76 research outputs found

    Evaluating the long-term impact of the Fostering Changes training programme for foster carers in Wales, the Confidence in Care trial: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    Background The Fostering Changes programme was developed by the Adoption and Fostering National Team at the Maudsley Hospital, South London, in conjunction with Kingā€™s College London. It is a 12-week group-based training programme for foster and kin carers, which aims to build positive relationships between carers and children, encourage positive child behaviour and set appropriate limits, through a practical skills-based approach. The programme also aims to improve foster carersā€™ understanding of the causes of childrenā€™s social and emotional difficulties and their confidence in applying this knowledge in various situations. Methods This is a pragmatic open-label individually randomised controlled trial, with embedded process evaluation. A total of 237 participants will be recruited from Welsh Local Authorities and Independent Fostering Providers; those allocated to the intervention group will be offered enrolment in the next Fostering Changes programme group at their site. Participants in the control group will be offered the Fostering Changes programme at the end of the follow-up period. Data will be collected at baseline, immediately following the 12 week Fostering Changes intervention, and 12 months from the start of the Fostering Changes programme. The primary outcome measure assesses the extent to which carers feel able to cope with and make positive changes to the lives of their foster children and is measured by the Carer Efficacy Questionnaire at 12 months. Discussion The trial will determine whether the Fostering Changes programme, in the long term, can deliver important, significant differences to the way foster carers build positive relationships with their foster children, encourage positive child behaviour and set appropriate limits, compared with usual care

    A pragmatic randomised controlled trial of the fostering changes programme

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    Background Many looked after young people in Wales are cared for by foster or kinship carers, usually as a consequence of maltreatment or developmentally traumatising experiences within a family context. Confidence in Care is a pragmatic unblinded individually randomised controlled parallel group trial evaluating a training programme to improve foster carer self-efficacy, when compared to usual care. Objective To determine whether group-based training improves foster carer self-efficacy. Participants and setting Participants are foster carers, currently looking after children aged 2+ years for at least 12 weeks. Carers from households where one or more carer had previously attended the training were not eligible. Sixteen local authorities and three independent fostering providers in Wales took part. Methods The primary outcome measure was the Carer Efficacy Questionnaire assessed at 12 months. Secondary outcomes included the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, Quality of Attachment Questionnaire, Carer Defined Problems Scale, Carer Coping Strategies, placement moves. Results 312 consented foster carers were allocated to FC (n = 204) or usual care (n = 108) group. 65.3 % of FC group participants attended sufficient training sessions (8/12, including sessions three and four). There were no differences in carer-reported self-efficacy at 12 months (adjusted difference in means (95 % CI): -0.19 (-1.38 to 1.00)). Small differences in carer-reported child behaviour difficulties and carer coping strategies over time favoured the intervention but these effects diminished from three to 12 months. No other intervention effects were observed. Conclusions Although well-received by participants, training was associated with small and mostly short-term benefit for trial secondary outcomes. Previous articl

    Qualitative process evaluation of the Fostering Changes program for foster carers as part of the Confidence in Care randomized controlled trial

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    Background Fostering Changes is an in-service training program for foster carers designed to enhance carer skills, coping strategies and carer-child relationships. The training program has been evaluated in a randomised controlled trial comparing Fostering Changes to usual care. Objective To conduct a qualitative process evaluation drawing on stakeholder perspectives to describe the logic model of Fostering Changes, identify potential mechanisms of impact of the program and enhance understanding of the trial results. Participants and setting Participants were stakeholders in the Fostering Changes program delivered in Wales, UK including foster carers invited to attend the program (18 attendees, eight non-attendees), two program developers, five trainers, 12 social workers who attended or recruited to the program. Methods Total population sampling with qualitative data collection methods. Qualitative data were subject to thematic analysis. Results A logic model summarising the program resources, activities and anticipated outcomes was generated. Implementation themes were quality of training, setting and group composition. Mechanisms of impact were identified with themes falling into two categories, group process and skills development. Potential barriers to effectiveness included a poor fit between the carer needs and the program in relation to levels of challenge being faced, age-appropriate content and responsiveness. Contextual factors were also relevant, including the existing relationship between foster carers and the agency and the perceived value of training

    Exploring computerised cognitive training as a therapeutic intervention for people with Huntington's disease (CogTrainHD): protocol for a randomised feasibility study

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    Background Cognitive impairments, especially deficits of executive function, have been well documented as a core and early feature in Huntingtonā€™s disease (HD). Cognitive impairments represent considerable burden and can be devastating for people and families affected by HD. Computerised cognitive training interventions that focus on improving executive function present a possible non-pharmacological treatment option. We propose to determine the feasibility, acceptability, and appropriate outcome measures for use in a randomised controlled feasibility study. Methods/design Participants will be randomised into either a computerised cognitive training group or a control group. Those randomised to the training group will be asked to complete a cognitive training intervention based on the HappyNeuron Pro software tasks of executive function, for a minimum of 30 min, three times a week for the 12-week study duration. Participants in the control group will not receive computerised cognitive training but will receive a similar degree of social interaction via equivalent study and home visits. We will explore quantitative outcome measures, including measures of cognitive performance, motor function, questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, as well as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures in a subset of participants. Feasibility will be determined through assessment of recruitment, retention, adherence and acceptability of the intervention. Discussion The results of this study will provide crucial guidance and information regarding the feasibility of conducting a randomised controlled study into computerised cognitive training in HD. This study is crucial for the development of larger definitive randomised controlled trials which are powered to determine efficacy and for the development of future cognitive training programmes for people affected by HD

    A randomised feasibility study of computerised cognitive training as a therapeutic intervention for people with Huntington's disease (CogTrainHD)

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    Background Huntingtonā€™s disease (HD) is associated with a range of cognitive deficits including problems with executive function. In the absence of a disease modifying treatment, cognitive training has been proposed as a means of slowing cognitive decline; however, the impact of cognitive training in HD patient populations remains unclear. The CogTrainHD study assessed the feasibility and acceptability of home-based computerised executive function training, for people impacted by HD. Methods Thirty HD gene carriers were recruited and randomised to either executive function training or non-intervention control groups. Participants allocated to the intervention group were asked to complete executive function training three times a week for 30 min for 12 weeks in their own homes. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants and friends, family or carers, to determine their views on the study. Results 26 out of 30 participants completed the baseline assessments and were subsequently randomised: 13 to the control group and 13 to the intervention group. 23 of the 30 participants were retained until study completion: 10/13 in the intervention group and 13/13 in the control group. 4/10 participants fully adhered to the executive function training. All participants in the control group 13/13 completed the study as intended. Interview data suggested several key facilitators including participant determination, motivation, incorporation of the intervention into routine and support from friends and family members. Practical limitations, including lack of time, difficulty and frustration in completing the intervention, were identified as barriers to study completion. Conclusions The CogTrainHD feasibility study provides important evidence regarding the feasibility and acceptability of a home-based cognitive training intervention for people with HD. Variable adherence to the cognitive training implies that the intervention is not feasible to all participants in its current form. The study has highlighted important aspects in relation to both the study and intervention design that require consideration, and these include the design of games in the executive function training software, logistical considerations such as lack of time, the limited time participants had to complete the intervention and the number of study visits required. Further studies are necessary before computerised executive function training can be recommended routinely for people with HD

    Clinical influences on antibiotic prescribing decisions for lower respiratory tract infection: a nine country qualitative study of variation in care

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    Objectives: there is variation in antibiotic prescribing for lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) in primary care that does not benefit patients. This study aims to investigate clinicians' accounts of clinical influences on antibiotic prescribing decisions for LRTI to better understand variation and identify opportunities for improvement.Design: multi country qualitative interview study. Semi-structured interviews using open-ended questions and a patient scenario. Data were subjected to five-stage analytic framework approach (familiarisation, developing a thematic framework from the interview questions and emerging themes, indexing, charting and mapping to search for interpretations), with interviewers commenting on preliminary reports.Setting: primary care.Participants: 80 primary care clinicians randomly selected from primary care research networks based in nine European cities.Results: clinicians reported four main individual clinical factors that guided their antibiotic prescribing decision: auscultation, fever, discoloured sputum and breathlessness. These were considered alongside a general impression of the patient derived from building a picture of the illness course, using intuition and familiarity with the patient. Comorbidity and older age were considered main risk factors for poor outcomes. Clinical factors were similar across networks, apart from C reactive protein near patient testing in TromsĆø. Clinicians developed ways to handle diagnostic and management uncertainty through their own clinical routines.Conclusions: clinicians emphasised the importance of auscultation, fever, discoloured sputum and breathlessness, general impression of the illness course, familiarity with the patient, comorbidity, and age in informing their antibiotic prescribing decisions for LRTI. As some of these factors may be overemphasised given the evolving evidence base, greater standardisation of assessment and integration of findings may help reduce unhelpful variation in management. Non-clinical influences will also need to be addresse

    Development of core outcome sets for people undergoing major lower limb amputation for complications of peripheral vascular disease

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    Objective Every year, thousands of patients with peripheral vascular disease undergo major lower limb amputation. Despite this, evidence for optimal management is weak. Core outcome sets capture consensus on the most important outcomes for a patient group to improve the consistency and quality of research. The aim was to define short and medium term core outcome sets for studies involving patients undergoing major lower limb amputation. Methods A systematic review of the literature and focus groups involving patients, carers, and healthcare professionals were used to derive a list of potential outcomes. Findings informed a three round online Delphi consensus process, where outcomes were rated for both short and medium term studies. The results of the Delphi process were discussed at a face to face consensus meeting, and recommendations were made for each core outcome set. Results A systematic review revealed 45 themes to cazrry forward to the consensus survey. These were supplemented by a further five from focus groups. The consensus survey received responses from 123 participants in round one, and 91 individuals completed all three rounds. In the final round, nine outcomes were rated as ā€œcoreā€ for short term studies and a further nine for medium term studies. Wound infection and healing were rated as ā€œcoreā€ for both short and medium term studies. Outcomes related to mortality, quality of life, communication, and additional healthcare needs were also rated as ā€œcoreā€ for short term studies. In medium term studies, outcomes related to quality of life, mobility, and social integration/independence were rated as ā€œcoreā€. The face to face stakeholder meeting ratified inclusion of all outcomes from the Delphi and suggested that deterioration of the other leg and psychological morbidity should also be reported for both short and medium term studies. Conclusion Consensus was established on 11 core outcomes for short and medium term studies. It is recommended that all future studies involving patients undergoing major lower limb amputation should report these outcomes

    Exploring patientsā€™ experiences of analgesia after major lower limb amputation: A qualitative study

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore patient experiences, understanding and perceptions of analgesia following major lower limb amputation. DESIGN: Qualitative interview study, conducted as part of a randomised controlled feasibility trial. SETTING: Participants were recruited from two general hospitals in South Wales. PARTICIPANTS: Interview participants were patients enrolled in PLACEMENT (Perineural Local Anaesthetic Catheter aftEr Major lowEr limb amputatioN Trial): a randomised controlled feasibility trial comparing the use of perineural catheter (PNC) versus standard care for postoperative pain relief following major lower limb amputation. PLACEMENT participants who completed 5-day postoperative follow-up, were able and willing to participate in a face-to-face interview, and had consented to be contacted, were eligible to take part in the qualitative study. A total of 20 interviews were conducted with 14 participants: 10 male and 4 female. METHODS: Semi-structured, face-to-face interviews were conducted with participants over two time points: (1) up to 1ā€‰month and (2) at least 6ā€‰months following amputation. Interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim and analysed using a framework approach. RESULTS: Interviews revealed unanticipated benefits of PNC usage for postoperative pain relief. Participants valued the localised and continuous nature of this mode of analgesia in comparison to opioids. Concerns about opioid dependence and side effects of pain relief medication were raised by participants in both treatment groups, with some reporting trying to limit their intake of analgesics. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest routine placement of a PNC following major lower limb amputation could reduce postoperative pain, particularly for patient groups at risk of postoperative delirium. This method of analgesic delivery also has the potential to reduce preoperative anxiety, alleviate the burden of pain management and minimise opioid use. Future research could further examine the comparison between patient-controlled analgesia and continuous analgesia in relation to patient anxiety and satisfaction with pain management. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN: 85710690; EudraCT: 2016-003544-37

    What are the challenges when recruiting to a trial in childrenā€™s social care? A qualitative evaluation of a trial of foster carer training

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    Background Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are comparatively rare in UK social work, but can offer distinct advantages. Confidence in Care (CiC) is an RCT with embedded process evaluation evaluating Fostering Changes (FC), a 12-week training programme for foster and kinship carers to increase skills and coping strategies. In order to mitigate challenges in participant recruitment, an engagement strategy was designed to maximise this. Our aim is to explore experiences of key study stakeholders towards trial recruitment and identify broader messages about recruitment to social care trials. Methods Three focus groups were conducted, two with field-based recruiting staff (nā€‰=ā€‰7) and one with carers who attended the FC programme (nā€‰=ā€‰8). Five interviews were conducted with trainers who delivered FC, eight with foster carers who attended the programme, 18 with Foster Carers who elected not to take part in the programme, and 12 with social workers from participating trial sites. In addition, an away day for FC trainers was observed and discussions related to recruitment were noted. Transcribed audio-recorded data were inductively coded, double-coded by a second researcher, and thematically analysed. Results Six themes were identified. The first addressed pragmatic aspects of the intervention affecting recruitment (e.g. committing to a 12-week programme). A second focussed on accuracy of communication about the trial between provider agencies and carers. A third concerned the ability of recruiting staff to contact carers, a particular challenge in group-based recruitment. A fourth addressed trial methods and their communication (e.g. relationship between trial team and recruiting staff). A fifth explored lack of differentiation by carers between the roles of the various professionals (e.g. FC facilitators and provider agencies). The sixth addressed perceived differences between recruitment into social care and health studies. Conclusions Recruitment challenges in this social care setting were similar to those in healthcare. Some (e.g. gatekeeping by professional staff) may be rooted in randomisation anxiety, or unfamiliarity with research methods. Researchers more familiar with healthcare recruitment were however encouraged about the experience of working in this care setting. The original recruitment strategy and adaptations form the basis of further recommendations for research practice

    Biomarker-guided duration of Antibiotic Treatment in Children Hospitalised with confirmed or suspected bacterial infection (BATCH): Protocol for a randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction Procalcitonin (PCT) is a biomarker more specific for bacterial infection and responds quicker than other commonly used biomarkers such as C reactive protein, but is not routinely used in the National Health Service (NHS). Studies mainly in adults show that using PCT to guide clinicians may reduce antibiotic use, reduce hospital stay, with no associated adverse effects such as increased rates of hospital re-admission, incomplete treatment of infections, relapse or death. A review conducted for National Institute for Health and Care Excellence recommends further research on PCT testing to guide antibiotic use in children.Methods and analysis Biomarker-guided duration of Antibiotic Treatment in Children Hospitalised with confirmed or suspected bacterial infection is a multi-centre, prospective, two-arm, individually Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT) with a 28-day follow-up and internal pilot. The intervention is a PCT-guided algorithm used in conjunction with best practice. The control arm is best practice alone. We plan to recruit 1942 children, aged between 72 hours and up to 18 years old, who are admitted to the hospital and being treated with intravenous antibiotics for suspected or confirmed bacterial infection. Coprimary outcomes are duration of antibiotic use and a composite safety measure. Secondary outcomes include time to switch from broad to narrow spectrum antibiotics, time to discharge, adverse drug reactions, health utility and cost-effectiveness. We will also perform a qualitative process evaluation. Recruitment commenced in June 2018 and paused briefly between March and May 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic
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