2,381 research outputs found

    Radio sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We discuss radio sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey region. By cross-matching the X-ray sources in this field with the NRAO VLA Sky Survey archival data, we find 12 candidate matches. We present a classification scheme for radio/X-ray matches in surveys taken in or near the Galactic plane, taking into account other multiwavelength data. We show that none of the matches found here is likely to be due to coronal activity from normal stars because the radio to X-ray flux ratios are systematically too high. We show that one of the source could be a radio pulsar, and that one could be a planetary nebula, but that the bulk of the sources are likely to be background active galactic nuclei (AGN), with many confirmed through a variety of approaches. Several of the AGN are bright enough in the near-infrared (and presumably in the optical) to use as probes of the interstellar medium in the inner Galaxy

    Respiratory tract infections among children younger than 5 years: Current management in Australian general practice

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    Objective: To explore the current management in Australian general practice of common respiratory tract infections (RTIs) in children younger than 5 years. Design, setting and participants: Analysis of data from a sample of 4522 general practitioners who participated in the Bettering the Evaluation and Care of Health (BEACH) cross-sectional survey, April 2007 to March 2012. Consultations with children younger than 5 years were analysed. Main outcome measures: GPs’ management of four common RTIs (acute upper RTI [URTI], acute bronchitis/bronchiolitis, acute tonsillitis, and pneumonia) in association with six management options: antibiotic medications; prescribed or supplied non-antibiotic medications; medications advised for over-the-counter purchase; referrals; pathology testing; and counselling. Results: Of 31 295 encounters recorded, at least one of the four selected paediatric RTIs was managed at 8157 encounters. URTI was managed 18.6 times per 100 GP patient encounters, bronchitis/bronchiolitis 4.2 times, acute tonsillitis 2.7 times, and pneumonia 0.6 times per 100 encounters. Antibiotics were prescribed most frequently for tonsillitis and least frequently for URTI. Male GPs prescribed antibiotics for URTI significantly more often than female GPs, while older GPs prescribed antibiotics for URTI more often than younger GPs. Conclusion: GP management of paediatric RTIs in Australia varied according to the clinical problem and with age and sex of the GP. Further research into parents’ and health professionals’ attitudes and practices regarding the role of antibiotics, over-the-counter medications, and hygiene will help maintain favourable management practices

    Passive sorting of asteroid material using solar radiation pressure

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    Understanding dust dynamics in asteroid environments is key for future science missions to asteroids and, in the long-term, also for asteroid exploitation. This paper proposes a novel way of manipulating asteroid material by means of solar radiation pressure (SRP). We envisage a method for passively sorting material as a function of its grain size where SRP is used as a passive in-situ ‘mass spec-trometer’. The analysis shows that this novel method allows an effective sorting of regolith material. This has immediate applications for sample return, and in-situ resource utilisation to separate different regolith particle sizes

    A dynamical model of surrogate reactions

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    A new dynamical model is developed to describe the whole process of surrogate reactions; transfer of several nucleons at an initial stage, thermal equilibration of residues leading to washing out of shell effects and decay of populated compound nuclei are treated in a unified framework. Multi-dimensional Langevin equations are employed to describe time-evolution of collective coordinates with a time-dependent potential energy surface corresponding to different stages of surrogate reactions. The new model is capable of calculating spin distributions of the compound nuclei, one of the most important quantity in the surrogate technique. Furthermore, various observables of surrogate reactions can be calculated, e.g., energy and angular distribution of ejectile, and mass distributions of fission fragments. These features are important to assess validity of the proposed model itself, to understand mechanisms of the surrogate reactions and to determine unknown parameters of the model. It is found that spin distributions of compound nuclei produced in 18^{18}O+238^{238}U 16\rightarrow ^{16}O+240^{240*}U and 18^{18}O+236^{236}U 16\rightarrow ^{16}O+238^{238*}U reactions are equivalent and much less than 10\hbar, therefore satisfy conditions proposed by Chiba and Iwamoto (PRC 81, 044604(2010)) if they are used as a pair in the surrogate ratio method.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Discovery of a high state AM CVn binary in the Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We report on the discovery of a hydrogen-deficient compact binary (CXOGBS J175107.6-294037) belonging to the AM CVn class in the Galactic Bulge Survey. Deep archival X-ray observations constrain the X-ray positional uncertainty of the source to 0.57 arcsec, and allow us to uniquely identify the optical and UV counterpart. Optical spectroscopic observations reveal the presence of broad, shallow He i absorption lines while no sign of hydrogen is present, consistent with a high state system. We present the optical lightcurve from Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment monitoring, spanning 15 years. It shows no evidence for outbursts; variability is present at the 0.2 mag level on timescales ranging from hours to weeks. A modulation on a timescale of years is also observed. A Lomb-Scargle analysis of the optical lightcurves shows two significant periodicities at 22.90 and 23.22 min. Although the physical interpretation is uncertain, such timescales are in line with expectations for the orbital and superhump periods. We estimate the distance to the source to be between 0.5 - 1.1 kpc. Spectroscopic follow-up observations are required to establish the orbital period, and to determine whether this source can serve as a verification binary for the eLISA gravitational wave mission.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letter

    3D-Laser-Scanning Technique Applied to Bulk Density Measurements of Apollo Lunar Samples

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    In order to better interpret gravimetric data from orbiters such as GRAIL and LRO to understand the subsurface composition and structure of the lunar crust, it is import to have a reliable database of the density and porosity of lunar materials. To this end, we have been surveying these physical properties in both lunar meteorites and Apollo lunar samples. To measure porosity, both grain density and bulk density are required. For bulk density, our group has historically utilized sub-mm bead immersion techniques extensively, though several factors have made this technique problematic for our work with Apollo samples. Samples allocated for measurement are often smaller than optimal for the technique, leading to large error bars. Also, for some samples we were required to use pure alumina beads instead of our usual glass beads. The alumina beads were subject to undesirable static effects, producing unreliable results. Other investigators have tested the use of 3d laser scanners on meteorites for measuring bulk volumes. Early work, though promising, was plagued with difficulties including poor response on dark or reflective surfaces, difficulty reproducing sharp edges, and large processing time for producing shape models. Due to progress in technology, however, laser scanners have improved considerably in recent years. We tested this technique on 27 lunar samples in the Apollo collection using a scanner at NASA Johnson Space Center. We found it to be reliable and more precise than beads, with the added benefit that it involves no direct contact with the sample, enabling the study of particularly friable samples for which bead immersion is not possibl

    Evidence for SrHo2O4 and SrDy2O4 as model J1-J2 zig-zag chain materials

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    Neutron diffraction and inelastic spectroscopy is used to characterize the magnetic Hamiltonian of SrHo2O4 and SrDy2O4. Through a detailed computation of the crystal-field levels we find site- dependent anisotropic single-ion magnetism in both materials and diffraction measurements show the presence of strong one-dimensional spin correlations. Our measurements indicate that competing interactions of the zig-zag chain, combined with frustrated interchain interactions, play a crucial role in stabilizing spin-liquid type correlations in this series.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    HD 145263: Spectral Observations of Silica Debris Disk Formation via Extreme Space Weathering?

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    We report here time domain infrared spectroscopy and optical photometry of the HD145263 silica-rich circumstellar disk system taken from 2003 through 2014. We find an F4V host star surrounded by a stable, massive 1e22 - 1e23 kg (M_Moon to M_Mars) dust disk. No disk gas was detected, and the primary star was seen rotating with a rapid ~1.75 day period. After resolving a problem with previously reported observations, we find the silica, Mg-olivine, and Fe-pyroxene mineralogy of the dust disk to be stable throughout, and very unusual compared to the ferromagnesian silicates typically found in primordial and debris disks. By comparison with mid-infrared spectral features of primitive solar system dust, we explore the possibility that HD 145263's circumstellar dust mineralogy occurred with preferential destruction of Fe-bearing olivines, metal sulfides, and water ice in an initially comet-like mineral mix and their replacement by Fe-bearing pyroxenes, amorphous pyroxene, and silica. We reject models based on vaporizing optical stellar megaflares, aqueous alteration, or giant hypervelocity impacts as unable to produce the observed mineralogy. Scenarios involving unusually high Si abundances are at odds with the normal stellar absorption near-infrared feature strengths for Mg, Fe, and Si. Models involving intense space weathering of a thin surface patina via moderate (T < 1300 K) heating and energetic ion sputtering due to a stellar superflare from the F4V primary are consistent with the observations. The space weathered patina should be reddened, contain copious amounts of nanophase Fe, and should be transient on timescales of decades unless replenished.Comment: 41 Pages, 5 Figures, 5 Tables, Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa