326 research outputs found

    Thermoelectric response near a quantum critical point of beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2: A comparative study

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    The thermoelectric coefficients have been measured on the Yb-based heavy fermion compounds beta-YbAlB4 and YbRh2Si2 down to a very low temperature. We observe a striking difference in the behavior of the Seebeck coefficient, S in the vicinity of the Quantum Critical Point (QCP) in the two systems. As the critical field is approached, S/T enhances in beta-YbAlB4 but is drastically reduced in YbRh2Si2. While in the former system, the ratio of thermopower-to-specific heat remains constant, it drastically drops near the QCP in YbRh2Si2. In both systems, on the other hand, the Nernst coefficient shows a diverging behavior near the QCP. The results provide a new window to the way various energy scales of the system behave and eventually vanish near a QCP

    Thermal conductivity through the quantum critical point in YbRh2Si2 at very low temperature

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    The thermal conductivity of YbRh2Si2 has been measured down to very low temperatures under field in the basal plane. An additional channel for heat transport appears below 30 mK, both in the antiferromagnetic and paramagnetic states, respectively below and above the critical field suppressing the magnetic order. This excludes antiferromagnetic magnons as the origin of this additional contribution to thermal conductivity. Moreover, this low temperature contribution prevails a definite conclusion on the validity or violation of the Wiedemann-Franz law at the field-induced quantum critical point. At high temperature in the paramagnetic state, the thermal conductivity is sensitive to ferromagnetic fluctuations, previously observed by NMR or neutron scattering and required for the occurrence of the sharp electronic spin resonance fracture.Comment: 11 pages + Supplementary Material

    Pressure dependence of the magnetization of URu2Si2

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    The ground state of URu2Si2 changes from so-called hidden order (HO) to large-moment antiferromagnetism (LMAF) upon applying hydrostatic pressure in excess of 14 kbar. We report the dc-magnetization M(B,T,p) of URu2Si2 for magnetic fields B up to 12 T, temperatures T in the range 2 to 100 K, and pressure p up to 17 kbar. Remarkably, characteristic scales such as the coherence temperature T*, the transition temperature T0, and the anisotropy in the magnetization depend only weakly on the applied pressure. However, the discontinuity in dM/dT at T0, which measures the magnetocaloric effect, decreases nearly 50 % upon applying 17 kbar for M and B parallel to the tetragonal c-axis, while it increases 15-fold for the a-axis. Our findings suggest that the HO and LMAF phases have an astonishing degree of similarity in their physical properties, but a key difference is the magnetocaloric effect near T0 in the basal plane

    Observation of anisotropic effect of antiferromagnetic ordering on the superconducting gap in ErNi2B2C

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    The point-contact (PC) spectra of the Andreev reflection dV/dI curves of the superconducting rare-earth nickel borocarbide ErNi2B2C (Tc=11 K) have been analyzed in the "one-gap" and "two-gap" approximations using the generalized Blonder-Tinkham-Klapwijk (GBTK) model and the Beloborod'ko (BB) model allowing for the pair-breaking effect of magnetic impurities. Experimental and calculated curves have been compared not only in shape, but in magnitude as well, which provide more reliable data for determining the temperature dependence of the energy gap (or superconducting order parameter) \Delta(T). The anisotropic effect of antiferromagnetic ordering at T_N =6 K on the superconducting gap/order parameter has been determined: as the temperature is lowered, \Delta(T) decreases by 25% in the c-direction and only by 4% in the ab-plane. It is found that the pair-breaking parameter increases in the vicinity of the magnetic transitions, the increase being more pronounced in the c-direction. The efficiency of the models was tested for providing \Delta(T) data for ErNi2B2C from Andreev reflection spectra.Comment: 16 two column pages, 20 figs., will be published in Fiz. Nizk. Temp. N10, 2010; V2: added - "Acknowledgement" & "Note added in proof

    Multiband superconductivity in the heavy fermion compound PrOs4Sb12

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    The thermal conductivity of the heavy fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12 was measured down to Tc/40 throughout the vortex state. At lowest temperatures and for magnetic fields H ~ 0.07Hc2, already 40% of the normal state thermal conductivity is restored. This behaviour (similar to that observed in MgB2) is a clear signature of multiband superconductivity in this compound.Comment: 12pages, version #1 20\_06\_200

    Thermal conductivity in B- and C- phase of UPt_3

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    Although the superconductivity in UPt_3 is one of the most well studied, there are still lingering questions about the nodal directions in the B and C phase in the presence of a magnetic field. Limiting ourselves to the low temperature regime (T<<Delta(0)), we study the magnetothermal conductivity with in semiclassical approximation using Volovik's approach. The angular dependence of the magnetothermal conductivity for an arbitrary field direction should clarify the nodal structure in UPt_3.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure