6,831 research outputs found

    A simple two-component model for the far-infrared emission from galaxies

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    A simple model was constructed to calculate the far-infrared emission of galaxies made up of a disk component containing cool dust heated by the general interstellar radiation field and of a molecular cloud component containing warm dust heated by recently formed massive stars. This model is fitted to the optical and far-infrared data of 120 Shapley-Ames galaxies and of 20 optically studied mini-survey galaxies, resulting in the determination of blue face-on extinctions and of the total luminosities of recently born massive stars and disk stars. The ratio of these two luminosities is a more reliable star formation activity index than the previously used ratio L sub IR/L sub B. The results show that infrared selected galaxies are on the average almost three times more dusty than optically selected ones. Only about 10% of the mini-survey galaxies exhibits strongly enhanced star formation

    Results from the CDMS II Experiment

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    I report recent results and the status of the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search (CDMS II) experiment at the Soudan Underground Laboratory in Minnesota, USA. A blind analysis of data taken by 30 detectors between October 2006 and July 2007 found zero events consistent with WIMPs elastically scattering in our Ge detectors. This resulted in an upper limit on the spin-independent, WIMP-nucleon cross section of 6.6 x 10^-44 cm^2 (4.6 x 10^-44 cm^2 when combined with our previous results) at the 90% C.L. for a WIMP of mass 60 GeV/c^2. In March 2009 data taking with CDMS II stopped in order to install the first of 5 SuperTowers of detectors for the SuperCDMS Soudan project. Analysis of data taken between August 2007 and March 2009 is ongoing.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, to appear in the proceedings of the TAUP09 conference (Rome, July 1st-5th 2009

    Institutional Change in Market-liberal State Capitalism: An Integrative Perspective on the Development of the Private Business Sector in China

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    This paper shows that a more accurate depiction of the development of China’s private sector is gained by considering the complex interaction between bottom-up and topdown processes. First, the paper analyzes the general characteristics of Chinese capitalism to help understand and classify the gradual institutional change in the enterprise sector. Second, it draws on insights from comparative political economy and new approaches in political science to introduce the strategy of “wearing a red hat,” an empirical phenomenon that provides a framework for the emergence from the 1980s of China’s private sector. This section also examines the closely interwoven relationships between private companies and the party-state that have taken place since the 1990s. Third, the paper indicates that focusing on state/capital relationships at different administrational levels contributes to a better understanding of China’s private sector. It concludes that the development and success of the new private enterprises, which remained closely linked to the state, enabled the ruling elite to form and consolidate a hegemonic project that provided relative societal coherence on the often bumpy road to reform.Dieser Artikel zeigt auf, dass ein Blick auf die komplexen Interaktionen zwischen „Bottom-up“- und „Top-down“-Prozessen ein präziseres Bild der Entwicklung des Privatsektors in China liefert. Dabei hilft erstens eine Analyse von grundlegenden Merkmalen des chinesischen Kapitalismus, um den graduellen institutionellen Wandel im Unternehmenssektor verstehen beziehungsweise einordnen zu können. Unter Bezugnahme auf die Vergleichende Politische Ökonomie und neuere politikwissenschaftliche Ansätze werden, zweitens, die empirischen Phänomene des „wearing a red hat“ in der Entstehungsphase des Privatsektors ab den 1980ern sowie der seitdem eng verknüpften Beziehungen zwischen Privatunternehmen und dem Parteistaat eingeführt. Drittens wird erörtert, dass ein Fokus auf die engen Beziehungen zwischen Staat und Kapital auf verschiedenen administrativen Ebenen zu einem besseren Verständnis des chinesischen Privatsektors beiträgt. Wie abschließend festgehalten wird, ermöglichte die Entwicklung und der Erfolg der neuen privaten, jedoch weiterhin eng mit dem Staat verbundenen Unternehmen es der Machtelite, ein hegemoniales Projekt zu formieren und aufrechtzuerhalten, das dem holprigen Reformweg eine relative gesellschaftliche Stabilität verlieh.1 Introduction 2 Competition-driven state capitalism 3 Theorizing institutional change 4 The strategy of “wearing a red hat” and the phenomenon of thickly embedded capitalists The first phase of reform The second phase of reform 5 The embedding of the enterprise in China Intra-regional competition, state entrepreneurialism and private-public networks The central state and its capacity to steer and reform from above 6 A note on favorable external opportunity structures for gradual changes in the trade regime 7 Conclusion: Institutional transformation and hegemony Reference

    16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} nature of the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and the evolution of the molecular structure

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    The relation between the superdeformed band of 32S^{32}{\rm S} and 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands is studied by the deformed-base antisymmetrized molecular dynamics with the Gogny D1S force. It is found that the obtained superdeformed band members of 32S^{32}{\rm S} have considerable amount of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} component. Above the superdeformed band, we have obtained two excited rotational bands which have more prominent character of the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular band. These three rotational bands are regarded as a series of 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} molecular bands which were predicted by using the unique 16O^{16}{\rm O} -16O^{16}{\rm O} optical potentil. As the excitation energy and principal quantum number of the relative motion increase, the 16O+16O^{16}{\rm O} + ^{16}{\rm O} cluster structure becomes more prominent but at the same time, the band members are fragmented into several states

    Probabilistic risk assessment of the environmental impacts of pesticides in the Crocodile (west) Marico catchment, North-West Province

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    External agricultural inputs, such as pesticides, may pose risks to aquatic ecosystems and affect aquatic populations, communities and ecosystems. To predict these risks, a tiered approach was followed, incorporating both the PRIMET and PERPEST models. The first-tier PRIMET model is designed to yield a relatively worst-case risk assessment requiring a minimum of input data, after which the effects of the risks can be refined using a higher tier PERPEST model. The risk assessment initially depends on data supplied from local landowners, pesticide characteristic, application scheme and physical scenario of the environment under question. Preliminary results are presented, together with ecotoxicological data on several frequently-used pesticides in a section of the Crocodile (west) Marico Water Management Area (WMA) in South Africa. This area is historically known to have a high pesticide usage, with deltamethrin, aldicarb, parathion, cypermethrin and dichlorvos being the main pesticides used. Deltamethrin was indicated as having the highest probability of risks to aquatic organisms occurring in the study area. Cypermethrin, parathion, dichlorvos, carbaryl, romoxynil, linuron, methomyl and aldicarb were all indicated as having possible risks (ETR 1-100) to the aquatic environment. Pesticides posing no risk included fenamiphos, abamectin, pendimethalin, captan, endosulfan, alachlor, bentazone and cyromazine (ET
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