1,299 research outputs found

    One-dimensional numerical analysis of the transient thermal response of multilayer insulative systems

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    A one-dimensional numerical analysis of the transient thermal response of multilayer insulative systems has been developed. The analysis can determine the temperature distribution through a system consisting of from one to four layers, one of which can be an air gap. Concentrated heat sinks at any interface can be included. The computer program based on the analysis will determine the thickness of a specified layer that will satisfy a temperature limit criterion at any point in the insulative system. The program will also automatically calculate the thickness at several points on a vehicle and determine total system mass

    Complete Atrioventricular Heart Block From an Epilepsy Treatment

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    Atrioventricular (AV) heart block without adequate escape rhythm can result in sudden cardiac arrest and death. We report complete (third degree) AV block in a 16 year-old boy as a late effect of vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). He experienced brief, daily, complex partial seizures, treated with lamotrigine, levetiracetam, and the placement of Model 102 VNS at age 4. Electroencephalography (EEG) showed generalized slow spike-and-wave discharges consistent with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome. At age 12, his VNS was changed to Model 303 PereniaDURA/Model 103 Demipulse generator, set at an output current of 2.25 mA on a standard 30 seconds on, 5 minutes off paradigm. At age 16, he experienced episodes of sudden collapse followed by unconsciousness. Holter monitor showed 15 second symptomatic complete AV block without escape (Figure 1). The patient was taking psychotropic medication with potential cardiac side effects: methylphenidate (tachycardia), guanfacine (first degree AV block), and haloperidol (prolonged QT interval, Torsades de Pointes). Haloperidol, methylphenidate, and VNS were stopped without further symptoms. Off these medications, the VNS was resumed at reduced current (1.25 mA), with re-occurrence of symptomatic AV block. Again, the VNS was stopped and symptoms/heart block ceased. Psychotropic medication was resumed without any side effects

    Profile of the Offshore Bird Assemblage in Support for the Cape Charles Wind Project

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    In recent years, near shore areas of the Atlantic Coast have been recognized in their ability to support significant wind resources. Offshore wind development has become one of the fastest growing energy sectors in the world and the focus of the clean energy movement of the United States. The growth of the wind industry will require the development of new technologies, and the construction of new infrastructures. Along the way will be the establishment of new government policies and guidelines to, among many issues, protect significant biological resources including migratory birds and birds of special conservation concern. Minimizing population exposure to a potential hazard is a critical for reducing negative impacts to bird populations. For wind farms, selecting a location that is away from bird concentration areas can reduce the exposure of populations to direct collision mortality and indirect disturbances that reduce the carrying capacity of their habitats. This study provides a spatially explicit profile of an offshore bird concentration area at Cape Charles, VA that can be used to detail the distribution of expected impacts for this location. The specific objectives of this project were to collect information that 1) details the spatial distribution of birds in relation to height above the water and distance from the shoreline within the proposed construction area, 2) provide a relative estimate of abundance for species detected, and 3) provide a sampling of the diversity of species utilizing the proposed area. Bird surveys were conducted on 75 days between 17 October 2011 and 15 May 2012 to encompass the fall, winter, and spring seasons. All surveys began at sunrise and lasted until 1400 EST. Birds were surveyed using a transect line that was oriented perpendicular to the shoreline and extended outward 5 km. A total of 298,519 bird observations of 110 species were made across the three survey seasons (Appendix 1). The Northern Gannet was the numerically dominant species observed and accounted for 49% of all detections. This species was followed in rank order of abundance by the Red-throated Loon, Laughing Gull, and Surf Scoter (15.7, 5.3, and 3.4 % of all detections, respectively). The remaining observations were divided between 106 additional species that included various waterfowl (ducks and geese), waterbirds (gulls, terns, and skimmers), wading birds (herons, ibis), shorebirds (sandpipers, plovers), raptors, and landbirds. We found that groups of species used the study area differently from one another. Some species were predominantly distributed within 1 km of the shoreline, some species were distributed relatively further away from shore, and other species utilized both near and far shore environments uniformly. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of birds were distributed within 30 m of the water surface and did not appear to shift their relative height use in relation to shoreline proximity

    Are prices of new dwellings different? A spectral analysis of UK property vintages

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    The work makes two contributions to Hui’s (2011) dynamic house price classification. First, a house price ripple in cycles from Modern to Older dwellings is revealed and, second, as New housing is shown to have lower volatility than the other two. Using spectral analysis, it is argued that there is a 7½-year repeat buyer-second-hand cycle and a five year, first time buyer-New housing cycle, common to three house price vintages. These cycles reinforce each other every fifteen years, which corresponds with a Minsky super-cycle in housing finance. The equity of the owner-occupier is fortified by higher house prices whereas new builds extract embedded equity from the market. Government should support builders and facilitate access to market to first time buyers and through programmes like Help-to-Buy 1. However, to address the greater price instability that should follow, Government should impose a capital gains tax on the house seller