614 research outputs found

    Value Co-Creation with Suppliers

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    The growing specialization of firms and the reinforcement of vertical disintegration have led to an increasing reliance on purchasing and supply management. This means that an increasing proportion of value is created outside the boundaries of the firm, namely by suppliers. In this context, the paper aims to relate the configuration of the bonds companies establish with their suppliers to the process of value creation. The paper furthers our understanding of buyer-supplier relationships as mechanisms for the coordination and development of capabilities on both sides of the dyad. Evidence was found that relationships affect not only the access and exploration of suppliers’ resources, but also the perception the buying firm has about their capabilities which is likely to condition the potential for joint value creation. The main contribution of the paper is that value co-creation involving suppliers must be regarded as a strategic option which depends on several conditions. This research puts in evidence two of these conditions: suppliers’ capabilities and the way the buyer-seller relationships are configured.Buyer-supplier relationships, capabilities, relationship configuration, value creation

    Fucosyltransferase IX: characterization and biological role

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    α3/4-Fucosyltransferases (α3/4-FUTs) are glycosyltransferases (GTs) that catalyze the transfer of fucose in an α3/4-linkage onto the N-acetylglucosamine residue from acceptors containing the type II or type I (Galβ4/3GlcNAc, respectively) structures, thus synthesizing the fucosylated Lewis (Le) carbohydrate determinants. Fucosyltransferase IX (FUT9), the most recently identified member of the family, presents the higher divergence from the other FUTs and its sequence is the only highly conserved among species. FUT9 synthesizes the Lewisx (Lex) epitope (Galβ4(Fucα3)GlcNAc). Recent evidence has suggested that it is the enzyme responsible for the synthesis of Lex in the mouse brain. Lex expression has been described in glycoproteins, proteoglycans and glycolipids from the central nervous system (CNS) of diverse species, including rodents and humans

    The effects of oil dependence on growth volatility

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    In this thesis, we analyze the relationship between dependence on oil exports and growth volatility, controlling for other determinants. We collect annual data from 1995 to 2015 on a sample of 42 oil net exporting countries and use the standard system generalized methods of moments (GMM) approach developed by Arellano and Bover (1995) and Blundell and Bond (1998). We also investigate the channels that moderate this effect through macroeconomic policies suggested by policymakers and we find evidence that supports the mitigating effect of financial development, institutional quality and human capital on the transmission of oil dependence on growth volatility

    Innovation-based Nets as Collective Actors: A Heterarchization Case Study from the Automotive Industry

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    Cooperation and collaboration between companies represents a key issue within the conceptual framework developed by the IMP Group. However, little attention has been paid to a phenomenon which can result from such collaboration, i.e. collective action. This involves cooperative activities undertaken by a significant number of actors sharing a common aim. This research uses the concept of issue-based net to open new avenues to understand collective action in the context of innovation activities, specifically by analyzing a case study of an innovation-based net in the automotive industry. Two main objectives are addressed in this study: Related to this discussion of different development paths of collective actors, the case study analysis focuses on how issue-based nets emerge and evolve in situations of innovation, specifically, what kind of structure and process issues characterize a heterarchization development path. Furthermore, the analysis addressed how issue-based nets change the positioning of individual member firms, a well as that of the collective actor within the overall network.Innovation, collective actor, issue-based nets, heterarchization, case study, automotive industry

    Classification approach for diagnosis of arteriosclerosis using B-mode ultrasound carotid images

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia Biomédica. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Produção e purificação de biofármacos antileucémicos utilizando nanomateriais

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    Biopharmaceuticals are a natural alternative to chemically synthesized pharmaceuticals. They can be based on enzymes, hormones, monoclonal antibodies, cytokines, among others; and are already applied in the treatment of many diseases that do not reply to common therapies. The enzyme L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) is a biopharmaceutical already used in treatments of many leukemias, namely Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL), or Hodgkin’s disease. Particularly, in ALL, type of leukemia that attacks mostly children and young people, L-ASNase acts as an inhibitor of the carcinogen cells growth. However, the L-ASNase commercially available, and from Escherichia coli, contains a high activity of L-glutaminase, causing side effects, for example edema, fever, diabetes and haemorrhages, in the patients. Therefore, the search for new microorganisms that produce L-ASNase with decreased secondary effects is of extreme importance. In this work, a recombinant L-ASNase was produced from Bacillus Subtilis. After that, as the conventional methods for the purification of this enzyme are very expensive, it was developed a new purification technique for L-ASNase, more economical, through the usage of supported ionic liquids (SIL). Three SILs were synthesized and characterized, and different experimental conditions were tested, in order to optimize the purification process of L-ASNase, namely the cell extract total protein concentration and the material/cell extract ratio. At last, a semi-continuous assay was performed with the optimized conditions. The results obtained demonstrate that optimum experimental conditions for L-ASNase purification occur at a cell extract concentration of 16.7 mg/mL (original total protein concentration after cell lysis) and 50 mg of material per each mL of cell extract, corresponding to a specific activity of L-ASNase of 0.0382 U/mg and a purification fold of 3.46.Os biofármacos são uma alternativa natural aos fármacos quimicamente sintetizados. Estes podem ter como base enzimas, hormonas, anticorpos monoclonais, citocinas, entre outros; e já são aplicados no tratamento de diversas doenças que não respondem às terapias comuns. A enzima L-asparaginase (L-ASNase) é um biofármaco atualmente usado no tratamento de diversas leucemias, nomeadamente a Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda (LLA), ou doença de Hodgkin. No caso específico da LLA, tipo de leucemia que ataca maioritariamente crianças e jovens, a L-ASNase atua como um inibidor do crescimento das células cancerígenas. Porém, a L-ASNase atualmente comercializada, e proveniente de Escherichia coli, contém uma atividade elevada de L-glutaminase, provocando efeitos secundários, como edema, febre, diabetes e hemorragias, nos pacientes. Deste modo, a busca por novos microorganismos que produzam L-ASNase com efeitos colaterais diminuídos é de extrema importância. Neste trabalho, produziu-se uma L-ASNase recombinante por Bacillus Subtillis. Posteriormente, e uma vez que os métodos convencionais para a purificação desta enzima são muito dispendiosos, desenvolveu-se uma nova técnica de purificação para a L-ASNase mais económica através da utilização de líquidos iónicos suportados (LIS). Foram sintetizados e caracterizados três LIS e testaram-se diferentes condições experimentais de forma a otimizar o processo de purificação da L-ASNase, nomeadamente a concentração do extrato celular e a razão material/extrato celular. Por fim, efetuou-se um ensaio em semi-contínuo, com as condições já otimizadas. Os resultados obtidos indicam que as condições ótimas de purificação da L-ASNase ocorrem com uma concentração de proteína total do extrato celular de 16.7 mg/mL (concentração de proteína total obtida após a lise celular) e uma massa de 50 mg de material por cada mL de extrato celular, correspondentes a uma atividade específica de L-ASNase de 0.0382 U/mg e fator de purificação de 3.46.Mestrado em Engenharia Químic

