261 research outputs found

    Quality and satisfaction of thermal comfort in Dutch offices

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    Ondanks de toegenomen virtualisering van ons werk en de daarmee samenhangende nieuwe werkvormen is het kantoor voor veel mensen nog steeds de belangrijkste plek waar het werk wordt gedaan. Daarmee is het kantoor ook een plek waar veel tijd wordt doorgebracht. Maar hoe is de situatie feitelijk? En hoe beleven medewerkers het comfort in de kantoorgebouwen? Het onderzoek ‘Indoor ComfortIndex©‘ probeert dit inzichtelijk te maken, niet alleen bijvoorbeeld voordat er aanpassingen aan de gebouwen worden gedaan, ook nadat mogelijke aanpassingen zijn uitgevoerd om het comfort te verbeteren. Het doel van het onderzoek is om inzichtelijk te maken hoe medewerkers het binnenklimaat op een bepaald moment beleven. Verschillen en overeenkomsten tussen reële en gepercipieerde situaties worden ook inzichtelijk gemaakt. Met de resultaten krijgt de organisatie een gedetailleerd beeld van deze reële en gepercipieerde binnenklimaat. In brede zin beoogt de Hanzehogeschool Groningen met dit onderzoek inzicht te krijgen in de kwaliteit van het comfort in kantoorgebouwen. Daarnaast wil men inzicht krijgen in de maatregelen die het binnenmilieu kunnen verbeteren..<br/

    Exploring the land market in the province of Noord-Holland using a spatial explanatory regression model

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    This paper focuses on rural land prices. Different actors and factors influence land prices. Buurman (2003) has analysed, categorised, and used them to explain spatial differences in transaction prices of parcels using a GIS-based linear regression model. The model distinguishes parcel and transaction characteristics and uses principles of hedonic price and bid-rent theory to explain differences in land prices. Some theoretical aspects regarding the model are discussed. The regression model, estimated on a land transaction dataset covering the province of Noord-Brabant in the southern part of the Netherlands, is re-applied on a dataset covering the province of Noord-Holland. Insight is gained into actors and factors playing a role on the rural land market in this province. It seems that rural land that is included in building plans or located very close to areas for which building plans exist has a land price far higher than average. In most of these transactions, the city council is the buyer. Compared to other buyers, they pay the highest price for land in Noord-Holland. Keywords: land market, hedonic price theory, regression analysis, Noord-Holland

    D19 Materials for training courses

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    The 4 CHERMUG videos provide guidance to potential users of the games, such as research methods tutors, about what the games are, why tutors might choose to use the games and how to use the games. The videos are: 1. CHERMUG Games Introduction (http://youtu.be/BDc1bUEjHbc) 2. What are CHERMUG games? (http://youtu.be/cB-JS4wntd0) 3. Why CHERMUG games? (http://youtu.be/NntlobanHLk) 4. How to use CHERMUG games (http://youtu.be/GVbO2zqnm0w)The present work was carried out as part of the CHERMUG project. This project is partially supported by the European Community under the Lifelong Learning Programme project nr. 519023-LLP-1-2011-1-UK-KA3-KA3MP. This document does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of its content

    The effect of indoor air quality in Dutch higher education classrooms on students' health and performance

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    Teachers and students need good learning environments to perform well. In this study it is pre-supposed that the spatial properties of classrooms can contribute to the quality of the educational process. Thermal, acoustic and visual conditions and indoor air quality (IAQ) may be extremely powerful in order to support the in-class tasks of teachers and students. But what are the optimal conditions? And do schools provide optimal indoor 2019 ISES ISIAQ Joint Annual Meeting – Abstracts | 362 environmental conditions? Research shows that adequate ventilation and thermal comfort in classrooms could improve academic performance of students. However, different studies also suggest that poor indoor environmental quality in classrooms are common and, in some cases, even unhealthy. This study investigates the relationship between indoor air quality (IAQ), perceived indoor air quality (PIAQ) and building-related symptoms of students in university classrooms via subjective assessment and objective measurement. This study was carried out in 59 classrooms of a university of applied sciences in the northern part of the Netherlands during heatingseason. Responses from 366 students were obtained through a questionnaire. Results shows that carbon dioxide concentrations (CO2) exceed minimum Dutch guidelines in 36% of the observed classrooms. Moreover, after a 40 minute class this raised to 45% of the observed classes. Poor IAQ can affect teachers and students level of attention, cause arousal and increase the prevalence of building-related symptoms. A significant correlation was found between CO2 concentrations and PIAQ and between PIAQ and the ability to concentrate, tiredness and dry skin. The research findings imply that increased CO2 concentrations will affect the PIAQ of students and may cause inability to concentrate, increased tiredness and dry skin. These building-related symptoms can cause distraction and affect the academic performance of students negatively. It is highly recommended to improve IAQ in classrooms by offering better indoor environmental conditions through reducing CO2 concentrations

    Asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in Pt/Co/Pt: effect of interface engineering

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    We analyse the impact of growth conditions on asymmetric magnetic bubble expansion under in-plane field in ultrathin Pt / Co / Pt films. Specifically, using sputter deposition we vary the Ar pressure during the growth of the top Pt layer. This induces a large change in the interfacial structure as evidenced by a factor three change in the effective perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Strikingly, a discrepancy between the current theory for domain-wall propagation based on a simple domain-wall energy density and our experimental results is found. This calls for further theoretical development of domain-wall creep under in-plane fields and varying structural asymmetry.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figure
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