160 research outputs found


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    Seasat Orbital Radar Imagery Applied to Lineament Analysis and Relationships with Hydrocarbon Production in the Wartburg Basin Area, Tennessee

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    Seasat, an orbital synthetic aperature radar launched in 1978, has produced high-resolution imagery enhancing over 1186 observed linear topographic indentations or lineaments in the Wartburg Basin area of east-central Tennessee. The main objectives of this thesis are to verify these lineaments in the field, to compare them with aerial photographic lineaments in the same area, to statistically analyze lineament trends, and to compare lineaments with oil and gas trends in the Wartburg Basin area.Lineaments from Seasat imagery were located in the field with a high degree of accuracy. Three distinct lineament systems were derived from lineament orientations, their grouping and continuity. There are two basic types of lineaments on the imagery, long lineaments that extend for distances over 40 km and shorter subparallel lineaments usually no longer than 4 km. 40% of the longer lineaments are parallel to drainage. Of the total 1186 lineaments, 40% are terminated by crosscutting lineaments. 57% of the total lineaments are related to aeromagnetic and gravity contours indicating a possible basement relationship. The longer lineaments possibly represent major bedrock penetrating fracture zones along which hydrocarbons disperse. Oil and gas wells farther from the lineament zones had a slight increase in initial hydrocarbon production, wellhead pressure and subsurface fracturing. This could indicate that future wellsites should be chosen away from major lineament zones


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    Somaatilise treeningu ja kogukonnatantsu kogemusest Cheshire Dance organisatsiooni näitel : tantsuõpetaja kutse lõputöö

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    Avaliação da eficácia de um programa de adaptação curricular individualizado para alunos com deficiência, com base na análise preliminar das concepções dos professores acerca da inclusão em classes comuns / Evaluation of the effectiveness of an individualized curriculum adaptation program for students with disabilities, based on the preliminary analysis of the teachers conceptions about inclusion in commom classes

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    O presente artigo relata os resultados de um estudo cujo objetivo foi avaliar a efetiva realização de um programa de adaptação curricular individualizado, conduzido por professores do ensino comum, à luz de suas práticas e concepções sobre o processo de inserção educacional de alunos com diversidade funcional. Para tanto, a pesquisa foi configurada em duas etapas distintas: a) um estudo de caso em três escolas municipais de Duque de Caxias, onde foi utilizado o uso de uma entrevista semiestruturada, com o objetivo de identificar as concepções dos professores a respeito do processo de adaptação curricular para alunos com diversidade funcional. Contou com a participação de nove professores do ensino comum, que atuavam no primeiro segmento do Ensino Fundamental e b) foi conduzido um trabalho de pesquisa de revisão sistemática literatura com o objetivo de reunir artigos publicados nos últimos cinco anos, sobre a eficácia de procedimentos de adaptação curricular no ensino comum, tendo como base a concepção docentes acerca dessa prática. Para tanto, foram formuladas duas perguntas norteadoras para o estudo: a) a concepção dos professores a respeito da inclusão de alunos com deficiência, que frequentam as classes comuns, é fator contribuinte para a implementação da adaptação curricular? e b) os efeitos dos programas de adaptação curricular individualizado contribui para a inclusão desses alunos na classe regular? Conforme critérios pré-estabelecidos, foram localizados 154 artigos e encontradas quinze pesquisas diretamente relacionadas ao processo de adaptação curricular no contexto do ensino comum. Durante a pesquisa alguns aspectos se destacaram, como a necessidade de formação continuada dos professores, com foco nas diferentes deficiências, a questão do profissional de apoio e da sala de recursos, a descrença na adaptação curricular como uma possibilidade de aprendizagem eficaz e o fato das políticas públicas considerarem o processo inclusionista como algo extremamente simples, minimizando as adaptações necessárias. Com base nos resultados, foram avaliadas as necessidades constantes e crescentes em relação à estruturação de um programa de adaptação curricular

    The Role of Socioeconomic Context in the Association Between Educational Attainment and Morbidity and Mortality

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    Although the association between educational attainment and health is one of the most studied in the social science, little is known about the role of social and economic context. Fundamental Cause Theory suggests that the education-health gradient will be weakest in contexts where the better educated are unable to leverage their resources to achieve better health. This dissertation tests several different factors that may moderate the association between educational attainment and morbidity and mortality: 1. Demographic characteristics, including race, immigration status, and gender, 2. Status consistency (defined as education equivalent to that required for current occupation), 3. Unemployment rates at time of school leaving. Overall, the association between educational attainment and morbidity and mortality was attenuated in populations unable to put their education to full use in the labor market. For example, the association was weaker and not statistically significant in Native Americans, a group that has experienced income inequality compared to Whites of comparable educational attainment. Moreover, being over qualified (education Overall, the findings of this dissertation lend some support to the hypothesis that the association between education and health is modified by social and economic conditions. More research is needed to understand the complex pathways that allow the well-educated to enjoy better heath

    Predicting Success at the Utah State Agricultural College Naval Training School for Elementary Electricity and Radio Material

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    The Second World War, often called the Global War, is largely a war of technocracy. The last few decades have seen many discoveries and inventions which, when used in war, have far reaching implications. To a relatively large extent the United States and the United Nations have left many of these discoveries in the theoretical state, thus allowing a large margin of advantage to the Axis Nations who have rather thoroughly exploited, for military purposes, new discoveries at their command. Since the two groups of nations have come to grips it means that survival demands extensive ramifications of all discoveries which in any way will aid in the prosecution of the war