3,013 research outputs found

    Storageless and caching Tier-2 models in the UK context

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    Operational and other pressures have lead to WLCG experiments moving increasingly to a stratified model for Tier-2 resources, where ``fat" Tier-2s (``T2Ds") and ``thin" Tier-2s (``T2Cs") provide different levels of service. In the UK, this distinction is also encouraged by the terms of the current GridPP5 funding model. In anticipation of this, testing has been performed on the implications, and potential implementation, of such a distinction in our resources. In particular, this presentation presents the results of testing of storage T2Cs, where the ``thin" nature is expressed by the site having either no local data storage, or only a thin caching layer; data is streamed or copied from a ``nearby" T2D when needed by jobs. In OSG, this model has been adopted successfully for CMS AAA sites; but the network topology and capacity in the USA is significantly different to that in the UK (and much of Europe). We present the result of several operational tests: the in-production University College London (UCL) site, which runs ATLAS workloads using storage at the Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) site; the Oxford site, which has had scaling tests performed against T2Ds in various locations in the UK (to test network effects); and the Durham site, which has been testing the specific ATLAS caching solution of ``Rucio Cache" integration with ARC's caching layer

    Isotopic analysis of faunal material from South Uist, Western Isles, Scotland

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    This paper reports on the results from stable isotope analysis of faunal bone collagen from a number of Iron Age and later sites on the island of South Uist, in the Western Isles, Scotland. This preliminary investigation into the isotopic signatures of the fauna is part of a larger project to model the interaction between humans, animals, and the broader environment in the Western Isles. The results demonstrate that the island fauna data fall within the range of expected results for the UK, with the terrestrial herbivorous diets of cattle and sheep confi rmed. The isotopic composition for pigs suggests that some of these animals had an omnivorous diet, whilst a single red deer value might be suggestive of the consumption of marine foods, such as by grazing on seaweed. However, further analysis is needed in order to verify this anomalous isotopic ratio

    Land systems as surrogates for biodiversity in conservation planning

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    Environmental surrogates (land classes) for the distribution of biodiversity are increasingly being used for conservation planning. However; data that demonstrate coincident patterns in land classes and biodiversity are limited. We ask the overall question, "Are land systems effective surrogates for the spatial configuration of biodiversity for conservation planning?" and we address three specific questions: (1) Do different land systems represent different biological assemblages.? (2) Do biological assemblages on the same land system remain similar with increasing geographic separation? and (3) Do biological assemblages on the same land system remain similar with increasing land system isolation? Vascular plants, invertebrates, and microbiota were surveyed from 24 sites in four land systems in and northwest New South Wales, Australia. Within each land system, sites were located to give a hierarchy of inter-site distances, and land systems were classified as either "low isolation" (large and continuous) or "high isolation" (small patches interspersed among other land systems). Each type of land system supported components of biodiversity either not found, or found infrequently, on other land systems, suggesting that land systems function as surrogates for biodiversity, and that conservation-area networks representing land-system diversity will also represent biological diversity. However, the majority of taxa were found on more than one land-system type, suggesting that a large proportion of the plant, arthropod, and microbial biodiversity may be characterized by widespread species with low fidelity to particular land systems. Significant relationships between geographic distance among sites and differences among assemblages were revealed for all taxa except the microbiota. Therefore, as sites on the same land system were located farther apart, the assemblages at those sites became more different. This finding strongly suggests that conservation planning based on land-system diversity should also sample the geographic range occupied by each land system. Land-system isolation was not revealed to be a significant Source of variation in assemblage composition. Our research finds support for environmental surrogates for biodiversity in conservation planning, specifically the use of land systems and similarly derived land classifications. However, the need for explicit modeling of geographic distance in conservation planning is clearly indicated

    A noninvasive eDNA tool for detecting sea lamprey larvae in river sediments: Analytical validation and field testing in a low-abundance ecosystem.

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    Anthropogenic activities are increasingly threatening aquatic biodiversity, especially anadromous species. Monitoring and conservation measures are thus required to protect, maintain and restore imperilled populations. While many species can be surveyed using traditional capture and visual census techniques, species that use riverine habitats in a less conspicuous manner, such as sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus, can be more challenging to monitor. Sea lamprey larvae (ammocoetes) can spend several years in freshwater burrowed within soft sediments, inhibiting their detection and assessment. Here, we present a qPCR assay based on the detection of environmental DNA (eDNA) to identify the presence of ammocoetes burrowed in the sediment. We present an extensively validated method that ensured both species-specificity of the assay as well as the capacity to detect ammocoetes when abundances are low. Experiments on burrowing activity suggested that most of the DNA released into the sediment occurs during burrowing. Overall, we demonstrate this new molecular-based tool is an efficient and effective complement to traditional monitoring activities targeting larval stages of sea lampreys
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