574 research outputs found

    Towards a novel optical access networks management solution: addressing general management complexity

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    Past technological advances and an increasing need to communicate have led to the creation of the current telecommunications networks. A critical part of a telecommunications network is the access network, since it must bridge the clients with the services provided, ensuring an efficient connection between them. In the last few years, both governments and organizations from several countries have adopted large fiber optics implementations in their access networks, given its broadband capabilities. However, the structure of such networks can become very complex, forcing organizations to use means that allow them to efficiently manage such complexity. Several software solutions available on the market are capable of providing management features for these networks, but the complexity of these solutions can negatively affect management, making it lengthy and error-prone. In this paper, we describe the initial development of a software solution, consisting of a set of integrated tools that will make optical access networks management more efficient by addressing the complexity limitations of the current solutions. One of the tools, presented in this paper, was tested with a local ISP (Internet Service Provider) and showed to be capable of overcoming the limitations faced by the organization on managing their optical access network.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Trafficker’s Paradise: The “War On Drugs” and the New Cold War in Colombia

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    Este ensayo muestra cómo la bonanza de marihua-na del Caribe colombiano y la campaña represiva en sucontra, denominada “Las dos penínsulas”, dieron a luzuna nueva era en las relaciones inter-estatales, y entreEstados y sociedades entre Colombia y Estados Unidos.La economía exportadora de marihuana surgió y seconsolidó en una de las regiones más pobres y aparta-das de Colombia, la península de la Guajira y su vecinaSierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Esta zona ha sido histó-ricamente reconocida como una tierra “sin dios ni ley”,estratégicamente localizada en el corazón de la cuencadel Caribe, pero nunca completamente integrada ni alEstado colonial español ni al Estado-nación colombia-no. Este ensayo analiza la bonanza de la marihuana endos etapas: su ascenso meteórico en la segunda mitadde los setenta, por lo que en su momento Colombiase convirtió en el mayor exportador de marihuana delmundo, y su rápido declive a comienzos de los ochen-ta, años durante los cuales Colombia se transformó enel primer teatro de la “guerra contra las drogas” en LosAndes. Este ensayo explica ambos momentos como elresultado de la confluencia de tendencias locales, na-cionales y mundiales definidas por una lucha por lalegitimidad de ciertas prácticas productivas, comercialesy de consumo, la cual tuvo lugar entre los gobiernos deColombia y Estados Unidos, de un lado, y grupos mar-ginales y comunidades de fronteras de ambos países, delotro. El argumento central sostiene que consideracionesgeopolíticas por parte de Estados Unidos entraron enconsonancia con nuevos imperativos del gobierno co-lombiano respecto a la seguridad nacional, resultando enuna agresiva campaña militar lanzada a finales de 1978en la región productora de marihuana. Esta historia dela emergencia, auge y declive de la economía de la ma-rihuana en el Caribe colombiano nos permite entendercómo la llamada “guerra contra las drogas” operó comoun instrumento de control estatal y vehículo para laconsolidación de un nuevo militarismo que apuntabaa alinear a los Estados sudamericanos con las estrate-gias de la “nueva Guerra Fría” liderada por el gobiernoestadounidense

    Development of a penetration test for timber impregnation products for use in old buildings

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    This paper studies the application of commercial biocides to old maritime pine timber structures (Pinus pinaster Ait.) that have previously been impregnated with other products. A method was developed in the laboratory to be used in situ to determine the impregnation depth achieved by a new generation biocide product applied to timber from an old building. This timber had once been treated with an unknown product difficult to characterize without extensive analysis. The test was initially developed in laboratory conditions and later tested on elements of the roof structure of an 18th century building. In both cases the results were promising and mutually consistent with penetration depths for some treatments reaching 2.0 cm. The application in situ proved the tests viability and simplicity of execution giving a clear indication on the feasibility of possible re-treatments

    Smart mobility: a survey

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    Internet of Things (IoT) describes a world where everyday objects are always connected to the Internet, allowing them to communicate and interact with each other. By connecting these everyday objects to the Internet and making them available everywhere at any time, IoT allows to remotely monitor, manage, and gather status information about them and their surrounding environment. IoT is a revolutionary concept that brought new experiences to everyday life and enabled Smart City initiatives all over the world. These initiatives are using a combination of technology paired with physical infrastructure and services, to improve people’s quality of life. One of the high priority domain to support the Smart City’s vision is the field of Smart Mobility. This paper reviews the current IoT approaches and concepts related to Smart Cities and Smart Mobility. In addition, it analyzes distinct features and numerous applications covering both Intelligent Transportation and Real Time Traffic Management Systems.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overview of context-sensitive technologies for well-being

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    Today smart devices such as smartphones, smartwatches and activity trackers are widely available and accepted in most developed societies. These devices present a broad set of sensors capable of extracting detailed information about different situations of daily life, which, if used for good, have the potential to improve the quality of life not only for individuals but also for the society in general. One of the key areas where this type of information can help to improve the quality of life is in healthcare since it allows to monitor and infer the current level of well-being of the smart devices carriers. In this paper, some of the available literature about well-being sensing through context-aware data is reviewed. Also, the main types of mechanisms used in these studies are identified. These mechanisms are related to monitoring, generalization, inference, feedback, energy management and privacy. Furthermore, a description of the mechanisms used in each study is presented.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Propuesta metodológica basada en investigación dirigida para el trabajo experimental en la enseñanza de las reacciones químicas inorgánicas en la Institución Educativa Fe y Alegría José María Vélaz

