295 research outputs found

    Desde la crisis existencial a la sustancia de la arquitectura. Relatos sobre el vacío1 . Análisis del espacio y sus experiencias desde el enfoque creativo y emocional

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    The soul of our architecture is a WRITE-UP story. The choice of a write-up is not hazardous, it is the one that brings us closer from intuition to transcendent cmprehension of the existence of the universe. The text is also a landscape, a space to find needs from the most subjective, strange and unusual ones to the most usual, equally acceptable needs as game variables. All knowledges at our fingertips are needed, so we enter into a richer, more complex and at the same time, freer world. This way can only be passed through an attentive exploration. It is learning to dive from the first air breath until you reach the abyss of greater depth. To explore as a DESCRIPTION, exploring as a WRITE-UP, exploring as a REFLECTION To explore from desription is a way that follows specific game rules of apparent complexity. In principle it predisposes anyone who wants to play this game at a high level of concentration, does not accept divagues.El alma de nuestra arquitectura es un relato. La elección del relato no es azarosa, es la que nos acerca desde la intuición a la comprensión trascendente de la existencia del universo. El texto además es un paisaje, un espacio para encontrar necesidades desde las más subjetivas, extrañas e insólitas hasta las más habituales, igualmente aceptables como variables del juego. Son necesarios todos los saberes a nuestro alcance, así entramos en mundo más rico, más complejo y al mismo tiempo más libre. Este camino sólo puede transitarse a través de una exploración atenta. Es aprender a bucear desde la primera bocanada de aire hasta alcanzar los abismos de mayor profundidad. Explorar como DESCRIPCIÓN, explorar como NARRACIÓN, explorar como REFLEXIÓN2 .A alma da nossa arquitetura é uma história de WRITE-UP. A escolha de uma redação não é perigosa, é a que nos aproxima da intuição da compreensão transcendente da existência do universo. O texto também é uma paisagem, um espaço para encontrar necessidades, das mais subjetivas, estranhas e incomuns às mais usuais, igualmente aceitáveis como variáveis de jogo. Todos os conhecimentos ao nosso alcance são necessários, para entrarmos em um mundo mais rico, complexo e ao mesmo tempo mais livre. Dessa maneira, só é possível passar por uma exploração atenta. É aprender a mergulhar desde a primeira respiração até chegar ao abismo de maior profundidade. Para explorar como uma DESCRIÇÃO, explorando como uma ESCRITA, explorando como uma REFLEXÃO

    Characterization of Ceramides with Phytosphingosine Backbone by Hydrogen-deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry

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    Ceramides are a lipid subclass of the sphingolipids that show large structural diversity. Structural characterization of the ceramides (CERs) can lead to better understanding of their role and function in the biological system. Here we investigated representatives of NP (CER III, CER IIIB) and AP ceramide classes (CER VI) that contain phytosphingosine (P) backbone. Ceramides were characterized in positive ionization mode by hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS). Fragmentation in positive ionization mode of the CER III and CER VI resulted in abundant ions assigned to phytosphingosine moiety at m/z 282, 300 and 318. HDX-MS of fragments showed increase in m/z of corresponding ions confirming the exchange of deuterium. In negative ionisation spectra multiple fragment ions were assigned to fatty acyl (RCOO–) moiety. Presence of RCOO– allowed unambiguous identification of CER III and CER IIIB which were distinguished by the presence of double bond on fatty acyl chain. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Doppler ultrasound of the aorta , inferior vena cava and visceral arteries

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    El saber necesario. Reevaluando did\ue1cticas del proyecto. Pancho Guedes y la otra modernidad

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    El art\uedculo hace hincapi\ue9 en saberes marginados que poco a poco se van desvaneciendo en la formaci\uf3n del arquitecto y que consideramos necesarios para regir las ense\uf1anzas complementarias ligadas a la prefiguraci\uf3n: nos referimos a las necesarias incursiones en el mundo de las artes y de la figuraci\uf3n para devolver al proyecto arquitect\uf3nico sus propias competencias. El caso de Pancho Guedes es el pretexto que nos permite reflexionar sobre el proceso proyectual, desde la ideaci\uf3n hasta su representaci\uf3n, y sobre las posibles derivas de los saberes necesarios, que dejar\ue1n consecuencias en las generaciones que est\ue1n en formaci\uf3n, marcando un antes y un despu\ue9s. This article is about the need to govern the electives within the educational programs for architecture. The focus is on the subsidiary teachings involved into prefiguration. We claim for necessary incursions into the world of Arts and figuration. We propose the experience of Pancho Guedes, a versatile artist who crossed many figurative worlds, for the fundamentals and indispensable knowledge to govern the overall projectual process, from its ideation to its representation. The aim of this article is a call for awareness: the loss of sensitivity is such a widespread condition that we should be alarmed

