45 research outputs found

    Kristdemokraterna och dess allt mindre religiösa vÀljare : VÀrderingar bland kristdemokratiska vÀljare 2010-2020

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    I den föreliggande artikeln studeras vÀrderingar bland kristdemokratiska sympatisörer under perioden 2010-2020. Under den hÀr perioden har graden av religiositet bland kristdemokratiska sympatisörer minskat dramatiskt. UtifrÄn den observationen Àr syftet med artikeln att studera den avtagande religiositeten bland kristdemokratiska vÀljare och dess effekt pÄ centrala kristdemokratiska vÀrderingsfrÄgor. I artikeln formuleras tre hypoteser som beskriver en förvÀntan om att kristdemokratiska sympatisörer över tid betonar kristna vÀrden i mindre utstrÀckning, att de blivit mer kritiska till internationell solidaritet och att kristdemokratiska vÀljare med begrÀnsat religiöst engagemang Àr Àn mer kritiska till internationell solidaritet, jÀmfört med de kristdemokratiska sympatisörer som Àr mer religiösa. Resultat baserat pÄ data frÄn Survey 2010, Survey 2012, Survey 2014, Survey 2016, Survey 2018 och Survery 2020 bekrÀftar de tre hypoteserna

    Medieval World Society Meets R2P : Moral and Legal Personality in Thomas Aquinas

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    Sverige och EU

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    Staten som kommunikatör – en panelstudie av effekterna av informationskampanjen Om krisen eller kriget kommer

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    In 2017, the Swedish government took the initiative to conduct a country­wide information campaign with the aim of informing the citizens on what to do in the event of a serious crisis or war. In this article the effects of this information campaign are studied through a unique panel survey with identical surveys sent out immediately prior to the campaign and two weeks after the campaign. Concerning the effect, the level of responsibility for civil preparedness ascribed to different actors increased after the campaign, including the responsibility of the citizens. This effect is significant. However, the study reveals no significant effect on the lev­ els of trust with the trust in different authorities and their civil preparedness remaining on a mid­level before as well as after the campaign. Moreover, we do not see any general proof of higher risk perceptions or higher fear of threats as a result of the campaign, with the im­ portant exceptions of fear of measures to destabilise democracy and severe power cuts. In the article it is argued that despite current trends of strong individualisation with effects on media consumption and respect for authorities, the Swedish campaign illustrates that it is still possible to reach the greater part of the population with vital information and also, to at least some extent, affect attitudes