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    Este trabajo tiene como finalidad el diseño de actividades experimentales mediante un enfoque de investigación dirigida a los estudiantes de grado décimo de la institución educativa José María Vélaz, con el propósito de desarrollar competencias científicas y conocimientos en reacciones químicas inorgánicas. Durante la intervención se aplicó una prueba diagnóstica, la cual evidenció la necesidad de generar estrategias que permitieran mejorar la comprensión de los conceptos básicos de reacciones inorgánicas. Con base en estos resultados se diseñaron las prácticas experimentales. Finalmente se logró una buena apropiación de los conceptos relacionados con reacciones químicas inorgánicas por parte de los estudiantes, quienes adquirieron competencias investigativas, mejoraron el tratamiento de datos y alcanzaron mayor profundidad en el análisis de los resultados experimentales obtenidos.Abstract: this paper aims to design experimental activities through a research approach aimed at tenth grade students at school José María Vélaz, in order to develop scientific skills and knowledge in inorganic chemical reactions. During the involvement a diagnostic test was applied and the results show the need to develop strategies that would improve the understanding of the basic concepts of inorganic reactions. Based on these results the experimental practices were designed. At the end, it was possible that students get a good appropriation of the concepts related to inorganic chemical reactions, acquiring investigative skills, improving their data processing and deepening in the analysis of experimental results

    Euclides: Libros XI-XIII-XIII

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    En este trabajo de Fin de Grado estudiamos los tres ´ultimos libros de los Elementos de Euclides, que est´an dedicados a la geometr´ıa del espacio. El Libro XI comienza con un conjunto de 28 definiciones que valen para los tres libros: s´olidos, rectas y planos ortogonales, planos paralelos, ´angulos s´olidos, s´olidos semejantes, pir´amide, prisma, esfera, cono, cilindro y los cinco poliedros regulares. La mayor parte de este libro, que cuenta con 39 proposiciones, se centra en el an´alisis pormenorizado de los s´olidos paralelep´ıpedos. En el Libro XII, a trav´es de 18 proposiciones, relaciona los vol´umenes de prismas y pir´amides, de cilindros y conos, y de la esfera con el cubo de su di´ametro, mediante una magistral utilizaci´on de la teor´ıa de la proporcionalidad y del m´etodo de exhauci´on. Finalmente, el principal objetivo del Libro XIII y un digno colof´on a esta magnum opus de Euclides, es la construcci´on de los poliedros regulares o s´olidos plat´onicos: tetraedro, octaedro, cubo (o hexaedro regular), icosaedro y dodecaedro, y la indagaci´on de alguna de sus propiedades. As´ı, establece que la arista del icosaedro es la cantidad irracional llamada menor, mientras que la del dodecaedro es la cantidad irracional denominada ap´otoma.In this Final Degree Project we study the last three books of Euclid’s Elements, which deal with the geometry in the space. At the beginning of Book XI we can find the 28 definitions employed in these books: solids, stright line or plane at right angles to a plane, pyramid, prism, sphere, cone, cylinder and the five regular polyhedron, amongst others. The greatest part of Book XI, with 39 propositions, focalizes in a detailed analysis of the parallelepiped solids. In Book XII, trough 18 propositions, Euclid connects the volumes of prisms and pyramids with those ones of cylinders and cones, respectively, as well as the volumes of spheres with the cubed ratio of their corresponding diameters, by means of a masterful use of the theory of proportion and the method of exhaustion. Finally, the main objetive of Book XIII and a very satisfactory finish to this magnum opus of Euclid, is the construction of the regular polyhedrons (platonic solids): tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron and icosahedron, and the check of some of their proporties. In this way, it is established that the edge of icosahedron is the irrational straight-line called minor, while the edge of dodecahedron is the irrational one named apotome

    A collaborative model for representing wireless sensor networks' entities and properties

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    Wireless sensor nodes are, typically, resource limited. Therefore, the major functions of the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) cannot be accomplished without collaboration among sensor nodes. In this paper, we present the Wireless Sensor Networks Supported Cooperative Work (WSNSCW) model. The key contribution of this model, when comparing to other models, is allowing for the representation of all the components and properties of a WSN. We also present the main entities and properties of this graph-based model, as well as its formalization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An integrating platform for environmental monitoring in museums based on wireless sensor networks

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    Monitoring the museum’s environment for preventive conservation of art purposes is one major concern to all museums. In order to properly conserve the artwork it is critical to continuously measure some parameters, such as temperature, relative humidity, light and, also, pollutants, either in storage or exhibition rooms. The deployment of a Wireless Sensor Network in a museum can help implementing these measurements in real-time, continuously, and in a much easier and cheap way. In this paper, we present the first testbed deployed in an Contemporary Art Museum, located in Madeira Island, Portugal, and the preliminary results of these experiments. On the other hand, we propose a new wireless sensor node that offers some advantages when compared with several commercially available solutions. Furthermore, we present a system that automatically controls the dehumidifying devices, maintaining the humidity at more constant levels.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Towards a collaborative model for wireless sensor networks

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    Collaboration is crucial to Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) as a result of the typical resource limitations of wireless sensor nodes. In this paper, we present a model of collaborative work for WSNs. This model is called Wireless Sensor Networks Supported Cooperative Work (WSNSCW) and was created for these specific networks. We also present the formalization of some entities of the model and its properties. This is a generic model that is being used as a basis for the development of a 3D awareness tool for WSNs.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio