516 research outputs found

    Procesos de Relocalizaciones. Las especificidades de los reasentamientos urbanos y su incidencia en las estrategias adaptativas

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    Sección 2. Consultorías y represas. Sin lugar a dudas, por su amplia y dilatada trayectoria Leopoldo Bartolomé puede ser considerado entre los antropólogos pioneros en el estudio de los efectos sociales de las represas. Sus estudios se han basado, no solo en el emblemático caso de la presa de Yacyretá, (Paraguay-Argentina) sino en el registro y análisis de numerosos casos empíricos, así como en las interpretaciones que diversos científicos sociales han efectuado sobre la problemática del desplazamiento de población. Por ello, en este trabajo nos centramos en lo que podría denominarse como el “panteón” de Leopoldo J. Bartolomé, es decir en aquellos científicos que lo influenciaron en una de las temáticas que desarrolló por mas de tres décadas. Hoy puede afirmarse que sus trabajos han inspirado la formación de numerosos investigadores, (entre los que nos incluimos) así como también ha abierto una veta disciplinar a un amplio espectro de problemas que pueden enmarcarse en una antropología de las relocalizacione

    Adaptive deblocking filter for transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding

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    Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is a particular case of distributed video coding, the recent video coding paradigm based on the Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems that exploits the source correlation at the decoder and not at the encoder as in predictive video coding. Although many improvements have been done over the last years, the performance of the state-of-the-art WZ video codecs still did not reach the performance of state-of-the-art predictive video codecs, especially for high and complex motion video content. This is also true in terms of subjective image quality mainly because of a considerable amount of blocking artefacts present in the decoded WZ video frames. This paper proposes an adaptive deblocking filter to improve both the subjective and objective qualities of the WZ frames in a transform domain WZ video codec. The proposed filter is an adaptation of the advanced deblocking filter defined in the H.264/AVC (advanced video coding) standard to a WZ video codec. The results obtained confirm the subjective quality improvement and objective quality gains that can go up to 0.63 dB in the overall for sequences with high motion content when large group of pictures are used

    Statistical motion learning for improved transform domain Wyner-Ziv video coding

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    Wyner - Ziv (WZ) video coding is a particular case of distributed video coding (DVC), the recent video coding paradigm based on the Slepian - Wolf and Wyner - Ziv theorems which exploits the source temporal correlation at the decoder and not at the encoder as in predictive video coding. Although some progress has been made in the last years, WZ video coding is still far from the compression performance of predictive video coding, especially for high and complex motion contents. The WZ video codec adopted in this study is based on a transform domain WZ video coding architecture with feedback channel-driven rate control, whose modules have been improved with some recent coding tools. This study proposes a novel motion learning approach to successively improve the rate-distortion (RD) performance of the WZ video codec as the decoding proceeds, making use of the already decoded transform bands to improve the decoding process for the remaining transform bands. The results obtained reveal gains up to 2.3 dB in the RD curves against the performance for the same codec without the proposed motion learning approach for high motion sequences and long group of pictures (GOP) sizes

    Distributed video coding with multiple side information

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    Value of patch tests in clindamycin-related drug eruptions

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    Background. Patch tests help to confirm the aetiology of the cutaneous adverse drug reactions involving delayed hypersensitivity mechanisms, but the results vary with the pattern of skin reaction and the culprit drug. Objectives. To analyse the results of patch tests in patients with cutaneous adverse drug reactions imputable to clindamycin and assess their contribution to the diagnosis. Patients and methods. Between 2005 and 2009, we studied patients with delayed cutaneous adverse drug reactions following administration of clindamycin, usually associated with other drugs. After resolution of the cutaneous adverse drug reaction, patch tests were performed with a series of antibiotics, including pure clindamycin 10% in petrolatum. Results. We studied 30 patients (23 females and 7 males) aged 33-86 years (mean 59.97 years) with generalized maculopapular exanthema where clindamycin was among the highly suspected drugs. Two patients had a previous positive involuntary rechallenge. Patch tests with clindamycin were positive in 9 of 30 patients (30%). More than 50 control patients patch tested with clindamycin were negative. Discussion. We considered the positive patch tests results with clindamycin, in the 9 patients with maculopapular exantema, to be specific, versus the negative results observed in the control group. Although the sensitivity is low (30%), they confirmed the responsibility of this antibiotic in cutaneous adverse drug reactions in which, with only chronological criteria, it was not possible to conclude on the culprit drug

