the numbered minor planets at an adopted date of October 10, 1972, and at every 400 day interval over the years of interest. It also furnishes the perturbations in the rectangular coordinates relative to the osculating elements at every 4 day interval. Another computer program was designed and developed to integrate the perturbed motion of a group of 50 minor planets simultaneously. Sampled data resulting from the operation of the computer based systems are presented

    Applicability of Skylab remote sensing for detection and monitoring of surface mining activities

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Applicability of satellite remote sensing for monitoring surface mining activities

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    There are no author-identified significant results in this report

    Low-temperture electrostatic silicon-to-silicon seals using sputtered borosilicate glass

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    Silicon members are hermetically sealed to each other. Process produces no measurable deformation of silicon surfaces and is compatible with package designs of tight tolerance. Seals have been made with glass coatings in 10-mm to 20-mm thickness range without any prior annealing of coated silicon substrates

    Laboratory investigation of diffraction and reflection of sonic booms by buildings

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    Laboratory investigation of diffraction and reflection of sonic booms by building

    The Apollo spacecraft: A chronology volume 4, 21 January 1966 - 13 July 1974

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    This final volume of the chronology is divided into three parts: (1) preparation for flight, the accident, and investigation; (2) recovery, spacecraft redefinition, and the first manned flight; and (3) man circles the moon, the Eagle lands, and manned space exploration. Congressional documents, official correspondence, government and contractor reports, memoranda, working papers, and minutes of meetings were used as primary sources. A relatively few entries are based on press releases and newspaper and magazine articles

    Differential elastic scattering cross sections for 54.9eV positrons incident on helium

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    Absolute differential elastic scattering cross sections measured with the 3-m, high resolution, time-of-flight spectrometer are presented for 54.9eV positrons incident on He. Five point moving average differential cross sections are plotted against average scattering angles which range from 14 to 36 deg. Also the averages of five differential cross sections which have adjacent values of scattering angle are plotted versus the corresponding averages of the scattering angles. The curve fitted to these data is shaped like the theoretical curve but has its minimum and its maximum at scattering angles that are about 4 deg higher and 15 deg lower respectively than predicted by theory

    Method for detecting coliform organisms

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    A method and apparatus are disclosed for determining the concentration of coliform bacteria in a sample. The sample containing the coliform bacteria is cultured in a liquid growth medium. The cultured bacteria produce hydrogen and the hydrogen is vented to a second cell containing a buffer solution in which the hydrogen dissolves. By measuring the potential change in the buffer solution caused by the hydrogen, as a function of time, the initial concentration of bacteria in the sample is determined. Alternatively, the potential change in the buffer solution can be compared with the potential change in the liquid growth medium to verify that the potential change in the liquid growth medium is produced primarily by the hydrogen gas produced by the coliform bacteria