37 research outputs found

    Women Protesting Against War, Writing and Acting for Peace

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    Streaming video requires RealPlayer to view.The University Archives has determined that this item is of continuing value to OSU's history.Birgit Brock-Utne is a Professor of Education and Development and Director of the M.Phil. in Comparative and International Education at the University of Oslo. Her research interests include peace education from a gender perspective, education in Africa, language in education, higher education in Africa and donor influence on education in the developing world.Ohio State University. Association for Women in DevelopmentOhio State University. Mershon Center for International Security Studieswebsite announcement, streaming video, phot

    International security and language: expanding the peace journalism framework

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    Bildung für Alle oder Schulung für Wenige?

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    Der Beitrag stellt die Frage, was unter dem Begriff "Bildung für Alle" zu verstehen ist und analysiert eine Grundsatzstudie der Weltbank von 1988 zur Zukunft des Schul- und Hochschulbereichs in Schwarzafrika. Es wird außerdem die Weltkonferenz zum Thema "Bildung für Alle" behandelt und danach gefragt, was für eine Ausbildung gemeint ist und für wen. Welche Kultur findet man in den Curricula und in welcher Sprache findet der Unterricht statt? Die Autorin analysiert die Spannungen, die zwischen externen Standards und internen Kulturen existieren und analysiert den Qualitätsbegriff der Weltbank. Weiterhin werden Globalisierungsprozesse im Bildungsbereich angesprochen: Wem dient der internationale Trend von zunehmendem Marktliberalismus, der jetzt auch im Bildungssystem immer deutlicher wird? Bedeutet diese "Globalisierung" nur Anglifizierung/Amerikanisierung oder - was die afrikanischen Länder betrifft - Neu-Kolonisierung? Wer sind die supranationalen Ausbilder, die globale Curricula und Prüfungen von Schulleistungen und Examina bestimmen? (DIPF/Orig.

    L'educació de la pau en l'era de la mundialització

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    El propòsit d’aquesta presentació és aguaitar els reptes amb què es troben els educadors de la pau en aquesta era de la mundialització. Per tal de poder analitzar els reptes a què fem referència i el mode de fer-los front, haurem de considerar, en primer lloc, el concepte mateix de «mundialització» o «globalització». Em concentraré en el tipus d’economia de mercat que sembla haver conquerit el món. Quin tipus de violència provoca aquesta economia de mercat? Quins reptes planteja als educadors de la pau? També em centraré en l’expansió de la comunicació entre les persones de diferents cultures gràcies als mitjans aeris, terrestres o cibernètics. També és fonamental reflexionar al voltant de l’educació per a la pau com a disciplina acadèmica: què és l’educació per a la pau? En quin sentit està vinculada a l’educació en els drets humans?In my talk I shall look at the challenges that meet peace educators in this era of globalization. To be able to analyze what the challenges are, and how they can be met, we first need to look at the concept «globalization» itself. I shall also look at the type of market-economy that seems to have conquered the world. What type of violence does this market-economy lead to? What challenges does it pose for peace educators? I shall also look at the increased communication between people from different cultures through travels in the air, on land or in cyber-space. Peace education as an academic field will also be looked into. What is peace education? How does it relate to human rights education? Does higher education in itself lead to more peaceful, less racist attitudes

    Language, democracy and education in Africa

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    This publication comprises two papers, both written during January and February 2002 when the author was a guest researcher at the Nordic Africa Institute (NAI). In the first paper, "The Language Question in Africa seen in the Context of Globalisation, Social Justice and Democracy", the language question is looked at through the eyes of a social and political scientist. The choice of an official language in Africa is viewed as a question of social class, of power. What social classes profit from the continued use of European languages in Africa? Who benefits? Who loses? The focus here is not only on language use in education but also on language use in the courts and in the political domain, especially in South Africa. Examples are mostly drawn from South Africa and Tanzania, where the author is conducting two research projects in the area of language and education. The second paper, "The Battle over the Language of Instruction in Tanzania", describes two further research projects in which the author is currently involved. In this paper, the author focuses on the question of the language of instruction through the eyes of an educationist. The paper builds on recent research conducted in Tanzania by the author and her Tanzanian Master's degree students.CONTENTS -- The Language Question in Africa seen in the Context of Globalisation, Social Justice and Democracy -- Globalisation -- In search of social justice – the language policy of South Africa -- The language of the courts -- Redistribution of power between social classes -- Democracy and multipartyism -- Elimu ya Siasa in Tanzanian secondary schools: The change from civics to siasa -- Change from Elimu ya Siasa back to civics in 1992 -- The Battle over the Language of Instruction in Tanzania -- A research project is born -- Field trips to Tanzania in 2001 -- A historical glance at language policies -- Description and analysis of current language policies -- What has happened to the Sera ya Utamaduni language policy of 1997? -- The forces working for and against change -- How teachers cope in secondary school classrooms in Tanzani

    Development Aid to the Education Sector in Africa : Lessons of Experience

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    The Threat to Norwegian as an Academic Language

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    Using a narrative approach to researching literacy and non-formal education in Africa and Asia

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    Development Aid to the Education Sector in Africa : Lessons of Experience

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