    Immunological Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome and Thrombotic Microangiopathy: Severe Complications in a Child With Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome

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    Some patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection deteriorate shortly after starting highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), the so-called immunological reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS).1 Although having a spontaneous resolution in many instances, it can be fatal.1 Worse prognosis is seen in younger children, severe immunosuppression and central nervous system IRIS, or infections with specific agents, namely, Criptococcus.2 Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) has also been described in children with HIV infection, in the context of an immunological system dysregulation.3 Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) became rare with the introduction of HAART, being mostly associated with advanced disease.4 HIV-associated TMA has specific clinical aspects as well as a worse prognosis than idiopathic or congenital TMA.4-9 The authors present the case of a 10-month-old boy with advanced HIV infection who developed IRIS complicated with HLH and TMA during the course of his treatment.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Use of Polypropylene and High-Density Polyethylene on Cork Plastic Composites for Large Scale 3D Printing

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    Acknowledgements This work is supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) and Centro2020 through the Project references: UID/Multi/04044/2013 and PAMI - ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (Nº 022158). In addition, the authors acknowledge the funding from the project World of Outstanding Wool and Wood (WOWW), POCI-01-0247-FEDER-017574 from the Portuguese National Innovation Agency. The authors gratefully acknowledge to Amorim Cork Composites for the cork powder. We thank Ana O. Tojeira and Ana R. Fonseca for the support provided in performing the laboratorial tests as Laboratory Managing Engineers.This work focuses on studying the possibility of 3D printing of composite materials composed by cork and a polymer matrix (CPC). Initially the cork was mixed with two types of polymers (HDPE and PP) in different proportions and later processed using extrusion and injection. The composites were tested to study the physical, chemical and mechanical properties. The material was then tested on a large-scale 3D printer to study its feasibility and the ability to produce new products through 3D printing. Attention was focused on the use of pure cork, varying the concentration of cork and coupling agent in thermoplastic matrix composites of PP and HDPE. It was demonstrated that the increase of 5wt.% of coupling agent in the two types of polymers significantly improved the mechanical properties and adhesion between the phases but the increase in cork concentration decreased mechanical properties and crystallinity. The CPCs with PP showed to have better mechanical properties, better aesthetic and internal structural quality, and easier processability than those with HDPE matrix. Nevertheless, the HDPE CPCs showed a high degree of crystallization. Concerning 3D printing, it was demonstrated the possibility of making new products based on natural cork fibers, showing promising results, although additional research is still needed to optimize the process.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Traffic Vertical Signposting: Materials Characterization and Structural Numerical Simulation

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    Aknowlegements: This work was supported by the project POCI-01-0247-FEDER-010797from the Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation (IAPMEI). In addition, the authors acknowledge the funding from the project UID/Multi/04044/2013 of the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and PAMI - ROTEIRO/0328/2013 (Nº 022158).The existing metallic solutions used for vertical traffic signs are associated with higher costs and environmental issues due to their manufacturing and degradation, when compared with polymeric solutions. Thus, the development of vertical signs considering the injection from polymeric materials in order to overcome problems related with sustainability, maintenance costs, and to achieve higher resistance to corrosion assumes nowadays an important role. The use of ecofriendly and innovative products considering the industrial waste combined with synthetic polymers performing the appropriate mechanical properties, can also be studied to find out new solutions that allow to solve the aforementioned problems. Additionally, these innovative vertical signs can contribute to avoid vandalism events related with theft and graffiti activities. This work presents the prior materials investigation and the structural design of vertical signs that are intended to be produced through polymer injection. Three main steps were considered: i) materials research, ii) materials characterisation through the analysis of polycarbonate resin isolated and in different sets of mixtures with different concentrations through tensile testing and static water contact angle measurements to find the optimal material composition; and iii) structural numerical simulation considering polycarbonate resin and using the current standard EN 12899-1 [1] to compute wind resistance, temporary and permanent deflections. Both experimental and numerical results led to an optimized proposal of the vertical signposting structural design.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Studying error resilience performance for a feedback channel based transform domain Wyner-Ziv video codec