    Oppfølgende undersøkelse av bløtbunnsfauna og sedimenter i Sandsfjorden i 2022

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    Prosjektleder Marijana Stenrud BrkljacicBløtbunnsfauna og sedimenter har blitt undersøkt på tre stasjoner utenfor Norsk Stein Jelsa sitt anlegg i Sandsfjorden i 2022. Hensikten med undersøkelsen har vært å se hvorvidt bedriftenes utslipp påvirker tilstanden for bløtbunnsfauna i resipienten. Økologisk tilstand for bløtbunnsfauna ble klassifisert til «svært god» på alle stasjonene, som var svært artsrike med totalt 98-114 registrerte arter per stasjon. Innholdet av organisk karbon i sedimentet var lavt og samtlige stasjoner ble klassifisert til «svært god» tilstand. Oksygenforholdene i bunnvannet var gode på alle stasjonene på tidspunktet for prøvetaking. Resultatene samsvarer med tidligere bløtbunnsundersøkelser fra 2013 og 2019, og viser at tilstanden er uendret. Det er ingenting som tyder på at bunnsfauna på de undersøkte stasjonene påvirkes negativt av bedriftens deponering av finpartikulært mineralsk materiale i sjøen.Norsk Stein ASpublishedVersio

    Effect of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-7 on Gene Expression of Bone Morphogenetic Protein-4, Dentin Matrix Protein-1, Insulin-like Growth Factor-I and -II in Cementoblasts In Vitro

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    Formation of root cementum is a crucial moment in the development of the periodontium. Cells that produce the cementum are named cementoblasts and they posses some unique characteristics, which differentiates them from osteoblasts. Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are crucial regulators of both bone and tooth formation. In animal studies BMPs have shown to induce periodontal regeneration, however the molecular mechanism as how BMP-7 induces cementogenesis is largely unknown. We have investigated how BMP-7 regulates gene expression of BMP-4, Dentin matrix protein- 1 (DMP-1), Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and –II (IGF-II) in cementoblasts. BMP-7 induced proliferation, and mineralized nodule formation of cementoblasts. Our results show that gene expression was influenced by the BMP-7 concentration used, with 75 ng/mL generally down regulating gene expression at 6 hours and then up-regulating after 24 hours. The 300 ng/mL concentration had an opposite effect while the 150 ng/mL concentration generally up-regulated gene expression after 6 hours and then after 24 hours maintained this up-regulation or had no effect compared to control, depending on the examined gene. The results show that BMP-7 down-regulated BMP-4 expression in cementoblasts but still up-regulated DMP-1 gene expression suggesting that BMP-7 can, in a paracrine manner, functionally substitute for BMP-4. Furthermore, it seems that BMP-7 exerts its effect more through the IGF-II than the IGF-I pathway as shown by an up-regulation of IGF-II and down-regulation of IGF-I. These results suggest that a combination of BMP-7/IGF-II could have a potential therapeutical significance in inducing cementogenesis and periodontal regeneration

    EFSUMB Guidelines on Interventional Ultrasound (INVUS), Part VI - Ultrasound-guided vascular interventions

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    The sixth part of the Guidelines on Interventional Ultrasound produced under the auspices of the European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology (EFSUMB) assesses the evidence for ultrasound guidance and assistance in vascular interventions. Based on convincing data, real-time sonographic guidance for central venous access is strongly recommended as a key safety measure. Systematic analysis of scientific literature shows that in difficult situations and special circumstances US guidance may also improve the efficacy and safety of peripheral venous and arterial access and endovascular interventions. Moreover, the recommendations of this guideline endorse the use of ultrasound to detect complications of vascular access and US-guided interventional treatment of arterial pseudoaneurysms.publishersversionPeer reviewe