246 research outputs found

    Parenting and child development in families with a child conceived through embryo donation

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    Concerns have been raised regarding the potentially negative effects of conception using donated embryos on parenting and child development. Findings are presented of an exploratory study of families with a child conceived through embryo donation. Twenty-one embryo donation families were compared with 28 adoptive families and 30 in vitro fertilization families on standardized interview and questionnaire measures of the parents' marital and psychological state, the quality of parent-child relationships, and the child's development. In all 3 groups, the children were aged 2-5 years. The differences indicated higher emotional overinvolvement and defensive responding in the embryo donation families, along with greater secrecy about the child's origins. The children were not at increased risk of psychological problems. The study provides interesting but preliminary findings on parent-child relationships and child development in a new family form

    Measuring Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Humans

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    Mitochondria are essential organelles found in almost every cell in the human body. They host a number of important metabolic pathways and carry out essential biological functions such as ATP synthesis and regulating cell death. There is a slow decline in mitochondrial function associated with ageing and mitochondrial dysfunction is proposed to act causally in a number of diseases. Previously it has been difficult to measure the health of human mitochondria as tests have required tissue from invasive muscle biopsies. The Seahorse XF Analyser is a recent technological advance that enables researchers to test mitochondrial function in small numbers of live cells. Recently, using the Seahorse analyser, peripheral blood cells such as platelets, monocytes and lymphocytes have been shown to display individually distinct bioenergetic profiles. During circulation, these cells are exposed to metabolic or environmental stressors throughout the body, potentially allowing them to act as biomarkers of bioenergetic health and ageing. Different cell preparations were trialled to purify and isolate platelets, monocytes and lymphocytes from freshly drawn whole blood. These protocols succeeded in preparing platelet and T-lymphocyte samples for XF analysis, however inconsistent results indicated that the protocols need further development. The Seahorse XF analyser was used to measure bioenergetic function in human platelets and T-lymphocytes from healthy donors ranging from 21 to 56 years of age. Each cell type required optimisation experiments to determine the optimal inhibitor and substrate concentrations to generate a meaningful bioenergetic profile. Similarly, seeding densities were determined to ensure oxygen consumption values that were suitable to the instruments sensitivity. These cell types have elastic metabolic phenotypes, and appeared sensitive to metabolic switching during early stages of the XF assay. Platelets were particularly difficult to work with because of their inclination to cease using oxidative phosphorylation and switch metabolism to using purely glycolytic pathways. Platelet susceptibility for metabolic switching is undetermined at this point. Lymphocyte optimization experiments also indicated possible premature activation during the assay. Further work is needed to fine tune this protocol to ensure consistent and uniform measurements before accurate BHI values are calculated for donors of different ages

    Co-creating obesity prevention policies with youth: Policy ideas generated through the CO-CREATE project

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    Despite growing recognition of the importance of applying a systems lens to action on obesity, there has only been limited analysis of the extent to which this lens has actually been applied. The CO-CREATE project used a youth-led participatory action research approach to generate policy ideas towards the reduction of adolescent overweight and obesity across Europe. In order to assess the extent to which these youth-generated policy ideas take a systems approach, we analyzed them using the Intervention Level Framework (ILF). The ILF ascribes actions to one of five system levels, from Structural Elements, the least engaged with system change, up to Paradigm, which is the system's deepest held beliefs and thus the most difficult level at which to intervene. Of the 106 policy ideas generated by young people during the CO-CREATE project, 91 (86%) were categorized at the level of Structural Elements. This emphasis on operational rather than systems level responses echoes findings from a previous study on obesity strategies. Analyzing the distribution of systems level responses using the ILF has the potential to support more effective action on obesity by allowing identification of opportunities to strengthen systems level responses overall.publishedVersio


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    Surrogacy is a promising treatment for infertility. It can potentially solve many intolerable difficulties that the infertile couples and their families face. Although initially frowned upon, evidence shows that the surrogacy arrangements are more acceptable now than when it was first introduced. Therefore, changes in the attitude in decision making about surrogacy can also be seen in some countries, but there are still indications of the degree of divergence between discourse and the actual practice of different forms of surrogacy around the world. Social, ethical and legal problems are subject to major debates and disagreements in natural or partial surrogacy or genetically unrelated full surrogacy. Genetic gestation surrogacy may largely free from social, legal and moral complications. It is a great choice of infertility treatment if the couple want their own genetic baby, but it still requires more thoughts and discussion. This chapter attempts to discuss the different notions related to surrogacy worldwide
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