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    Wyner-Ziv (WZ) video coding is an emerging video coding paradigm based on two major Information Theory results: the Slepian-Wolf and Wyner-Ziv theorems. One of the most interesting and used WZ video i coding architectures makes use of a feedback channel (FC) to perform c rate control at the decoder; in this context, the Slepian-Wolf coding t module is typically based on turbo coding with puncturing. Because WZ coding is not based on the prediction loop used in conventional video coding but rather on a statistical approach where a decoder estimation of the frame to be coded is 'corrected' by the encoder, it provides intrinsic error resilience capabilities. This paper intends to study the error resilience performance of a feedback channel based transform domain WZ codec using appropriate scenarios and conditions, notably in comparison with the best performing H. 264/AVC standard.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    A Revised Update of the 2014 ASPIC Assessment of Redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in Divisions 3LN (how the the stock is coping with the actual Management Strategy and its likely impact on the next coming years).

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    There are two species of redfish in Divisions 3L and 3N, the deep-sea redfish (Sebastes mentella) and the Acadian redfish (Sebastes fasciatus) that have been commercially fished and reported collectively as redfish in fishery statistics. Both species, occurring on Div. 3LN and managed as a single stock, don’t belong to isolated local populations but, on the contrary, are part of a large Northwest Atlantic complex ranging from the Gulf of Maine to south of Baffin Island. The present ASPIC assessment of this stock is based on the logistic form of a non-equilibrium surplus production model (Schaeffer, 1954; Prager, 1994), adjusted to a standardized catch rate series (Power, 1997) and, for the first time, to all stratified-random bottom trawl surveys conducted in various years and seasons in Div. 3L and Div. 3N from 1978 onwards. Both CPUE and surveys were used with all observations within each series. In order to proceed on the threshold of the new 2014 approach, and taking into account that since then no substantial changes appear to have occurred on the state of the stock, the main features of the previous input framework were kept, with MSY fixed at 1960-1985 average catch and the rest of the approved 2014 assessment framework updated. The 3L Spanish survey, the only ongoing survey so far outside the analysis, has now been successfully included on this assessment framework (relative inter-quartile range from bootstrap analysis for the last two assessments highlight the higher consistence of most of the 2016 assessment results when compared with the ones from 2014). ASPIC assessment results confirm a stable stock from the 1960’s to the first half of the 1980’s, sustaining an average yield of 21 000t. Stock declined with a sudden rise of the catch over the late 1980’s first half of the 1990, and increased since then, after catches fell to a residual level with the stock collapse. Assessment results also confirm that the maximum observed sustainable yield (MSY) of 21 000 t can be a long term sustainable yield if fishing mortality stands at 0.11/year, exploiting a correspondent Bmsy at 190 000 t. 2 There is a very high probability that the stock was at the beginning of 2016 at or above Bmsy , after crossing 2015 under a fishing mortality most likely at or below 50% Fmsy. There is also a very high probability that catch on 2016 at 10 400 t TAC and on 2017 and 2018 at the predicted increases approved in the 2014 Risk‐Based Management Strategy for 3LN Redfish, will keep fishing mortality on 2018 below Fmsy and biomass at the beginning of 2019 above Bmsy.Postprint0,000