    understanding the situation of unaccompanied minors in Europe - challenges and possibilities

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    Menores não acompanhados requerentes de asilos que deixam o seu país de origem são confrontados com múltiplos desafios e situações de perigo quando estão a caminho do seu país de destino. No entanto, mesmo quando chegam a países tidos como sendo seguros e respeitadores de direitos humanos, estes menores sofrem ainda várias violações a este nível, perpetuadas pelos estados receptores. Esta tese tem em consideração este tópico em solo da União Europeia, focando-se no mais importante instrumento legal internacional de direitos humanos para a protecção de crianças, a Convenção sobre os Direitos da Criança, e a principal directiva para a recepção de requerentes de asilo, bem como tendo em conta outros documentos vinculativos e não vinculativos, doutrina e jurisprudência relevantes. Consagrado na Convenção está uma parte controversa e essencial desta, o princípio do melhor interesse da criança, sobre o qual esta dissertação irá reflectir ao analisar a detenção de um grupo vulnerável, os menores não acompanhados requerentes de asilo, em território pertencente à União Europeia. De forma a conseguir isto, a tese analisa as diferentes fases que levam e influenciam a detenção de menores - os processos à chegada, o procedimento de asilo e as garantias legais processuais. Por fim, elabora-se uma reflecção sobre o acto de detenção de menores não acompanhados requerentes de asilo através da analise dos princípios de “último recurso” e “pela mínima duração possível”. Assim sendo, a tese ambiciona clarificar a famosa, mas desconhecida, situação dos menores não acompanhados requerentes de asilo que chegam à Europa e as violações de direitos humanos de que são vítimas, olhando para como a ilegalidade dos actos perpetuados é provada através de documentos e princípios legais internacionais, regionais e nacionais, mesmo se estes são defendidos e perpetuados por certos Estados.Unaccompanied asylum seeking minors leaving their countries of origins face a serious of challenges and dangerous situations on the way to their countries of destination. However, even when they arrive at safe countries they still face a number of violations of human rights, perpetuated by the receiving states. This thesis approaches this matter in the European Union, focusing on the main international human rights instrument protecting children, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the central European directive on the reception of asylum seekers, alongside other relevant binding and non-binding legal documents, doctrine and jurisprudence. Enshrined in the Convention is the best interest of the child principle, a controversial and essential part of it, which this dissertation will reflect upon through the detention of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors, a vulnerable group, in European Union territory. In order to do this, the thesis analyses the different stages that lead and affect the detention of minors - arrival procedures, asylum granting processes and judicial guarantees. Finally, it seeks to reflect on the act of the detention of unaccompanied asylum seeking minors itself by its assessing its legality concerning the principle of last resort and the principle of minimum time of detention as possible. As such, this thesis aims to shine light on the numerous violations of human rights that unaccompanied asylum seeking minors often suffer upon arrival in Europe and how their illegality is proven through a series of international, regional and national legally binding articles and principles, even if these acts are continuously perpetuated and states attempt to justify them.

    Hemangioma Infantil: A Propósito de um Caso Clínico

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    The authors present a case report of a newborn, admitted for pre-auricular swelling associated with a bright red skin patch. The ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging evaluations were compatible with the diagnosis of parotid gland infantile hemangioma. Infantile hemangioma is a common benign vascular tumor, representing the vascular anomaly most frequently found in pediatric age. Its differential diagnosis includes other vascular tumors and vascular malformations. In most cases, expectant observation is recommended, with pharmacological and / or surgical treatment reserved for particular cases.Os autores apresentam o caso clínico de um recém-nascido, admitido por tumefação pré-auricular associada a mancha cutânea com coloração vermelho vivo. As avaliações imagiológicas por ecografia de partes moles e ressonância magnética (RM) foram compatíveis com o diagnóstico de hemangioma infantil parotídeo. O hemangioma infantil é um tumor vascular benigno comum, representando a anomalia vascular mais frequentemente encontrada em idade pediátrica. O seu diagnóstico diferencial engloba outros tumores vasculares e malformações vasculares. Na maioria dos casos é recomendada observação expectante, sendo o tratamento farmacológico e/ou cirúrgico reservado para casos particulares