8 research outputs found

    Elevated Plasma Fibrinogen and Diabetes Mellitus Are Associated With Lower Inhibition of Platelet Reactivity With Clopidogrel

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    ObjectivesThe goal of this study was to identify factors associated with lower platelet inhibition (PI) with clopidogrel in subjects with cardiovascular disease (CVD).BackgroundA heterogeneous platelet reactivity response to clopidogrel exists, and the clinical or biochemical predictors of suboptimal PI with clopidogrel remain unclear.MethodsThis study prospectively enrolled subjects with CVD requiring treatment with clopidogrel (75 mg daily for ≥7 days or 600-mg bolus ≥24 h before recruitment). A bedside rapid platelet function assay (VerifyNow, Acccumetrics, San Diego, California) to measure maximal and clopidogrel-mediated platelet reactivity was utilized, and factors associated with lower PI were identified.ResultsA heterogeneous, normally distributed PI (mean 40.8 ± 26.2%) response to clopidogrel was observed in 157 subjects (age 67.2 ± 12.2 years; 59.9% men). Multiple variable analysis of clinical and biochemical factors known to affect platelet reactivity revealed lower PI in patients with an elevated plasma fibrinogen level (≥375 mg/dl), diabetes mellitus, and increased body mass index (BMI) (≥25 kg/m2). On testing for interaction, elevated fibrinogen level was associated with diabetic status, resulting in lower PI in diabetic patients (23.9 ± 3.9% vs. 45.1 ± 4.5%, p < 0.001), but not nondiabetic patients (44.7 ± 4.4% vs. 46.3 ± 4.8%, p = 0.244). Increased BMI remained independently associated with lower PI after clopidogrel therapy regardless of diabetic status or fibrinogen level (36.8 ± 9.0% vs. 49.0 ± 7.0%, p < 0.001).ConclusionsElevated plasma fibrinogen (≥375 mg/dl) in the presence of diabetes mellitus and increased BMI (≥25 kg/m2) are associated with lower PI with clopidogrel in patients with CVD

    Fase Piloto do Estudo SPECTRUM. Reserva de Fluxo Fracionada Versus Angiografia para Avaliação e Conduta em Pacientes com Lesões Obstrutivas Coronárias de Grau Moderado: Racional e Desenho do Estudo

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    Introdu&#231;&#227;o: A despeito de suas reconhecidas limita&#231;&#245;es, a angiografia coron&#225;ria invasiva &#233; o m&#233;todo mais usado (muitas vezes &#250;nico) para a ado&#231;&#227;o de estrat&#233;gias terap&#234;uticas em pacientes submetidos a cateterismo card&#237;aco diagn&#243;stico. A mensura&#231;&#227;o de reserva de fluxo fracionada (FFR) tem sido empregada em diversos estudos, fundamentalmente no contexto de pacientes em que a avalia&#231;&#227;o angiogr&#225;fica per se indica a necessidade de interven&#231;&#227;o sobre as les&#245;es coron&#225;rias. No entanto, o m&#233;todo praticamente n&#227;o foi ainda testado em condi&#231;&#245;es opostas, no cen&#225;rio cl&#237;nico em que as obstru&#231;&#245;es, angiograficamente, n&#227;o indicariam interven&#231;&#245;es. O prop&#243;sito deste trabalho, a ser realizado de forma piloto em dois centros, &#233; testar a hip&#243;tese de que tamb&#233;m para les&#245;es intermedi&#225;rias, nas quais a angiografia n&#227;o demonstra necessidade de interven&#231;&#227;o coron&#225;ria, a medida de FFR resultaria em altera&#231;&#227;o da conduta terap&#234;utica baseada em angiografia. M&#233;todos: Ser&#227;o inclu&#237;dos pacientes consecutivos e clinicamente est&#225;veis, com doen&#231;a coron&#225;ria em segmento proximal e/ou m&#233;dio de um ou mais vasos epic&#225;rdicos (di&#226;metro > 2,5 mm), apresentando obstru&#231;&#245;es entre 40 e 70%, por estimativa visual. Em seguida, a conduta terap&#234;utica (cl&#237;nica ou intervencionista) baseada em angiografia, relativamente a essas les&#245;es, ser&#225; definida de maneira independente por consenso de dois observadores. A partir da&#237;, os pacientes, em ambos os grupos, ser&#227;o randomizados para dois subgrupos: (1) manuten&#231;&#227;o de conduta baseada na angiografia; e (2) realiza&#231;&#227;o de FFR para decis&#227;o terap&#234;utica. Os pacientes com les&#245;es em que se obtiver FFR < 0,80 ser&#227;o tratados com revasculariza&#231;&#227;o percut&#226;nea ou cir&#250;rgica, enquanto os portadores de les&#245;es com FFR &#8805; 0,80 ser&#227;o tratados clinicamente. Conclus&#245;es: O presente estudo visa avaliar se a medida de FFR em les&#245;es intermedi&#225;rias n&#227;o consideradas necess&#225;rias de tratamento intervencionista pela angiografia resulta em mudan&#231;a de conduta

    Elevated Plasma Fibrinogen Level Predicts Suboptimal Response to Therapy With Both Single- and Double-Bolus Eptifibatide During Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

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    ObjectivesThis study sought to determine the factors associated with suboptimal platelet inhibition (PI) with single- and double-bolus eptifibatide during percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).BackgroundAlthough PI ≥ 95% measured 10 min after glycoprotein IIb/IIIa inhibitor therapy is associated with improved outcomes following PCI, this level of PI often is not achieved.MethodsWe prospectively studied 150 patients undergoing PCI with single-bolus eptifibatide (180 μg/kg) (n = 100) and double-bolus eptifibatide (180 μg/kg administered 10 min apart) (n = 50) followed by standard infusion (2 μg/kg/min). Measuring platelet aggregation at baseline and at 10 min and 30 to 45 min after eptifibatide bolus, patients were classified as optimal responders (OPT) (≥95% PI) or suboptimal responders (sub-OPT) (<95% PI) based on 10-min PI after final bolus.ResultsSuboptimal PI was achieved in 61% of patients with single-bolus eptifibatide and in 36% with double-bolus eptifibatide. In the single-bolus group, sub-OPT had higher fibrinogen levels (324 ± 85 mg/dl vs. 259 ± 49 mg/dl, p = 0.0002), platelet counts (221 ± 70 vs. 186 ± 47, p = 0.008), and white blood cell counts (7.7 ± 2.3 vs. 6.6 ± 1.9, p = 0.02). In the double-bolus group, sub-OPT also had higher fibrinogen levels (324 ± 68 mg/dl vs. 278 ± 53 mg/dl, p = 0.01) and were more likely to be smokers (38.9% vs. 9.4%, p = 0.01). Multivariable analysis showed that fibrinogen level was the only independent predictor of suboptimal PI, with fibrinogen cutoffs at 375 and 325 mg/dl predicting suboptimal PI (single-bolus: 100% and 90.0%, respectively; double-bolus: 100% and 60%, respectively) with both doses.ConclusionsDuring PCI, both single- and double-bolus eptifibatide provide suboptimal PI in a substantial proportion of patients. A fibrinogen level >375 mg/dl is a strong predictor of suboptimal PI