304 research outputs found

    Supreme Court and the Police: A Police Viewpoint

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    Criminal Interrogation and Confessions

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    Supreme Court and the Police: A Police Viewpoint

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    Estimating the Parameters of Sgr A*'s Accretion Flow Via Millimeter VLBI

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    Recent millimeter-VLBI observations of Sagittarius A* (Sgr A*) have, for the first time, directly probed distances comparable to the horizon scale of a black hole. This provides unprecedented access to the environment immediately around the horizon of an accreting black hole. We leverage both existing spectral and polarization measurements and our present understanding of accretion theory to produce a suite of generic radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) models of Sgr A*, which we then fit to these recent millimeter-VLBI observations. We find that if the accretion flow onto Sgr A* is well described by a RIAF model, the orientation and magnitude of the black hole's spin is constrained to a two-dimensional surface in the spin, inclination, position angle parameter space. For each of these we find the likeliest values and their 1-sigma & 2-sigma errors to be a=0(+0.4+0.7), inclination=50(+10+30)(-10-10) degrees, and position angle=-20(+31+107)(-16-29) degrees, when the resulting probability distribution is marginalized over the others. The most probable combination is a=0(+0.2+0.4), inclination=90(-40-50) degrees and position angle=-14(+7+11)(-7-11) degrees, though the uncertainties on these are very strongly correlated, and high probability configurations exist for a variety of inclination angles above 30 degrees and spins below 0.99. Nevertheless, this demonstrates the ability millimeter-VLBI observations, even with only a few stations, to significantly constrain the properties of Sgr A*.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figures, accepted by Ap

    Using Millimeter VLBI to Constrain RIAF Models of Sagittarius A*

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    The recent detection of Sagittarius A* at lambda = 1.3 mm on a baseline from Hawaii to Arizona demonstrates that millimeter wavelength very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) can now spatially resolve emission from the innermost accretion flow of the Galactic center region. Here, we investigate the ability of future millimeter VLBI arrays to constrain the spin and inclination of the putative black hole and the orientation of the accretion disk major axis within the context of radiatively inefficient accretion flow (RIAF) models. We examine the range of baseline visibility and closure amplitudes predicted by RIAF models to identify critical telescopes for determining the spin, inclination, and disk orientation of the Sgr A* black hole and accretion disk system. We find that baseline lengths near 3 gigalambda have the greatest power to distinguish amongst RIAF model parameters, and that it will be important to include new telescopes that will form north-south baselines with a range of lengths. If a RIAF model describes the emission from Sgr A*, it is likely that the orientation of the accretion disk can be determined with the addition of a Chilean telescope to the array. Some likely disk orientations predict detectable fluxes on baselines between the continental United States and even a single 10-12 m dish in Chile. The extra information provided from closure amplitudes by a four-antenna array enhances the ability of VLBI to discriminate amongst model parameters.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ

    Event-Horizon-Telescope Evidence for Alignment of the Black Hole in the Center of the Milky Way with the Inner Stellar Disk

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    Observations of the black hole in the center of the Milky Way with the Event Horizon Telescope at 1.3 mm have revealed a size of the emitting region that is smaller than the size of the black-hole shadow. This can be reconciled with the spectral properties of the source, if the accretion flow is seen at a relatively high inclination (50-60 degrees). Such an inclination makes the angular momentum of the flow, and perhaps of the black hole, nearly aligned with the angular momenta of the orbits of stars that lie within 3 arcsec from the black hole. We discuss the implications of such an alignment for the properties of the black hole and of its accretion flow. We argue that future Event-Horizon-Telescope observations will not only refine the inclination of Sgr A* but also measure precisely its orientation on the plane of the sky.Comment: To appear in the Astrophysical Journa

    Constraining the Structure of Sagittarius A*'s Accretion Flow with Millimeter-VLBI Closure Phases

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    Millimeter wave Very Long Baseline Interferometry (mm-VLBI) provides access to the emission region surrounding Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, on sub-horizon scales. Recently, a closure phase of 0+-40 degrees was reported on a triangle of Earth-sized baselines (SMT-CARMA-JCMT) representing a new constraint upon the structure and orientation of the emission region, independent from those provided by the previously measured 1.3mm-VLBI visibility amplitudes alone. Here, we compare this to the closure phases associated with a class of physically motivated, radiatively inefficient accretion flow models, and present predictions for future mm-VLBI experiments with the developing Event Horizon Telescope (EHT). We find that the accretion flow models are capable of producing a wide variety of closure phases on the SMT-CARMA-JCMT triangle, and thus not all models are consistent with the recent observations. However, those models that reproduce the 1.3mm-VLBI visibility amplitudes overwhelmingly have SMT-CARMA-JCMT closure phases between +-30 degrees, and are therefore broadly consistent with all current mm-VLBI observations. Improving station sensitivity by factors of a few, achievable by increases in bandwidth and phasing together multiple antennas at individual sites, should result in physically relevant additional constraints upon the model parameters and eliminate the current 180 degree ambiguity on the source orientation. When additional stations are included, closure phases of order 45--90 degrees are typical. In all cases the EHT will be able to measure these with sufficient precision to produce dramatic improvements in the constraints upon the spin of Sgr A*.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap