3,526 research outputs found

    Interaction-assisted propagation of Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pairs in disordered semiconductors

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    A two-band model of a disordered semiconductor is used to analyze dynamical interaction induced weakening of localization in a system that is accessible to experimental verification. The results show a dependence on the sign of the two-particle interaction and on the optical excitation energy of the Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pair.Comment: 4 pages and 3 ps figure

    Bivariate galaxy luminosity functions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    Bivariate luminosity functions (LFs) are computed for galaxies in the New York Value-Added Galaxy Catalogue, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4. The galaxy properties investigated are the morphological type, inverse concentration index, Sérsic index, absolute effective surface brightness (SB), reference frame colours, absolute radius, eClass spectral type, stellar mass and galaxy environment. The morphological sample is flux limited to galaxies with r < 15.9 and consists of 37 047 classifications to an rms accuracy of ± half a class in the sequence E, S0, Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Im. These were assigned by an artificial neural network, based on a training set of 645 eyeball classifications. The other samples use r < 17.77 with a median redshift of z∼ 0.08, and a limiting redshift of z < 0.15 to minimize the effects of evolution. Other cuts, for example in axis ratio, are made to minimize biases. A wealth of detail is seen, with clear variations between the LFs according to absolute magnitude and the second parameter. They are consistent with an early-type, bright, concentrated, red population and a late-type, faint, less concentrated, blue, star-forming population. This bimodality suggests two major underlying physical processes, which in agreement with previous authors we hypothesize to be merger and accretion, associated with the properties of bulges and discs, respectively. The bivariate luminosity–SB distribution is fit with the Chołoniewski function (a Schechter function in absolute magnitude and Gaussian in SB). The fit is found to be poor, as might be expected if there are two underlying processes

    A parallel algorithm for the enumeration of benzenoid hydrocarbons

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    We present an improved parallel algorithm for the enumeration of fixed benzenoids B_h containing h hexagonal cells. We can thus extend the enumeration of B_h from the previous best h=35 up to h=50. Analysis of the associated generating function confirms to a very high degree of certainty that Bh∼Aκh/hB_h \sim A \kappa^h /h and we estimate that the growth constant κ=5.161930154(8)\kappa = 5.161930154(8) and the amplitude A=0.2808499(1)A=0.2808499(1).Comment: 14 pages, 6 figure

    Spectral variability analysis of an XMM-Newton observation of Ark 564

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    We present a spectral variability analysis of the X-ray emission of the Narrow Line Seyfert 1 galaxy Ark 564 using the data from a ~100 ks XMM-Newton observation. Taking advantage of the high sensitivity of this long observation and the simple spectral shape of Ark 564, we determine accurately the spectral variability patterns in the source. We use standard cross-correlation methods to investigate the correlations between the soft and hard energy band light curves. We also generated 200 energy spectra from data stretches of 500 s duration each and fitted each one of them with a power law plus a bremsstrahlung component (for the soft excess) and we investigated the correlations between the various best fit model parameter values. The ``power law plus bremsstrahlung'' model describes the spectrum well at all times. The iron line and the absorption features, which are found in the time-averaged spectrum of the source are too weak to effect the results of the time resolved spectral fits. We find that the power law and the soft excess flux are variable, on all measured time scales. The power law slope is also variable, and leads the flux variations of both the power law and the bremsstrahlung components. Our results can be explained in the framework of time-dependent Comptonization models. They are consistent with a picture where instabilities propagate through an extended X-ray source, affecting first the soft and then the hard photons producing regions. The soft excess could correspond to ionized disc reflection emission, in which case it responds fast to the primary continuum variations. The time scales are such that light travel times might additionally influence the observed variability structure

    Type III Einstein-Yang-Mills solutions

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    We construct two distinct classes of exact type III solutions of the D=4 Einstein-Yang-Mills system. The solutions are embeddings of the non-abelian plane waves in spacetimes in Kundt's class. Reduction of the solutions to type N leads to generalized pppp and Kundt waves. The geodesic equations are briefly discussed.Comment: revtex, 4 pages, minor changes, some factors and references corrected, footnote adde

    Kinetic simulation of the sheath dynamics in the intermediate radio-frequency regime

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    The dynamics of temporally modulated plasma boundary sheaths is studied in the intermediate radio frequency regime where the applied radio frequency and the ion plasma frequency are comparable. Two kinetic simulation codes are employed and their results are compared. The first code is a realization of the well-known scheme, Particle-In-Cell with Monte Carlo collisions (PIC/MCC) and simulates the entire discharge, a planar radio frequency capacitively coupled plasma (RF-CCP) with an additional heating source. The second code is based on the recently published scheme Ensemble-in-Spacetime (EST); it resolves only the sheath and requires the time resolved voltage across and the ion flux into the sheath as input. Ion inertia causes a temporal asymmetry (hysteresis) of the sheath charge-voltage relation; also other ion transit time effects are found. The two codes are in good agreement, both with respect to the spatial and temporal dynamics of the sheath and with respect to the ion energy distributions at the electrodes. It is concluded that the EST scheme may serve as an efficient post-processor for fluid or global simulations and for measurements: It can rapidly and accurately calculate ion distribution functions even when no genuine kinetic information is available

    Exhaustive generation of kk-critical H\mathcal H-free graphs

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    We describe an algorithm for generating all kk-critical H\mathcal H-free graphs, based on a method of Ho\`{a}ng et al. Using this algorithm, we prove that there are only finitely many 44-critical (P7,Ck)(P_7,C_k)-free graphs, for both k=4k=4 and k=5k=5. We also show that there are only finitely many 44-critical graphs (P8,C4)(P_8,C_4)-free graphs. For each case of these cases we also give the complete lists of critical graphs and vertex-critical graphs. These results generalize previous work by Hell and Huang, and yield certifying algorithms for the 33-colorability problem in the respective classes. Moreover, we prove that for every tt, the class of 4-critical planar PtP_t-free graphs is finite. We also determine all 27 4-critical planar (P7,C6)(P_7,C_6)-free graphs. We also prove that every P10P_{10}-free graph of girth at least five is 3-colorable, and determine the smallest 4-chromatic P12P_{12}-free graph of girth five. Moreover, we show that every P13P_{13}-free graph of girth at least six and every P16P_{16}-free graph of girth at least seven is 3-colorable. This strengthens results of Golovach et al.Comment: 17 pages, improved girth results. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1504.0697

    Detection of a high frequency break in the X-ray power spectrum of Ark 564

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    We present a power spectrum analysis of the long ASCA observation of Ark 564 in June/July 2001. The observed power spectrum covers a frequency range of ~ 3.5 decades. We detect a high frequency break at ~ 0.002 Hz. The power spectrum has an rms of ~30% and a slope of ~ -1 and ~ -2 below and above the break frequency. When combined with the results from a long RXTE observation (Pounds et al. 2001), the observed power spectra of Ark 564 and Cyg X-1 (in the low/hard state) are almost identical, showing a similar shape and rms amplitude. However, the ratio of the high frequency breaks is very small (~ 10e{3-4}), implying that these characteristic frequencies are not indicative of the black hole mass. This result supports the idea of a small black hole mass/high accretion rate in Ark 564.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, A&A (Letters) in pres
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