3 research outputs found

    "Eu vim de lá (mas ninguém avisou!)": reflexões sobre estratégias de gestão de pessoas voltadas à interculturalidade intranacional

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze how professionals who decided to risk intramobility in their careers and who were hired by organizations from the industrial complex of Camaçari (Bahia) perceive the development of people management strategies that target intranational interculturality within these organizations. To achieve this, besides a review and theoretical analysis of the concepts of mobility, intercultural management and people management in organizations, 13 professionals were interviewed who had moved from different Brazilian states to work in companies in this particular complex. The results indicate that generally organizations ignore intercultural aspects, which is reflected in a gap in people management strategies. One indication of this refers to the lack of initial support, which generates problems for the individuals who arrive with great expectations in their new workplace. Furthermore, there is evidence that the financial help provided is insufficient and it becomes necessary to pay attention also to subjective aspects that involve relocation and the consequent international interculturality. Finally, it is believed that expansion of the focus of studies on intercultural management, with a look at intranational aspects, makes it possible to learn theoretical and practical lessons because of the experiences of the players who underwent the process, since intercultural management and people management can generate comparative advantages for organizations.No presente artigo, tem-se por objetivo analisar como profissionais que assumiram a intramobilidade em suas carreiras e que foram contratados por organizações do polo industrial de Camaçari, localizado no estado da Bahia, no Brasil, percebem, nessas organizações, o desenvolvimento de estratégias de gestão de pessoas direcionadas à interculturalidade intranacional. Para atender a tal objetivo, além de revisão e análise teórica sobre os conceitos de mobilidade e gestão intercultural e gestão de pessoas nas organizações, foram entrevistados 13 profissionais que migraram de diferentes estados brasileiros para trabalhar em empresas do referido polo. Os resultados apontam que, de forma geral, as organizações ignoram os aspectos interculturais, o que reflete em uma lacuna de estratégias de gestão de pessoas. Uma das evidências refere-se à falta de suporte inicial, que gera problemas para os indivíduos que chegam, com boas expectativas, ao novo local de trabalho. Ademais, evidenciou-se que os subsídios financeiros não são suficientes, sendo necessário oferecer atenção também aos aspectos subjetivos que envolvem o deslocamento e a consequente interculturalidade intranacional. Por fim, acredita-se que a ampliação do foco de estudos sobre gestão intercultural, com um olhar sobre o intranacional, possibilita apreender lições teóricas e práticas, em função das experiências dos atores que vivenciam o processo, uma vez que a gestão intercultural e a gestão de pessoas podem gerar vantagens competitivas para as organizações.El objetivo en este artículo es analizar cómo profesionales que adoptaron la movilidad interna en sus carreras y que fueron contratados por organizaciones de la zona industrial de Camaçari, estado de Bahia, Brasil, perciben, en estas organizaciones, el desarrollo de estrategias de gestión de personas dirigidas a la interculturalidad intranacional. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo, además de la revisión y del análisis teórico sobre los conceptos de movilidad y gestión intercultural y de gestión de personas en las organizaciones, se entrevistaron a 13 profesionales que se trasladaron de diferentes esta os brasileños para trabajar en compañías de la zona industrial referida. Los resultados demuestran, en una visión general, que las organizaciones no tienen en cuenta los aspectos interculturales. Una de las evidencias se refiere a la falta de apoyo inicial, que genera problemas a las personas que llegan, con buenas expectativas, al lugar en que trabajarán. Además, se comprobó que la ayuda financiera no es suficiente y que se debe ofrecer asimismo atención a lo aspectos subjetivos que se relacionan con el desplazamiento y la consecuente interculturalidad intranacional. Finalmente, se cree que ampliar el enfoque de los estudios sobre gestión intercultural, con una mirada hacia lo intranacional, permite un aprendizaje teórico y práctico, oriundo de las experiencias vividas por los actores del proceso. La gestión intercultural y la gestión de personas pueden crear ventajas competitivas para las organizaciones

    "I came from there (but no one warned me!)": reflections on people management policies that target intranational interculturality

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    The purpose of this article is to analyze how professionals who decided to risk intramobility in their careers and who were hired by organizations from the industrial complex of Camaçari (Bahia) perceive the development of people management strategies that target intranational interculturality within these organizations. To achieve this, besides a review and theoretical analysis of the concepts of mobility, intercultural management and people management in organizations, 13 professionals were interviewed who had moved from different Brazilian states to work in companies in this particular complex. The results indicate that generally organizations ignore intercultural aspects, which is reflected in a gap in people management strategies. One indication of this refers to the lack of initial support, which generates problems for the individuals who arrive with great expectations in their new workplace. Furthermore, there is evidence that the financial help provided is insufficient and it becomes necessary to pay attention also to subjective aspects that involve relocation and the consequent international interculturality. Finally, it is believed that expansion of the focus of studies on intercultural management, with a look at intranational aspects, makes it possible to learn theoretical and practical lessons because of the experiences of the players who underwent the process, since intercultural management and people management can generate comparative advantages for organizations